
300th Show: Real Stories from nextTalk Parents!

December 18, 2023 nextTalk
300th Show: Real Stories from nextTalk Parents!
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300th Show: Real Stories from nextTalk Parents!
Dec 18, 2023

This podcast marks a huge milestone moment for nextTalk! On this show we celebrate wins through the eyes of pastors, moms, and dads just like you! Enjoy heartwarming and inspiring stories that remind us all how nextTalk has impacted our lives. 

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This podcast marks a huge milestone moment for nextTalk! On this show we celebrate wins through the eyes of pastors, moms, and dads just like you! Enjoy heartwarming and inspiring stories that remind us all how nextTalk has impacted our lives. 

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Kim Elerick:

to do. Another day, another podcast, another event.

Mandy Majors:

Yeah, I mean for being real vulnerable on this podcast. There's been lots of days that I want to quit. I know our talkers want to quit. I mean it's hard. We are passionate about keeping kids safe.

Kim Elerick:

You take the horrific stories that we have for process and we're navigating tech, suicide and faith.

Mandy Majors:

You know, we just Our kids are such targets today and you see them being victims and they can't process what they're being asked to process. You take that coupled with day-to-day responsibilities of OK, how do we make this sweet to the website, and how much are we going to pay this contractor for this kind of work Because we don't know how to do it All of those behind the scenes business decisions. Sometimes it's like what are we doing? Like is this worth it? This is so much work, and you're right, kim. Then we go to events or we get an email and it's the story that's shared with us about how Next Talk has saved their kid or changed their life, or, and it's like that's why we do it. And then it becomes so silly that we were even complaining about quitting over all of this other stuff, you know, but it is hard and Satan does attack us and our team members, and just the thought.

Mandy Majors:

Our families, Our families, Like I've seen the change in the Next Talk shift with my family right and I love it and I want to share that with others. But if people weren't being impacted by it, we would have closed shop long ago. Like we've got Amen, Life would be way easier if we had.

Kim Elerick:

There is a lot of laundry. I need to focus on sister. That would be getting done way sooner.

Mandy Majors:

I still got it, my baby books to update and my kids are nice to see.

Kim Elerick:

Same. My third child has no pictures or information in her baby book. I bought it and it sat on the shelf. You know it's okay Because Next Talk is one of my babies.

Mandy Majors:

Yeah, yeah, for real. So really what we wanted to do on this show I mean we can share the stories that we hear which are life changing for us, but we just wanted to kind of poll some people and bring them on and say tell us what Next Talk is to you, because I just think that's really cool to hear how God is working in the lives of families and using Next Talk just a little in that process. The other thing is, you know we track and monitor our stats, our downloads, all that stuff. I think a cool thing has happened in 2023 that we really didn't expect and that was we had 100,000 downloads in a year. In one year. I mean that is huge. That's like double what we typically get. But even at 50,000 that we were at, that's huge to even do. Say it's just so cool to think about.

Mandy Majors:

One listener equals a whole family. It's not just one listener that it impacts. We're hoping that the ripple effect is it affects all of those kids in that household and the parent will take what we're learning and improve that life for that child, because then that child has the safe place to process everything they're being asked to process in this world.

Kim Elerick:

Yeah, it's quite significant and humbling, to say the least, and I will say it's been really cool on this journey with you know the podcast, but also, mandy, you've written an amazing couple of books award-winning book. We have our video study that a lot of people do at churches or in small groups and we have our virtual groups that we do with moms who are able to meet with us weekly and talk through different subjects and have that very intimate group setting online and our daily social media that we have, with great encouraging messages or ideas that people can grab onto in that moment, like every single day and the events that, mandy, you're speaking at all over the country. It's truly been incredible to see God's plan for this organization and we know things are growing and changing in the year to come, but it's fun to take a moment to hear how those programs have impacted families, churches and communities right here, right now, you know you mentioned a lot of our great resources, kim.

Mandy Majors:

Two of the things that I'm really proud about is our advisory council and our help desk and counseling program, and it's because our team saw a need and we met it. And what I mean by that is this I started going out to these events and speaking and all the things and moms and dads would come up to me crying and their kids were struggling. I mean like big things, like suicide, and of course I would say get your kid to a counselor. You don't get a medical professional involved, like I would always give that advice. But there was one mom in particular. I remember she changed my life. She looked at me and she said there's no way I can afford counseling. And I just thought I don't live in a world where a suicidal kid does not have access to mental health counseling. Right, like that's the world I live in. And I remember telling our team about it and saying we got to do something. We've got to do something, and so we did.

Mandy Majors:

We partner with counselors. It's still small. We need it to be bigger. We need more counselors, we need more partnerships, because the mental health need is great. But now if I'm local and somebody comes up to me and says this I can have a kid in counseling within 48 hours with one of our partner counselors if needed. And that has been huge. Now it's been so huge and so needed that only serious cases I can get in right away. Non-serious are on a wait list because the mental health issue is that big. And so lately I've even had to reach out to some of our partner non-profits that have counselors on staff and get people in over there just because our counselors are full and so getting kids that help they need like we can't live in a world that we don't have. That I just I can't wrap my mind around it that we are in America in such excess that we live in and kids can't get counseling services they need, and so it's really big on my heart to expand that program.

Mandy Majors:

I want it to be a nationwide program. I got big goals and big visions for that. It takes a lot of work to get there, but I see the firsthand impact of how it literally can save some kids. That's one thing, and then the other thing that I'm really proud about is from day one I felt like the need of a prayer team, like a dedicated prayer team to pray for us because Satan's attacks are so real.

Mandy Majors:

And in 2023, we brought on our ops manager and of course, she didn't know that that was my dream with a prayer team Kim knew it and really a dedicated prayer team. And our ops manager saw the need for that without me telling her, and she's developed a core group of people who pray for us. They commit to an hour every week of just next talk prayer, and not just for our families, but people we help. If we're working on a case and this family is in crisis, we will say can we send this to our prayer team? We won't send them your name. We'll say the B family or the or the C family or whatever, and so God knows who they're praying for. But can we send this to them so that they are praying for you and they?

Kim Elerick:

are passionate about it. You know talking with them at the Christmas party. They were so honored to be able to pray for your families and for next talk in our families. It touched my heart deeply.

Mandy Majors:

Well, and some of them are like older and so they have a lot more time. You know, they've got grandkids of their own that they're worried about and and they just see that the world is very different than how they grew up and even how they raised their kids. And it's scary for them. And some of them were like, taking me by the hand of the Christmas party, saying this is the answer, Like this is the hope, you know, because we're pointing people to Jesus but we're, we're getting in there with the practical stuff of how to keep them safe. It's just cool to hear those stories of the impact. I mean, God is just good. He does such amazing things with one act, one step of obedience.

Kim Elerick:

Well, as we said, you know we could talk all day long about how passionate we are about next talk and the fruit that we've seen, but it's been super cool to take some time. I was able to interview some people who have done our video studies, some pastors who have had a Mandy come speak at their church, some moms and dads who have listened to our podcasts for years just people who have really connected with next talk in different ways, and I just asked them very simply, tell us how next talk has impacted your family, your church or your community, and we wanted to share some of those stories with you as part of our 300th celebration.

Mandy Majors:

Kim, I loved how you grabbed interviews from people who, some of them had known us for years, even before next talk was formed, and some of them are very new to next talk, and I love those different perspectives. One of the ladies that you interviewed was Michelle Bingham and she knew us before we were next talk. So she was in the church where our moms group started and started there with 20 moms, grew to 200. I mean, y'all know the story of us kind of being kicked out of the church in a nice way. Go for it, go for my nonprofit right, encourage to go for my nonprofit, and I say that jokingly, we were not kicked out, we were. People are going to be like, oh my gosh, they didn't believe what.

Mandy Majors:

No, no, nothing doctrinally like we were, but they were saying this is growing so fast like every church needs this and so go for my nonprofit things. Like I didn't do these interviews, you did, and when I listened back when you sent them to me, so Michelle Bingham made me cry. Man, it was a real blessing to me just to hear that testimony.

Kim Elerick:

So here's Michelle and our brief interview about how Next Talk has impacted her life.


Well, I mean, I have to say I feel like I've known Next Talk since they thought about it. Right, I've known you and Mandy and all the other members, since we all had little itty-bitties in diapers, so it's been a long journey. I think from a faith perspective, from a church perspective, it's given us a safe place to go to ask some really hard questions, knowing that the advice we're getting and the materials we're getting and the resources we're getting have been fully vetted, bounced back against biblical knowledge and biblical truths and just given us a really strong path to take when raising our kids. I do think that churches historically struggle with coming alongside parents during this journey and I'll be real honest with you, I've got one in middle school and two in high school and the journey only gets harder. It gets harder from a spiritual perspective because you want to make sure that you're steering them in the right direction and that Christ is at the center of literally everything they're doing.


But the world is just being so incredibly vocal that it's very hard to discern oftentimes as a parent what's good information and what's bad information.


And something that has been very consistent with Next Talk and its team is consistent biblically driven knowledge that parents, churches, communities are literally thirsty for. And for me, as somebody who is active in our church and has just been so thankful for that avenue for us to be able to trust somebody to shepherd us along that journey, it's been priceless. But as a parent, it's been even better to be able to shoot Mandy or Kim a message and be like my kid just threw this at me at 11 o'clock last night and I've never heard of it. I remained calm. I think that plays out in my head at all points in time and just know that the information I'm going to get back is something I can count on and honestly, it's been such a blessing. You know I don't I don't truly know that you not you personally, but your organization understands the impact you have on a parent who's really trying to navigate a very dark world and the light you're providing.

Kim Elerick:

So well, as we always say, you know, we're in it together and Mandy and I and our team are in the same space, so we're searching for the same answers, struggling with the same things, and God has been faithful to direct us to scripture and give us biblical wisdom and encouragement, and people bring people into our circle with that we could depend on to help us navigate through this, and so I'm so thankful for you and I'm thankful that you have trusted us to, not only as a parent, but then also through the church. I mean, that's been huge to be able to partner with y'all.


Absolutely. I think it's like I said it's very hard to discern these days what's a reliable source of biblically driven information regarding our kids and what's flying at them, and that is something unique that next talk does. Do Not afraid to talk about the hard topics because, look, our kids are not afraid to ask us the hard topics and you give us a very churches and parents I would say, almost one in the same a very eloquent, kind, loving way to share some really hard messages. I know I recommend the podcast often and the books that Mandy has written, but really the fact that you guys are very approachable, you're not afraid to talk about hard things, is really where the value is for me. So thankful in all of that. A lot of those decisions made as parents have been heavily influenced by information that we've gotten through next talk or through your podcasts or all the different platforms you offered.

Kim Elerick:

Well, thank you, michelle, really appreciate that.

Mandy Majors:

Absolutely. One of the things that Michelle B said in her thing is that we've become a trusted source, and I want to speak into that for a minute because that's a big deal for us. We don't just recommend resources like share stuff off the cuff. It is a very intentional is this a resource that we want to guide people to? Is this biblically sound? Is this okay for our kids? And I loved Michelle's saying that because it is a very much intentional thing on our team to do that and we don't always get it right. There's been things that we've recommended that then they shift their theology and we have to change or whatever. But it is really cool that people recognize that we do want to be a trusted source for you as Christians.

Kim Elerick:

Recently I had the privilege of meeting with a small group who went through our next talk, nine week video study. They were a precious group of families. They were such a precious group of couples that have gone through different video curriculum. Let me shorten this Recently, I had the privilege Go ahead.

Mandy Majors:

Do you want to do your segments? When you do it, and you can do it tweak it to what you need.

Kim Elerick:

I can do that, yeah, well, you know what? That way I think I want it. I just want it to the reason. I think it's good for me to do it now so you hear it, so we know what you need to say and I'm going to make. I want some of them to be really short, we don't need to do a whole thing. Okay, recently I had the privilege of meeting with a group of couples who walked through our Next Talk video study nine weeks of committed time together to learn how to dive into open communication and they were a precious group. It was so cool, I enjoyed my time with them so much, and I got to speak with Lachey afterwards, one of the moms, about how Next Talk has impacted her family. Good, okay, now let's do David or Mike. You should do Mike, mike because you know Mike.

Mandy Majors:

I don't want to do much with Mike. I do want to say something with David.

Kim Elerick:

I have a really cool. You want to do David, you do David, do David now and I'll do Mike. Okay.

Mandy Majors:

So this dad? We didn't know him. We've grown to in a relationship with, let me say this. So this next dad, we didn't know him. He emailed us out of the blue one day and asked us something about our podcast and we said you know, how did you hear from us, how did you hear about us? And he said I found your podcast. And he said one of the things that hold on.

Mandy Majors:

And, if I remember correctly, what he said was well, I've been listening to your podcast when I go on runs and then my wife and I we go to dinner or whatever and we discuss the podcast, and he said it has just really impacted our family and y'all. I thought this was so cool. I love hearing from listeners when we don't know them. You know, it's just this person and they found us, like God just directed them to our podcast and it's impacting them, and so this is a really cool story.

Kim Elerick:

Okay, that'll be David. So I got. Michelle is number one, lashay is number two, david is number three. Okay, let's do Lisa Crawford next.

Mandy Majors:

May I do? Yeah, lisa, sure. So this next mom has been in my online group and I loved having her and she I don't think I want to say she was also part of the CBC group, that we were you are, I think, focus on a program, and so she.

Kim Elerick:

I wanted her because she loved the online group.

Mandy Majors:

This next mom was in my online group and I loved having her because she would come back every week with oh my gosh. Now we've had this conversation. Okay, help me have your mom. This podcast is ad-free. It's an ad for what hasn't.

Kim Elerick:

Because, of all the people who donate to our nonprofit. Make a donation today at nexttalkorg Good. This podcast is not intended to replace the advice of a trained healthcare or legal professional. I'm going to do, mike.

Mandy Majors:

Treat or otherwise. Render expert advice regarding any type of medical psychological or legal.


For Mike I would say what's really cool about this?

Mandy Majors:

story is he's a pastor and a dad and so he's seen the impact personally and whatever.

Kim Elerick:

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I'm just going to say he's an executive pastor at a local church.

Mandy Majors:

I just wouldn't even say that. I would say at a church in Texas or something, okay, not local church, I wouldn't say local. I wouldn't say local.

Kim Elerick:

Just a church in Texas.

Mandy Majors:

Okay, or a church near San Antonio. Just say that, a church near San Antonio.

Kim Elerick:

Okay, one of the privileges that we get to have as a nonprofit organization that also does events is we get to partner with churches to bring events and content and support to them on different levels, and I got the chance to talk with Mike, who is a pastor at a church near San Antonio, and the unique thing about him is that he's a dad, a husband and also a pastor, and so he has seen how Next Talk has impacted him on all those different levels, and so he had some great stories to share.

Mandy Majors:

I would say he had a great okay, I would say a great story to share.

Kim Elerick:

Can it's whatever. It's whatever Because he shared a bunch of stories. Okay, okay, I think it's okay. Okay, let me mark him down. Number six. Oh wait.

Mandy Majors:

Okay, I can introduce Amy Puritan.

Kim Elerick:

Okay, great.

Mandy Majors:

Yeah, and we're going to do them separate, like they're not married, right? Yes, yes, okay, okay. This mom I met. She went through the video study and then she came to a lunch and learn. Lunch and learn are things that I go into businesses and do or nonprofits or other organizations and we talk about Next Talk and our mission, but we also talk about the business side of Next Talk and so a lot of times the lunch and learns, the purpose of them is to get more people. You know what I don't want to go into that. I don't want to go into that.

Kim Elerick:

No, don't go into that Just yeah.

Mandy Majors:

So this next mom. She went through our video study and then I met her at a lunch and learn these are local events that I do in our area and in businesses and stuff and then what was I going to say after that? Oh, and then what's cool about this mom is she's been leading her own groups. I love this because this is kind of how Next Talk has grown, you know, organically. I just started a mom's group of 20 people and it's grown and grown and grown, and so the fact that she has latched onto this and she talks about like the shift that Next Talk has meant for their family and that's like a light bulb. Like she sees it, she gets it and now she's passionate about it and she's leading other groups. That's really cool to me. Get involved, y'all Get involved and lead.

Kim Elerick:

Okay, I'll do Reese, and then you do Michelle, and then we're done Okay.

Mandy Majors:

So Michelle Craduck.

Kim Elerick:

No, wait, wait, Let me do Reese and then you do Michelle, oh, so.


I have an order.

Kim Elerick:

I'm sorry. Okay, one of the things we love that was not always the case is when dads show up at events or do the online video study with their wives. We used to have mostly moms we started as a moms group so when we see the audience full of dads or we hear about couples going through the video study, it's just so exciting because we know that's key. It's key to be on board with your spouse when you're parenting these kids through this time. So I had the opportunity to meet this dad and he is super passionate about the changes he's seeing in his family and he's doing the hard work, and so he had some really cool things to say about Next Talk. I didn't say his name on purpose because I'm not sure on the pronunciation. Okay, michelle.

Mandy Majors:

So one of the cool things about Next Talk is I've met a lot of amazing people, a lot of amazing people on this journey Parents, pastors, church leadership. Michelle Craddock is one of those people. I met her because of Next Talk and she is an amazing church leader at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio and I think I've been to speak there maybe five, six, seven times, I don't know. It's been a lot. It's a true partnership in coming alongside their families.

Mandy Majors:

Michelle is a mom of two boys but she's also in this church culture like I've never seen, like she speaks at conferences, like she's amazing and she knows church culture. And I love her feedback and input about how Next Talk has helped her as a family but how it's impacted the church too. And I love when Michelle texts me and says you know she'll text me after a group or something that they're doing it in the Next Talk group at church and she'll be like like y'all are creating a space for conversations that we haven't had before in the church and I love when I get feedback like that Okay, she may say that and you may have to be, you may, you may be able to take that out.

Kim Elerick:

Yeah, no, I'll make it work.

Mandy Majors:

That's one of the things that I love that she says, okay, let's, let's wrap up, okay, wow, it is humbling, just. I mean, it's just God. We are not capable. We are not capable of the kind of stuff that these families are sharing with us. I mean, it is truly God and his wisdom leading and guiding Every staff meeting that we do. The prayer is Lord leading God our direction here. Tell us what to do. We are learning and growing each day. Sometimes we get things wrong, sometimes we say it wrong, sometimes we have to come back and be like I don't know about this, but I guess what I want to say to everybody is just thank you for being on the journey with us, even when we're imperfect, even when we screw up, even when we may our tone may be off or we may need to redo something. I really appreciate y'all. Just let's just rally together, let's try and figure it out to protect these kids, because our true goal here is to keep them safe online.

Kim Elerick:

I think that's good. I don't think I need to say anything.

Mandy Majors:

I think you need to come in and probably say something before that. But you can, I was going to say.

Kim Elerick:

Let me say something before that, but I'll base it on the last interview with Michelle.

Mandy Majors:

There's one more thing that I want to say Michelle Bingham and you can maybe put this after she talks there's one more thing that I remember.

The Impact of Next Talk
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Impressions and Impact of Next Talk
Importance of Next Talk