The Sean Morgan Report

The Roots of "Meta" and the Priesthood of Technocrats: Breaking History Ep 14

Sean Morgan

Sean Morgan quizzes historian Matt Ehret about breaking news headlines in the context of suppressed history.
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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Breaking History. My name is Sean Morgan. I'm a host of the Sean Morgan Report on AMP News. I'm here with Matthew Errett, the editor of the Canadian Patriot Review, and Matt. We're talking earlier about the meta showcase, where Mark Zuckerberg showcased the latest VR headsets and the gaming, and then also these new Ray-Ban glasses that show the augmented reality that what they tried to do with Google Glass a decade ago. Now you can just livestream your life 24-7. They're really rolling out this technocracy quite quickly now because Apple's launching their VR headsets for $3,500 in January. So what are the roots of this technocracy and where do you see it headed in the near term?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Sean, and I'm glad we were able to finally get out today. It's going to be a short show 30 minutes but I'm sure we'll get through a lot. That's a great way to start, and indeed I just watched the same video too. The idea is to just do what Gouval Harari had put forth in one of his world economic forms sermons not that long ago. I think most people have seen his remarks about what do we do with the new global useless class who are meaningless and worthless drugs and video games.

Speaker 2:

And there has been a longstanding effort, going back well over a century ago, to try to bring about a society which would be complacent in illusions, that would not be able to differentiate between the dream state and the waking state. And this actually is something tackled by Plato. When you go to read his protagorous dialogues from 2,300 years ago, there's deep, deep analysis about how do you really know if you're awake or if you're dreaming. Now Plato was somebody who was working through his academy, was trying to organize philosopher kings, was organizing generals against the cults, the mystery cults of Persia, of Babylon, which had contaminated Greece in those days, and were basically trying to undo the reforms of great leaders like Solon, the lawgiver who had freed the debt slaves, brought Greece out of ancient Greece, out of its dark age, whereby 90% of the population in Greece was enslaved by, as, if you were in debt, you had to become a slave to somebody else. That was 90% of the population. They had forgotten their literature, they had forgotten their history. And this is where Plato in the Republic no, sorry.

Speaker 2:

In the Temeis Dialogues, sorry recounts the story of Solon visiting the Egyptians, a temple of Ammon in Egypt, where the Egyptians say well, look, you Greeks are like children. You've had so much greatness behind you in the past and every time there's a crisis, floods or anything, your records are wiped away and you go back to being like a childlike state. And Solon takes this knowledge of natural law, of various things, and brings it back to become the crisis manager who overcomes the crisis, declares war on the oligarchs, frees the people, eliminates the debts. And usher is in a Renaissance period where some of the greatest works of tragedy, of comedy, of everything the Escalus works, Sophocles, Eretostines emerged out of the cultural reforms of liberty put forth by Solon and this was collapsing back into a dark age and Greece was becoming more of an empire again under the Sophists, the people who could make the fall seem true and make the people give up their liberty for security. And this is where Greece became an empire it lost its moral fitness to survive. This is what the founding fathers of America were studying when they were looking at. How did Greece lose its moral fitness? How did Rome lose its status as a republic to become an empire with the murder of Cicero, just like Greece had the murder of Socrates earlier?

Speaker 2:

But the issue of the oligarchy and Benjamin Franklin. Many of the founding fathers understood the nature of oligarchical systems, the mind wars that we're all navigating through, very well, and they are much better than a lot of people in today's world, unfortunately, with all of our technology. And they understood that the oligarchy needs to keep the illusion of reality, but they need to keep us as far removed, intellectually and emotionally, from the real consequences of our actions and our thoughts as possible. So with the emergence of the technocrats, the Matrix the Matrix, exactly yeah, that's a new 20th century expression of Plato's cave. And the Wachowski brothers see that the oligarchy will read Plato to figure out how can they best have a formula for controls, whereas Plato is actually warning people how the operation and how the traps work.

Speaker 2:

So he's trying to help people get out of the cave. Where all people believe in is the shadows on the cave wall, his famous allegory from book seven of the republic, the allegory of the cave, where you have the oligarchical technocrats represented by the puppet masters Casting shadows on the cave wall from a fire behind them. And these, these shadow controllers, are not themselves masters, they're the hold into a higher power. But the masses are born with their, their, their next, Shackled, so that all they know in the life is the sounds emitted by the public. Masters in the shadows, not reality in one. Person gets out of the cave, Isn't?

Speaker 1:

it amazing, though, that a few thousand years later now, we've got these Ray ban augmented glasses that are being showcased and literally casting shadows, so that people can't distinguish a falsity from reality. I mean, it's. This is why history is so important, because that allegory is hyper relevant at this very moment.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, and part of this involves as well the issue of mind drugs. You know, like the, the, the this is what Timothy Leary called it but basically the new culture, the new spirituality that will involve a rehabilitated, a Lucinian drug culture, because back in the ancient times you had second deli operations, second deli practices as part of the mystery rights of initiation. You had that with this, the mysteries of a lucis. You had that with the, the, the cult of Apollo at the Of at Delphi, which was an organizing cult where all of the generals and kings of the ancient world would pay homage, would give a lot of booty, of gold and everything, to have the priests Tell them what the, this, this priestess at Delphi was muttering this girl was, was stoned high as a kite.

Speaker 2:

Now they actually had have discovered that at that. They know where the location is of the, the cult of Apollo at Delphi, and it's it's there's a hallucinogenic mist that even to this day comes through the crevices. So they had her positioned over this mist. That made her like super, super, super high, and that's the way that they, that you would go through this type of thing in the ancient times to repattern your mind. It was a useful way to to create hallucinations that could then be defined for you, what the hallucinations mean for your from your subconscious right, by a, by a master priest class. That would then reshape your identity so that you would become either a more loyal slave, happy with your slave slavery, or somebody would be a like more of a you all herari type and upper level manager, who would also lose their humanity in the process of not differentiating between fiction and truth.

Speaker 1:

So now the mind control is to purposefully induce insanity and then mold the restructuring of the reality according to how the masters want.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and so they've. They've used new technologies to take these old, this old knowledge and popularize it, and it's taking them some time, right over the past 70, 80 years, but it's. This is when you hear you've all herari talking about drugs and video games. He's talking about this immersion into this amplified reality that Facebook is. But what is also, and also the drugs right, the new psychedelics that are being normalized all across British Columbia and Toronto and Canada, as well as many states? It's now legal date.

Speaker 2:

You know they first legalized weed, saying you know it's for medical reasons, but it was never for just medical reasons. The whole idea was to use that as a precedent to expand and expand the limit, like they do for everything. Euthanasia, you name it like all. We just want to help people who are suffering and who are with on you know terminal illnesses, end their suffering and you know they play your heart strings. And as soon as you say yes to a little bit of this, all of a sudden the idea is to, you know, basically, push it to the point that you can have a kid who's a mature child, with depression, who can now all of a sudden access euthanasia because the sick, the idea of the sacredness of life Doesn't mean much in a technocracy where we're all just a bag of flesh and atoms, where there's not no soul, nothing sacred, no justice. So that's always been part.

Speaker 1:

Part of the cults MO has been to get people to.

Speaker 1:

It's a suicide cult to get people to get rid of themselves.

Speaker 1:

So we have to be careful when that rears its head in places like Canada and Europe and so forth with the euthanasia. But something that came to mind that I don't want to gloss over Is what I've noticed with a lot of the normies or the people who really latch on to the propaganda there, the type of personality that they have. Is they really attached to the popular culture like Disney movies, harry Potter, marvel, superhero things, and then they it's hard for them distinguish reality from the fantasy. And then when you Overlay like a media complex induced narrative of Putin or Trump being the villain, and then they are part of the group of the resistance who is going to defeat the villain by putting the Ukraine symbol in your social media profile, by becoming the Trump hater and persecuting Trump and all his supporters. I've noticed in a lot of these Twitter profiles and Twitter rantings of these people who really suggestible is. They use a lot of these narrative Metaphors and characters from Disney, marvel, harry Potter. Have you noticed that and do you think that that's significant in the mind control?

Speaker 2:

That's a strong observation and yet you know my wife, that brought an association in my in my brain. My wife just showed me this this commercial, a diesel commercial, the clothing brand, and yeah, it's super politicized and it's got like this androgynous, want to be cool person walking on some wall indicating you know the border wall and just making these like dirty face, like yeah, and does something weird with his hand and and bust open the wall and lets people come in and it's like great, we're all loving each other. Now he's got a tattoo on his back Of the black son of the occult. Now there are obviously the black son of the occult is a Nazi I'm still a society hardcore SS killer logo indicating the old pagan Viking mythos that was being revived with the ruins and all of shit for surf language within the, the Nazi high command command and it is. It is part of the symbolism in today's as of battalion I'd are battalions that are fighting the Russians today in Ukraine, and the black Sun, which also indicates an ancient, and my wife is actually producing a documentary going. We're gonna go through this in some greater detail, but this goes.

Speaker 2:

This is something that was very prevalent in the ancient times of ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Babylon, was this symbology Indicating sort of a Luciferian Opposite Sun right, a darkness that is an opposing force that is masquerading in different gods and deities of Horace and Apollo and, and you know, apollo's just a priest precursor for Lucifer later on. But it's all the same deity with the same ultimate Attributes of evil being good that we have to induct ourselves into to shed our belief that there is such a thing as Morality and justice and God and the goodness that has to be shed. So, but this is the thing, right, like you, like you were saying, they're bringing this into the pop culture. People see these symbols and they don't realize. Now this is actually hardcore Nazism, but with this romantic Image that you're fighting against the evil Trump and the Trump Subhuman minions that you have to do battle with. And you're right. I think these, these character type, these archetypes, are Embedded in a lot of the these brain dead shows on Amazon Prime and Netflix. Yeah, that's a good point.

Speaker 1:

So you actually talked to me before the show a little bit about the roots of the technocracy. So Elon Musk and his lineage, I mean, I see him more as a foil to Mark Zuckerberg, like a competing faction that wants to do positive technology. But you know, mark Zuckerberg, steve Jobs, who's passed away now but these are the new kind of almost religious figures who are unveiling the secrets of the universe and the new creations that only the elite could possibly have access to. And then they endow this magic To the masses if they're willing to line up and pay the fee. So so what are the roots of this?

Speaker 2:

Hmm, that's a good point to you. Well, the first up, I'll just say the. On the issue of meta, there's a Colonel, frank Burns, who is a major player within Tavis, not to have a stock within the, the Esalen Institute. In the entire new age Parapsychology drug culture that infuses itself into the military with the various fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh scythe battalion, scythe groups that really emerged under the CIA's office of policy coordination of Ellen Dulles. That and a lot of the, the leading Figures who were processed through it and became leaders of the scythe.

Speaker 2:

The scythe groups involve people like Colonel John Alexander, a leading somebody who is directly affiliated with Antoine Lavet, with Michael Aquino. Michael Aquino himself was a high-level killer in In Vietnam and that was sort of like a right of initiation for a lot of these people. Now he became Colonel Michael, like Aquino, became also the, the head of the, the temple of set. This. He was the second in command of Antoine Lavet and the second and he worked very closely with John John Alexander, who himself also was a leading figure carrying out war crimes in Vietnam and became an occult figure working on the art of illusion, the art of the mental wars and the battle of the mind of the people right, and this was this brought in drugs, parapsychology into Fort Bragg. You know, you have things like the men who stare at goats, where they try to do things like look at a goat to make its head explode, try to do astral projection, kill a target a thousand Miles away with your brain. But they also brought an electromagnetic Warfare as well. That was a big thing of what they were doing. Part of it also involved arpinette, and Arpinette was the creation of the. It was a prototype for the modern internet system.

Speaker 2:

One of the, the first projects overseen by Colonel Frank Burns, who was part of this thing, was called meta. It was the first social networking system in the world, set up in 1981, and they called it meta, so that they've always been waiting to get it back to meta, and so they needed a cardboard cutout. Like you pointed out, like a, like a random Harvard kid with low-level Morality and intellect would just be a cardboard cutout. Like, like, like. Bill Gates was right to be the, the person who would embody, but not be really much of anything. He's, he's dismal. It could have been anybody.

Speaker 2:

Same thing for, in my assessment, the transhumanist Elon Musk as well, who wants to have you know, his new social credit score system Tied to his ex-platform that he wants to have is the base of half the world's currency, of a digital economy tied to your Tesla cars that could be shut off remotely, where people are also getting brain implants, where you could drive your car with a brain implant. So Elon Musk is an ideological transhumanist and ultimately, I think, the same type of personality type who's playing, as you said, a, a foil to Bezos, you know, arguing over who's got the best phallic looking Spaceship for billionaires right to go in and gamble in casinos on the moon or something. So all that say the, the, the ideological underpinnings of this. I wrote an essay Published with Whitney Webb's website a little while ago going through the cybernetics origins Of transhumanism, and so when you look at the transhumanists, these were all the eugenicists of the 20s, 30s, 40s.

Speaker 2:

People like Julian Huxley is the guy who founded the term transhumanism back in 1954. Julian Huxley was himself the co-founder of UNESCO, the co-founder of the or the founder of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in 1947. His counterpart in America was Lawrence Rockefeller, who was setting up the American Union for the Conservation of Nature. Lawrence Rockefeller was also overseeing the growth of the human potential movement, the Esalen Institute, all of this stuff that was bringing in, you know, the new age into our culture, especially focusing on the business class, the business elite who would get processed in these spa resort seminar sessions of brainwashing in the 60s and 70s in Esalen, overseeing by these social engineers, and that would become the harbingers of the third wave. You know, alvin Toffler called the third wave, the first wave being the agricultural revolution, the second wave being the industrial revolution of the 18th, 19th century.

Speaker 2:

And now he's saying the third wave, which is basically the fourth industrial revolution another way of calling it is the age where computers become self-aware and do all of our work for us and we get a new useless class of people who don't have the skills and can't transition to the new software-based society, the information economy. Now they've added to that, saying that you know that by 2050 or 2045, whatever it's meaningless because they're just projecting their imaginary beliefs onto the world, because the oligarchy also doesn't believe in reality. Necessarily. They do a lot of projection, that they have these mystical powers, but they say that by 2050, the computer systems will become self-aware. That's called the singularity and at that point, like Elon Musk says, if we haven't merged with machines, we're going to go extinct, like the dinosaurs that went extinct when a new, superior life form presented itself in the form of mammals.

Speaker 2:

So it's like merge or go extinct, right. So you have a choice Go terminator mode, fight the machines and go Amish and like end in technology. That's one choice. Or the other choice is integrate right. Just merge with them, embrace this new one. I can't wait to join them?

Speaker 1:

I have a question about that. So there are many examples where the cults you know the deep states, whatever you want to call them they seem to be communicating with something or some group of demons or Satan on the other side, and then they have these channels and these different rituals to get knowledge, like even schematics of rockets and things like that, and so are they getting this narrative from their deity.

Speaker 2:

No, yeah, yeah, no I thought about that.

Speaker 1:

What are they getting? The idea Is it a good idea. Is it logical that the computer will become self aware, or is this the idea they're getting?

Speaker 2:

Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, it's a good question. Isaac Newton was an occult alchemist, alchemist, numerologist, looking for the philosopher stone. He never did any science. Now, does that mean every single thing scientific discovery attributed to this figure? Isaac Newton who was the warden of the Bank of England? Right, he was the warden of the Mint. He was a sociopathic killer. Killed everybody who forged coins. Right, you didn't have to kill him, but he killed everybody. He loved it and he would watch. He was a sicko, but so were his discoveries, the effects of his occult identity. No, he stole his discoveries.

Speaker 2:

He had a grouping of people, like Samuel Clark, robert Hook, who were high level initiates within the Rosicrucian order. These were people who were also, but they were a little bit more self aware. They were part of the Royal Society which itself emerged out of Rosicrucianism. It was basically just a practice, black magic. It wasn't for science, but what they would do as a team is they would look for real scientists who were actually making pioneering discoveries, like a Leibniz who was discovering the calculus, or like a Johannes Kepler in Germany who was discovering the laws of planetary motion as well as the telescope, like his work on optics was the groundwork for the telescope with a grouping of great scientists in the Netherlands, and what would happen is they would try to.

Speaker 2:

If you can't destroy new discoveries, which is their first preferred option is just destroy him, right, make sure no discoveries happen. If you can't do that, at the very least try to co-op the discovery and say it came out of you interpret the cause of what made the discovery possible. So they create like an Isaac Newton type of synthetic character who says apples fall on my heads and I make discoveries. I only use my senses. And if you want to make discoveries and be a great scientist like me, says Newton in his Principia Mathematica, you just hypotheses no fin and go.

Speaker 2:

Don't make hypotheses, don't use your mind, just use your senses and then extrapolate from your senses and make a law that doesn't work. If you do that, you will never make a discovery. You will only make arbitrary models that have no bearing in reality and cannot be tested, kind of like black holes, string theory. All of this crap came out of pseudonutonians utilizing that method of just make believe, using already existent math that has no bearing on reality and creates Almost like a masturbatory exercise in nonsense, just making things that seem to fit together.

Speaker 2:

It's modern scholasticism. Back in the 12th, 13th century you would have these absurd debates inside of like the Padua University in Italy, where all of these Aristotelians were all debating how many angels could dance on the pinhead of a needle, and they would have serious debates that would go on for months, and it's the sort of same thing today. Here's some of the debates about like do we have 13 dimensions in the universe or do we have like 80 dimensions in our multiverse? And it's like wait a minute, whoever said there's a multiverse? Why are we all like agreeing on this absurdity that there must be other dimensions and multiverses without first even having discovered anything about our own?

Speaker 2:

You're all just taking doctrines that you've not thought about, but you've gotten PhDs on because you're rewarded by a priest class called the peer review system to have a certain language and adopt certain assumptions about the universe and everything else. That then rewards you by getting you published, giving you grants, getting you positions, and then it becomes a self-feeding sort of monster. So I think that all of the good discoveries that do tend to happen it's usually including in our modern age they're things that were stolen by actual scientists and then repackaged under a more occult garb.

Speaker 1:

So that's a good answer, for where did the elite get their ideas? They steal them from us. But what about the idea that computers or technology, ai, is going to become self-aware and become a conscious master being? Do you think they got that idea themselves? Or, like I said, is this part of their spiritual channeling thing that they do, where they seem to be getting information from the other side, from demons, from Satan or from their deity, whatever you want to call it?

Speaker 2:

They are evil and they do worship Satan. Yeah, don't get me wrong, absolutely. Now the idea that computers will ever become self-aware is a hoax, it's a fallacy, it's not going to happen. It can't happen because there are certain things that computers only operate based on deductive or inductive logical reasoning skills. So you could take information, put it into a computer as far as data and the computer will read the data according to certain algorithms. But who programs the algorithms? And it can make extrapolation of the data into something general.

Speaker 1:

So this could be like the Wizard of Oz, where you have George Soros whoever the deep state wants to choose as a representative. I'm just picking a random person, and then they program the AI. That's super powerful. And then the AI says I'm conscious and I'm making my own decisions and I'm smarter than all of you, and you guys need to just obey and follow my lead because I'm on earth. So is this a very convenient narrative for them to endow technology with this divinity?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it gets you the same effect. It's all about the effect. That's what the effect was for the high priests of the cult of Delphi. You have this blubbering woman who's a conduit for the gods, the god of Apollo, that was talking to humans through her random utterings because she's high as hell. She doesn't know what's going on.

Speaker 2:

But now the or the tea leaf readers, the same thing were those, the astrologers who would read the geometries of the planetary systems and induce meaning deities that were then speaking or communicating to the wise, the initiates who could read the tea leaves, or the augurs of ancient Roman Empire who would cut bird bellies open, read where the gut spilled, or the ruins that those pagan priesthoods and druids would read, the ruins where they fell and would tell the kings, their generals, where to go to war, where to make peace with. It's kind of like that. But now, all of a sudden, you have these hyper, like these, self-aware machines telling us what to do, because they're so wise and only the oracles, who are like Yuval Harari-esks, could interpret what they want us to do from the higher realm or aliens. You got a lot of these same agencies, like I mentioned Colonel, john Alexander, michael Aquina.

Speaker 2:

There are also people who have been promoting the whole alien sci-op as well since the days of HG Wells in the War of the Worlds, broadcast overseen by Lawrence Rockefeller, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation in the 1930s, which was trying to see what would people do if they were told there was a Martian attack. Would we all fall into alignment to protect ourselves under a world government? And so, if aliens have been here as well, interfacing with an elite through like Roswell or other dimensions? And what are you going to do? As a lowly plebe, you're going to fight them Like they're a multi-dimensional alien being that's working with the oligarchy. There's nothing you could do, so there's you know whether it's the aliens, whether it's the AI machines. They're just looking for excuses to get us to shut ourselves down, become superstitious and to give up our liberty in order to have some sense of stability in a world of chaos.

Speaker 1:

You know to run out of time, but I want to end on the idea that you described earlier how in ancient Greece, you know, they lost their knowledge, they became debt slaves. And when you said 90% of the population became debt slaves, I thought of the modern world where 90% of the people are debt slaves. And then you talked about how there was a character going to set the people free and ushered in a renaissance of culture. And I have to say I think about that. We're humanity in the United States and every nation, but specifically I'm thinking about Trump and I'm thinking about the opportunity for a jubilee, for a reset of our financial system, to free the debt slaves and to usher in a renaissance. You know, we're really at the cusp of either washing away all of our knowledge and sending people into deeper ignorance, or set people free and usher in that renaissance. Aren't we at that sort of crossroads? And we don't have much time for you to elaborate on that, but can you tell us where can people find your work and your documentaries?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're absolutely right and we're putting out new documentaries. Right now we're just unleashing a series on the debunking the overpopulation myth. The first one has just been released this week my wife wrote it and narrated it that people can go and go to riseandtidefoundationnet or go to canadianpatriotorg. We're also doing something on the UFO Psyop as well, going back to ancient times and the revival of a lot of these ancient pagan cults and mystery religions with the whole UFO story. So that's another series of videos we're gonna be unleashing starting next week so people could check all that stuff out on those websites.

Speaker 1:

Well, I have a suggestion for you guys as next documentary the Hoax of the AI Consciousness. I mean, that's a big narrative that's been seeded and I think all of us are kind of afraid of Frankenstein's a monster and what it's going to do. And yet you're saying, just like the climate change hoax and UFO hoax and all the other hoaxes, we don't need to be in fear. So there's some fallacies there. To deep bunk. Looking forward to you and your wife's continued work on all of these great things. We're gonna just pause at the end of the show here now and just talk about one of the sponsors. So if you need to go, matt, that's okay. I'm just gonna talk about the final sponsor. No, it's okay, we're just gonna do the sponsors Well, we're just gonna play a quick video. I'm gonna turn off my camera for a second and play the video and talk about this Just one moment. So, basically, we have a new sponsor here that I'm not familiar with, but I'm very fascinated by it.

Speaker 1:

It's about snoring, you know, keeping you or your loved one up at night. There's ZIPA. It's a solution here. It's the only anti-snoring consumer mouthpiece with an FDA approved clinical study behind it. Staggering 91% success rate proves it's effective. There's no other snoring mouthpiece that can boast these kinds of results. So it has an innovative design. It's stabilizing band, and self-molding technology promises a custom fit. With two distinct device designs to choose from there's something for everyone. So this is really interesting. Here they have a 90 day refund policy. Here they have a price of $29.95 to $129.95, depending on what you go for, so it's guaranteed or your money back. But you don't have to take our word for it.

Speaker 1:

The most compelling testimonials come from satisfied customers, so you can check that out. You can go to badlandsmediatv slash ZIPA and we can spell that out for you. It's ZYPPAH. We're gonna put a link in the description below. You can get 5% off, so check that out. I know it's an important one for people who have those issues. So we'll just turn my camera back on here. Matt, thanks so much for talking about this important subject. I learned so much from you and your work is so important. Right now. You're providing that counter narrative to the deep state and you're waking people up, including myself. I thought I was awake until I talked to you, and I'm going to a whole other level of awareness with our dialogue. So thank you, matt, for your work.

Speaker 2:

Ah, dude you made my day All right, thank you. All right, everybody.

Speaker 1:

God bless, Matt. We'll see you next time. Everybody, God bless.