Betting On Yourself

Jason Y. Lee: Shedding the Need for Validation

Michael Redd Season 3 Episode 9

It can be tricky knowing when to bet on yourself, especially if you're at the start of a successful career and feel an inner calling to change course drastically. No one knows this better than today's guest Jason Y. Lee. Jason is the founder of Jubilee Media, a company that creates original videos about meaningful human experiences and strives to create a movement of young changemakers through radical empathy. When Jason decided to pursue content creation full-time, he worked at a prestigious consulting firm and earned a six-figure salary. It took a lot of courage to leave all that behind when YouTube was only starting as a platform. In our conversation, Jason talks about how he made the difficult decision to bet on himself, what motivated him, and why his definition of success is by making a positive impact. He describes how being the son of immigrant parents shaped his worldview, hopes that their children would follow a more conventional path, and why their decision to come to America is a crucial example of betting on yourself. Tuning in, you'll hear Jason break down how he founded Jubilee Media, the intense soul searching that preceded it, and the vital role his wife played in its growth and success. By betting on himself, Jason has built an incredible business, connecting people when our political divisions are at a historic high. We hope you'll join us for this inspiring conversation full of valuable insights and radical honesty!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Introducing today's guest Jason Y. Lee, founder of Jubilee Media.
  • What it has meant for Jason to bet on himself and pursue a non-traditional path.
  • How Jason's parents bet on themselves but wanted a more conservative trajectory for their children.
  • Jason's definition of success and why it's all about having a positive impact.
  • The challenge of embracing our own identity and not being defined by the expectations of others.
  • The early success Jason experienced in life and business while working at Bain and what it meant for him to listen to his inner voice. 
  • How to determine what you want and when to listen to your inner voice.
  • The monumental decision Jason and his brother made to quit their respective jobs and create Jubilee Media.
  • The mindset you need to have when facing doubt and fear.
  • Why Jubilee Media is all about radical empathy and creating human connection.
  • Jason's thoughts on being named an influencer of the year and why he is trying to shed the need for validation.
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic affected talent retention and company culture.
  • Hear what Jubilee Media has coming up, including a new documentary!

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Links Mentioned in Today's Episode:

Jason Y. Lee on LinkedIn
Jubilee Media
Jubilee Media on LinkedIn
Jubilee Media on Instagram
Michael Redd
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