The Sean Morgan Report

An Agenda of Financial Control with John Person: The Great Reset Ep 4

Sean Morgan

"The Great Reset" is a show about the future of finance. Money is power, and there is a historic fight to control the mechanisms of power. What people, groups, and nations will control the financial systems of the future? And what will be their medium of exchange?
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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Great Reset where we discuss the future of finance. I'm joined by John Person. He's a 39-year trading professional and the co-founder of J Person Asset Management. It's a fund that uses his proprietary strategies for long equity-based ETFs and short volatility ETNs. Before we get started, I just want to say that there are three reasons to go to BadlandsGoldcom. You can request your free Gold IRA kit. You'll learn how to safeguard your savings, tax and penalty free. You'll learn how to protect and grow your retirement. We'll send you this kit to your house for free, zero shipping and handling. Go to BadlandsGoldcom right now and request that free Gold IRA kit. Well, john, thank you for joining. We were discussing, before the show started, about climate change. You would think on a financial show, or we talk about the future of finance, we would just leave that hippie environmental stuff to the side. It has turned into an integral piece of discussing the future of finance. Tell me about the climatedataimforg.

Speaker 2:

Before we do that, if you notice that we have two ways of running and controlling inflation and two entities. We call it and most of your viewers probably have heard of fiscal policy, which is what governments pass bills, and that's where Congress is important. The other one is monetary policy, which is run by what was the appointment? The Federal Reserve. We have around the globe countries like Europe which have the European Central Bank, so you have central bankers and you have again governments, and so out of the bankers and it's interesting that if you've seen any in the last few years, the Federal Reserve, the chairman, which used to be Janet Yellen, she's now the Secretary Treasury of the United States. Now we have Jay Powell. Jay Powell has to come in front of Congress and the Senate twice a year and say, hey, what are you doing with interest rates? And I'm going to get to the tie-in. Here is we've seen many times where it's really strange, where all of a sudden, a congressman and or a senator will say what is the Federal Reserve's policy on climate change? Now the Federal Reserve sets policy and dictates interest rates. They don't cut gasoline and buy EVs and send Teslas to Congress people. So the Federal Reserve, jay Powell, has to constantly be, of course, politically correct and say, well, we're observing that and he moves on.

Speaker 2:

So the IMF what is the IMF? It's the International Monetary Fund and they're the ones responsible for overseeing global banks and government's financial conditions. If you do a little due diligence, instead of listening to just regular news and regular financial, mainstream financial media news on cable, if you go to, what I do is I go directly to the Bureau of Labor Statistics to look at reports such as the monthly unemployment report which comes out tomorrow. So instead of listening to an interpretation of an anchor person's view of what the report says, I like to look at the report myself. When it comes to the Federal Reserve, I like to get the press conference and you can go to the FOMC, the Federal Reserve of the United States, and look at the exact statements in their policy.

Speaker 2:

If you go to the IMF, which is the International Monetary Fund, which I believe that you have that link, you can go and see are they making sure that banks are solvent? Do they have a net reserve of so much percent of loans outstanding in reserve so that there are no bank defaults? Or are they really concerned with climate change? And what you see there is on the IMF's own website is that they are in a directive, in a push or a what can I say a mindset to start manipulating, controlling or overseeing governments, foreign governments and foreign banks and having, if they're not a part of helping climate change, they're going to be taxed, and the word is I believe a distinct word says taxation. So I did not know, going back to school and being self what I consider educated human being, that the IMF is now the regulator. It's the judge, the jury and the punisher for banks not participating and contributing to helping climate change. So that's kind of another sense of control that I don't think a lot of people are really aware of of where we're moving and other agencies that are pulling together for this big climate change, of how to control people and governments.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's a big deal and Elon Musk has put some light on the subject when he called out the ESG scam, because Black Rock and all of these big conglomerates are pushing this ESG stuff, and then, because they don't like Elon Musk, they put Tesla at the bottom of the list, even though it's a darn EV company. So the whole thing's a scam and it's not putting the incentives in the right place for anything to be creating prosperity or even to be helping the environment. Frankly, it's all to push an agenda, it's all about control, it's all about taxation. It's all about this war. It's a class warfare that's going on.

Speaker 1:

We were talking before the show yesterday about wealth inequality. I live in Brazil. It's a top-down oligarchal society. They claim to care so much about the working class and it's a socialist country, and yet the average person makes $200 some dollars a month, and it's where we're headed in the US if we don't change course. So I wanted to ask you about because I was asking you about this character on Twitter finance. A lot is what he calls himself and he's talking about a debt crisis, an insolvency crisis that may be coming, and even a dollar, an M2 money supply shortage. I'm going to show some images on the screen.

Speaker 2:

By the way, when you were talking I want to get to what you're saying, but in case your audience saw me smirking while you were talking is because I was thinking my mind. We were talking yesterday and I was giving you an example. What's worse, $4 eggs or 8% mortgage rates and people have to be forced to pay for their a mortgage. They can't, they don't have a choice. Or if your car loan goes up to 12%, you have to pay that. So you have a choice of not paying eggs. And here I am talking to a guy that's in Brazil. All places about inflation, it was like oh, I got a black.

Speaker 1:

I'm lucky.

Speaker 2:

That's why I was smirking and I'm like well, I didn't think that through who I was, my audience I was talking to.

Speaker 1:

I'm one of the lucky ones because I'm benefiting from arbitrage, because I make American wages in Brazil. But I feel sorry for the people in Brazil who are already paying Me when we mentioned. They're paying 10% per month for a car loan and they're paying 10% already per year for a house loan. And if you look at what they're paying for eggs, it might be technically cheaper but on a real basis ratio compared to their wages, they're paying way more for eggs than we are in the US. So we're already living and the funny thing is Brazil is one of the best economies in Latin America. They've been actually controlling inflation compared to places like Argentina.

Speaker 1:

So the fact that it's good here and yet it's that bad compared to the US, it just goes to show there's a long way to fall. That maybe people don't realize, but I want to show this chart of the M2 money supply. So the US money supply has now been contracting year over year for 10 months. This is the longest stretch since. Oh, look at that wonderful year that we had, 1933. So I remember a lot of significant things happened that year in 1933. So does this concern you, john?

Speaker 2:

I think well, first off, what concerns me is the amount of deficit spending in US government, and it's not just a US government, it's also foreign countries, japan, which you have a graph there. I mean, what concerns me is to be in America and to have all the wonderful things that this country and our founders and people that have helped develop, and to get the amount of spending and the entitlement programs that the government's been doing and, of course, helping people around the globe and writing checks that we can't cash to find out that France and Spain have less debt to GDP ratio than the United States. That most of your viewers would probably should be looking at this going. Wait a minute. Japan, greece you mean all right, greece with their whole debt crisis, and if anyone's been to Athens, they're not as affluent as they used to be, and it is something to look at those numbers and say how did the US get not far behind Greece as far as debt to income ratio? And that's what's scaring me as far as how are we paying that back? Is it going to be through taxation, rising inflation and our rates not just have to go higher, but how much higher and for how much longer? For anyone that thinks that they were going to be in the American dream buying a house.

Speaker 2:

How do you protect yourself in the future? It's not just two years from now, it's five, 10 years from now. And I want to tell you right now, sean, that we have a mindset that's running our country that is about spend and don't worry about it, and that mindset's hard to change unless something makes people change. And pain always makes people change, and that's the scary thing.

Speaker 1:

Well, this is the person who's putting that message out there, that it could be considered responsible to increase your debt to GDP ratio and maybe it's to solve racism and climate change. That's why it's responsible.

Speaker 2:

So if people aren't familiar with that face, that's Janet Yellen, and she's actually, if you go back and look at her financial background and where she comes from. She's out of California. She ran the San Francisco Fed. She then was appointed to run. She was chairwoman of the Federal Reserve. She's also one that was, as President Biden voted, took office. He appointed her secretary of treasury and she, as an economist and an ex-chairman of the Federal Reserve not a banker a chairwoman of the Federal Reserve. She took Alan Greenspan's job, she took Ben Bernanke's job and she's the one that was asked hey, isn't it dangerous to have an increase of your debt to GDP? And she said, no, look at Japan, they do it. And it's like.

Speaker 2:

And then in Congress, so under testimony and that's, I believe, that video you have she was giving the rationality of why it's okay because our debt to GDP and our debt payment was below the inflation rate of 2%. Well, blow that out of the water, because now we've got to service an insane amount of debt and we don't have inflation anywhere near close yet to 2%. So we have a person that's running and suggesting to the president of the United States and to Congress keep spending money, keep writing bills, don't worry about it. We kick the can down the road and that's that one video right there, and we'll explain to a lot of viewers why the mindset of who's running the country here is. It's going to be a hard road to change. It's going to be a hard left turn when we get to that stop sign and it's got to be.

Speaker 2:

Something. Painful causes people to change their mindset and I don't know what that pain is when it comes to finances. Is it a stock market crash? Is it a big bubble? But something has to change because the mindset of our leaders is in the wrong direction.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're from Chicago. We were talking about Lori Lightfoot and what she's done to that city through her policies, and it's to me there's a lot.

Speaker 2:

I mean she did get voted out so we have someone. That's even worse. But for the record, I moved out of Chicago, I'm in Florida, so I'm going to I guess the free estate you could, you could probably look at. I don't know if you guys could see behind me. That's an old Richard Borsow painting. It's a hand painting. It was real famous from the Chicago Board of Trade, right behind my head up there.

Speaker 2:

And the Chicago Board of Trade is where I started and that was the last bastion of capitalism. And I mean I think that our world and the way Chicago used to be run with democracy and the democratic machine under daily man, it's changed to a completely whole new mindset. Let crime reign free and let spending run free. It's a whole different mindset. I don't know how we got here this quickly.

Speaker 1:

It reminds me of the Batman movies, where we're just the corruption takes over and lawlessness, and so I just want to draw a parallel there between that type of leadership in Chicago to the Janet Yellen Biden type of leadership in the direction that we're going. Do you think it's intentional? Do you think that there are puppet masters above these people who have their agenda? Or do you think they have this ideology? They're kind of ignorant about it and they're just following this kind of false ideology. You just just, and they don't realize the type of damage that they're doing and the road they're taking us down.

Speaker 2:

You know, I had a lot of discussions with some friends. I've been lucky and blessed in my life with some good trades and good decisions and seeing and doing a lot of due diligence and just observing life. And the question was, who do you think is really running Biden's administration? And the first thing out of my mouth was the military. And I go get out of here and it's like no, seriously, if you think about it. Even going back to World War II under Patton and Eisenhower and Omar Bradley, they had the press corps and the press corps was trained what to say, how to say it, because you didn't want to change the troops morale. And then in Vietnam, look what happened there. So fast forward. Now think of all the guys.

Speaker 2:

Sullivan, it's in the White House. What was his background? Bush, what was his background? These are CIA people that were either in the military or in the CIA. So there's, when I say the military, I mean there are maybe civilians today, but they were in the military or under training from the CIA. And I'm not saying that this is a conspiracy theory, but I think what it is is what's, in their mindset, best for America, democracy and controlling a governing body, and that's it. So you look at who's in charge of the CIA, who's in charge of the FBI, the Department of Justice and people at the top, not the bottom, but the people at the top are all in on the same party kind of speak, and I think you have to say well, is Janet Yellen, was she a? What's her political affiliation? You'll notice that when she ran the Federal Reserve, she was a team player.

Speaker 2:

So in the current administration and for what's running the United States, whether it's the banks, whether it's the FBI, department of Justice, the SEC, for example, these are people that are like trying to keep order, their order, and their order is as it started with, maybe Clinton, with the World Order, one World Order with then Obama. Why did Obama go to the UK? He went to London. People don't remember this. President Obama went over there and begged the people in London and England don't vote out the Brexit deal, stay with the Eurozone.

Speaker 2:

What was our president doing? Telling them what to do? That was kind of weird. But it's a one World Order we're supposed to be all like together. Last thought I would share on that topic is every summer, the Kansas City Federal Reserve has created this kind of vacation business event at Jackson Hole, wyoming, and we get there every year. The funny thing is, for the last eight, nine years, you see, that they invite government officials, foreign dignitaries, other central bankers, and they had Mario Draghi before he relinquished his role to Christine Lagarde, who's now the head of the ECB. So this is a banking conference for America, but it's everyone invited.

Speaker 1:

The bank financial the real power brokers, the real decision makers of the world, are having their kind of unelected, undemocratic governing decisions made.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let me just share this, though the last sentence that I made because I know we're limited time, but if people do their, if you want to know who's running things, they invited government officials to do their work. They invited government officials. Who was the number one government official they had to come and speak. At this past August conference it was Jay Pritzker, a Democrat, the governor of Illinois. Now, what does he have to do with running the banking situation and his mindset? I didn't notice any, not that I want to say political affiliation, but there were no Republicans at that as invited speakers.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of a you know you got to start thinking where are we going on this government-led entity on a global scale? Our universities are. You know who's in the teaching role? You mentioned Lori Lightfoot. This is an interesting one. She ran Chicago and I'm not gonna say really into the ground, but Lori Lightfoot gets voted out as mayor of Chicago and she gets picked up as an interim professor at Harvard University. I mean, I don't know if people see this news, because regular news won't. What is she going to teach people of her policies to kids that are going and their parents paying? I don't know what the cost of Harvard is these days, but that's kind of like when someone says who's running our country? It's the mindset of that political directive and that those ideologies. So it's becoming more ingrained in our teachings.

Speaker 1:

It reminds me of the party bosses in communism. It wasn't so much like what were the results that they achieved, it was more that what is the status that they were able to achieve. And then, once you're in the club, then you get given the special appointments you know. So it's not so much about performance anymore or even approval Now that elections seem to be rigged, people are waking up to that idea. It's not so much even who people like or want and in a certain position. It's not like Lori Lightfoot was popular. It's not like she's going to be more popular at Harvard, but she's in the club. She did what she was supposed to do, she followed orders and she got her reward for that.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean we have a little bit of time left.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to show something I saw on Twitter from finance a lot. So he said we just experienced the first wave of finance chaos unleashed by Japan. Was it a trial run coordinated with the US, With charts suggesting something? After October, OPX will a second wave related to and be the cause. Eventually, if the crisis is large enough, it'll go global. He talks about the 90s Asian financial crisis as an example. I haven't even looked at what happened in the financial markets with the Japan. If you did, maybe you can explain it to us.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, that wasn't really in the forex dollar yen relationship and it was another interesting aspect. Another big supporter, donor to, let's say, obama and of course, to Biden, is Warren Buffett. All right, berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire Hathaway announced earlier this year that they were investing heavily in Japanese banks, not US banks, and what happened is that in the forex market we've had a. We have two markets to quote. One is the cash to forex market, one's futures, the commodity markets, and they're kind of inverted. But what we've seen is the arise in value of the yen versus the dollar or inversely, you know, a collapse in the futures. And the bank of Japan came in and they were a small little snippet. That's because it's been moving in tandem with yield. The yen movement has been moving with yield as yield's been going up. The yen versus the dollar has been going up. So they came out and announced that they may do some kind of and it caused a very small movement.

Speaker 2:

I don't think that that has as much to do with this week's excitement as possibly what's really even more important is the fact that China's on vacation and China's on a holiday and we don't have as much money flow going with China right now and I'm not really as concerned of what's going on in Japan and their financial arena as much as I am really concerned with what's going on with China's ability to maybe cut things off or add things, and why I say that is. It's kind of an unprecedented amount of people that United States we had Anthony Blinken, we sent Janet Yellen, we had our commerce secretary we've been sending a lot of admin or at least the Biden administration cabinet members over to China without President Biden talking to President Xi. And why are we doing that? And those are three commerce secretary, treasury secretary and secretary of state all talking and going over to China. None of them, none of them got any audience with President Xi.

Speaker 2:

Now, wait a minute, henry Kissinger goes over and visits China and President Xi has all the time in the world to visit in July with Henry Kissinger. Now this has got to tell you something, that something's going on and we're not going to get the real news. But if you look at FACS and that's all I'm doing you look at the IMF website, go to the Federal Reserve website, look who sees at these conference, who's getting jobs, you're going to get a pattern here that is kind of like there's something down the pike coming and I don't know what it is, but I would say, prepare for it.

Speaker 1:

I have a couple of data points to add to that to give it some context. One is the recent meeting in Durban, south Africa, for the BRICS, adding a couple of big Petronations to that alliance, and Xi Jinping was the big star there. It was almost as if for that moment in history, the president for life of China was the most important leader in the world and that was bizarre for me because I'm almost 40, and it was always the president of the United States who had the limelight on the world stage and in that case it wasn't. And the also interesting thing that happened and I can point to moment in time when it really occurred was the Chinese weather balloon thing that happened. That's when Democrats and Republicans both got on the same page that China is the biggest military threat to the United States, and before the Democrats were covering for China regarding COVID and everything. So I thought that was interesting that everyone was anti-China all at the same time, right when, of course, china is ramping up their alliance with Russia economically and militarily Right.

Speaker 2:

It's interesting because in the Obama administration, as he left office, he says the biggest threat to the world is North Korea. And I mean there's a lot of what we would call smoke bombs and smoke screens. Look left, because what's really going on over the right? And when you mentioned the BRICS conference, when you have one other person that was forefront was Modi from India, president Modi. So you have India, you have Brazil, you have Russia, you have China, and then they say you know what Iran you guys are. You know you're trying to build a nuke bomb possibly and develop your nuclear. We're going to let you in our conference here because you're an oil producer too. So there's an alliance going on.

Speaker 2:

That's never happened in my lifetime, obviously, and it's kind of an interesting development when you see that. I mean, again, I don't want to get into, you know political, directing people politically, but there was an interview on Fox by Brett Baer and he interviewed the Prince of Saudi Arabia and I don't know if your viewers actually saw that, but this guy was like we're building up Saudi Arabia and we got more money than they know what to do with. And here we had President Biden just do an, arrange a deal that they're going to help finance building a rail system from Saudi Arabia through the Middle East to get the India and I was like Saudi Arabia's got. They could build this thing tomorrow if they wanted to, and what about the rail in the United States?

Speaker 1:

Have you been on an Amtrak recently? Their pieces.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so we have a private financier who helped build the Brightline Express rail here in Florida. Not the US government, it's a private fund that helped build that rail system. And in the rail system in the United States I'm pretty sure all your viewers have heard we've had a few rail incidents. We've got Pete Buttigieg, our transfer secretary. We have a thousand rail crashes a year. It's common, can't we help build that better?

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, it's kind of a weird thing how we are seeing things in the world change and yet we're being sold. America's great and I mean God bless America and I mean that and I think that America values. Something is changing and I don't know why, but you can clearly see connecting dots and go through all these websites and some of the information that you've provided your listeners to today. Listening to Janet Yellen, they may never have seen that report. How do you say that running your deficit, spending more than you take in, is responsible right now? I mean these are little things that may add up down the future and I just say, if you want to say, is anything changing?

Speaker 2:

Look at this video or this interview that you did today and people, so all the topics that we covered you'd say, gee, none of that stuff has happened in the last, didn't happen in the 70s, the 80s, the 90s, 2000. None of that happened in 2015. Why, all of a sudden, in 2023, are all of these things changing? And then I think maybe you have to admit something's turning the boat a little bit here. That's all.

Speaker 1:

Right and with your fund, with this type of environment of uncertainty, what type of sectors or safe havens are you guys looking at to protect yourself from this type of volatility?

Speaker 2:

So there's a few things I look at the. There's one is a tradable ETF. It's a little, it's dicey. It's called the VXX. It's a volatility exchange traded note.

Speaker 2:

I do a lot of options on put options and put spreads with the spider I also put. Believe it or not, I actually bought in March when we had long Silicon I was going to say long term capital management when we had Silicon Valley Bank go under. I looked at T bills and the six month bill was giving five point. I got 5.02 on a six month bill that matured August 24th. Last week I rolled into a three month T bill and the maturity date was it's December 21st. So I put a lot of my money, about 40% of my cash of my client, my fund, into short term bills. I don't want to be locked out but I don't want to be locked in too long term and I think that having quick those types of rates of returns on T bills I do believe will still be paid out. So I hedge myself and then also I buy things that I think are right now super, super value and I'm not totally bearish the world and the economy for the next six months.

Speaker 2:

There's still a lot of cash out there. People. Still, we have a lifestyles. I think things are changing on a political landscape that we have to be paying attention down the road. But in between now and Christmas I'm not as bearish the market. I think there's certain areas of the market I like and I'll say people will still shop for Christmas, kids will have toys under the tree. So there's, even if you're struggling financially, there's a company called Target that does still this thing called Layaways Target's. Really it's gotten beat up and they had a bad PR situation over the summer with the whole bathing suit thing. Target's probably got another 2%, 3% to the downside and I think you can pick some up there for a nice trade. I'm not a big fan of energy. Right now. I think something's going on with energy. I'm not in any, I don't have any energy exposure whatsoever and I did.

Speaker 1:

Energy prices are going down and it was already low, so do you have any clues as to why?

Speaker 2:

I think what happened was the OPEC, and this might be something that's played off with.

Speaker 2:

Remember, we never know what's going on. There's always a smoke screen. We're helping Saudi Arabia build a rail system and at the OPEC plus meeting they voted not to increase or alter any production cuts. We saw, and maybe your viewers didn't know this, but we went from Tuesday, let's say, two in the morning, european session crude futures were trading at $95.13 a barrel, $95 on Tuesday or Monday night. We went to 82 and changed today, monday, Tuesday, wednesday, thursday in less than 79 hours. That's a huge downside move.

Speaker 2:

What we need to see is what we also see is we don't put crude oil in our car. What we put in our car is reformulated blend gasoline and we look at heating oil futures. Now you'd say, well, john, people don't use heating oil. No, but heating oil is kind of a close derivative of diesel fuel. If diesel fuel prices come down, if reformulated blend prices come down, the Federal Reserve may be able to give an excuse to say we're not going to raise rates, and they can help the US government by not raising rates temporarily get through, maybe staving off some kind of a default, maybe some kind of a, because we have to restructure a lot of the debt.

Speaker 2:

The United States is in a lot of debt. We have to pay that debt. We're not paying that debt at 2% yields. We're paying that debt at 5%, 5.5%. I think there's something going on Again. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm just a realist. All of a sudden this happened and now all we've got is Speaker McCarthy issue with the Republicans. We've got a kick the can down the road of our budget. All of a sudden, crudewell comes down. Somebody, I think, made a phone call. I'm just saying that out loud. Yeah, good point. It's hard to figure out.

Speaker 1:

Like you said, there's a smoke screen. We don't have all the answers, but you can notice when these things happen and they seem to be coordinated. There might be a connection, I guess. Sometimes, when something's down, you think, hey, it's an opportunity to buy. Then again you might need some more information to make that decision. We've run out of time. Where can people go to connect with you? Linkedin? What was the way that? Do you want people to learn about your fund?

Speaker 2:

You can just go straight to personsplanetcom. I've written a bunch of some books. We have indicators that are on Charles Schwab's platform. We've developed Sean.

Speaker 2:

I just would like to offer people this If you think you're missing money, it's hard to get your losses back quickly, but people want to make money fast. I think in my 40 years of trading in the markets you make gains over a period of time Base hits. You get home runs every once in a while. If you're extremely bearish, the market wait a day. If you're extremely bullish, the market wait a day. Never go all in and say I got to get in, I'm missing something. Scaling in over time. Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

If I could offer any more advice to your audience be diversified. There's a lot of great things that you could do. I personally own a little bit of silver and gold physically in the house. Now I'm not going to give you my address. I was probably stupid. I don't call it run money, but I want, in case no one ever remembers this, back when we had 9-11, people running out the banks. Cash was inaccessible. A lot of ATMs were people making a run. I think you need a little bit of cash, you need something, and you have to have money invested in the market and be smart about it. That's my advice. I thank you for letting me come on your show. I hope I didn't put fear of God in panic. There's things that people need to do and do their own due diligence and go straight to the sources. They may not realize that. I hope we helped educate people today on that.

Speaker 1:

No, Absolutely, John. I think there's some common sense principles for people to follow. Although we're not giving financial advice, it's just to make sure to protect people from getting a little bit impulsive with their investing. Thank you, John. We'll put a link below for a person's planet and people can check out the resources there. God bless you.