The Sean Morgan Report

Breaking History Ep 17: The Anglo Roots of the Israeli Holy War

Sean Morgan

Sean Morgan quizzes historian Matt Ehret about breaking news headlines in the context of suppressed history.
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Speaker 1:

all the NATO cage voted predominantly against the ceasefire. I mean 14 countries of all the countries in the world. That's a very small number, but they're very influential countries that said no to the generally very reasonable call for a ceasefire. End of the killing. Let's force a dialogue to happen. Get the belligerence into the same room to have a conversation. Release hostages that's a big part of it. Release the hostages right, you could get all the hostages released if you just have the ceasefire Now.

Speaker 1:

Israel, the USA, canada, a variety of Western European nations that are under the umbrella of NATO and it's a very, very heavy iron umbrella that you can't, you're not really allowed to leave and the Five Eyes voted against. 46 nations abstained. The rest of the world pretty much said yeah, we should be doing this. But despite that, there's this weird fanatical fervor within the leadership of the United States which seems to be doubling down on this idea that whatever Israel does has to be supported. And there's this convergence of people on the left, on the right, who are in opposition on every point that comes up, every single issue, the abortion or whatever. They're in total diametric opposition, but on this issue we see a disturbing convergence, as you crane right.

Speaker 2:

The Republicans and then Democrats could only agree on one thing, which is war. This has some parallels also where Russia was showing a willingness to go to the negotiating table to do ceasefire, to talk diplomacy you know all those things that supposedly democratic countries believe in so much and yet there was such a lack of willingness from the NATO group to do that with the Ukraine conflict, even though they're losing. You would think if you were a loser you'd wanna go to the negotiating table, get the best deal you could get. And yet we're in the same boat here with the. You mentioned before the show that the Prime Minister of Israel is saying that a ceasefire means they're capitulating to a Hamas victory, and you thought that was an insane type of proposition to put out there.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's absolutely insane under I mean on a number of levels but the idea of simply saying we're gonna stop killing, which is killing, and Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli forces who are carrying out the attacks that have been underway since as a response to the original invasion of Hamas and the kidnapping of many Israeli people on October 7th, which we've discussed in previous shows, was likely an inside job. I mean, the evidence points loudly to the fact that Israel had foreign knowledge. They let it happen. In many ways, their response has been aerial bombardments, white phosphorus, which is a war crime. That's been proven. They've been using white phosphorus, which never stops burning. It kills, mostly innocents. They've killed well over 8,500 people, according to official estimates so far. They know that they're not killing Hamas soldiers. The vast majority of people that they're killing are innocents.

Speaker 1:

The tunnel systems under the Gaza have been built up over decades and decades and decades. That's where the Hamas soldiers are operating is in the tunnel system, which is not getting affected by the aerial bombardments. What is getting it affected are destroying residential buildings, schools, hospitals, something like 35 different medical, medical I forget the word for it. There's been some big hospitals, but a lot of the smaller ones are managed by, like UN officials, un aid workers. Something like 24 UN aid workers have been killed by the Israeli attacks. Something like 3,000 children have been killed. They know that they're building, they're creating only a destructive hate against them through the entire Arab world and beyond. They know that that's the effect, and yet they're doing it anyway. And yet, when the opportunity to have a ceasefire simply stopped the killing, get the hostages released, which you say. This is all about releasing the hostages. That's what the excuse has been to bomb the Gaza. All of a sudden, it's like no, no, no, no. That will be like against God's will, almost, that we do this.

Speaker 2:

Well then, what do you think? Let's separate rhetoric from the actions here. What is Israel's military, political and maybe even religious and ideological goal here with this territory? Are they trying to just is it a depopulation, genocide type of thing Get rid of the people who are alive there? Are they trying to get rid of all the infrastructure so there's nothing left to live there? Are they? Do they wanna occupy that territory, rebuild in whatever way they see fit? Do they want to even gain territory beyond the territory of Gaza? You know we're looking at maps that maybe they're even going over the boundaries here into other territory. What's their ultimate goal, do you think?

Speaker 1:

Well, I think the ultimate goal of those currently waging the airstrikes, who are saying no to the UN resolutions, the people around Benjamin Netanyahu, who is defense minister, is those who have the current power, who don't represent the Israeli people. Again, like there's massive anti-government protests all over Israel by the people living there, who, by and large, understand that their interests are being threatened by the current administration's fanatical ideology to take the path it's taking. But I think that those who are around Netanyahu believe in a greater Israel. They believe in the in, not just the idea that it is God's will to have this land that they currently live in completely purged of the Arabs who had been living there for well over, I mean, a thousand years, 2,000 years. The idea is to purge them.

Speaker 1:

But then, yeah, as you pointed out, the greater Israel ideologues believe that the borders of Israel are ultimately meant to be much larger than they are today by a large measure. I mean we're talking here, I mean we have Syria would be part of greater Israel. A big chunk of Iraq, a big chunk of Turkey, a big all of Jordan, about half of Egypt, would all be destined according to the plans that were put forth by Jabotinsky Rabbi Cook, the head of the lead rabbi under British mandate. Palestine, who created the radical Yeshivas that produced these ideologues like Netanyahu. They want something that can't happen. I mean, you can't get that.

Speaker 2:

Right, you'd have to go to war with about five different countries there, but it seems like that might even be the plan. That's crazy, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, and I mean I had a look at the. Have you looked at the Richard Perle 1996 clean break doctrine? It's a fascinating one. It was commissioned as soon as Yitzhak Rabin was killed. Richard Perle and Wolfowitz, who were part of the new project for New American Century, and all these neocons all converged in this think tank that they put into motion at this exact moment. Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated as he was preparing, with airfat, to solidify the two-state solution, restore back the pre-1967 borders of Israel and Palestine, but do that with economic development projects. That was cut down because Yitzhak was assassinated by a radical Zionist from Israel who thought that any capitulation to the Arabs was against God's will. So he had to go on Jihad, kill his own Israeli prime minister.

Speaker 1:

As soon as that happened, benjamin Netanyahu got his first hand on the wheel as prime minister of Israel, and Wolfowitz and Richard Perle drafted a document called Clean Break A Strategy for Securing the Realm, and you can go into this thing. There's been a lot of effort to scrub this from the internet, but it's still something one can find where it calls for essentially how to, what Israel needs to do with the backing of the new neoconservative administration that was preparing the groundwork of 9-11. They were already setting in the motion the new Pearl Harbor that they wanted to create to have an excuse to send full US military might into the Middle East as part of a new regime change program. And it calls for overthrowing Iraq, overthrowing Syria, overthrowing Lebanon, overthrowing Iran with an Israeli Zionist neocon collusion, the securing of Israel in a purged zone. That would be much, much safer, it says in the white paper, than it could have ever have happened. And a big part of that is the attack on Iran. They need to, because Iran is the world's fourth biggest military power. It was under straight.

Speaker 2:

I think they're kind of off the radar for the average American citizen. They don't realize the population, the oil, wealth, the historic significance, all the things that make Iran more powerful than we realize.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, it's really. People think of it as like another Iraq and it no. It's not that at all. It's a much more integrated, economically advanced country and the sanctions that they've been under since the ousting of the Shah back in the 70s have, especially since the 90s and after 2000,. Forced them to become really sovereign in terms of their capacity, their control of their supply chains, their building up relations of Eurasian partners, even to the point that today they have special security, energy and economic cooperation agreements.

Speaker 1:

But security is the big one for this discussion with China and with Russia. That was solidified just over the last three years in both cases. So you have these very important security packs, which is different from what it was back when Richard Perle was writing this clean break doctrine for Netanyahu in the 90s, when you had a very, very weak China, a very, very weak Russia that had been destroyed under Perestroika and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, right when the CIA actually had offices in the Kremlin. They had offices in the major defense buildings of Russia in the 90s, controlling the Russian military arsenal. The nuclear arsenal was under the control of the CIA.

Speaker 1:

In the 90s we privatized, we got our puppets like Yitzhakar Boris Yeltsin to privatize the entire Russian economy. So we had Western directed puppets controlled, becoming a new generation of billionaires. That made Russia very weak and they were all and they did the same thing to China was very weak too. But now and this is where Zbigniew Brzezinski said something that Biden laughed at in 1998. Biden actually has a video there's a video footage I could set it to you of Biden's basically joking saying you know, I was told that by one of my Russian counterparts after he got back from Moscow that if you're not more gentle with Russia, we might find new alliances with China and Russia. He says, yeah, good luck to you on that 1999.

Speaker 2:

That didn't age well, no, that age terribly.

Speaker 1:

And Zbigniew was more clear-minded, zbigniew Brzezinski, who had orchestrated so much of this. He's the one who brought in the original batch of neocons with Rumsfeld and Cheney and Richard Perl and Woolfowitz back in the 70s under Gerald Ford and Carter right. He brought them in Originally. He's the one who was writing in 1997 in the Grand Chess Board that the only thing that could threaten a new world order that was being proclaimed as the end of history in 1992 with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, was a potential alliance of Iran, china and Russia. And again he was saying it. He didn't necessarily believe it could happen, but he was like that's the only possible thing I could imagine that could threaten this game plan.

Speaker 2:

But look what they've done. They've forced them into each other's arms at this point, and that's what we see playing out, and we were talking before the show about how we've got this. The economic alliances of the BRICS supposedly nothing to do with military agreements, with that, but it is the Russia, China, India, Iran, almost the rest of the whole world besides the NATO cage, the USA proxies. So this is playing out economically, it's playing out militarily now, and so you know this is a good time to take a quick break. Talk about some of the people that are helping badlands. Keep going here. We've got Goldcoe. We got to talk about them.

Speaker 2:

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Speaker 3:

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Speaker 2:

Matt, let's talk about the Congress people who voted for and voted against this Israeli military aid package. When we got the new Speaker of the House pro-Trump guy, first thing he did, as the Speaker, was stand with Israel, and this is something all the Democrats got behind as well. So we only had Thomas Massey, libertarian Republican, voted against it because he doesn't want to vote for any type of military aid package for any country. It's a principle thing. And then you have AOC and the squad voting against it as well because they stand with Palestine. So this is an interesting thing where the radical Democrats are on the other side on this issue. So what does that tell you, when all the Republicans and all the Democrats agree on this?

Speaker 1:

Usually when you get something like that happening. I mean, there's the thing If you have a good culture, a good healthy, moral culture, that's a fine thing. You want to get the collusion of people on all sides of the political aisle to agree on points of principle, though they disagree in differences. When you have a culture that becomes corrupt and stupid and stupid becomes normal and that goes on for too many decades, as our case is, it's usually a sign that something really bad is happening. When something becomes popular and convergence of all voices usually yeah, it means that there's something terrible. So I think in this case-.

Speaker 2:

But doesn't Congress believe in supporting Israel even more than the average American citizen? And what are the beliefs that the average, say, evangelical American has about Israel that causes them to support this war?

Speaker 1:

That's a loaded one man, I mean. I think that there's a lot of contradictions, walking contradictions inside of the American and Western psyche right now. We are generally Christian society, but not all Christians, just like not all Jews, not all Muslims, are the exact same thing. Right, there's many denominations of all of these faiths. Many points of difference exist between how do we read, what philosophical setting do we have in our minds as we read various texts. Various texts in the Quran and the Torah, in the Bible, new Testament, have metaphorical language to them. Jesus spoke in metaphor. There's a poetry to a lot of this.

Speaker 1:

Now certain groups, certain philosophical matrices, will say this is how one should read this chapter or this chapter or this, or one should be more literalist or one should be whatever. In the case of the American people, there's not one size fits all, but there's a general tendency to read the Bible in such a manner that presumes and you could listen to John Hagee or Benny Hinn or a lot of the popular televangelists on Vision TV or other things that have been really, really promoted and get millions and millions and millions of views Many of these people obviously tend to veer towards a more conservative stance. Obviously, the particular interpretation tends to lend itself towards a new, something new that emerged in the 19th century called rapture eschatology, and this is a big one that came out of the Anglican church originally, so the Anglicans, which presume that the sitting monarch is the head of the church. Originally, it was King Henry VIII who wanted a divorce, so he made his own church so that he could have sex with Anne Boleyn and divorce Catherine of Aragon. He was convinced by a cabalist, black magician from Venice called Francesco Zorzi, from a high-level Venetian family, who became a bit of a counselor to Henry VIII in the 1820s, 1830s sorry, 1520s, 1530s who said look, the only solution is create your own church. And it's like that wasn't the only solution. First of all, there have been many kings before that who divorced their wives. They're the king, you could do whatever you want. You're the king, you make the rules. But no, his solution that Zorzi the cabalist proposed from Venice was make your own church, splinter it even further after the splintering had already begun and religious wars had already started. He's like do it again.

Speaker 1:

The same year 1534, that Thomas Moore is getting his head shot off because Thomas Moore is against it, the prime minister of England and the same year that the Jesuits are also being created, has a, an operation from venice, and, for those who don't know, webster tarplay did amazing work.

Speaker 1:

Research, that's the gold standard I see on the, the venetian role in creating the jesuit.

Speaker 1:

Back this period, where I'm not a slow, yola was a, a traumatized mercenary who went through a spiritual crisis, was trying to go for a pilgrimage, to raise money to go to the holy land, to go to jesus, and he found himself in venice and saint marc square, in a, and a venetian oligarch woke up, as, as the story is told, from a vision, with an angel who came to him in his bedroom saying how could you be sleeping in this comfort of luxury when you have a holy man, the holiest of men, outside in the rain?

Speaker 1:

And he went outside and found ignatious loyalists, smelly and dirty, and he brought him in and cleaned him up and took him to the doge, the highest sort of like the king of venice, and took him to the doge, and the doge was so moved by loyalist story that he paid for his pilgrimage to the holy land and gave him the money and the resources and eventually he used that to, to to found a new sect of christian mercenaries with a a right of initiation. Secret hierarchy inside. That would pretty all of us.

Speaker 2:

So we're seeing for hundreds of years how these oligarchs and and these powerful players in the global stage had been mixing religion and government and the ideology together for their own means of accumulating more power yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I'm saying that to get people to appreciate how many of the, the religious movements that we take for granted, don't emerge organically, but many of them have emerged through the influence of intelligence, political intelligence, operations that are highly tied to the, to the occult, that utilize often things like uh, cabalistic methods of self-brainwashing, which is what zorzi was a master of. That's a big part of the renovation of free masonry and rosa crucianism that that is always he put into motion as he created the basis of rosa crucianism that grew into the hellfire club, the united grand lodge of british masonry, which is sort of the master lodge that runs the scottish right in america, which is sort of the, the right that was created by albert pike, the creator of the kkk, the, the right that jayard grohoover was a devoted 33rd degree member of throughout his entire life. The fbi is a generally a free masonic scottish right group but it's it's a sister lodge or a junior lodge to the broader uh united grand lodge in uh in london and this came out of the zorzi cabalistic line. This is also so. I'm saying this to get across that you had both the jesuit creation in that same year that the, the anglican church was created with the right around the same venetian operation to split, splinter and to create these controlled opposition groups. It's all about controlling creating dual opposition groups, right that that will. That will force a polarization and get people to fight over something that will undermine their actual interests, kind of like.

Speaker 1:

Let's take a moment back here, jump to the present. Why did israel create hamas with the american intelligence back in 1987 with the first intifada? When hamas exists for the purpose of exterminating israel, it's one. It makes you wonder. Why did israeli intelligence as chaz freeman, the former us ambassador to saudi arabia, he pointed out very eloquently it was, and he's not alone, it was israeli and american intelligence that created hamas, which is anti. So that's a paradox. Why would they do that? Well, similarly, why did british intelligence with the israelis, uh, create and train the palestinian authority, which is in the west bank, that's, the dominant political structure of the west bank, and this is the. There's the electronic intifada that released a number of internal documents proving that that's the case, that the adam smith institute, which is a contractor for mi6, has been training pia palestinian authority officials to go in and clamp down on resistance fighters within palestine who would be um, so that this is a generally pro-american, pro-israel faction.

Speaker 1:

Why did this happen? Well, you created this to destroy, as ron paul made the point, to destroy the, the constructive thinking of yasser arifat, who was the head of the palestinian liberation organization and who wanted it was a more secular approach to trying to find constructive dialogue with the israelis, which manifested in the discussions that were happening with the oslo accords, the economic development uh discussions with yitzhakar bin yosi, beilin uh, shimon pares back in the 90s. That's what arifat was doing. That's what they wanted to destroy. So create a more radicalized, religiously fanatic grouping of hamas, create a more uh establishment pro-israel grouping of the palestinian authority, get the, polarize it and then get people and then undermine the more reasonable groupings. In this case, it was arifat back then. It was people like thomas more, erasmus, who were trying to take a more principled approach to dealing with the, the oligarchy back in the in the 16th century, which was always manipulating people in the shadows, and they had to kill um thomas more for that.

Speaker 1:

And and if you look at like, where does a lot of the rapture movement that really permeated the united states? Where did it come from? It came from um anglican operatives like john nelson darby, who is a british um. I think he was a Satanist, frankly I. He created the, the Plymouth Brethren in the UK that gave rise to Alistair Crowley. He grew out of a Plymouth Brethren Church group. It was built upon a sort of mystery sect system In the in the 1830s.

Speaker 1:

Well, right after he did that, he went toward the USA six times before and during and after the Civil War, and Set up these different branches across the US that interpreted Thessalonians Paul's letters to Thessalonians from a very particular standpoint, that Gave rise to the current interpretation of rapturism. The Schofield Bible the Schofield Bible that was published in 1908 by these same Anglican groups in America, pushing for an Anglo-American divine special relationship. That's what the whole thing was. It was like at the heart of Pentecostalism because that's where this grew out of was the drive by by people around Schofield, the Darbyites, to promote this concept that God wills that the, the Americans and the British unite in a divine mission Right right sounds like the Americans in the Israelis uniting in a divine mission, which is a similar narrative that's being put out there by these televangelists, and to me it's a bit hokey.

Speaker 2:

You know, to have the Israeli flag and to have these, these, these charlatans, you know just beating the pulpits with these types of warmongering type of statements and trying to rationalize it biblically, and it's become very mainstream. And I compared a lot to the anti-russian type of brainwashing that we've had, because you know, to get the whole United States population against Russia, the USSR during the Cold War involved a lot of propaganda, you know talking about every James Bond movie had a Russian villain, right, yeah, so you have a whole generation, multiple generations, of Americans who don't like Russia, don't trust Russia or anything that's Russian. And so, of course, now that we've got a modern Russia that's different from the past, that that it's still the boogeyman for the Democratic Party, that the scapegoat for everything, and now all the Americans are seeing Russia through that lens rather than through more of a realistic and time relevant lens. And now it's a similar thing with with Israel that I'm seeing with a lot of people of the same Generation, the baby boomer generation, which is a very big population group, very powerful because they have the money and they have the positions of power, and Yet they've grown up with the same type of programming that Israel is the victim. It's a biblical destiny for America to aid Israel.

Speaker 2:

That anyone who's Arab you know, on a different side that's is a terrorist. They use this word terrorist to lump anyone who's against Israel, whatever, and so the whole 9-11, cyop was basically also to get Americans to think that anyone who wears a turban, anyone who wears a, a cloth, headdress, anyone who's Muslim, is a terrorist, you know. And so it's very difficult for I think, for the older generation it's interesting because a lot of the younger generation is actually anti Israel. So so you get like the AOC and the squad is anti Israel, and then the, the older generation, is pro Israel. But. But like we've said in the past, this type of tribalism and this type of like a very Polarizing and pro-war type of stance is very unhealthy. So anything else you want to say about this, this idea of this being very Religiously ideological, it's a holy war for the holy land, and how that could play out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean some people might accuse me of being maybe a little repetitive or something, but I think it's important to be just reminded, to be self-aware of the subtle spells, hypnotic spells that are transgenerational, that shape the matrix in which we were born. We have to because if you want to Deal with the reality of living in an oligarchally influenced world, which all of humanity has always been influenced by, a high priesthood of oligarchs representing old families, that's not taught in our popular textbooks, right? That's not generally. That's not generally acceptable opinions, but it's fact, it's still true, and the founding fathers understood this much better than our current generation of Canadians and Americans understand this. That's how they were able to navigate through the minefield of British intelligence, which was not less sophisticated back then, and that it is today.

Speaker 2:

It's just that we actually have almost an oligarch worship in American culture, where the Rockefellers and the Kennedys and these powerful dynasties and families are revered, and now we've got these tech Tech oligarchs who are like the kind of beacons of this is what? If you work hard and you drop out of college and you pursue your idea, then someday you could be like Mark Zuckerberg, steve Jobs, bill Gates, jeff Bezos.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, yeah, and if you have a High-level family member in the military industrial complex committed to depopulation, you might get lucky and be a cardboard cutout selected to To sell some sort of a product.

Speaker 1:

That's that's gonna brainwash people.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I know they've created this mystique, this, it's really a Propaganda operation where we've been led to believe that these are all just these, these unique, brilliant people that came out of their garages and we forget the fact that no, these are cardboard cutouts, selected and used and ultimately disposable, ultimate, at the end of the day, to advance things that normally people would be unwilling to accept.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, ibm Systems in their home as computer operating systems, which is why Microsoft had to be created in the first place, because IBM was still too Associated with the Nazis back in the 70s, when people still had a bit more understanding of their history. They're like no, I won't rest. I don't necessarily want to trust IBM to be in every home. You know, surveilling me. So, all that to say, it's good to be sort of, to take a step back and see how we over we have an unhealthy relationship with this elite idea. Now, in the case of what we were talking about, with the, the tendency, the ironical tendency of many conservative Christians to support Israel. It regardless of what type of injustice is done by.

Speaker 2:

There doesn't seem to be any type of boundary, doesn't matter what the state of Israel, what kind of inhumane. No thing they would do, any type of atrocity, there's literally nothing they could do. Yeah would cause a, an ideological American Christian, to say you know what? At this point I'm not gonna side with this, yeah, state of Israel.

Speaker 1:

I'm not so comfortable with this. Yeah, well, part of this and you got to listen to I listen sometimes to John Hage Was these giant football stadiums full of people you know listening to his sermons and you know you recently had Ted Cruz Cruz on the stage with him and they were effectively calling for war with Iran, as he was doing back in the 90s. The, the great axis of Eagle evil that would, you know, manifest. Finally, the prophecies from 2000 years ago of the battle of of Megiddo finally taking place and Gog and Magog and Russia is the, is the Gog and and and finally it's here. You know Now, the Darbyites keep in mind we're also talking about this back when Russia was also targeted for destruction back at the 1850s with the Crimean War, that that was how they were interpreting the end times before the US Civil War. You know, megiddo, the Bible, megiddo was was interpreted.

Speaker 2:

Isn't that convenient? The the way war propagandists interpret the Bible for their plans.

Speaker 1:

Yes, there, every time things go bad in society and people go through economic scarcity, there's a financial depression, under resurgence of wars, there's always going, there is always and always has been, a massive spike of Eschatological aka end times cults that always grow always. It's always the case that interpret like now is the time, now is the end time, in whatever Torah, quran, bible, language or books that I'm using that talk about and end times, now, that now is the moment. Because you know it's a bit of an arrogant thing in my mind, but that's, that's what John Hagee really exemplifies. And so there's a a bit of an ironic Antisemitism that John Hagee would not admit to having had. Because what are they? What are these People who promoted Dick Cheney and the rise of the neocons and the unquestioning support of the war on terror? You know you're with us or with terrorists? Yeah, of course we're against terrorists. Let's, let's support, you know, bombing the hell out of the, the countries that had nothing to do with 9-11, that whole grouping. They actually kind of want to see Armageddon.

Speaker 2:

They kind of want that nuclear war to happen, they don't row seats for their their big you know. Yeah, so they have in their mind exactly.

Speaker 1:

It's a movie and and so Part of it is they. They want things that will result in the mass extermination of Jews. They've got a view that the Jews now, because we're going to usher in the apocalypse of John and and the book of Daniel will manifest at all. Now the Christ, now Christ will come back with if we do that, and at which point all of the dead Jews will now become Christian and In in, you know the in paradise. That's insane, I'm sorry. In my view, that's. That is nuts.

Speaker 1:

It's sad yeah sad, because you're basically saying that we're gonna exterminate all the people. And keep in mind too, the reason why the Jews were all, the reason why they were convinced to all go to this very volatile region in the desert in the first place, was because you had a bunch of pro-fascist Anti-Semites like Lord Balfour, like Lloyd George, like Lord Milner, who despised the Jews, like Darby actually was an anti-Semite, but they all Wanted to. Lord Shaftisbury, the British Anglican, who was the first sort of Zionist, who founded modern Zionism in the 1830s with Darby who proselytized, sent out missionaries into Eastern Europe and into Russia to try to convince the Jews that they want to leave Europe, can go to the the desert. That that guy. They're all anti-semites. They wanted a world purged of Jews, but yet they devoted so much of their time and energy to creating a movement For a homeland. They did purge the Jews from Europe. They did. They did a great job. They did more than Hitler could have dreams that and that's actually there's. That's a whole side conversation. But and and so these same groupings are also promoting Through, the same occult groups like that are working through the Akrona.

Speaker 1:

Like I mentioned, zeregei Zubatov, who is the head of the Ocarina, radical anti-semite in Russia. That's the Russian secret police. He's also promoting the protocols of Zion. Right, the, the forge documents that are just retooled, documents that took language from a Satire essay from 30 years earlier. Um called a discourse between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, and then you could see that this, this original document from the From the 1860s, that they just took the same language, retooled it to make it a Jewish cabal instead of another kind of cabal. And then they they put this out there into the Russian courts to convince the czar Nicholas the second To purge all of his advisors who were working with the American system school of Abraham Lincoln, charles Sumner's, william Seward, william Gilpin, all these American Grand strategists who had understood the nature of the British global intrigue system we're working with patriots in Russia and who had to be blamed or labeled as Jewish Puppets trying to destroy Russia. And look, we got the protocols to prove it. So Zubatov, who's an anti-semite, promoting the protocols of Zion, destroying the, the pro development, pro industrial movement in Russia, right, that gets that works.

Speaker 1:

The Stupid czar Nicholas the second actually does fire these people. Like Sergei Vita, who's at a pro-American Finance minister, he's fired now all of a sudden. He has no good advisors, he starts misstepping left and right, doubling down on things that lead into the Bolshevik Revolution, which is another trap set for Russia to destroy them by by Clamping down on on Jews, creating Jewish pogroms, forcing Jews into little ghettos in Russia that they're not allowed to leave, having rioters go into Jewish neighborhoods, killing Jews in the 1890s because the protocols are now like you know the proof. And and then Zubatov is also working with Jabotinsky. Jabotinsky is the, the leading political Zionist, very violent figure, working with Rabbi Cook to bring all of the Jews into into Zion, into Jerusalem, and Carry out jihad against those who are already living there. And there's massive atrocities by Jabotinsky's mercenaries, supported by the British. And Then, inversely, the British are also supporting radical factions of Islamic sects around the Salafiists, who are being supported and this becomes the Muslim Brotherhood, who then carry out these eye for an eye Conflicts resulting in these forever hostilities. But the that's what the current Christians who are supporting this whole holy war end times, rapture theology. They're ultimately promoting the mass murder and extermination of the Jews that they say they love so much and themselves. Frankly, because when you release that type of conflict, we don't know what's gonna happen if you, israel has something like at least 300 nuclear weapons, possibly a lot more.

Speaker 1:

Right is the is the US. Lindsey Graham is saying that we need to strike Iran now. If Iran comes in, if you start striking Iran, and Israel's already Attacking Syria. They're already attacking Lebanon. You know you got strikes from from Hama, from Hezbollah, into northern Gaza as well, into into Israel Not Gaza story into Israel. You got a ground invasion, but Israel's attacking all of these other Arab states around them. You got, you know, these neocons frothing at the mouth saying now's our time To strike Iran. Iran is sitting there. They've been very, very withholding and keeping themselves, despite the amounts of hundreds of their leaders and scientists getting assassinated by Anglo-American and British intelligence over the past 20 years. They have withheld quite a bit. It's incredible how much withholding they've done.

Speaker 2:

It is kind of interesting because I remember Decade, two decades ago, you know, the comments of wiping Israel off the map were just repeated on, you know, cnn a million times to try to take, get it into Americans minds is that Iran wants to destroy Israel and that that's the only way that they they view Israel is is by, you know, wiping it off the map. And yet we haven't heard a peep, you know, out of Iran. You know, at least I haven't looked into it and it hasn't been published in the USA Mainstream media as far as I know. So that that is interesting. And maybe they're holding their, their cards close right now to see how things play out. And, you know, seems like Russia and China and some of the major countries who are calling for the ceasefire Are trying to be diplomatic, right, I mean, this is, this is like the Ukraine conflict, where it seems like there there is a contingent of the majority of the countries of the world want peace, want diplomacy, and yet it is that NATO cage as you you called it, the USA and its proxies, yeah, and you've talked about in the past, you've talked about the Anglo roots of power and how the, the British Intelligence and the British power structures use the USA as a dumb giant, that the military power to achieve its means.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, and some, some people would even interpret that and maybe, maybe this is very closely connected. The Israel Uses the United States as its dumb giant. You know that you have the Israel lobby right that donates a lot to American politicians. Then they maybe feel like they own those politicians, oh yeah, and then those politicians vote to send huge aid packages. Billy, we're talking billions of dollars. I mean, does America give as much money to any other country in the world? Oh, no, so so then who works for who? Who's really more powerful?

Speaker 2:

Master or the puppet. So so that's a great question. Is there a connection here between the Anglo controllers and the Israeli controllers?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it's a way of getting to two idiots to Serve a higher power that ultimately wants to destroy both idiots. So what they did, if you look at, we already went through in previous shows the British creation of Israel. Right, we already. We already went through that. People can watch our previous episodes if they want to. So the British created Israel out of British Mandate Palestine. They're the ones who created the whole movement to begin with, with the help of their pilgrim society, anglo-american collaborators in the fifth column operations within the United States that took over control of foreign policy over the dead body of William McKinley, murdered in 1901, and continued to grow. They created the, the council on foreign relation right is the American branch of the British Roundtable Woman created by or steered by Lord Milner, who is also the co-writer of the Belfort courts. So you had this whole Takeover that is increasingly happening over the dead bodies of many presidents willy, warren, harding, franklin Roosevelt. Many of Roosevelt's allies are purged, many are killed who are very high-level people the former district, or the man who is going to become district attorney and fire Hoover, friend of Roosevelt, is killed in 1932. Many, many, many a JFK right. So what's happening? You have, once Israel is created a day later, british.

Speaker 1:

The British give up their mandate on Palestine. Now it's Israel. Part of it involves the creation of Israel and the UN security. The UN resolution that creates Israel also demands the creation of Palestine. Only half of that, that rule is followed. Israel, not Palestine. Palestine's never, never, allowed to see the table. They're never recognized as a nation as Israel is. So that's illegal, but they do it anyway.

Speaker 1:

So then you have the Mossad is created after Shin Bet, which is Israeli intelligence. That's a convergence of a variety the the Haganah party and other the Haganah movement. Other things are convergent to an Israeli intelligence operation With Shin Bet, the IDL. But then you have in 1950, mossad. Mossad is created by the CIA. But the CIA was created after the purge of the OSS, you're right. So the OSS is purged in 1946, september. Now, that's what. What has Sorry? 1945, september by Truman. This is where you have bad people in the OSS, but you have a lot of good people in the OSS, a lot of people who really understand British imperial Wall Street Grant strategy for fascism. They get it, their purge. The only the evil ones, like Alan Dellister, kept, takes two years to reorganize the British help under the new Anglo-American Special relationship that Churchill announces the same day, they create the five eyes. Or what becomes the five eyes? The US, you, uk, usa Signals Agreement in 1946, may, may 6, same day as the Iron Curtain speech, same day as the Anglo-American special relationship. It and and my six now is all over Washington. The Rhodes scholars, the Fabians who are there in the wings in the State Department, now take Control under Truman. They're working now to create a new intelligence apparatus which Truman, the young proto, george Bush Jr, idiot overseas, he supports. Now it's created, it's called the CIA, but the CIA is not American. By and large it's a foreign agency in America with good people sometimes in it, but overall it's foreign directed. This is then what is used, this Anglo-American thing to create Mossad.

Speaker 1:

The ADL grew out of the Ben Eye breath. The Ben Eye breath goes back to the 1850s as the sort of Jewish branch of the Metzene, palmerston, young Europe. You know, young Turk, young Albania, young German, young French, young America movements. Albert Pike was the head of the southern branch of the young America Freemasonic group. This, this is the weaponization of people for the sake of Overthrowing governments. You don't like to create geopolitical effects that are beneficial to the British Empire, which is itself operating through these Masonic front groups. That's what the Ben Eye breath comes out of. It's a freemasonic front group with a lot of freemason. They will deny it, but it's. It's demonstrable that this is what it was. This is what gives birth to the ADL. A new breed of nominally Jewish names are assigned roles of being mercenaries Within this established order.

Speaker 1:

You know, the Bronfman's are created to start setting up organized crime. Mayor Lansky comes out of the Bronfman operation right as far as like Jewish crime syndicates that are tied to Operations that will involve money laundering, offshore accounts, other things that organize as international crime. The British came in islands. A lot of British territories are very useful to cultivate this. The system that involves the flow of narcotics trafficking, other things that will be useful in the age of the Cold War.

Speaker 1:

So during the Cold War they need and the CIA openly is working with look lucky Luciana with the mafia. It's a big part of how they're able to control much of South America. The Cuba, other things, right, that's Marilanski's play playground. Is Cuba before Castro, the. They're working closely with the United Fruit Company, which is a CIA front group that oversees the overthrowing of various governments that are a little bit too for the people across Latin America and installs right wing and when I say right wing I'm talking Nazi, I'm not talking typical conservative talking to Nazi regimes in South America running death squads, advised usually by unreconstructed Nazis, which were also hired by the CIA Right and given new jobs, new assignments.

Speaker 2:

So this is a good time to point out here there is no ethnic Basis really of this deep state that you're describing. You just described British allied with German, nazis allied with Israelis, you know. So it's not like One unified ethnic or religious group. The only thing that maybe unifies them is that that thirst for power. And then the long game I think you were hinting at this before Is that the Anglos Would happily Bring down Israel in the United States in the endgame. Right to that, they destroy each other, they, they get destroyed in a world war, and then what's left is this kind of the playbook of the globalist to be able to make an international order.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they want an oligarchic collectivism with a highly reduced traumatized population which will be Willing to accept after a sustained amount of trauma and we're talking trauma Like you can't even imagine, like dark-aged trauma, nuclear war trauma, like trauma so seeing your friends and family starving, dying on the streets that type of trauma for a sustained period, kind of like what was done in the in the Great Depression. If people it's hard to imagine the type of of pain suffered, then people become more susceptible to superstition, more desperate, more inclined to become fanatical and more accepting of a new narrative, which is also part of the great reset, great narrative project that claus Schwab unveiled a year and a half ago that you know. We need now new post-Christian narratives that are gonna replace the outdated, outdated, obsolete, old sacred stories that animated us for 2,000 years, that are no longer applicable to the transhumanist age you will own nothing and be happy guy a worship yeah like, how do you normalize that?

Speaker 1:

How do you normalize eating bugs? Like you've got to have like some serious Religious sort of justification to give you a sense like that you're gonna be a better person or somehow like that, that this is what you'll want to do and promote. Yeah, so that this is and this is again this brings in. If people want to know, why do the governments of the world all of a sudden, or especially the United States, want us to think about aliens all of a sudden? Why is this all over our media and congressional hearings and NASA inquiries and Air Force inquiries and Pentagon inquiries into, like aliens, ufo contact with humans? We there's very powerful forces that want us to think about these things right now. That's why they're preparing the groundwork for something that will be brought in as a new UFO Right order with well, you you talked about trauma.

Speaker 2:

So maybe, maybe that, maybe that's it that there's gonna be a UFO related trauma and maybe a UFO related Savior figure you mentioned it being religious, so so the first thing people should do Is watch your, your documentaries about this so that they can deprogram themselves and see through the these psyops. Let's take a really quick break, yeah, to talk about our, our Sponsors here. Let's play this and we'll be right back. My towels solved the problem that we've all had with towels.

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Speaker 2:

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Speaker 2:

They have to be in the pro, pro Palestine, pro Hamas camp or the pro Israel camp here. And and so is there another way to, to engage with our fellow, you know, let's say our fellow American citizens or Canadian citizens here, to talk about this without the religiosity, without the fervor, without the ideal being an ideologue about it? Uh, and just talk about the facts and figures. What are some resources, what are some mindsets or perspectives you might suggest?

Speaker 1:

Hmm, well, I think that what people need to do is help develop means of communicating in ways that help People who are confused. See paradoxes like what I mentioned here. You know Hamas wants Israel destroyed. Right, that's part of their charter. They want no Israel. They want Israel to be wiped off the map. Well then, why did Israel create them? Right, that's a paradox. Just let it sit right. So, speaking that way Because people tend to get into didactic, literalistic language sometimes, which is just going to be polarizing you're not helping the mind of the person you're talking to See where there's a break with what they think and reality. So you want to help people see where is their differentiation between what you believe in and reality. Right, that's the paradox. Um, so be. The other thing I would say is look to points where there were Reasonable prospects for peace, because that's what has to be restored into the conversation. Most Israelis living in Israel want that. They want peace with the Arabs.

Speaker 1:

That's what Trump's Abraham Accords were all about. That's what was really being targeted for. Destruction Is the type of constructive Dynamic that would is. It was being birthed with the Abraham Accords of recognizing, which was moving very fast, and it and China and Russia. Were supporting this orientation of recognizing Israel by the Arab neighbors for the first time. It was moving fast. Economic development was what Trump had put into motion to around building infrastructure together, to start healing hostility. That has to be restored. That's what Yatsaker bin and the air fat were doing in the 90s. That's what has to be done today. That's what China and Russia have been doing by creating stabilized regions all over the Middle East. That type of thing, that type of thing, has to be recognized.

Speaker 2:

Um so I'd builders versus the destroyers. It's a very simple concept, isn't it? You know? If the people who want to build together one economic prosperity. And you really put aside the ideology when you start building something, don't you? You're using, uh, basic mathematics to, to, to build, build a infrastructure project, and you're putting aside the esoteric Stuff for a moment. Yeah, you become that's really interesting.

Speaker 1:

You become future oriented. You're not stuck by the. The past no longer is dominating you. All the past Transgressions. It's the future that you're creating that becomes what defines you and your relations with your neighbors. Now, all of a sudden, so that's the. It's the same thing for a Marriage that's in trouble or a family or friendship that's in trouble. You got to become future oriented. Let go of the past, forgive and do it by working together on things that don't exist yet but that are needed, so that that always works, and that's what oligarchy has always tried to destroy. Um, there's a lot of resources. Maybe I'll send you a few and we could put them in the description box into this video for people to click on. And, uh, yeah, the, the ufo video that, uh, my wife and I have been producing will be released tonight. So go to canadianpatriotorg for episode one. It's going to be eight episodes. First episode We'll go back into babelonian days and set the stage with some deep history. So that'll be tonight, canadianpatriotorg.

Speaker 2:

That is so important as we're anticipating some type of sci-op. I mean, it's already unfolding Before us so people can deprogram themselves and their friends and family. Go to canadianpatriot Revieworg and watch that first episode tonight. Go to shon morgan reportcom. Get my breaking news updates and we'll see you next breaking history next week.