
Ashley James, CEO Expert Medspa Consultant

Ashley James (AJ) is the CEO and founder of DermAesthetic Consulting with over 22 years of true and direct experience in the medical and aesthetic fields. She founded four award-winning medical spa, dermatology, and plastic surgery clinics and scaled them into multi-million dollar practices.


Now AJ is dedicated to helping others succeed in the ever-evolving aesthetics industry. Being one of the first non-physicians to own a medical practice in the Midwest, she weathered the storms of starting and growing businesses and offers her experience to you as a startup and growth expert.


To take the guesswork out of aesthetic practice ownership and operations, AJ started DAC Group to share her hard earned expertise. She continues to make waves of positive change through consulting, educational training with National Medspa Training Institute, and mobilizing the medspa industry with Medspa Mobile Solutions.