Wonder Boldly

Lori Gouhin Artist and Life Coach Shares How to Acheive Your Next Big Goal

February 13, 2024 Christine Season 6 Episode 8
Lori Gouhin Artist and Life Coach Shares How to Acheive Your Next Big Goal
Wonder Boldly
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Wonder Boldly
Lori Gouhin Artist and Life Coach Shares How to Acheive Your Next Big Goal
Feb 13, 2024 Season 6 Episode 8

Hey there, Wonder Boldly Community! 

It's your friend Christine here on another episode of Wonder Boldly, where we get real about everything that supports small businesses.

Today is definitely going to be a standout show because I'm hanging out with someone who's all kinds of amazing.

Lori Gouhin, an abstract artist with zero formal training but talent for days, a life coach who's going to make you want to climb mountains, face your fears, or take elevators (you’ll have to tune it to hear this story) and just an all-around awesome human. Lori didn't just find her creative spark - she chased it down and turned it into a bonfire.

She's going to share on how she went from questioning her masterpiece to selling it (one of her pieces lives in Pennsylvania now, can you imagine?), and the nitty-gritty of turning those self-doubts into self-confidence.

Lori's chatting with us about goal-setting, keeping it real with yourself, and how to take tiny brushstrokes to make a big beautiful picture. Oh, and get this - her husband is creative and in a new band. Listen on how he tapped into his creativity in his mid 50’s and how he folds his desire into his daily life.  

Plus, Lori's giving away her brilliant 90-day journal see link below and she also has her own Podcast The ARTwork of YOU, and I can vouch for it because, not to brag, but I am her Podcast editor. 

So pop those earbuds in and listen to this fun and without a doubt inspiring episode! And remember to stay to the end to hear about her husband's creative journey.

To get more of this amazing woman and her work:

The ARTwork of YOU 90 Day Journal - FREE: https://www.lorigouhin.com/
Her Website Lori Gouhin: https://www.lorigouhin.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lorigouhin/
Want to have Lori as YOUR coach: https://www.lorigouhin.com/general-8
The Podcast The ARTwork of YOU: https://www.lorigouhin.com/podcast

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Show Notes Transcript

Hey there, Wonder Boldly Community! 

It's your friend Christine here on another episode of Wonder Boldly, where we get real about everything that supports small businesses.

Today is definitely going to be a standout show because I'm hanging out with someone who's all kinds of amazing.

Lori Gouhin, an abstract artist with zero formal training but talent for days, a life coach who's going to make you want to climb mountains, face your fears, or take elevators (you’ll have to tune it to hear this story) and just an all-around awesome human. Lori didn't just find her creative spark - she chased it down and turned it into a bonfire.

She's going to share on how she went from questioning her masterpiece to selling it (one of her pieces lives in Pennsylvania now, can you imagine?), and the nitty-gritty of turning those self-doubts into self-confidence.

Lori's chatting with us about goal-setting, keeping it real with yourself, and how to take tiny brushstrokes to make a big beautiful picture. Oh, and get this - her husband is creative and in a new band. Listen on how he tapped into his creativity in his mid 50’s and how he folds his desire into his daily life.  

Plus, Lori's giving away her brilliant 90-day journal see link below and she also has her own Podcast The ARTwork of YOU, and I can vouch for it because, not to brag, but I am her Podcast editor. 

So pop those earbuds in and listen to this fun and without a doubt inspiring episode! And remember to stay to the end to hear about her husband's creative journey.

To get more of this amazing woman and her work:

The ARTwork of YOU 90 Day Journal - FREE: https://www.lorigouhin.com/
Her Website Lori Gouhin: https://www.lorigouhin.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lorigouhin/
Want to have Lori as YOUR coach: https://www.lorigouhin.com/general-8
The Podcast The ARTwork of YOU: https://www.lorigouhin.com/podcast

Support the Show.


Thank you so much for listening to Wonder Boldly. If this episode helped you in any way, I would so appreciate your support of my small business. You can do so by going here:

Thank you so much!!

Helpful Links for Podcasters and Soon-to-be Podcasters:

For more info and to connect with Christine:

Thank you so much for listening to Wonder Boldly. It would mean the world, if you'd subscribe/follow, share it with a friend and leave a 5 star review. It takes a village, let's support small businesses together!

Christine Santos [00:00:00]:
Welcome, everybody, to the Wonder Boldly podcast. I'm Christine Santos, bringing to you all of the action steps and knowledge I've learned on my journey to becoming an online business owner, quit my corporate job, and now live the life that I desire on my own terms. This podcast is jam packed with all the knowledge I've gained over the past few years growing my online business. I am so passionate about you going after what it is that you want. I want to encourage and motivate you to know that you too, can live the life that you desire. Thank you so much for listening. Let's go.

Christine Santos [00:00:46]:
Hello and welcome to another episode of Wonder Boldly. Today I have with me Lori Goen, who we met recently, and I always forget how I meet all these amazing people, but that's okay. Now. They are part of my life and journey, and I am so grateful for that. And Lori stands out as one of these people who inspires me literally every day because I also, in full disclosure, edit her podcast. So I get 100% Lori knee deep when I'm editing her podcast. And right before we hit record, I was just telling her how I feel like I'm getting a therapy session every time and I can apply what she is talking about on her podcast to something in my life and take actions based on her episodes. So it is just a blessing for me that we did meet and now we work together and I am just so fortunate.

Christine Santos [00:01:44]:
So let me tell you a little bit about Lori. She is a contemporary abstract artist, certified life coach, mentor and podcaster. Big smile on my face. She is a four time entrepreneur and has transformed herself many times in her life. One of her most significant transformations was when she decided to become an artist. She was over 50, had no formal training and no innate artistic talent to her knowledge. And we'll talk about that because she is absolutely amazing. What she did have was all the self doubt and limiting beliefs that you might imagine, but also a strong desire.

Christine Santos [00:02:27]:
So she got to work on her creativity, self awareness, mindset, goal strategy, and her ability to hold herself accountable. It's a thriving art business that continues to grow every year. Her work has been purchased by collectors throughout the United States and Europe. It's just amazing. We'll share a link in the show notes to all her socials and her site, and you have to check out her artwork. I'm looking at her right now, and behind her is all her amazing artwork. She believes that we all have a unique version of our best self and that we owe it to the world to make sure that person emerges. Her art reflects intuition, and she feels as she strives to create the best version of herself.

Christine Santos [00:03:13]:
A leader, for sure. And you watch Lori, and she is creating the best version of herself. She created her signature coaching program, the artwork of you, to help others tap into their creativity to achieve their goals so that they can become the masterpiece they are meant to be. Through self awareness, mindset, goal strategy and accountability, you can change the trajectory of your life. She recently launched her podcast, the artwork of you, to help others and encourage them to realize that in the gallery of life, you are not just a spectator, you are the art. Beautiful, Lori. You are amazing.

Lori Gouhin [00:03:57]:
You are amazing.

Christine Santos [00:03:58]:
Everybody, please meet and join with me in welcoming Lori Gohan.

Lori Gouhin [00:04:03]:
Thank you, Christine.

Christine Santos [00:04:05]:
Of course, I really want to start with the art. So in that we were saying how you didn't feel like you had an innate artistic ability. So can you tell us why you started to create art and how that has evolved to where you are now with these beautiful pieces of art that you've created and you're selling this artwork?

Lori Gouhin [00:04:29]:
Yeah. I always felt that I was creative. I did a lot of creative things, but as far as being an artist, I had one art class in high school. That was it. And I was not the standout artist by any means, and I was not in the art shows or anything like that, but I just always had a desire to be creative in my life, and drawing and coloring and even dabbling in painting when I was younger. But the self doubt and stuff like that just gets in the way. And when I had children, I think it was just always there in the background, probably on some kind of a subconscious level, because I would buy them canvases and paint and I would have them paint and I would hang their art. And then as they got older and when we moved, they were like, they're in high school now, mom.

Lori Gouhin [00:05:14]:
We don't need to hang up these paintings again. So I started dabbling a little bit because, as I said, I was turning 50 and I was homeschooling my kids, but I was looking for something a little bit more for me because they were getting older. And so I started a blog at first, and because this is how insecure I was, I started a blog, I think it was called curating or cultivating creativity or something like that, where I would look at other artists in different genres and I would show their photos and write blog posts about them. And I just started thinking, I could do this right? Why not? So I started just dabbling. And the more I did it, the more it felt really true to who I was. And I just kept practicing and practicing and eventually buying better materials and putting things out on Facebook here and there. And then if people would come over to the home, I wasn't hanging it necessarily on the walls, maybe one or two, but they'd see it laying around, and I started getting some positive feedback, so I just decided to keep going, and the rest is history, as they say.

Christine Santos [00:06:22]:
So you talked a little bit about self confidence there. That's how something you said resonated with me, and we can all relate to that. And so when did you, and how did you, for our listeners, decide to, you know, what? I'm going to sell my artwork?

Lori Gouhin [00:06:38]:
People started asking me, is it for sale? And I, of course, said, oh, no, it's not for sale because it's like, oh, my goodness. I felt like, first of all, I didn't know what to price it for. And second of all, I was always afraid that if I did sell it and I mailed it to you, and then you'd look at it and be like, what the heck is this? This isn't worth anything, right? So all the limiting beliefs. But people continued to ask, and I had to eventually confront myself and my own fears and say, listen, Lori, if you say you're an artist or you want to be an artist, why aren't you selling your work? And in getting real with myself, there were a couple of things. One was that, as I said, I was afraid people might not like it once they got it. And so I thought I should start buying better materials so at least I can be proud of the materials that I'm using. Right? Professional canvas, professional grade. And so that was the first step and practicing more and just really perfecting my skill.

Lori Gouhin [00:07:35]:
And once I did that, and I felt like I had up leveled a little bit, both because of the materials I was using and the quality of my work was definitely improving. I was like, all right, I think I'm ready. And so I just priced at a price that I thought was like a no brainer. People would see the value when they got it, and I would feel confident and good about it. I wouldn't feel like I was underselling, but I felt like it was a fair price and a no brainer price for the buyer. But then I still was like, oh, hesitant, right? So then, okay, what is it? There's still something else there. So I thought, professional artists have a website. And so I created a website.

Lori Gouhin [00:08:15]:
That way if somebody asked, I could point them there. Here's my website. The pricing is on there. I believe in transparency. I know a lot of artists don't put their pricing on their website. They like to be contacted. That's not me. I like to know the price of things, though.

Lori Gouhin [00:08:29]:
Even with my coaching, I put the pricing on my website. So anyway, that was that. And it took six months before I sold my first painting. But I just posted every day on social media consistently. I started calling myself an artist when I met new people, they asked what I did. I was like, I'm an artist. And so they just believed it. They didn't know otherwise.

Lori Gouhin [00:08:47]:
And then eventually I started to really believe it, too, and it all worked out.

Christine Santos [00:08:51]:
Do you remember the first piece you sold?

Lori Gouhin [00:08:54]:
Yes, of course I do.

Christine Santos [00:08:55]:
Yeah. And is it local? Do you get to see it or is it not local?

Lori Gouhin [00:08:59]:
No, it lives in Pennsylvania.

Christine Santos [00:09:01]:
Yeah. That is amazing. And so tell us, fold in for us, the life coaching aspect. Know that I'm going to say it came first, but you tell us. But how did you decide to put that all together?

Lori Gouhin [00:09:17]:
Yeah, the life coaching did come first in that I've been certified for well over a decade. But again, limiting beliefs, even though I just learned how to coach people and coaching comes naturally. People have been calling me dear Abby since I was a little kid in an elementary school. But once I put it out there and offered a couple of pro bono sessions, they said, no, thank you. And so just like that, so easily, I quit. I was just like, okay, this isn't right for me. I convinced myself it wasn't the right time. Again, I had young kids at the time.

Lori Gouhin [00:09:47]:
I was homeschooling. Maybe some other time. So I just put it off. And I still continued to coach people in essence, right. Not as a business, but people would come to me for a lot of things because I do have a lot of experience in life and in business. Just said in the bio, I've been an entrepreneur basically my whole adult life in one form or another. So anyway, I then took on the artist thing and I was just like, I really focused on being an artist and coaching myself how to get through that process, as I mentioned earlier. And I still just had that desire to help others.

Lori Gouhin [00:10:20]:
But I was stuck in that. How can I tie it together? Because I've been for the last five years presenting myself as an artist. Now do I say, oh, by the way, I'm also a coach? It just didn't seem connected, at least in my mind. But really, in essence, I was the only one who was confused. Nobody else was. They're like, of course you're a coach. So, yeah, over the last few years, I just was really working on how to tie that together and present it on my social media that I actually do both. And that's when I came up with the artwork of you, because really just encouraging people to show up in their lives like the masterpiece they are.

Lori Gouhin [00:10:53]:
And I thought this is a good way to tie it together because I didn't necessarily want to coach artists. I can around the business, but I didn't want to coach artists on their skill. And I thought that if I came out saying, I'm also a coach, the natural perception would be, oh, she coaches artists and how to be better artists technically and all the things that go along, and that's really not my specialty.

Christine Santos [00:11:14]:
And so what is your specialty in regards to coaching?

Lori Gouhin [00:11:17]:
I work with people on goal strategy and mindset. So really the mindset has people think they need the how and they need the strategy, and a lot of times they do. But what they are missing is that they really need the mindset stuff first, because a lot of the times, whatever their goals happen to be, don't even really align with what they want. They're choosing goals based on their limiting beliefs that they're not even aware of, or they're choosing goals that are not in alignment with their values. They might be aligned with what certain expectations are for them. And so when we do the mindset work first, which we really tap into their creativity to be able to do that, because a lot of times we have blinders on and we think there's no other way but this way, or we're just stuck in the unknown. We don't know what we don't know. So if we can tap into creativity to work through the mindset stuff and really create some self awareness as to what's holding us back, then we can work on, okay, what are our strengths? What are our weaknesses? How can we play to our strengths to develop a strategy that's believable to us? Because I can give you all the how to in the world, but if it's not believable to you or if it's not something that you're comfortable doing, it's never going to happen.

Lori Gouhin [00:12:26]:
And then the last part of that is accountability. Right. I work well with accountability, and what I want to help people with, in essence, is also to help them hold themselves accountable so that they're not going to need me the whole time. Because really, you can make huge strides in your life when you hold yourself accountable to doing the things that you say you're going to do. And it's such a confidence boost when you do that. Every time you keep the commitments that you make to yourself, your confidence increases exponentially, from my experience, in my opinion.

Christine Santos [00:12:56]:
So I'm going to share a story based on one of your podcast episodes, and we definitely will put them in the show notes. So one of your podcast episodes, and you're going to correct me on the phrase, but it's. Tell us the phrase. I'll let you do it because I'm going to mess it up. Tell us the phrase. The alligator phrase.

Lori Gouhin [00:13:13]:
Yes. What if I turn into an alligator?

Christine Santos [00:13:15]:
Okay, so what if I turn into an alligator? I love it so really quick because it's not about me, but I'm afraid of elevators. Just am. And have figured that out throughout my life, how to avoid elevators. We have a fear. We figure out a way, oh, I have to go to the bathroom. You go ahead, and then you go find the stairs, right? You find your way. And so I've been doing that for decades, and I really want to get over it. I really have tried over the years, too.

Christine Santos [00:13:44]:
Anyways, so I edited your podcast episode where you talk about that, what if I turn into an alligator? And so I have many times have to go in an elevator, and that day I was going to have to go in an elevator, and I'm like, what if I turn into an alligator? So my fear is, just to be clear, that I'm going to get stuck. I'm claustrophobic so that we'll get stuck. So my fear is, what if I turn into an alligator? What if it gets stuck? And it could happen, but is it really going to happen? And then, so what? I'm like, I'll lay down and take a nap. That would be wonderful to take a nap in the middle of the day. So, yeah, so I said, what if I turn into an alligator and I got in the elevator?

Lori Gouhin [00:14:25]:
Good for you. That's amazing. Thanks for sharing that with me. Yeah.

Christine Santos [00:14:30]:
So, thank you. So am I over it? No, but it's like you're saying, building our confidence, right? So every time I don't take an elevator, it doesn't build my confidence. I'm like, I wish I had. I'm driving home, like, I should have done it. And when I do gain the courage and decide to do it, I feel so much more confident.

Lori Gouhin [00:14:49]:
Yeah. Amazing. And in full transparency, that phrase came from my husband to me. But, yeah, for the listeners, what that means is when you get stuck in the what ifs and the worst case scenario thinking when you're like, you afraid of elevators? Or maybe we're afraid to take a risk in business or to start something, and we downward spiral into the what if worst case scenarios. And when I would be doing that in life, my husband one day, this was decades ago, said, what if I turn into an alligator and it just stuck? Meaning realistically that worst case scenario is not going to happen. And so it's a good anchor in your mind to think, all right, yeah, chances are it's not going to happen. And move forward if you can.

Christine Santos [00:15:37]:
Yeah, I love it. It was so helpful to me. So tell us more about your coaching package containers. Tell us about that. How can people work with you and that type of thing?

Lori Gouhin [00:15:49]:
Yeah, I work in a three month container, so roughly 90 days. And we meet like this via Zoom, once a week, support in between via text. And we take that three months to really figure out what is the overall goal that's going to make, that they're looking to achieve, whether it's something that's going to make the biggest impact in their life right now or over the long term. And we look at that overall goal and we decide, or they decide, is that still the goal that they're sometimes, as I said earlier, they come with something that then it may not be the one that they want. But anyway, sometimes that overall goal can seem overwhelming. Right? And it's all of a sudden you get stuck in confusion and overwhelm. It's too big. I don't know how to do it.

Lori Gouhin [00:16:35]:
So we first start with the mindset stuff, and then we just take that goal and we break it down. It's very 60 days, 30 days, weekly and daily. What are we going to do to achieve that goal? And often the goal is more of a target. And I teach my clients really, the difference between a target and a goal, because a target is something you're aiming for. Right. I want to make x amount of dollars in my business. So that would be a target. I want to run a marathon.

Lori Gouhin [00:17:02]:
That would be a goal because it's something you do or you don't do, that you have control over the target you don't necessarily have. So let's go for something like that. An ambiguous, like, I want to make six figures on my business site. So that's the target. What you have to do then is break that down incrementally to the goals, the daily goals, the weekly goals and the monthly goals that you can do, that you can check off the list that are going to give you the best chances possible to achieve that in a same. It would work if it was a goal, say, running in the marathon, then what are we going to do monthly? What are our targets and what are our goals daily, weekly and monthly? And I hold them accountable to that. And again, we make the plan together so that it's believable to them and achievable to them that they're actually going to do the things. And that's really, in essence, how the whole process works.

Lori Gouhin [00:17:50]:
And it's very successful because again, it's believable. And then each week when we meet, if they didn't work on something or they didn't check some things off the list, we talk about why and what is the hesitation, because sometimes there's still limiting beliefs that come up every time we choose a new goal. We talk about those hesitations and how we can work around that if there are specific reasons. Like, for example, when I was with the artist and I was like, I need a website. So we figure out what those hesitations are and can we fix that? And even with my podcast regs and over a decade in the making, but once I decided, okay, I know what's holding me back, I'm going to take care of those things within 30 days. And one of that was the how to of the editing. And so I thank you for that. Right.

Lori Gouhin [00:18:33]:
Once I decided and I met with you, I was like, yeah, I want to launch it, like, within 30 days. Okay. Because it was down to the last thing that was holding me back, which was the how to of the editing. And fortunately, I had you to take care of that for me.

Christine Santos [00:18:47]:
Thank you. I'm so glad. So you hit on it there a question, as I was listening to you was coming to me and I'm going to ask it, even though you hit on it, so we can put it into a container so people can hear it and maybe it will resonate with them. So my question is, what do you find? Generally speaking, everybody is different and we all know that. But generally speaking, what do you find as a common, limiting belief or a common challenge that people have when you're working with them and like you said, sometimes you'll meet and they would not have accomplished something.

Lori Gouhin [00:19:20]:
Yeah. A big one that stands out is fear of not being good enough. Right. And that often. In fact, I was making a post about this today, but that fear of not being good enough is often really finally dressed up as perfectionism because perfectionism sounds better, right? So we say, oh, I'm a perfectionist, and I'm waiting to get a perfect, but really you're just afraid of not being good enough. And so we really have to unpack that. And so what does that mean? What does that look like for you specifically, if you're not good enough? And then there's all kinds of other little friendly, limiting beliefs that are tied in with that unworthiness, all kinds of stuff. And so, again, then we can tie it back to the what if I turn into an alligator? So what if you're not good enough for me? For example, what if I started a podcast and nobody pain what they say the pain of regret of not doing something is worse than the pain of.

Christine Santos [00:20:13]:
Yes. Yeah. One of my favorite quotes is by Shakespeare is our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we might win by fearing to attempt. So it's basically what you're.

Lori Gouhin [00:20:25]:
Exactly. And it's.

Christine Santos [00:20:26]:
So I have approached things in my life with that mindset of I regret not doing it. And like, going back to the Elevator example, when I don't take that elevator, every time I regret it, there's not one time that I was like, oh, I'm so glad. Didn't.

Lori Gouhin [00:20:41]:
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Christine Santos [00:20:43]:
So tell us a little bit about your artwork and your balancing the creativity of your artwork and then working with your clients. So, more specifically about you and your life. Like, how does maybe a day in the life of Lori look like?

Lori Gouhin [00:21:00]:
I'm abstract, random by nature. I'm working on that, and that's probably why I paint abstract work. So every day really looks different. The thing with painting is it can take a long time, right? One painting can take a couple of weeks, one painting could take a few hours. But what I'm learning is that old saying, too, however much time you're going to give yourself is how much time it's going to take. So I've been getting better at putting limits on my paintings, like giving myself a goal. How many paintings am I going to do this month? So it allows me some flexibility within the month. But overall, at the end of the month, say, maybe I want to have three or two new pieces of work completed.

Lori Gouhin [00:21:39]:
That helps me to eliminate taking a whole month to do one painting, because if given the chance, I might do that. So overall, I'm working on giving myself, like, I teach my clients goals for the month, and then I break that down. So I know that if it's two weeks in and I still don't have one painting done, I need to allot more time to that than other things. And as far as coaching goes, again, the clients can schedule that out. So those are built in. And my creative process, my podcast, recording, all that stuff works in around the client. So the client stuff comes first because I'm dependent on their schedule or that's commitment. The other stuff, I just fill in around that.

Lori Gouhin [00:22:21]:
And so sometimes I work in the evening. My husband's in a band, so he has band practice. He's very creative as well. So he's band practice generally one night a week. So I always paint that night because I'm just here by myself. But, yeah, I just divvy it up. Sometimes early morning, sometimes in the evening, sometimes in the day. I just work it around.

Christine Santos [00:22:39]:
And I think it really speaks to, from an outsider's perspective, it really speaks to how you do hold yourself accountable, how you do set goals. Think about that from the perspective of anything that we do in life and finishing it. Your paintings are beautiful, but you don't just make that happen. I'm not an artist, but just to say, every brushstroke is a goal until you come to the end. Right. And it's so easy to walk away in life from things that we're trying and then being like, okay, and then get distracted, get busy, and then we never finish them. That's just human nature, generally speaking. So I just wanted to point that out because I think that therein lies your expertise, not only in your life coaching and your artwork, but working with clients to help them do that, because you're doing that every day.

Lori Gouhin [00:23:34]:
That's a great analogy to make, because I don't have any unfinished paintings, really. Sometimes. Some might set for a while, but they're always completed, or sometimes they're completed, and I'm not happy, so I work over them. Right. Just like you might achieve a goal and it's not what you wanted, so you choose another goal, because sometimes we don't know until the goal is achieved that it really didn't resonate. But, yeah. And as you said, every stroke is a commitment, and every stroke, in a way, is also a risk, especially in the abstract field, because I'm not replicating something. So I'm always trying to balance the composition, the colors, figuring out the overall piece.

Lori Gouhin [00:24:08]:
So it's really helped me, and I've always been a risk taker, calculated risks or whatever, but it's really helped in that risk taking, because I know I can always paint over it. I can always do a different brushstroke, or I can always make that stroke work, even if it doesn't initially. So, yeah, just everyone is a risk.

Christine Santos [00:24:27]:
I love that.

Lori Gouhin [00:24:28]:
Do it. Even when I find myself hesitating at the canvas and getting. I'm like, just do it. Let's go.

Christine Santos [00:24:34]:
I love that perspective. That's really insightful. Thank you for that. Wow. I'm going to think about that for a while. So as we wrap up, I have to know. Tell us the name of your husband's band, what type of music he plays. You know, I'm a music lover.

Lori Gouhin [00:24:49]:
Oh, yeah. Actually, it's a new band, so they're working on their name. They don't even have it yet. So there's five guys and they play like, kind of classic rock stuff like that. Yeah, old school. I love it.

Christine Santos [00:25:01]:
And how does that work? Where will they play out?

Lori Gouhin [00:25:05]:
Their goal is to play out local. At some local bars, restaurants. He was in a previous band and they were together for maybe a year. They would do parties and we would have neighborhood jams at our house, like in the driveway and stuff like that. He plays the bass, and he just started doing that about two and a half years ago. Same thing. He wanted to play a bass. He wanted a bass when he was a little kid and his parents wouldn't buy him one.

Lori Gouhin [00:25:31]:
And then he's mid fifty s and he's, you know what? I can buy myself a bass. And so he's diligent. He gets up early in the morning before he goes to work, and he practices for hours every day. And he's gotten so good. And, yeah, now. So he was in this first band, and now he's graduated to a better band. And I'm so proud of him and that we're both creative at heart and we support each other. It's a wonderful thing.

Lori Gouhin [00:25:55]:
We've been married 31 years.

Christine Santos [00:25:56]:
Oh, I love that. Congratulations. That's amazing. Yeah. Just a couple of things I want to say on that. I have a very good friend and he is in a band. Long story short, anyway, so I'm his booking agent, and everyone that can't see me, I'm doing air quotes because I'm not really a booking agent, but I go out and try to get him gigs. Right?

Lori Gouhin [00:26:18]:
Oh, that's amazing. Yeah.

Christine Santos [00:26:19]:
And it's so fun. And it's so fun. And it's just something about it besides just loving music, but something about doing that type of work when you're up there and you're playing music and looking out and seeing happy people dancing, talking, having a good time. Wow, what a great feeling, right?

Lori Gouhin [00:26:38]:
Absolutely. Music soothes the soul. It's universal language.

Christine Santos [00:26:42]:
Yeah, it chills so as we leave today, can you please give our listeners one action step that they can take towards their goals? What is something after they listen to this, they can just go and do.

Lori Gouhin [00:26:58]:
I would suggest that they figure out what their values are. There are maybe five core values. Because what I know for sure is if your goals don't align with your values, you're either a, never going to reach them, or b, if you do, they're not going to feel right, and it's not going to be what you were looking for after all. And so there are plenty of free assessments online, and you can just sit down and figure out what your top five values are, your core values in life, or if you are specifically wanting to achieve something in business or whatever, you can do your values for your business, because sometimes they might differ a little bit and then really think about what your goals are. Do some journaling and figure out are they aligned? And if not, look at your values and think, how can I choose goals or a goal that's more closely fits with all of these three to five core values, and they'll start you on your way. And so that from the get go, you're going to be pursuing what's in alignment with who you really are and who you want to be.

Christine Santos [00:27:58]:
Awesome. I love that. And speaking of that, you have an amazing journal that you put together. Can you tell us a little bit.

Lori Gouhin [00:28:04]:
About that piece of work? It's a 90 day guidebook to self awareness. It's free on my website, and it really helps you to discover yourself and become more self aware, because again, I believe everything starts with self awareness. That's where it all has to begin before you do any other work. And that journal walks you through. If you do the prompts every day, by the end of 90 days, you will be so clear on who you are and really gain clarity as to where you want to go and what goals you want to work on.

Christine Santos [00:28:33]:
Amazing. Thank you. And I have that journal, and it's amazing. And I just want to give you a shout out because you put so much work into that. It's robust. It's amazing. It's not like a one page. Here are a couple prompts and answer them.

Christine Santos [00:28:49]:
So definitely grab that. Listeners will put it in the show. Notes. Laurie, thank you so much again for your time. I really appreciate it, and this has been a pleasure.

Lori Gouhin [00:28:56]:
Thank you, Christine, thank you for the opportunity. Thank you for being such a fantastic editor. Just shout out to you if anybody's listening and wants to start a podcast. I can't think of a better editor.

Christine Santos [00:29:05]:
Oh, thank you. Thank you so much.