Lockdown Dads

Rob Taylor - Founder of Dads in Business

July 19, 2020 James Millar & Ian Dinwiddy Season 1 Episode 12

In Episode 12 we are joined by Rob Taylor, Marketing Man, Yorkshire Man and founder of Sheffield based "Dads in Business"

Rob talked about the pressures of being a dad of three and an entrepreneur and how meeting coach Angga Kara shone a light on his burnout and lead to the creation of Dads in Business.

Dads in Business is a forum in which entrepreneurial dads gain permission to have the type of honest conversations about Business, Family, Money and Life that they struggle to have with other people in their lives.

We talked about how the first 4 weeks of Lockdown were a valuable opportunity to reflect on what was really important and to challenge some of the business and lifestyle choices he was making.

James and Ian discussed tapas and gastro pubs and the end of school term.

We talked about whether Coronavirus will be all over by Christmas and the implications of Boris Johnson's announcement that from 1 August, "Instead of government telling people to work from home, we are going to give employers more discretion, and ask them to make decisions about how their staff can work safely."

aka "Saving Pret a Manger"

This is true:  "continuing to work from home, which is one way of working safely and which has worked for many employers and employees".

But nothing on how to square the circle of summer holidays, no childcare and a return to the workplace.

Further reading here: https://www.workingdads.co.u/bringing-dads-back-work/

Rob left us with important reflection about improved communication with your partner, self reflection and the importance of "catching yourself and asking: why am I living my life in this way?"

Rob Taylor

About Lockdown Dads

James and Ian are recording a weekly ‘show’ exploring the impact of lockdown, self isolation and social distancing on working dads. We’ll share tips, thoughts and stories with special guests, discuss our hopes for the future and the opportunities that all this represents, especially for dads who want to be more active and involved fathers but who until now have struggled with the expectations of what it means to be a man in the workplace.

We hope you enjoy watching and listening!

To get in touch, submit your tips and learn about us click here:
