Lockdown Dads

Jamie Beaglehole - Daddy and Dad

February 22, 2021 James Millar & Ian Dinwiddy Season 1 Episode 34

A trailblazer for same sex adoption, Jamie is the Daddy of Daddy and Dad. What started as an exploration of the highs and lows of Jamie and Tom’s story of adopting two young brothers from foster care, became an award winning blog key agency resource and an opportunity to work with major brands.

A timely redundancy lead to a focus on blogging, before dipping their toes into Instagram (not just for vintage cat photos…) and moving into the realms of influencing.

We explore the journey into fatherhood, how navigating trauma from previous lives is part and parcel of the adoption process. Plus relationship dynamics in a same sex couple (hint… the breadwinner / carer tension is the same) and the challenges of being dads in a mum’s world. 


01:00 Half term, home-school and house moving.

03:10 James does care what the weatherman says.

04:00 Pets and waiting on Boris.

05:40 Booking holidays and being on TV.

07:00 James reflects on Ian’s sister in law’s Valentine dance. 

08:30 The Path - “of course we're two dads, so options for starting a family are slightly different to other couples.”

09:40 Adoption is a huge, convoluted, overwhelming process and at the end of it, you become a family overnight

10:20 I thought maybe I'd write a book or maybe we'd do some kind of video blog or but blogging was my expertise. 

11:30 “I was really trying to lay out exactly how I was feeling and how lost we felt sometimes, which people really identified with.”


Adoption agencies picked it up as a resource for potential adopters to read and it grew really quickly. 

“I was made redundant, and it was cliched and everyone said it would be, but it was the best thing for me career wise because I just applied all that extra time on the blog and, and it grew and grew and started to win awards and and really became quite a big part of our lives as well.”

13:45 The mad world of parenthood - there's certain themes that I think everybody can recognise.

15:00 Blogging inspiration from soft play and trampoline parks.

17:30 Instagram - not just pictures of cats

20:40 Relationship dynamics - breadwinner and carer

24:30 Support for adoptive parents

26:10 Dads in a mum’s world

27:20 Covid and a pub manager getting it all wrong.

28:00 Changing facilities for dads with babies

30:00 Gay men in a straight world - Valentine's Day and Mother’s Day

Tips 31:10


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