The Sean Morgan Report

Breaking History Ep 13: The Blood and Soil Cult of Fascism

Sean Morgan

Sean Morgan quizzes historian Matt Ehret about breaking news headlines in the context of suppressed history.
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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Breaking History. My name is Sean Morgan, I'm a host over at Amp News and this show is all about unpacking the breaking news through the context of suppressed history. We're here with our resident historian, matt Errett, the editor of the Canadian Patriot Reviews. So, matt, really interesting news this week. Two interesting things. One is in the Canadian Parliament. They're honoring Nazis, trying to twist the past as if they were some kind of war heroes fighting the Soviets, and at the same time, zelensky is honoring Marina Abramovich, the Satanist, as an ambassador to Ukraine for some kind of children's program. So let's talk about this thing. Is this a new thing in Canada, or has this been done before?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I guess. First up, I gotta say if anybody was a little bit confused about which side of history they should be on, that confusion should be completely eliminated. At this point, the Satanists and the Nazis are really like doubling down in brotherly love and showcasing their true face. I mean, any pretense of being on the side of angels has really gone out the window. So, as you pointed out, you yes, zelensky just appointed Maria Abramovich leading witch, satanists, high priestess, guru of the deep state and poor sacrificial freaks like Lady Gaga, who see this woman as her personal guru, spirit cooker. She is now appointed ambassador for children's health in Ukraine. And then you have, at the same time, in the same breath as you just pointed out, the entire Canadian parliament brought together for a ceremony honoring a particular World War II veteran and we all love World War II veterans, but not all World War II veterans are created equal Because this particular scandal I mean I'm sure everybody knows about this was erupted when this Ukrainian fighter in World War II, yaroslav Honka, was discovered to have been an SS Galatia division Nazi.

Speaker 2:

That was honored by everybody when Zelensky came to Canada and you have a picture of Zelensky and Kristiha Freeland and Trudeau together, but the whole parliament is getting up in arms.

Speaker 2:

Apparently, this guy came on the invitation of the Speaker of the House who had to resign yesterday afternoon, in embarrassment and in the course of the speech. In the speech that the Speaker of the House gave honoring this guy who, by the way, this guy met with Justin Trudeau in his personal office they had four notice. They knew exactly who this guy was. In the speech in parliament the speaker actually said this man and fought against in World War II, against the Russians. So they didn't even make an illusion to the idea that he was fighting against the Nazis or fighting for freedom. It was fighting he said it in the speech fighting against the Russians, which means if during World War II, you're fighting against the Russians, you know what side of a war you're on.

Speaker 2:

So all that to say, this has become a really healthy scandal, because Trudeau has been plastering this branding that anybody opposing his policies, which is the Davos, world Economic Forum, depopulation policies is a Nazi. Whether you're a trucker standing up for your freedom, whether you're somebody who is vax, hesitant, you are a Nazi. And he's thrown this stuff around wildly. But now that you're actually acting like a Nazi, destroying people's lives and freedoms for simply questioning the government or honoring Nazis directly literal Nazis. All of a sudden, now you're embarrassed and Justin came out with this speech, or this very lame apology, saying this is Putin propaganda.

Speaker 1:

Yeah right. Anything that embarrasses them is Putin propaganda, and Bioclin Destin shared this great meme right here, where you just have this contradiction, like you pointed out, they're so anti-Nazi and who comes to the war in Ukraine? And then they're pro-Nazi. But this could be a good thing. This kind of cognitive dissonance could make people wake up. What do you think? Do you think that this is an opportunity to wake people up, or do you think we need something way bigger?

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, the bad guys never let a good crisis go to waste. I don't think we should let a good scandal go to waste either. And I mean, I think that this is an opportunity to speak about things that were supposed to be unspeakable, and I think that the righteous indignation felt in the across the both Canada but also the world and the world is watching this complete, devastatingly embarrassing hubris that I think that the oligarchy managing the narratives has gotten a little bit too secure with the power of their propaganda, and I mean so what I'm about to say is gonna touch on what I didn't say and I should have said regarding our opening remarks, which was did this come out of nowhere? What's the historic roots? Now, of course, this didn't come out of nowhere. There are historic roots and it has been a little bit too normalized.

Speaker 2:

I mean, many of the Ukrainians who actually fought in World War II were fighting on the side of the Allies. They were fighting with the Russian army or in the Russian army against the Nazis, but you did have a large contingent, especially of this Galicia division, that had their own view of an ethnically pure Ukraine. These are people who I mean there are upwards of 30,000 volunteers who collaborated directly with the Nazis, killing Poles, slavs, jews throughout World War II. These were people who were largely the followers of people like Stefan Bandera, and a whole mythology was created for them, almost like a religion of a back to nature and this idea that they are the pure heirs of the. They were the pure bloods, the pure Viking style.

Speaker 1:

It is the same mythology that the Nazis in Germany had. Right, they were the Ubers mentioned.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not that different Little variations on a theme the Finnish, the Finland Nazi collaborators as well. Finland was also in a war with against Russia during World War II, under Mannerheim Karl Gustav Mannerheim, who was the head of the army. They also had their own greater Finland ethnically pure ideology that they were the pure race, and thus everybody was in agreement that there was a blood and soil-like religion that had endowed their particular ethnically pure people, whatever that even means ethnically pure. I mean, you're dealing with thousands of years of intermarrying. But whatever they all have their own religion.

Speaker 1:

They're actually killing people that are of their own race.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you might get out of a country that God granted my people of my pure race, then we are legitimately ordained with the right to kill you in any way possible, torture and kill, which is what happened to 90 to 100,000 Poles, slavs, others. This is the reason why a lot of Ukrainians were okay since 2014, massacring upwards of 14,000 of their own fellow Ukrainians on the east of Ukraine, when there was a constant civil war. From 2014 to the Russian special military operation, the SMO, 14,000, mostly civilians were massacred, and those who were carrying it out were the third, the second, third and even fourth generation Nazis in Ukraine who had been groomed and cultivated by this CIA, by MI6, since World War II. Many of those leading killers were not punished at Nuremberg, but were brought out of Ukraine or remained there and became part of NATO's secret armies. I mean, you know, we had something like 16 different high level Nazis after World War II ran multiple departments of NATO, including the central and Eastern European branch of NATO command centers, which was all done with the idea that everything that involves fighting Russians is thus justifiable even killer fascist Nazis is justifiable but not just working with them, but employing them to manage things like Reinhard Gehlen, hitler's top intelligence chief, became in charge of West German intelligence, he founded the Bundeswehr, the today's German intelligence agency. That was Reinhard Gehlen, and his entire network of thousands of Nazis were reconstructed.

Speaker 2:

Bandera, who was a leading killer and today a celebrated hero of Ukraine. He's actually he was made a hero of Ukraine in 2004 after the first George Soros funded color revolution brought in a Western puppet regime, and they immediately made Bandera a hero, who has been remade a hero once more with the Maidan. The US launched and organized Maidan in 2014. Now Bandera worked with. He was brought into Germany, so as Mikola Lebed, both of whom were head leaders of the organization of Ukrainian nationalists.

Speaker 2:

That was the fascist army in Ukraine working with the Nazis, they were both brought in to work with Reinhard Gehlen in Germany, and, in the case of Mikola Lebed, he was employed by the CIA. He died in the late 80s, and he was employed specifically to rewrite history for the Ukrainians, which became taught in all Ukrainian schools. It basically made World War II. Appears, though, the real bad guys were the Russians, and the Nazis weren't so bad, and this is where today, you have statues erected of Stefan Bandera and Mikola Lebed, streets named after them, celebrations, as these creatures are begging their followers are begging to get into NATO, which again was run by Nazis for much of the time?

Speaker 1:

Who really won World War II if the Nazis and their talent, so to speak, rises to the ranks of leadership? And how about in Italy and Japan and different places, were the fascists able to keep their seats of power?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, unfortunately, in the case of Italy you had what was known as Operation Galadio, which was the Italian branch of NATO's secret armies. Every country had their own Nazi, fascist-run secret army operation through NATO's offices. The most well-known was Operation Galadio it means the sword in Italian. Now, thank you, socrates. After World War II the first elections were in Italy, were taking place with the Republican socialists. So these were people who did the most to sacrifice and fight against fascism before and during World War II. They had a massive amount of heel pop in terms of the population. They were about to sweep the elections and come out victorious in the first official Democratic election After Mussolini had been killed. And Mussolini was eliminated by Churchill's people because he did know too much. But that had to be subverted and undone. So there was a huge amount.

Speaker 2:

The approach that was taken by J Edgar Hoover in America was the same approach taken by the CIA, which was managing the Italian political and especially intelligence apparatus after World War II, and here I'm referring to what's known as Cointel Pro. Cointel Pro was something that came to light during the Church Committee hearings in the US Congress in 1975, which was J Edgar Hoover's operation to subvert any type of anti-imperial civil rights organization like Martin Luther King's organization or Malcolm X or anybody, subvert them with FBI operatives in order to create internal strife, destroy them from within, assassinate their leaders, like they did to Martin Luther King and Fred Hampton as well, and then radicalize them. So take your FBI operatives and promote terrorist activity that would then radicalize them and undermine any of the same moral leadership that might be there, so that there's nothing coherent, right and that the population will then hate those anti-imperial agencies. So this was done with the Red Brigades in Italy. So the 1960s, the 70s especially, were known as the Years of Lead terrorist activity, which was run by the same CIA operatives that collaborated closely with leading unreconstructed fascists that had a vision of a new world order that failed to be achieved in the 1940s, but they always were promised that there would be a new opportunity to get it. And in Japan the same thing was done. There too.

Speaker 2:

And oh, by the way, the Italian fascists and the mafia, the Sicilian, the Corsican mafia, worked always very, very closely together. That's an important part. And the Jewish mafia, the Mayor Lansky and St Kitts as well. But they were all part, as Whitney Webb demonstrates in her book on what's called oh, she has a new book series called One Nation Under Blackmail, volume 1 and 2. I highly recommend people read these because it does demonstrate that the mafia was a necessary component of a broader intelligence infrastructure that involved the normalization of drugs, the laundering of drugs, the maintenance of criminal networks in various countries that would always be obedient to the banking elites in London and Wall Street that used intelligence agencies to advance their agenda of suppressing nationalist movements. So the drug component, whether in South America or whether in Europe or beyond, was always part needed the mafia to be part of it. You needed organized crime, but you had a hierarchy of obedience within organized crime and that was largely, like I said, interfacing with the fascists.

Speaker 2:

And this is again why, when you look at people like Henry Luce, who was the founder of Time Magazine and Rantime Magazine, very closely affiliated with David Lawrence Rockfeller, nelson Rockfeller, throughout the 1940s, 50s, 60s, henry Luce was part of what turned the USA into a this idea of a bastard-based one, you know, empire, this new American century.

Speaker 2:

But he was also promoting Mussolini.

Speaker 2:

Eight times Mussolini was Times man of the Year before the end of World War II and he continued to promote this as the economic miracle solution for the world and America, especially the Japanese same thing and unfortunately, the entire US bio weapons infrastructure was designed by Hiro Ishii and the entirety of his Unit 731, which was the bio warfare unit of Japan that carried out destructive, evil, satanic experimentation on POWs, chinese captured civilians, russians, throughout World War II, and their talents were so good they were kind of like doing mangle, mangle, mangle stuff, but worse even, and they were all given new jobs in the 1940s 50s in Fort Detrick, maryland, helping to organize the strategy for US bio warfare against its own citizens, like the Tuskegee experiments, where one aspect of seeing what would be the long-term effects of syphilis on black populations, starting in the 1930s all the way up until the late 70s.

Speaker 2:

These were black people who were treated as subhuman garbage by these social engineers and they were told you're getting drugs and treatment to help your syphilis, but in fact they were being given syphilis and no treatment just to see how the effects of decay and death would occur such that it could then be used also Sounds exactly like Nazi fascist experimentation.

Speaker 1:

So there's a lineage here of an ideology that continues. It seems like during World War II and before, fascism was out in the open, and then, after World War II, fascism went undercover under different names and under different guises, and a lot of the Nazis were embedded in these different industries. It seems like they didn't want to let good talent go to waste, and so then they inscripted these different types of experts in the deep state type of system intelligence experts, medical experts, rocketry experts, military experts in a lot of these different countries. I'm in South America, in Brazil. A lot of the Nazis went to Argentina, but just the fascism continued, the families and the power continued. So we get told this story about World War II that the allies absolutely crushed Germany and Japan and then we just graciously rebuilt the countries. But if you think of it the other way around, that really Germany and Japan had been two of the best performing economies of the past century, half a century after World War II, why did the losers do so?

Speaker 2:

well, yeah, no. That's a great paradox and it's one that people shouldn't let go of because they were. We often forget or we take it for granted that, all of a sudden, those nations that we were working arm in arm with to fight the danger of a new world fascist order run by Nazis and transhumanists in the form of eugenicists who believed in global depopulation, like Hitler did, and a purification of the human race, all of a sudden, those people we fought alongside to stop that became our enemies, and all of a sudden, our enemies that we fought became our allies, and it happened relatively smoothly. It was just a few years, really, of hardcore trauma, brainwashing and propaganda to get people to shift gears mentally as far as the zeitgeist and adapt to this new reality, and it's not In 1984, there were three nation states, and then two of them were fighting and one were allies, and then they just switched every once in a while.

Speaker 1:

So it's just constant war. Constant war where the enemy and the ally constantly shifted or switched. Let's talk about the supporters who make Badlands necessary. We've got some great companies, great patriots. I want to play a video here of David Becker. Let's play this and then we'll talk about it just a second.

Speaker 2:

I can't hear the sound.

Speaker 1:

Yes, let me.

Speaker 2:

There's usually an option that says share sound as well.

Speaker 1:

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Speaker 3:

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Speaker 1:

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Speaker 1:

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Speaker 1:

All right, so what about Maria Abramovic? What's her lineage in all of this? I mean, I really got to thank Q and all of those researchers who brought this to the kind of public consciousness to the point where, when Microsoft tried to make her their spokesperson, you had thousands of negative comments and they had to fool the whole campaign. So everyone knows now about spirit cooking and how evil it is and how all the Hollywood people and the Podestas are involved with it. So what's the background with her, her family, and why is she in that photo with Rothschild the Satan's summoning his legions, portrait in the background.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm not an expert on all things, abramovic, and what you just said are some clear points that, for anybody who is still a little bit again confused about the nature of what is the, what is really organizing, what is the organizing principle of the transatlantic rules-based international order, that's it right there. There is a long continuity of the occult inside of these power structures of empire. The Nazis and we will keep it, I guess themed on this. The Nazis themselves had their own Gnostic occult priesthood that organized the leading figures within the SS Hermann Göring, himmler a lot of these figures were devoted followers of what's known as the Thula Society. This is a secret society that had their own Templar mythos. There was even like 12 knights at one of these crazy castles, and they would do all sorts of sacrificial rituals in order to re-invoke ball bat vomit different variations on the same satanic theme.

Speaker 2:

Back in before and during World War II. This particular grouping grew out of the theosophists. Back in the 19th century, you had a grouping of occult leaders around this woman named Helena Blavatsky, but it wasn't just her who professed to receive messages from beings in Tibet. There's new variations of the same thing today, with Scientology and Elrond Hubbard, who came out of the same sorts of networks with Alistair Crowley. Back in the 1930s, 40s, elrond Hubbard and Crowley were performing Babylonian sex magic in the desert to try to give birth to Satan. In fact Crowley thought he was Satan and they were all trying to give birth to Satan. It's kind of weird. Elrond Hubbard thought the same thing and the newer variations of it have usually looked a little bit. They involved some sci-fi UFO elements like there's Hubbard who said he was getting these telepathic messages from using his clairvoyance from other dimensions and you've got people who perceive that they get messages from beings living on the rings of Saturn, like the nine. But there are all variations of the same theosophical occult seance crap.

Speaker 2:

That was big in the Psychical Research Bureau of British Intelligence back in the 19th century. That was sort of one of the core. Arthur Conan Doyle, lord Balfour, who organized things like the Balfour Accords that gave rise to the state of Israel. That was Lord Balfour, ironically a radical anti-Semite who hated the Jews, who just devoted his life to giving them a homeland that they would all find a pure race, a pure happiness within. No, that was always for geopolitical manipulation. But they were all off group devoted followers and members of the Bureau for Psychical Research, of which the theosophists were one branch.

Speaker 2:

In the 1910 period there was a splitting up within the theosophical groups. One group was founded by this guy, guido von List, and he called it the ariosofts. The ariosoftists, and Guido von List, was at the heart of modern Nazism. So the Thule Society emerged out of his organization, which had a particular, again mystical, occult view of the purity of the Viking ancient race that fought against the Christians in their pagan purity, of the folk, the folk people of Northern Europe, who fought against the ignorant Christian movements of Charlemagne and others who were just so ignorant and backwards. But they were the pure ones and they're the ones who destroyed the impure Rurik. So Rurik dynasty of the Russians, working very closely with the Mongols, who, by the way, both the Vikings and the Mongols, especially when you look at things like the Norman invasion of England and the Mongol invasion of the world, where both of them were assets for Venetian intelligence and Venetian banking.

Speaker 1:

You said before. It all goes back to that and I see the farther back to Babylon. And it's amazing when you talk about the occult you talk about ball and badminton stuff. If people just read the Old Testament they're going to get a lot of context for this battle of good versus evil and some of the ideology, sacrifice and so forth that the Satanists have.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, absolutely, and I mean it's, of course, wrapped in a certain language. You have to do more research about and understand the specifics of the geopolitical terrain that was shaping the world. That was real for those who were writing the books of the Old Testament, but you can get a lot out of it. This should be treated much more seriously as a point of serious research. But the world was shaped by mystery religions, gnostic cults, pagan rituals, human sacrifice I mean the ball worship involved the ritualistic sacrifice of the firstborn, of families, children, as a way to tap into the spirit forces of other dimensions, and there's a whole cosmology around that. But that's how the oligarchy both groomed their own elites was by creating these rituals. That would be dehumanizing as you move through the mysteries. Often proto-LSD drugs were utilized to facilitate the the deep patterning of the minds and identities of those who would be selected to become the leaders of the oligarchical machinations in the next generation. So how do you? How do you do that? Well, drugs help, they're worth. Things like LSD comes from plant blight, you know, like little little fungus that grows Molds, molds that grows on wheat that has a hallucinogenic property, and certain people said, oh, we can use that to give people a new sense of spirituality. Mescaline also is derived from cactuses and that's something that's been used in various shamanistic religions and a lot of this stuff has has a natural sort of root you could find in nature and a lot of the ancient priesthoods and voodoo practices even of Africa.

Speaker 2:

Within South America, the Olmecs, the Aztecs, degenerated at different times into these drug-laced spiritualities that involved a lot of human sacrifice. Anybody who thinks that pre-Columbian native culture was this pure, perfect, peaceful civilization has a lot to learn. There were mass ritual human sacrifices of the Aztecs and there's a lot of interwarfare between various kingdoms within the Americas. That being said, there was also a high point of civilization, in some cases much more advanced scientifically and culturally in the Americas, going back to the Olmecs, than we had at the same period in time throughout Europe. So there were very, very high level advances in civilization which modern anthropologists, jesuits, especially from the 17th century onward, have been working systematically to destroy to convince the natives of North and South America that their identity is a pure people untainted by agriculture, technology and they're just natural the way they are untainted in Buffalo with low living standards. And they did the same thing to the Africans.

Speaker 2:

There's things like the Yeruba kingdoms. There's so much evidence that before colonialism went into Africa as a suppressive force, you had very advanced civilizations in various kingdoms across the continent of Africa, and I mentioned the Yeruba kingdom of Nigeria. Look at the Google artwork of Yeruba, overlapping today's Mali, nigeria, on the West Coast. This is like 13th century high, but it has a Renaissance quality of naturalistic art that is better in many ways than the best art that was coming out or sculptures that were coming out of the European Renaissance of the 15th 16th centuries. What happened to that culture?

Speaker 2:

We have the relics of it, but imperialists went in and annihilated it, just like we did to Libya in 2011, when NATO bombed the hell out of Libya to fight for freedom. We bombed them to freedom, and the first thing we destroyed was one their infrastructure. So we're destroying the means by which civilians required to have access to clean water or electricity. That's what we bombed. And then we bombed the cultural centers, the museums. We did the same thing to Iraq when we bombed them in Desert Storm, and then we did it again in the wake of 9-11. Why? Because it's easier to control people who have no living memory of their past that could give them dignity and organize their principles.

Speaker 1:

Destroy that You're good and a sense of pride in their culture, that kind of identity identifying yourself as part of a high culture, but instead you would view yourself as a subservient to the new master class that's ruling over you.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's interesting, right? Because yes, and at the same time, that new master class can now craft new synthetic identities and new synthetic cultures for you that are useful for geopolitical purposes. So what they did let's say, for example, india, right Now we just had in Canada. Canada is a host not just of a bunch of unreconstructed bandera Nazis from Ukraine who were all brought in, given safe sanctuary in British Canada after World War II. So a lot of them, you know, were groomed here in, given protection. Kristia Freeland, our deputy prime minister and handler of Justin, her grandfather, mikhail Chomiak, was a leading Nazi who ran the Nazi propaganda newspapers in Ukraine, helping to corral Jews and Poles and Slavs and murder them, and he was given safe sanctuary here, working closely with bandera and Lebed. But you also have in India, right we at Canada as the host of one of the biggest Sikh separatist organizations in the world.

Speaker 2:

Well, who created this? You know the Kalestani's. Now, the Kalestani leader of the separatist movement, who had their base of operations at the time in Vancouver, was murdered. About a week and a half ago Now, the Canadian government, our patriotic intelligence agency, cisis, released a classified report, leaked anonymous information that, in fact, indian government of Modi directly carried out the kill of this person in Canada. Now this has justified a total breakdown of all Canada-Indian relations. Right, we can't get a visa to travel to India anymore. We're blaming India with no evidence that they just you know, carried out a murder of a Canadian citizen. None of it's true. This is again. But why is what are the Kalestani's? And this is not all Sikhs, this is a small subminority of Sikhs who are followers of this. They want Punjab, the province of Punjab, to become its own separate, ethnically pure country, right Expelled of all Muslims, of Hindus, and only have ethnically pure Sikhs. Where did this ideology for a separatist Punjab that they say is called Pakistan come from? It came from British intelligence. It was a scholar at Oxford in the 1880s who innovated this idea. Actually, it was earlier, in the 1850s. Yeah, in the wake, sorry, no. 1860s. In the wake of one of the biggest anti-British revolts that involved both Sikhs and Muslims and Hindus together, saying no more British exploitation.

Speaker 2:

British had been used raping India as the crown jewel since the late 1780s and they organized, controlled famine in the population. It was. They took India from being the second most powerful economy in the world in the 1790s. They had the most advanced textiles, most advanced engineering capabilities, with India right behind China at that time, and they consciously destroyed it so that all India was allowed to do was produce opium that would then be fed to China. You should do in China down, all under British media control. The textile manufacturers had their hands cut off if they had skills at leaving. You had your hands cut off so that only the British could have the monopoly over textiles Right and India would remain a raw materials exporter. And instead India had their museums, their shrines, their historical memories destroyed by the invaders, the British, and instead there was the British promoted this very crystallized past system saying only the poor people are the Brahmins, and the Brahmins became the enforcers of the British control over India. That only needed to have 10,000 British troops in India managing like 100 million people, because they had a local control system, now part of Palestine. So Palestine was the solution.

Speaker 2:

From these Oxford social engineers think okay, we can break up this, this resistance movement, by getting each of the groupings to have their own view of their own country. That's where Pakistan came out of when Lord Mount Button in 1945-46. Who's the? The, the Vistroy of India is the first new? A rampant edophile Satanist who a groom, prince Philip and Prince now King Charles, that that Louis Montbaton, who also brought in the UFO Sayah. I was also Louis no button, who commissioned the first government sponsored UFO research, but that's a side note in 1946 In 1946, he carved out.

Speaker 2:

He said, okay, we're gonna give you now local control. Yeah, we'll, we'll need after World War two, but we'll give us one year. And in that year they basically said okay, we're gonna carve out this region that's today's Pakistan, and all of the Muslims that are better distributed across India. We're gonna, we're gonna put them all there. Some, some Muslims were Indoctrinated and believed that, yeah, this is our ordained divine place to have our homeland for the Muslims, nobody else. And it became a bloodbath. Millions died in in axe murders and shit for, cultivated by the British. They said the same thing for the Sikhs. They said, okay, we're gonna have this divine land of Punjab and we'll make a? A an ethno nationalist identity for the Sikhs with their, with their their own deep history story going back hundreds or thousands of years. And and that became the basis of a massive amount of terrorism. Thousands of people have been killed by by this operation and, of course, and also drug money.

Speaker 1:

So there were this operation of the, the Kalestani's, which again emerged out of Oxford, and Oxford thinker it, this, this idea that this homeland is ours, was needed money and so, part of the money game, the funding for it, which so if Pakistan and Bangladesh and India were all a unified country and they were allowed to have a National identity, that would make them much more powerful to be able to to be a military power Against the other nation states, especially the British.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's. It gets you out of this idea that to be a nation, you need to have some sort of an ethnically pure Thing, which is how the, the Nazis, all of the, the fascist organizations that have been groomed by British imperial intrigue, were all like sort of Stuck on this idea that the nation is the purity of your genetic. It's a blood, and so it becomes a blood and soil cult. That's why, why Lord Balfour was putting so much effort into the crafting of this carved out state in Palestine that would become this Jewish, ethnically pure Jewish state whereby you, you won't even be Legally allowed to marry a non-Jew if you lived in Israel, which is still, unfortunately, the case today, you can't. So it's all based on this racial purification, eugenics, pseudo science, and they did that with every, every grouping. That's how they want to have.

Speaker 2:

The world is like a mosaic of, of it's it's. It's a divided mosaic. They. So they don't like the idea of the American melting pot idea. You know, like, if you get it, look at the Statue of Liberty that America is based on a nation of immigration, right like we're all from Europe. In a sense, if you're a white person in America, it's because you immigrated to America. You're not a native American per se, but even a native American. There's no such thing as a pure native American race. That's another thing. That that has been promoted falsely by British social engineers, often with their, their American counterparts in the Bureau of Bureau of Ethnology or the Smithsonian Institute, going back to the 19th century, is that there's such a thing as this pure first nations people. But it's like what is a first nation? You, these are people who came in from China in some case.

Speaker 2:

Look at the right in the woods of the north case. There there's definitely Mongolian Concepts. If there's there's, there's Olmecs, black races that came in from Africa. There's people it's not like all of the blacks in North America came in through the slave trade. A lot of them we're already there, because the Olmecs and you could go look at these ancient monuments from a thousand BC, of these, these giant black, very clearly black African figures in South America that had, you know, incredibly advanced, intricate civilization. So you had the whole world was.

Speaker 2:

Was is much different now the idea of a melting pot and I say this just quickly, because if you go to a lot of the reservations in Canada, you have to be, you have to prove that you're ethnically pure, native, by a factor of something like 80% and then you're allowed to live on the reservation. But if you're less than 80%, like Natural, born, native blood, then you're not allowed to live on the reservation, you're only allowed to live. It's weird. So they're, they're doing this again, you see, under the guise of helping the, the poor, the poor, persecuted class of people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's always. It's always the. The British Empire will always help the, the, a small group. They'll build a victim identity in that small group that they wish to use in order for that small group to Become weaponizable against a rival that the British ultimately really want to destroy. Not, but they're. They're happy to ultimately Destroy that small group that they're using.

Speaker 2:

So they don't care about the, the victimized Taiwanese, who have their own new Taiwanese identity, which is anti Chinese, that they've cultivated in the last 25 years. There's no such thing as a Taiwanese natural identity which is distinct from mainland China, unless you're in a native Taiwanese person who was there before Chiang Kai-chek left China in the 1940s if then you might be a native person who actually could have some claim on that. But even there, you probably came from another, broader civilization and built colonies, you know, hundreds or thousands of years ago. So there, that's what they're doing now. But do you think that the, the US military industrial complex, cares about the Taiwanese people's independence and democracy? Not at all. They're happy to use them the way they've used the Ukrainians, as a battering ram in a war against Russia or China, but ultimately they're more than happy if they're, if they're wiped off the map in a in the crossfire of a nuclear nuclear exchange. They're perfectly happy with that. Same thing for the Japanese.

Speaker 1:

Now that you mentioned nuclear exchange, you sent me an interesting quote Someone claiming that the Russians might use Nuclear weapons again, as if they used them in the past, that that was actually the United States who used them. So what is this type of language? This is just one stupid person who made a faux pas. Or is this like a rewriting of history to make the Soviets or the Russians the nuclear aggressors?

Speaker 2:

Well, this is the thing, right, it's all the rewriting of history. And that person that I sent you, who is giving the speech, was Ursula Vanderland, who's the president of the European Commission, who gave a speech describing in a heartfelt way how moved she was from the G7 that she was participating in in Japan, in Hiroshima, describing the horrors of the murder of these innocent people by nuclear terror, nuclear bombs that struck the defeat of Japan, and in the same breath she never mentions the United States. I Even one time, in the same breath, described in the horrors of nuclear bombing of Japan and Hiroshima Nagasaki. She then says and that's why we must never let the Russians Terrorized us with nuclear weapons ever again. It's like wait a minute.

Speaker 2:

Nuclear weapons only used once. It was by the United States, against the wishes of the of the better faction of the US military. Like Douglas MacArthur, he said he would never have permitted this and he was fighting against it because it was understood Japan was defeated by 1945. All that you had to do was cut the supply lines and wait till they gave up. It would just require a bit of patience. So the the dropping of the nuclear bomb was done purely as an Anglo-American assertion of hegemony, as a message to other countries of the world that the time had come to submit national sovereignty to a Anglo-American New World Order of Dominance after the Nazi machine had been put down. And If Franklin Roosevelt had been alive he would never have let it happen. This was done specifically by Henry Truman.

Speaker 2:

Harry Truman, who ushered in the CIA, is the one who purged the US intelligence of its Patriots when he disbanded the OSS and made sure that anybody who had a sense of Wall Street support for fascism and and this entire state would Would not have a job in the music. They would not be getting security clearance, your career would be ruined, you would be labeled a red coming, a traitor, which happened to countless people in academia and government and military and the public. In politics, henry Wallace was a leading, a leading person who was purged and called the red commons was Paul Roberson, his ally. And so, yeah, they created this CIA based on a British directed form of black operations, psychological warfare, assassination, really dirty operations and working with nothing. They did the same thing with UK USA signals, agreement, the creation of the five eyes, using the, the NSA as the, a British hand in a, in an American intelligence that would coordinate with GCHQ, with MI6, with the CIA in America, with RCMP Operations within Canada and we had our own CSA in Canada that then managed the, the control of Nazi directed terrorist outfits, not terrorist cells, like I mentioned, the red brigades.

Speaker 2:

But you also had the weather underground. You had the FLQ. You had many others in that were nominally Marxist, leninist terrorists of mostly young, stupid people on drugs and super sexed out of their eyeballs that were then used. But if you look behind the scenes and books have been written on this. My wife has written a book on this it's these were not run by the Kremlin or Beijing. These were run by the same Nazis and fascists and Alan Bellis that wanted to create a climate of terror right. So you have foreign intelligence agencies, just like they do today, where the FBI has have their own people either infiltrating freedom groups or just creating Racist, neo-nazi freedom groups nominally. Or, let's just say it out loud, the school shootings.

Speaker 1:

I mean that is its type of terrorism that has been subjected to us domestically and people always you know the common kind of ignorant person in America assumes that it was just some random crazed teenager that has done this. But and yet there's usually A psychiatrist handler connected. There's usually intelligence assets Close to that person. Usually that person was already on the radar, already had a relationship With the intelligence agents. So you know, that is something that's now this kind of new truth movement that's emerged has just come To terms with and shared their research about. The School shootings have been a type of domestic terrorism from our own government. You know, on that point, and you're totally right, I dare anybody to try to like find an authentically Naturally arising and you know I think that's a very important point to make.

Speaker 2:

And I think that's a very important point to make. I dare anybody to try to like find an authentically naturally arising Shooting, either in a school, in a public setting, or even a, an active terror that's just naturally arising, with no, no, no internal coordination or anything by intelligence agencies or high level.

Speaker 1:

Cover-up afterwards and cover up yeah try to find that.

Speaker 2:

I don't even believe that these things are really. Maybe once in a while, maybe once in a blue moon, but this is not really a phenomenon. That's natural at all. Um, and in fordham university conducted a study back in 2013. Very hard to find the original study it's almost been wiped of the internet from the internet now but, um, in it they evaluated every single case I think something like 240 known cases of Terrorist incidences that were interviewed upon, stopped by the FBI only from 9 11 to the present, and they said not. They couldn't find a single case where there wasn't either one or more FBI informants within Uh, directly coordinating, providing blueprints, plans, other things. Uh, all of these things were creations and it's the same reason, the same logic nine, why these, these terrorist agencies? At the time they were, they were today.

Speaker 2:

It's like islamic terrorism. That was a new narrative after the soviet union melted down in 1992. They're like well, we need some enemy to unite the people and manipulate them around, because we used to have this very convenient thing called russia and communism, but now we won, right, communism was, was disintegrating, so now we need a new, a new threat to and and before that we had the war on terror. Yeah, it wore on terror. That became the thing, but before that it was, it was, it was commies and and and kremlin run manchurian candidates and and things like that. That was our big enemy. And the whole time, when you scratch any of the stories of the, the weather, underground Bomb-making operation, the terrorism in kewbek, the terrorism across europe, you'll always find the hand not of the kremlin or beijing, but always of Anglo-american intelligence, always Because they want to create a climate of fear so that we would, and they did that in south america too.

Speaker 2:

Right, so that every time you had a, a nationalist leader, whether it was a martin Luther king or a bobby kennedy or in a salvador lende, who was standing up against the, against united fruit, against the imf, against the world bank and trying to nationalize um, different aspects of the privatized economy in in, in opposition to the mafia run operations. This is what fiddle caster was up against too when, when he came into cuba, cuba was totally owned by united fruit, which is an intelligence agency operation, and mary lansky and organized crime had, like a casino, a monopoly over cuba. That was. That was, like you know, totally hundred percent owned by Wall street, london, the mafia and united fruit and that's what he kicked out. That's why they had like something like 300 different assassination attempts on castra. I don't know how the hell he survived, but they did the same thing to lend a lende when they killed the lende under kissinger and they put in pinot shea.

Speaker 2:

Pinot shea was being advised by unreconstructed nazis who were brought into chili via the rat line after world war two. They were all over argentina as well. That's what pope francis was working with when he was still just a, the head of the jesuit jesuit operations of of latin america in the 1970s. He was working with the right wing fascist regime there I'm forgetting the name that was being advised by um barbie what's the name? Claus barbie, uh, whatever. The high level nazi ss operative who was like advising fascist regimes across South america and to kill um resistance fighters and including priests who were, who were working with the peasants in fighting these different organized drug crime syndicates who were working with with wall street, the early uh, you know, pope francis was working to call out and help kill and torture a lot of these people.

Speaker 1:

Kansas. Now we know why pope francis rose to the top of that power structure because that that same um intelligence Kind of lineage that you described the anglo american, goes back to the venetian, the venetian goes back to the babelonian and of course, the catholic church and the jesuits are part of that. The jesuits are an intelligence apparatus. People think that they're just uh, really smart priests who really like starting universities or something like that. Um, we've got three minutes left. I have a big question that you're gonna have to really um condense.

Speaker 1:

But we talked about nuclear war and it seems like russia's basically already won. We talked last week on my show on morgan report about how, um, the famous journalist who discovered, who researched the real uh Nord Stream 2 terror attack is now saying his, he's saying that's basically Uh, there is, there's no more war in ukraine, that the ukrainian fires will not do an offensive, there'll be a mutiny, and we're just dumping money into a lost cause. So if that's the case, uh, it seems like the deep state nato, the only thing they have left is a first strike against uh russia. So any comment on that before we we wrap up and maybe we can just lead that into to next week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, maybe we could. We'll definitely unpack that more next week, but that's a fear I have as well, um that they're all of the, the scenarios that they had planned. Um are not working out the way that they were supposed to. And the oligarchy I, I, I know for a fact they really don't want to do nuclear war. That's like a lot there, but it's not that they're not willing to. They're willing to. But they would really prefer to get the big Uh mask, mass culling of the species and world government under smoother, safer methods for them. Because by unleashing that beast of nuclear war there is a lot of uncertainty, you don't control the parameters and you destroy a lot of the things that you want to try to dominate in the new system, including potentially yourself. There's only so many. Yeah, the bunkers only keep you, so safe you know and if they want.

Speaker 1:

I mean there's just a few different types of new technologies that are controlled by a few Locations and factories and corporations. That, if you get rid of them, and sets you back 50 years.

Speaker 2:

It's really, it's not, yeah, it's.

Speaker 2:

They would rather not do it, but again, I, I am concerned that a desperate, wounded animal is not a safer animal to be around, and a lot of their, um, a lot of their dirty, dirty games are becoming More understood. You know, the the mask is off. People are seeing what this thing is much more clearly, more clearly than I think ever before, and here I'm speaking about american people, uh, patriots across the transatlantic who are able to see the evil, the satanist, the satanic nature of this thing more than they ever have in human history. And internationally, you know, like the those, those leaders from eurasia, from iran, from china, from india, from, from russia, from across africa, you know, are looking at this thing, saying, okay, we know what this is and, uh, they're doing a. There's a decent fight across that that involves collaboration amongst various cultures To do battle with this thing and defensive their people, which is, again, it gives me hope, a lot of hope that I've never seen this before, but it makes it dangerous. So, yeah, maybe we could take this apart next week.

Speaker 1:

It's a big subject. It's the end game, you know, and they're they're wargaming this out themselves, and so we we got to figure this out because it could involve our relations and our people and our families. So we'll talk about that next week. There's links below. You can check out matt and his work and his writings and his documentaries and get my breaking news updates at shonmorganreportcom. And god bless all you patriots. We'll see you next time.