Ten Minutes Before Class

Get Out The Vote!

Season 1 Episode 11

College Student Voter Turnout
Tufts University, National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement

Government/Party Voting Information
Vote.org: voter id laws for each state, among other information
USA.gov: links to state election offices/Secretaries of State for information on registering
VoteGOP: Republican National Committee registration site
I Will Vote: Democratic National Committee registration site

College GOTV Organizations
Campus Vote Project
Alliance for Youth Action: Our Vote, Our Future
Check your campus for Republican and Democratic groups

Other GOTV Organizations
When We All Vote
Rock the Vote
Human Rights Campaign Voting Center
League of Women Voters
NAACP: Our Vote, Our Voice
Voto Latino
Spread the Vote
Vote Save America

Hosted by me, Professor Diascro (she, her, hers)! Be in touch with questions, concerns, thoughts about college by DM @10mbc_pod or email at tenminutesbeforeclass@gmail.com. 

Produced and music by Matthew Diascro