Betting On Yourself

Corey Arvinger: Lead Through Your Actions, Not Your Words

Michael Redd Season 3 Episode 16

"If you don't believe in yourself, who else will?" Inspired by his hardworking single mom, Corey Avinger has been betting on himself since day one, whether in school, sports, or business. After constantly being in the minority before college, the impact that attending an HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) had on Corey drove him to found an apparel company called Support Black Colleges. The company's mission is to uplift, support, and encourage others to attend HBCUs, and in the past two years, the phrase 'support Black colleges' has been Googled more than ever before (a fact that Corey is very proud of and rightly so!). Tune in today to hear about how Corey and his company have contributed to the HBCU community and the ups and downs he has experienced along the journey to get to where he is today! 

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Why we shouldn't look outside of ourselves for approval. 
  • How Corey's fundraising campaign to get back into college took off. 
  • Corey shares how his mom inspired him to bet on himself.
  • The gift that Corey has for connecting with people. 
  • Origins of Support Black Colleges, Corey's apparel company.
  • Some of the goals that Corey has achieved in the past few years. 
  • An example of the positive mindset with which Corey approaches a challenge.
  • The importance of influencer marketing to Support Black Colleges.
  • How attending Howard University (an HBCU) impacted Corey's life.
  • A Google statistic that Corey is very proud of.
  • The value of connecting with people face-to-face.
  • Corey's definition of leadership. 
  • Why entrepreneurship isn't for everyone. 
  • Corey shares what keeps him motivated. 
  • Advice from Corey to his 16-year-old self. 
  • The importance of practicing self-care. 

Links Mentioned in Today's Episode:

Support Black Colleges
Support Black Colleges on Instagram
Corey Arvinger 
Corey Arvinger on Instagram
Teyana Taylor
Michael Redd
22 Ventures