Feed Your Soul with Kim
Life is hard. The Feed Your Soul with Kim podcast is committed to exploring topics that truly matter. We will talk about real life, the ups, the downs, and everything in between.
Join Kim McLaughlin, as she helps you have peace in your life and helps you feed your soul! If you want to engage in expansive conversations about mental and emotional wellness and increase your satisfaction in your life - this podcast is for you.
Psychotherapist, blogger, author and speaker, Kim McLaughlin of www.FeedYourSoulUnlimited.com provides you with tips and tricks to help you feed your soul and thrive.
Feed Your Soul with Kim
3: Ditch the Diet!
If you want to put food in it's proper place as nourishment and increase your satisfaction in your life - this podcast is for you.
Each Monday, join Kim McLaughlin, as she helps you find peace with food and feed your soul.
Today we discuss how diets have failed you. We are bombarded with advertisements telling us that we are not okay unless we are a smaller size or on a diet. In this podcast you will learn:
Three reasons dieting is a mindset problem.
Reasons diets don’t work (and it is not your fault).
Strategies to end the dieting mindset.
Be sure to get the freebie - “Top Tips to End Emotional Eating” at www.FeedYourSoulUnlimited.com
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Want more information? You can find out more about Kim McLaughlin at www.FeedYourSoulUnlimited.com
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