Snyder’s Return

Interview - Tatiana Stec - All Ages of Geek

Adam Powell / Tatiana Stec Season 1 Episode 152

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Today I chat with Co-Founder of All Ages of Geek, Journalist and Podcaster - Tatiana Stec.

We discuss the general Geek culture, Journalism, TTRPGs, Independent Creators, and much more.

You can find Tatiana and all of her associated content via the links below.




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Adam 'Cosy' Powell

Host: Adam Powell
Guest: Tatiana Stec - All Ages of Geek

Sound Design: Adam Powell
Edited by: Adam Powell
Music: Epidemic Sound

Cover Art: Tim Cunningham -


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Adam Powell (00:23.047)
Hello and welcome to Snyder's Return, a tabletop roleplay podcast. My guest today asked challenging and thought provoking questions of all areas of geek culture. Not confined by one particular niche, they moved with style and aplomb through the multitude of multimedia weaving words of wondrous worlds enjoyed by all. They are part of a supreme sorority, fiercely independent and champions of those who are also independent.

Keen to support the underdog recruit and promote the outsiders and reach out to young and old alike. It is a pleasure to welcome of all ages of geek co founder, journalist and geek enthusiast Tatiana Stec. Tatiana, welcome to the show.

tatiana (01:03.789)
Okay, first of all, I gotta say that intro makes me sound so special. Thank you for that.

Adam Powell (01:08.839)
Well, you are special, that's why I invited you on.

tatiana (01:12.013)
I love it, that was so cool.

Adam Powell (01:14.727)
Well, all I've done is reword your fantastic work, which we will get onto very shortly and spun it back to you in lyrically fashioned verbiage. So Tatiana, thank you for, as I say, thank you for joining me. But before we get into all ages of geeks and your good self and your sister and all the other fantastic things that you do, would you mind telling us how you sort of got into

tatiana (01:24.653)


Adam Powell (01:43.943)
when you first found yourself in geek culture and tabletop role -playing games and all the sort of the broad spectrum of geekery that exists.

tatiana (01:53.196)
Sure, so for geek culture, we grew up obsessed with like, this is basically how we started, specifically with role -playing stuff. We grew up obsessed with Pokemon and all of those shows when we were younger. And then me and my sister, my cousin, me and my two sisters and my cousin would role -play as the characters and we would make our own stories with the already existing characters. And then we started getting into different animes.

and like kind of doing like a crossover of like Pokemon and like Full Metal Alchemist and all these other like well -known shows when we were younger. And then from that, it became like our own like original characters. And we had no clue much about like D &D when we were younger or like anything TTRPG related. And then when we, I think when we were about like, I'm gonna say like high school, I heard more about it through like school, cause they had like an anime club.

And like all everybody in the anime club was into like D &D and TTRMG. And I was like, that's pretty cool. Never really did anything with it until I'm going to say like about two years ago. So I'm, we do like reviews and reactions over on All Age of Geeks YouTube channel. And a lot of people in our community were like, you guys should get into like critical role and like review what like critical role is doing and stuff. And like, we had no idea anything about critical role until like people in our community were like, guys, check out critical role.

And then from there, we started reviewing Critical Role Campaign 2 over on our YouTube and checking out what they were doing. We didn't get far yet, we're still working on it. But yeah, it basically started when we were really young. We started our own character creations and stuff like that. And then based on what we were telling our community and stuff, they're like, you guys would totally be into D &D and stuff. And from there, we're still beginners because we just got into it.

Adam Powell (03:24.039)

Adam Powell (03:42.599)

tatiana (03:47.593)
So I'm not gonna say I know much of like the techniques and all that stuff that goes into D &D and TTRPG. But I definitely think role playing and D &D and all that stuff, specifically for anyone who's into writing is an incredible tool to get to know characters and stuff like that. So for us, what really started was when we were really young, we watched Pokemon, we were like, okay, I kinda wanna like make our own stories with these already made characters and then it grew from there.

Adam Powell (04:14.919)
Hmm. That is amazing. And so, well, before I dig into some of the things you mentioned there, would you, Tatiana, mind telling us where we can find yourself or Ladies of Geek and all the things you're associated with, please?

tatiana (04:32.276)
Sure, so all I just all I just geek you can find at all age geek calm And then if you go on all age geek comm slash show social it'll show all of our links there We also have a patreon. So if you want to support us like financially, it's patreon .com slash all ages geek there We kind of just do reviews on shows

We also have a we're working on a visual novel Which is called I married a monster on a hill which actually has all of the characters We basically grew up with when we started like getting more into like OC creation and stuff like that But yeah, it's all all age geek calm. You could literally find everything there at all age geek comm slash social

Adam Powell (05:11.687)
All right, well, I will make sure that those links are down in the description below. So please scroll down, follow those links, support all ages of geek and all their various outputs through their socials and many more that we'll touch on shortly. You mentioned sort of building from Pokemon, something that I watched in my youth. So I know exactly where you're coming from there and sort of building out and going to anime club, which

tatiana (05:13.479)

tatiana (05:39.171)

Adam Powell (05:39.495)
caught my ear immediately because the anime when I was in school was kind of shunned to the weird corners of the class as it were. So when did that interest go from interest into we need to put this on a website, we need to build this into something, what was the genesis for All Ages of Geek to become a thing and not just an idea or just a discussion around a kitchen table?

tatiana (05:44.134)

tatiana (06:05.606)
Yes, so my sister was actually homeschooled. So when she was homeschooled, like obviously, you know, it's hard to connect with people because you're at home all the time. And from there she did, she started YouTube. So she started as a gaming channel. So she would play games, you know, people would come over and then the community that she built with the gaming channel was like, you guys should get into like anime. So she would do like anime reviews on YouTube. And then she probably, I don't know, I can't remember when I'm going to say like 2018, 2019.

She was like, you should come on too. And I was, God, I was so shy. I hated being on camera. It was awful when I first started. Definitely changed my life because now it's like, I can't stop talking. You could put a camera in front of my face and I could just say anything. But from there it became, we were doing like reviews and reactions and game plays together. And then something just felt off and we're like, you know, like, yeah, we're building something kind of like for people to hear like what we're saying.

But something felt awkward, like, I kind of want to make this more than just us. So, you know, the website became allagesgeek .com and it became like the hub for like indie creators. I mean, first it was more like geek news and it was like, okay, but every other like platform is doing geek news. Like you have, I don't want to mention anyone's names, but you, you know who I'm talking about. There's so many platforms who review anime and like AAA games and all this stuff, but there was really not one platform that was dedicated to like indie game devs or like voice actors.

indie animators or anything like that, like TTRPGs. There's so many Kickstarters for all these people, but no platform was really there to push out the news about the Kickstarters or push out the news about these projects. So we kind of went from, you know, it was like a us -centered focus. All these people was us -centered and we were like, no, don't really want this. We kind of wanted to make it a place where it could focus more on creators who won't necessarily get that buzz from those huge companies and not necessarily put the focus on them.

Adam Powell (07:41.927)

tatiana (07:59.46)
So yeah, we kind of wanted to be that space because even a lot of like, we've been noticing this recently, a lot of companies are highlighting indie creators, but they're only highlighting indie creators who have that million dollar budget. They're not highlighting indie creators who might have like a $50 budget and a pencil. So we're kind of like here to like, be like the voice push for those people who not, who might not necessarily get that like dedicated press. But yeah, it kind of just started from like my sister doing her gameplay channel.

Adam Powell (08:12.422)

tatiana (08:28.579)
and then it just spiraled and spiraled until what it was today.

Adam Powell (08:32.839)
and what it continues to be. So you've mentioned indie game devs and all this sort of good stuff. So who has from your many guests and your many outputs, so going to allagesofgeek .com and sort of going through some of your content, you cover TTRPGs, you mentioned anime, you mentioned video games, there's cartoons, there's movies, there's a podcast that we'll get. The output is consistent, it's high quality, it's there to be enjoyed.

tatiana (08:34.563)

tatiana (08:40.839)

Adam Powell (09:01.703)
and cover such a broad spectrum. Who or what out of your many interviews and...

tatiana (09:13.217)
Mm -hmm.

Adam Powell (09:13.287)
entries, should we say, onto the website and your content as all ages of Greeks, has it inspired you the most or surprised you the most?

tatiana (09:22.721)
I'm gonna say like it's really like the smaller indie devs that have like these incredible stories like we recently just covered PAX East I'm gonna say a few months ago and I was able to like connect with them like face to face which is so different from doing like interviews through text or into like interviews through podcasts but there's something about like being next to someone that makes it feel more real and like so many of them had like these like incredible stories where they're just like

Adam Powell (09:33.319)

tatiana (09:49.185)
You know, they started out like with no money or anything and they started out in their basement and no one heard of them. And then they just like blew up with like this support of everyone like online and all this stuff. But it's, it's really like touching to hear certain stories. I can't remember the name off the top of my head, but I will definitely send you the link. There is, there was one game dev that I did connect with at PAX and he was making a game about like a corgi.

And like, it's a really cute, cozy game. Like you play as a Corgi, it's really adorable. But then you go into the specifics of the actual game and they're like donating a lot of money to like dogs that need rescue. So it's like, these people who aren't necessarily making the money are using like their games for good. So it's really, just really cool just to hear like where everyone started. Cause some people might start somewhere completely different as the other person. And it's just really like cool just to see like.

someone who started nowhere now, like being able to present like PAX East or PAX West anywhere, or just like the people who are developing the games, because you don't games, whatever they're doing, like indie animations, all this stuff that we do interview, like, we don't necessarily just take on people who have finished projects, we'll talk to anyone. And it's really cool just to see where everyone started, what everyone like inspire them and etc. Because obviously, every human being has a different story. So it's just really cool to see like

Adam Powell (11:06.279)

tatiana (11:08.671)
How did you start this? What inspired you to make this character? Stuff like that. It's just really cool just to put it all together. But yeah, I think connecting at PAX East was probably one of the best things, because we actually physically got to see the game in works and the creator of the game and the team of devs and stuff like that. But yeah, I just think hearing everyone's individual story is kind of what All Age of Geek likes to push out, because each creator or voice actor or anything has a different story.

Adam Powell (11:39.591)
So you mentioned that, you know, encouraging people to reach out to get in contact. What is the best way for an indie game dev or someone within one of the many spheres that we've mentioned so far that thinks, I would like my content to maybe catch the eye or be of something of interest to your subscribers and readers and followers.

how would they best sort of reach out and get in contact with all ages of geek?

tatiana (12:13.054)
we actually have a contact page, but I were most active on Twitter. but we do have an email. it's linked on our contact page. So I'll send that to you as well. but our most active platform is Twitter. So it's just at all ages of geek. at Twitter really, it does have filters, but Instagram is the worst with filters when you don't follow someone. cause you can never find the messages. Twitter does have that, but like I look at it all the time just because it's our active, most active social media.

So if you are looking to get interviewed by us or just connecting, like just follow us on Twitter and DM us. I'm literally chronically on Twitter. So like, I will probably answer you within like two to three hours. But honestly, Twitter is the best place. And if not Twitter, cause I know not everyone is on social media, email. I'm always also always on the email and then we can go from there.

Adam Powell (13:02.631)
All right, well, I can put a link to the Twitter. You mentioned your socials on the website, but I'll make sure it's down in the description below. And the email address as well so people can reach out directly in that respect as well. And a two to three hour response time is very respectable, I have to say. It's, well, yeah, we'll go with that. It's good for everybody, less so for you maybe. With the...

tatiana (13:16.092)
It's bad. It's not good for me. It's good for everyone else.

Adam Powell (13:31.271)
should we say the changing of the seasons or the tide of independent game journalism very recently with respect to the time of recording certain things have been swallowed up by others and some have been closed down and this that and the other your stance and stand as an independent is now more important than ever

within the community, especially across the broad range of topics you touch on. So what has it been like to sort of

come into this geek culture community you mentioned starting with the gaming channel and hijacking the sisters gaming channel depending on the narrative and sort of bringing your journalism skills on and being able to sort of support independence and supply information to a wide audience on a multitude of topics.

tatiana (14:11.931)
Mm -hmm.

tatiana (14:31.098)
Yeah, so it's like really hit or miss now with journalism, unfortunately, specifically with the gaming industry, there's just so much going on with like studios closing down, all this stuff happening and like game journalism has become so like, I guess I wanna say like monetary game, it's a game instead of like focusing actually on the creation of the games. A lot of journalism now we've seen a few people have like

Which obviously journalists have to make money, because like this is what we do. We have to make money too, but we will never ever put like, you have to pay $5 a month to even see the content. Because that kind of pushes away the point of interviewing someone. Cause it's like, you're never, not everyone's going to have access to that interview about like the game or the voice actor or the TTRPG, like Kickstarter, anything like that. If the journalist is putting a paywall on their work. Because we've seen a lot of people who are kind of doing similar to what we're doing.

Adam Powell (15:22.695)

tatiana (15:27.001)
but they do have that paywall. So if anyone is listening to this and you want to create something like All Ages a Geek, I think the biggest thing is like, you can't really necessarily have a paywall because then it defeats the purpose of being a platform for people who don't necessarily have the money or the funding. Because then a lot of people aren't going to pay like $5 a month just to read an article about someone they might not necessarily know. So like, I think with gaming and anything indie right now, it's like everyone's just trying to make money, even like the journalists themselves, but

Adam Powell (15:40.134)

tatiana (15:55.352)
If you are a journalist and you are trying to make a platform, you can make stuff like Ko -Fi or I can never say it. It's either Kofi or Kofi, coffee. I don't know. I don't, K -O slash F -I. I can never pronounce it. Whatever it's called. You can make a Patreon, something like that where you, your dedicated supporters will give you that money. Or like obviously there's like the investor route and stuff like that. But I think that having that paywall is really kind of defeating the purpose that like all these indie press are trying to do. Because again, they're interviewing these smaller creators.

Adam Powell (16:02.311)
Whatever you're happy with, yeah, one of those.

Adam Powell (16:12.327)

tatiana (16:24.279)
who don't have the budget, but then they're making their readers pay who the readers probably don't have the budget to pay for someone that they don't necessarily know. I think that has been one of the biggest issues we've been seeing, especially for press that is trying to push out indie voices. And like I kind of mentioned it before, a lot of like the bigger websites who are pushing out indies are really only talking about the people who have that million dollar budget, which to me, yeah, you might've created the studio yourself, but you're not.

Adam Powell (16:32.231)

tatiana (16:53.495)
Like it's like, it's kind of defeats the purpose as opposed to a million dollar budget to a person who might have like that $50 budget. because we've seen a lot of creators who created amazing projects with barely any money. but they're not getting the press because again, everything I think now is all about consumerism and money and what I can make instead of what I can give back.

Adam Powell (16:59.815)
Yeah, absolutely.

Adam Powell (17:14.919)
Absolutely. It sounds very, using the right expression, bottom line driven. It's all about the ledger, less about the experience, which as you say is a shame. So you create content for the website. You have, you mentioned the I married a monster on a hill. You have quizzes and so much going on on the website. You also have a podcast, the geekening.

tatiana (17:22.326)

tatiana (17:37.99)
Yes. Yes.

Adam Powell (17:44.455)
So what's it like pulling together a multi -platform, multi -format journalism empire? We'll just go over that for five minutes. And how have you found the podcast experience?

tatiana (17:57.686)

tatiana (18:06.005)
Sure. So I think for me, I like talking, so it's easy. Like I feel like anyone who does a podcast, you kind of have to like talking to people unless you're a solo podcaster. But for me, again, it's like, I mean, I kind of do what you're doing right now. I'm so not used to being interviewed. So I'm sorry if my answers are like not great. I'm usually the one talking or asking the questions. So this is definitely a different experience for me. But I just like connecting with people. So it's just...

Adam Powell (18:14.919)

tatiana (18:34.613)
It's easy for me because I like to talk. I like to get people to say, you know, what inspired them to create X, Y, and Z or whatever they are working on and have them talk about like their passions. Cause I feel like in today's world, people don't really get a chance to talk about their passions anymore. A lot of time people don't want to hear it. Cause a lot of times in people's like personal lives or online lives, a lot of people might be envious of what they're working on and they don't want to hear about what this person is passionate about or they might think it's weird or like.

whatever, they don't want to hear it. So I think it's really cool to have like a platform, kind of like what you're doing too. It's like you talk to people about their passions and TTRPG. I think it's just cool to have like a podcast dedicated for people to just like have like 30 minutes or an hour to talk about what they're working on. Cause I feel like in today's like very busy, busy world, people don't get a chance to just sit down and be like, Hey, this is what I'm making, making right now. Or this is what I like to do. Or I'm a voice actor because of X, Y, and Z. It's just like a

It's just kind of a cool spot for people to connect and actually have a minute to talk about themselves.

Adam Powell (19:36.775)
Yeah, absolutely. And you mentioned the voice acting. You've talked, interviewed, podcasted with a whole raft of different people. There are, as I mentioned, a whole range of quizzes and things, such a varied content. And because you are, with the greatest of respect, sort of apart from the TTRPG scene to a certain extent and have

tatiana (20:00.853)
Mm -hmm.

Adam Powell (20:05.255)
visibility of so many other fandoms and geek culture. What have you seen within the TTRPG community that you like? You mentioned sort of the Critical Role stuff and D &D 5e and a few other things. And where within a rather niche community have you sort of seen areas where we as a community could potentially improve or adjust maybe?

tatiana (20:34.869)
things I like, I'm going to start with the coolest things I've seen is like those people who make the actual dice. I don't know if you've ever seen some of them. I'm like, how do you like, that's incredible. Like some of them, they're like, it's so fine detailed and like, it's just really cool to see like an artist create something that is so small and they have such detail in them. Like, I just love watching those videos of like the people who use like the, I don't know exactly. I think they use resin or something to create the actual dice.

Adam Powell (20:46.247)

Adam Powell (21:02.119)

tatiana (21:03.573)
And some of them are just so detailed. Another thing I love to see is, cause the art community is huge with TTRPG, cause a lot of artists create like character sheets and stuff. It's just really cool to see how artists make like concept sheets for characters that someone who is pitching the character to them. So you might just say, Hey, like I want my character to look like this. And then an artist will come out with like this brilliant looking character. It's just really cool to see like a bunch of creatives come together. You know, storytellers, artists.

all this stuff and just create such like a beautiful community. Honestly, the TTRPG community is very supportive. Gaming community, there's a lot of toxicity in gaming community. So I'm gonna say like honestly, and I'm not just saying this because I'm on a TTRPG podcast, of course not. TTRPG, all the people that we've talked to in the community have been so kind. And that's very rare. I'm sure there's some drama here and there within the community itself.

Adam Powell (22:00.999)

tatiana (22:02.677)
but all the people we've talked to, like so kind. And it's very rare to have like a super, super supportive community all around. But those are definitely like my top, I'm gonna say top three. I don't know how many things I said. Top three favorite things about the community. Improvement, I don't know. I'm gonna say, I guess just keep doing what you guys are doing. I mean, like I can't really say, cause it's so like.

Adam Powell (22:26.247)

tatiana (22:30.613)
Personal I think that's what's really cool about TTRPG is like everyone's story is different Because it is a more personal driven story So I'm not gonna be like, yeah You guys should add more of this and this because obviously each story is different And each part of whatever someone is working on within TTRPG is very personal I don't know. Just keep talking about your projects I mean like if you're listening to this right now and you're you're like a DM and you want to talk about a campaign you're working on just like reach out to us

There's so many platforms you can talk about your projects on. I just think, I think TTRPG is a very positive community. And I think y 'all can inspire a lot of the gaming industry and the anime industry. Cause I'm telling you, there are some things that we see in Twitter and all the other social platforms within the gaming and anime sphere that is so toxic. So it's really refreshing to go within a community who's more like supportive of each other, as opposed to like against each other.

Adam Powell (23:28.551)
I hope that we can continue to impress you in the ways we have been so far. And you're right, there's always drama somewhere. It's just life. Yeah, pretty mostly. So you mentioned their anime and not being an officiado myself, but enjoy the occasional. What have been your sort of favorite? So where are we? We're sort of Midsummer 2024.

tatiana (23:30.677)

tatiana (23:37.109)
Yeah, of course. Humans.

tatiana (23:49.561)

Adam Powell (23:57.287)
So what have been, say you pick out three of your favorite over the last 12 months, 24 months, five years, whenever.

tatiana (24:06.413)
Okay. Hmm. God, this is hard to cut. Okay. Number one favorite anime is Kids on the Slope. It is, it's not, it's one of those gems a lot of people haven't heard of that story. It's a very beautiful story. If you like music, if you like a touching story, it's like a 12, I think it's 12 episodes. I recommend the dub because the dub is really good for that anime. But if you're like a sub person, it's also really good. That is my top favorite anime of all times. It's 12 episodes. The manga continues, but you don't really have to necessarily read the manga to -

get the point of what they're trying to push with the story. It is a gem of an anime. So I guess my next one, I'm gonna go with a more popular one, Bleach. I know a lot of people hate Bleach, but like I love Bleach. I just, I grew up on Bleach. Bleach was one of my first animes. So it's like, I'm more biased for it because it was like, okay, this kind of introduced me to anime. I know it has some flaws, but it is a really good story. And then third one, I don't know. I have so many animes that I watched. I'm just gonna say,

God, I guess Fullmetal Alchemist, Brotherhood, because Fullmetal Alchemist, not Brotherhood, is not good. They go really weird with the story. But Fullmetal Alchemist, Brotherhood, also grew up on that, so kind of biased for the story. But top tier, definitely Kids on the Slope. It is a gem of an anime, but anyone watching this, watch that show, it's so good.

Adam Powell (25:24.583)
All right, I have made a note of that because I will check that out. So that's what's been inspiring you and keeping you entertained. So I won't break you down into each subgenre. I'm making name top three video games and stuff like that. If you feel, feel free to share them, but I won't subject you to like a bullet point.

tatiana (25:25.333)

tatiana (25:38.197)

tatiana (25:45.041)

Adam Powell (25:48.743)
However, I am interested to know what's coming next for all ages of geek. I've said several times so far in this podcast, you have so much fantastic content on your website. You're apparently almost always on Twitter and therefore readily available for interaction and sort of have a good following and a fantastic output, multi -platform, multi -media. So what is coming next for all ages of geek?

tatiana (26:03.393)

Sure, I'll actually give you something that I haven't released publicly, but I'll give this to you. We're actually working on two really cool things for independent creators. Now we're not fully funded ourselves, but our biggest thing is we like to give back to the community as much as we can. So we're actually working on something similar to like a grant program where we'll...

have every year will give to someone who is looking for funding for their project. I don't know about the amount yet. We haven't really discussed much about it, but we are working on a grant program for indie creators. So if you are like an indie dev or indie animator, indie comic creator, anything, we're going to have something coming out soon where we can give you like just like a little bit amount of money that can help you with your project. Cause I know necessarily not everyone wants to go on to Kickstarter and may not know much about

how funding actually happens. So if we could be like that push for you to like have a little bit of a financial for your projects, like that's something we are working on. And then we're also working on something really cool. Again, I haven't talked about this publicly. So if anyone's listening to this, hey, you're getting a little exclusive here. We're gonna make something called like, I don't know the name yet, because again, it's all in the works, but it's kind of gonna be like a game, like an indie game contest where we'll have like a group of judges.

Adam Powell (27:34.663)

tatiana (27:42.151)
and you'll submit your game. And then at the end of the, I guess the judging, we'll give money to that creator who wins. Because we've seen recently, I'm not gonna call out the name of the company or event, but there was an event recently that charges indie game devs like $50 ,000 just to get their game trailer seen. So like, we kind of want to make it free for everyone to enter. You just like enter with a trailer. We have a group of judges look at it and then we can give you something.

Adam Powell (28:05.319)

tatiana (28:12.07)
for winning. I don't know the name yet again, so I apologize for my lack of promotional skills right now. But yeah, that is something we are working on. And then we are also working on something where we're going to have maybe, I guess, like once or twice a month where we feature game dev trailers on our YouTube channel. Because our YouTube channel does have a big subscribing. I think it's our biggest platform right now. So we want to give back to people where they're

trailers can be seen so they don't have to go to a company that's going to charge them $50 ,000 just to have the trailer seen. So those are some things that are coming up in the works. And like I mentioned it before, but we're working on our visual novel. I married a monster on a hill. That is also in development. We're in 2024. So I think that's what we're, yeah, 24 hours right now. We're working on writing the scenarios for the demos in 2025. And then hopefully 2026 will have the full.

pack one of the game released. So those are some things that we're working on right now. But yeah, there's your little exclusive for you.

Adam Powell (29:13.639)
Wow. Well, thank you very much. And they all in separately, all technically four things, you mentioned their sound, sound exciting and wonderful in their own right. The grant program sort of should be a good push for those that need that assistance. The contest is always fun to sort of see how.

things balance out and allows, I guess, the game developers to understand appeal of certain things and allow them to tweak and development trailers. I'm a big fan of promos. I like to do it for other podcasts, get their sort of promos in and get them out through my platform. I'm not the biggest platform in the world, but if I could support other people within our community and you're doing the same for the wider sort of indie game dev community, then I can only support your support for those that need support. There we go. There's a sentence. So we

tatiana (29:46.465)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

tatiana (30:04.859)
Yes. Supporting, woo!

Adam Powell (30:10.055)
And the game yourselves are working on sounds intriguing to say the very least. So you mentioned game devs and support and all those sorts of good things. So people can find you and know how to get in contact as and when these things come online, as it were, or go through the full process to be put into place. Where can they find you and all the things you're associated with?

tatiana (30:40.451)
is alledgesgeek .com. We're literally alledgesgeek everywhere except for TikTok. That is alledgesgeekTV. I don't really use it much. I mean, we're going to start using TikTok again because apparently it's great for marketing purposes. But it's just alledgesgeekTV on TikTok. Everything else is alledgesgeek on social media. Then we have alledgesgeek .com. And then Patreon is patreon .com slash alledgesgeek. But you could literally find everything if you just type in alledgesgeek .com slash social. And that just links you to all of our

all of our fun stuff that we're working on.

Adam Powell (31:12.775)
All right, well, as I said earlier, I will make sure those links are down in the description below. So please scroll down, follow those links, support Rages of Geeks, support independent game devs of multi or independent developers and creators of many different systems and genres and media. Please, please do. So we have discussed quite a lot.

tatiana (31:33.955)
Do it, do it. Yes.

Adam Powell (31:40.103)
in a relatively short space of time. But that doesn't mean we have discussed everything. So at this point in time, Tatiana, is there anything that we haven't touched on yet that you would like to bring up?

tatiana (31:45.73)
I mean, I guess just like if you are a, you know, someone who's working on like, I don't know, anything D and D related and you want to talk to someone or have like a written interview or anything like, we're not just open for people who are just, you know, doing dev like dev work or voice actors. Like we've talked to a few people who are doing like their own campaigns.

And if you just want a shot to talk about like your campaign or anything that you are working at working on like TTRPG related, like please reach out. Like we are open to talking to pretty much anyone. as long as you have like a story to tell and like something positive, to talk about, like we are down to just talk on like, cause I know some people don't like talking, you know, on podcasts or anything. If you're want to talk through text, we're always open for that. but yeah, I mean, our biggest thing is we want to support as many folks as we can.

So if you know someone who is a creative, who doesn't really know much about marketing, our website has pretty much been alive for like, I think like seven years now. So our SEO is pretty, it's pretty nice. So your name will come up if you, if you get interviewed by us and you're looking for press and you type in your name, it will probably come up on Google cause we've been pretty much long standing. So it is good free press. So yeah, if you have any creative friends who are looking to push out their works, TTRPG related or anything related.

Again, you can just find us at allagesofgeek .com because we are pretty much open to chatting with anyone. And we are indie creators ourselves. So if you want to check out our work, we have, like I mentioned before, our visual novel. It's also a comic and it's going to be an animation later on. That is something that did come from our role play. So these characters have pretty much been with us for like, I'm going to say like 20 plus years now. Maybe not. I'm going to say like...

15 years now, I don't wanna age myself too much. They've been with us for a long time, so our story is very, very personal driven for the characters themselves, not really our story, but we know the characters, like they are friends. So if you're into like slice of life, marriage, marriage issues, like random scenarios, that's basically what our story's about. It's not huge lore based, but if you do like...

tatiana (34:08.958)
cute romantic stuff, more about daily life struggles in a small town. We always say it's like the Gilmore Girl vibes. If you know Gilmore Girls, you know kind of the vibe we're going for. If you're into that kind of stuff based off of someone's role play when they were younger, turned into a story, that's pretty much what we're working on with the I Married a Monster on a Hill stuff. But yeah, again, if you are just looking for someone to support you, I think we're a pretty cool community. We're pretty nice. I think I'm nice, I don't know.

Adam Powell (34:12.467)

tatiana (34:38.526)
Some people told me I've been nice. My sister's nice. We're all cool here. So if you want to come on and just chat with us, like we're pretty open to doing whatever. Cause our biggest thing at All Is Geek is just giving back to folks who might not necessarily get that press or get the notice just because everything has become very money driven. And it's pretty sad to see, but we're trying to be that platform that can kind of push out.

Adam Powell (34:39.047)
I would say you are.

tatiana (35:06.045)
folks who just want to talk about what they're working on and have like a time just to sit down and think about, what really did inspire me to create this? Or how did I get to this campaign or how, whatever, how did I create this character in this D &D campaign? Anything that you guys are working on, we are so down to chat with you, even if it's just through text. But yeah, that's basically, that's it. That's basically us.

Adam Powell (35:28.551)
All right, well, I personally would love to get you back on the show. It's been such a pleasure to chat with you, Tatiana. I'd love to get you back on in the future if and when some of the things you mentioned sort of are further in development or you want to chat more about TTRPGs or it's been such a fun conversation that I'd love to get you back on in the future.

tatiana (35:33.308)
Thank you.

tatiana (35:46.444)
Thank you. I would love to. I don't really talk much in interviews because I usually do the interviews. So it's definitely a different experience. So thank you again for like having us on. It's really cool because usually we're the people reaching out. So it's kind of cool to have someone be like, hey, you want to talk about yourself? Like, sure, why not? So thank you again.

Adam Powell (36:00.199)

Adam Powell (36:05.799)
Well, I think you deserve the recognition that not just I, but other people clearly have noticed and support. So, yeah, no, it'd be wonderful. We will get that set up outside of this this particular interview. But yeah, no, it'd be fantastic to get you back in the future. It's been fantastic to have you on. I will make sure the links are down in the description below. So, as I've said a couple of times now, please scroll down, follow those links, support all ages of geeks.

tatiana (36:07.324)

tatiana (36:11.612)
Thank you.

tatiana (36:20.539)
Yeah, of course, of course.

Adam Powell (36:35.559)
support independent game developers, designers, just support the indie.

tatiana (36:44.411)
Space, there you go.

Adam Powell (36:44.807)
sphere, space, community, whether it be for TTRPGs or games or things like that, everybody wants to put their vision out and we here at Snyder's Return and are aligned with all ages of geek that we want to support those indie developers as well. So thank you for your time, Tatiana. We will speak, we will definitely speak again soon.

tatiana (37:07.55)
Yeah, thank you.

Yes, please. I would love to.

Adam Powell (37:14.503)
All right. Thank you so much for joining me today.

tatiana (37:17.69)
You're welcome.

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