The Sean Morgan Report

Debunking the UFO Psy-Op with Matt Ehret | SEAN MORGAN REPORT Ep. 17

Sean Morgan

In this episode of SMR, Sean Morgan interviews Matt Ehret about his new documentary series that tracks why the deep state invests in the UFO psychological operation.

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Speaker 1:

Next, on the Sean Morgan Report, matthew Eratt explains why the UFO phenomenon is a deep state sigh up, and we're going to question the mainstream narrative and expose media propaganda right now. That's a great question. That's a good question. That's a great question. That's a great question. Well, that's a really good question. It's a great question. Well, matthew Eratt is the editor of the Canadian Patriot Review. Thanks for joining us, matt. Tell us about your new project about UFOs.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's a great pleasure, sean. Yeah, the new project is a joint project that I've begun with my wife, cynthia Chung, and a wonderful filmmaker named Jason Dahl, who we've been working with now for over a year, turning some of our writings and research into multimedia productions of a very high quality. So originally the hidden hand behind UFOs was intended to be one single video, maybe two hours long. No, first it was going to be 30 minutes, dealing with some of the the psyops that are under appreciated I found in the alternative media world, regarding some disturbing facts one could say of, for example, the role of Lawrence Rockefeller, his operation in rooming not only MK, ultra psychedelic drugs, tabistock operations, like the Esselin Institute that promoted and advanced silo, cyveins, dmt, but also the disclosure project, which also involved bringing in Bill Clinton, hillary, john Podesta and others to become advocates of government disclosure of UFOs back in the 1990s, and certain other very high level oligarchical forces that are intending very much that the population of the world today, especially Americans, obsess over, not stopping World War III or the depopulation agenda or the world government agenda of the great reset, but rather UFOs, which are getting a lot of publicity in that Pentagon is carrying out UFO investigations into government relations with aliens, and we're getting this on CNN, all the mainstream media, the Congress is featuring hearings on this.

Speaker 2:

So there's a lot of messaging obviously intended to get us to think about this, and whenever the oligarchy wants us to think about something, a lot, we should always be extra critical about what is what's the real agenda. So we tackle this. We decided to do this as a series now because the first, the 30 minute, and then the plan to expand that to two hours, as one standalone video was not adequate, so we decided to make it a series of videos going for 30 to 40 minutes each episode. The first one is now out, called the Lifting the Esoteric Veil, taking a bit of a broad step back into looking at, well, what is the environment that shaped the 20th century, going back to the ancient times and the mystery religions of the Roman Empire, babylon and before that that are connected to the current Psyop.

Speaker 1:

That's great. So the first episode is out. People can check that out at CanadianPatriotorg. It's interesting to use the word obsess, because the deep state is trying to get people's attention on this and that means that their attention can't be on something else, such as discovering the deep state, like you said. So could this also be related to some type of worship or some type of fear based mind control? Because it seems like the two narratives that's always there is either aliens are evil and they're going to get us and just beware of the ominous disc in the sky, or it's the aliens actually created us and seeded us here and there is no God. So can you see, tell me how religion plays a role here?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean in my assessments and your rights. There's a variety of narratives. Not all alien narratives are the same. There's a bunch that are Groomed and created to fit certain profiles within the zeitgeist, you know, and you have the shape-shifting, nefarious, lizard Meta narrative that's been, you know, promoted out there since the 90s, especially by David Ike, of the one variation of the nefarious alien thing that they're trying to create, global warming to Prepare the world for the invasion and takeover by these, these lizard people that feed on our fear energy. So, in that sense, therapeutically, we should just look to really feel good and put up good vibes and then we'll defeat the, the lizard people from another dimension. So, yeah, but like variations like that, then you have, like the benevolent aliens.

Speaker 2:

Are they from our dimension? Maybe they're from another dimension, maybe there's a bit of both, and you know there's a lot of reliance upon reliance upon Quantum, quantum mechanics and mathematical probability theory. That justifies the assumption that there are these multiple Dimensions that are part of the concoction of big bang theory and big bang cosmology is the necessity to postulate that there's these infinite other multiverses, other dimensions that are then used to then buy and this is really gone heavily since the the early 70s by people like J Allen Heineck, his, his student, jacques Valet, who's a big player within this operation. Harold Poutoff is another one. They all worked with the, the Esalen Institute funded by Lawrence Rockfeller, and especially what's not known as the Stargate project of the Stanford Research Institute of the 1970s that was Working on parapsychology, talking to ghosts, mediums, aliens. A lot of psychedelic drugs were part of that operation to figure out how do you create a new type of Human being. Basically, it was part, it was a sub branch of MK ultra, and so the idea of Jacques Valet is well, these aliens come from other dimensions, not from ours, our dimension, and so, within his works, endorsed by, again, poutoff, valet and her big part of the currents, I think the dominant drive to unveil the holograms in the sky that will be the aliens and a lot of the messaging is is that these are actually the have been here for ancient times and again, some people think of them as benevolence, most, most of them think of them as in a negative way, but either way it's.

Speaker 2:

It's different flavors of the same garbage, which is that the, the elves, the stories of demons, of angels, of, of Ferries in different cultures, were actually aliens this whole time and people didn't know what they were, they were dealing with, and so they call them angels or demons or fairies or elves. And you know, there's a whole attempt to recast what is Christianity around this drug alien mythos that Christ either was an alien, was getting information or powers from aliens to walk on water, the, the pharaohs, were actually getting, you know, their, their technology from aliens. That, and there's variations on the theme. Sometimes the aliens are partially living underground and we call them the Elohim or the Nephilim, right, the reference Princess to the body in various Angels that work with Lucifer, or they're in in the heavens or bit of both.

Speaker 2:

So there's a whole bunch of schemes, but the idea is to to basically cancel Abrahamic religions and the entire idea of man made in the image of a living, loving creator that gave rise to the American Revolution, everything good in human civilization or merged with this idea of the sacredness of life and human beings made in the image of a living, loving creator, mandated to do good in a bed, abide by natural law. They want to replace all of that and restore what they call the age of Aquarius, because they say all of that is the age of Pisces, the age of Reason, of Jesus, of Socrates. That has to be canceled, and we we can't just do it directly. So what we'll do is we'll recast the stories and reframe them around the idea that no, in fact it's been aliens the whole time, that are have been our gods and that's what we should be worshipping or afraid of, or a bit of both.

Speaker 1:

You know, as I've done interviews with you recently, there's a recurring theme that you point out how preposterous a lot of the these major narratives are, like Climate change and global warming and all that stuff that a lot of people are already hip to, that being a hoax, but many other narratives that that we just kind of take with a grain of salt. Now that may just be pseudo science, you know, and when you, when you clarified this whole reptilian narrative, it was surprising to me, one, how preposterous it is and two, how detailed and cohesive it is. That that everyone's because of David Ike, because of these various influencers. They're very familiar with this idea of this narrative, and not to mention Hollywood and a many of these, these Influencers on the internet, borrow from these Hollywood stories and say well, you know what, what the reptilians look like. Well, they look like the reptilians or the aliens on the movie the fifth element, and I saw a reptilian and I drew a picture of it and it looks like this movie. And so these movies and these influencers Help shape how we even think about what aliens are, where they come from, their nature and what they look like.

Speaker 1:

And you've pointed out how many of these deep state operatives are funded to push these narratives and you mentioned Rockefeller and you've mentioned Some of the newer influencers you know like, like the disclosure project. You mentioned Delonge from blink 182 and their stars into the stars Academy. Can you, can you elaborate on that?

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, sure, I mean, it's useful just to hold on to some of these weird anomalies and the fact that Tom DeLonge, who's largely a superficial character I mean, when you listen to him speak, there's not much that's there, but he's a bit of a joke and the thing about him is he doesn't realize that he's a joke, and that's why he's useful as a cardboard cutout, because they always need a frontman to attribute something as an institutional political operation too. They can't just say, hey, this is the CIA, just came up with this operation to organize and officially fund alien motifs in preparation for the great disclosure of UFOs that is being prepared by the benevolent deep state that cares about the truth so much that it has to prepare us, and Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy was selected to be one of those conduits that would pour money into comic books and films and movies and stories and other things that shape the culture around aliens and paranormal activity, and of course, they're always trying to bridge the two. The co-founder of it, though, is, I think, more close to a causal nexus, in the form of Harold Putoff, who I again I'd mentioned earlier was a seventh degree OT Scientologist follower of Elron Hubbard, who himself was a follower of Alistair Crowley who believed he was carrying on Crowley's mission after Crowley died. Both of them were members of the leading figures within the Ordo Templi Orientus, the OTO, the California branch doing sex, magic rituals and other satanic things in the deserts, and that you know.

Speaker 2:

So, the Scientology's aliens cults largely, I think, actually affects the thinking even of people like Joseph Campbell who advised, who was largely the inspiration for George Lucas when he created the setting around which the Star Wars story would take place. You know, and Scientology has galactic federations existing billions of years ago, with a dark-sit lord who you know had allies that were deployed, were sent over to the earth at some primitive time that got sucked into I mean, it gets a little lasaini into volcanoes and somehow, how ironic is it that Elron Hubbard was a sci-fi writer, right?

Speaker 1:

So he writes fiction and then he also runs a mind control religion and they fit together quite nicely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they really do. And he follows people like George Adamski, who still had, who created sort of the first theosophist affiliated, occult, alien secret set or alien religion, a year before Hubbard did it. And Hubbard, by the way, called himself the Antichrist in an interview directly and his son called him. His son gave an interview to Penthouse Magazine in 1983 saying that my father practiced ritual black magic in the house all the time. That was our religion. He believed he was Satan, just like Crowley did earlier and Parsons did too.

Speaker 2:

So all that to say, this is what Hal Putoff is immersed within with Jacques Valais, and Jacques Valais is also, you know, working together, as I mentioned, befriending Antoine Leve, working with Michael Aquino, who's operating the first Earth Battalion and the Jedi, the Jedi battalions that take over Fort Bragg, that create this, the psychological warfare operations, groups that drive the Revolution and military affairs in the early 80s around. This stuff that came in from Esalen, overseen by Aquino. Aquino, by the way, is the head of the temple of set, the second command of Leve. So you have a high convergence of Satanists and these, these figures within the pseudo scientific communities at Esalen, the New Age, who are working with drugs. They're all working to create new, new sacred stories that will then shape the, the great narrative, which is also, by the way, a Davos organized project called the great narrative. We need new sacred stories that will replace the outdated ones, like Christianity.

Speaker 1:

So right, sorry, I want to hop in here real quick about pop culture now and how that relates to this. With Joe Rogan's, the most popular podcast in the world and he pushes this psychedelic type of religion. And you've mentioned another person from from Ted Talks who's constantly talking about psychedelics and they're pushing this idea that if you want to have a sacred experience, you don't go to church, you don't pray, you don't fast, you don't do any of the stuff that we've done for thousands of years. To have a sacred experience or do compassionate charity or something like that. You have to go to the Amazon rainforest and take ayahuasca and then finally you will have a sacred experience. Haven't you noticed over the past 10 years that kind of story being pushed?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I think Timothy Leary in his autobiography described let the cattle of the bag when he said he described an interaction he had with Aldous Huxley, who was the founder, who was Huxley students, who were founding the Estlin Institute. And Timothy Leary describes this discussion where he says that Aldous told him that the true enemy ultimately, timothy, that we have to destroy is Judeo-Christian civilization and it's time for a new scientific paganism to be reborn. And when you look at people that they were working with and Leary was popularizing every sort of mind-altering drug that was produced by MK-Alter and the CIA but they were working with people like Gordon Wassoon. Gordon Wassoon is somebody who's been turned into a cult, almost guru, by Rogan and others. He was a vice president of JPMorgan Bank who went down into Mexico to Duayahuasca for the first time. That was then publicized.

Speaker 2:

His articles and descriptions were publicized by Henry Luce from Time Magazine, who was an LSD-dropping pro-fascist to put Hitler and Mussolini on Time's man of the Year, working with the deep state, with Lawrence Rockefeller, to turn the USA into an empire. He actually was part of the commission under Lawrence Rockefeller and Nelson in 1956 that was based on the USA in the New World Order called the Rockefeller Commission and Henry. So Gordon Wassoon is the second in command of JPMorgan who becomes the guru of the drug cult. That then feeds into creating a mecca experience for people like Rogan and a whole generation of baby boomer hippies who did their whole mecca with Duayahuasca starting with the 60s, following his lead in Time Magazine. So all of this fed into the work that was done in Harvard on the silo-siding project that Leary worked on as well. That created the unabomber. Ted Kaczynski came out of that. Charles Manson also had like 180 hours of Scientology auditing and it wasn't really all through.

Speaker 1:

So really nice guinea pigs came out of that scientific project the unabomber and Charles Manson. That just shows how harmful this type of experimentation on humans is.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, absolutely. And they're looking like Aldous Huxley is looking in the Brave New World. It's a guidebook. It's not like a warning, as people say. It's a guidebook on how to do this in a clean way, a clean dictatorship without tears, as he calls it, where people will have chains but they will love and die to defend the chains that are on them in the concentration camp of their minds.

Speaker 2:

Based on soma, which is a Vedic term that he took, based upon some mystery drug that ended up becoming LSD and DMT to accentuate religious experiences, without the morality, without the substance. So he's looking at brain, drugs and how, when we're happy, a certain part of our brain is activated and gives off certain chemicals or electrical currents. And so these behaviorists who don't believe in the soul are literally just looking at the material aspect of the brain and the body, saying, okay, well then, we just need to induce that same electrical circuitry with certain chemical products to then give a happy experience or a religious experience. So they're purely looking at the human beings as if we're programmable machinery with devoid of soul, honor, freedom, justice. These things mean nothing to them. God means nothing to them, it's offensive even, and so for them they're able to just create new gods that are then managed by a new.

Speaker 1:

The aliens are the new gods, and that's what this topic is today. We're gonna take a quick break and we come back when I ask you about ancient aliens, the history channel and some of these pop culture narratives that are put out there as soon as we get back.

Speaker 3:

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Speaker 1:

We are talking to Matthew Errett of the Canadian Patriot Review about his new project, about the UFO Cyop. And what about the History Channel and ancient aliens, some of this pop culture stuff that's put out this narrative that aliens have always been around, they helped with the pyramids and all the ancient stuff that we see it's because of the aliens. They maybe seeded humanity. They are creators, they're superheroes. What do you think about that and any other references you want to mention?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think the more research that I had done, the more it came more and more apparent that it wasn't just drugs that were promoted by the CIA as far as the predictive programming operation, but also all of Hollywood became increasingly an intelligence operation. That was part of the type of techniques innovated by HTU Wells over a century ago and realizing that it's more efficient to control the imagination of the people through the medium of fiction, which is what allows us to take in Trojan horses and shape the deeper subconscious domain that is below the domain of our rational defenses, because when you're watching a movie, you're being entertained. You're not thinking critically about what's happening, or you're reading a fiction story, you're being entertained. So things are being seeded in to the deeper part of the psyche. That will not affect so much what you think immediately about anything, but it'll affect how you think about everything, which is much more important, and the idea of the future being, in the case of HTU Wells, all of these dystopic scenarios. Usually human beings are this pathetic, destructive, disgusting thing that misuses technology, and the only thing that ever saves us is usually an accident or a world government bringing in some priesthood of a scientific, masonic dictatorship, like in the world set free or, in things to come, made into a movie.

Speaker 2:

But his biggest one was War of the Worlds, which is the story of a Martian invasion 1896. He wrote this and it was used and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation in the 1838 to see psychologically, how would people react if they were given a news briefing whereby all of a sudden they're being told that aliens have landed or are killing millions of humans. How would they react psychologically? So that was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, narrated by Orson Wells, and it worked fairly well. But they kept refining their techniques and as the Satanists took ever more control of influence in Hollywood they started promoting things.

Speaker 2:

That involved bringing JL and Heineck, a high-level CIA operative who oversaw Project Blue Book. He worked with the National Enquirer as well, which was run as a mafia operation out of the CIA by this guy, a Generalissimo Pope, the sec junior, a godson of Frank Costello, also important for the narcotics trafficking, who created the idea was to blur the line dividing reality from fiction. That was the National Enquirer and they did things like the Blue Ribbon Project to pour tons of money into anybody who could justify the paranormal and aliens. In the 1970s JL and Heineck was overseeing that when he went to become the advisor to Steven Spielberg overseeing the close encounters for the third kind. The ET movie also directly spun out of this, if you look again.

Speaker 1:

Luke Lucas and others. Has anyone been more powerful besides George Lucas and Spielberg in shaping our beliefs about this topic? It's so powerful and when there is this final contact event, or when there is some type of hologram or fake invasion or whatever might happen, everyone is going to react based on those beliefs, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, their attitudes are going to be relatively predictable and adaptive, instead of thinking morally and rationally like humans would normally. They won't realize the decades and longer of subconscious management of their subconscious that will cause them to be inclined to do what the heroes do in these movies when they're in a dystopic situation, whether hunger games or something else, is to go into a fight-or-flight mode of becoming a survivor in a zombie apocalypse or whatever, or independence days, things like that. So, yeah, it's designed to get our critical thinking destroyed and just accept whatever narration is given to us by experts telling us what to think about these holograms, these lights in the sky, whatever.

Speaker 2:

Increasingly now, the CIA just released reports saying that they recovered extraterrestrial spacecraft. This week there's messaging being sent into the QAnon communities as well about the MH-17 flight that they basically make CGI graphics of the flight that all of a sudden showcase three objects moving around the plane that then disappeared from two directions, as if two satellites one drone and a satellite were looking right at that moment at the plane when it disappeared. And so they're saying, oh look, see, they're aliens that abducted the whole plane from another dimension. And people forget. How easy is it in the day of Hollywood and CGI to go in and manage something like that. And, of course, the CIA is all of a sudden treated like it's an honest truth-teller, just all of a sudden releasing all of these reports and all of this news, all for our benefit, because they care Right.

Speaker 1:

It's actually surprising to me that this has been going on for over a century. That's a lot of planning and now it's accelerated a lot. I've even seen stand-up comics talking about during the pandemic the authorities were telling us that UFOs are real and we just shrugged it off because we were worried about other stuff. So this narrative about the UFOs and the government kind of giving it some sense of credibility that these stories are real has definitely accelerated. And now we're in the era of deep fakes and holograms and advanced CGI and so forth, where these types of fakes can be very convincing and just imagine in a few short years indistinguishable from reality. So that's why, as you've said so many times in this interview, it's really about returning to our rational minds and the real scientific method to figure out what's real and what isn't. So thank you for the work you're doing to deprogram people through this series.

Speaker 1:

People can check that out at wwwCanadianPatriotorg. Thank you for the great work that you're doing and thank you to all of you for watching Amp News. We are America's Patriot Network. You can get my breaking news updates at wwwSeanMorganReportcom and you can see all of our latest shows at ampnewsus. God bless all you patriots. Good night and good luck.

Speaker 3:

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Speaker 2:

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Speaker 1:

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Speaker 3:

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