The Sean Morgan Report

The Democratic Death Spiral of the "Free Palestine" Movement

Sean Morgan
Speaker 1:

Here to hopefully help us understand is Sean Morgan, the journalist behind the Sean Morgan Report, and you recently wrote a great piece about this. Tell us, sean, your thoughts on this clash of culture, if you will.

Speaker 2:

This has always been a contentious issue in the world and in our culture, and most people just don't want the conflict to be going on. They want a two-state solution. They just want to stop the fighting. But you know? But for Marxists, you have to choose a side and that's what happens you get blacklisted or you get canceled if you don't choose the side. That they say.

Speaker 2:

And Biden and Trump, they both have to walk a tightrope because they have supporters on both sides of this issue. Now Biden he, you know, is providing material support, military support, to Israel and the base of the left. They don't like that. So you've got these. The youth vote, the free Palestine movement, is anti-Biden. So this is not playing well for the left, for the Democrats, for Biden. And then, on the other side, trump, this is actually playing well to him. Even though he's pro-Israel and everything, he actually is anti-war. He's the anti-war candidate.

Speaker 2:

And you actually had recently a really interesting cultural moment where a Muslim world champion UFC fighter on TV endorsed Trump and said I know you're going to stop the fighting, and Trump promised that he would stop the fighting.

Speaker 2:

And so what you have here is you know, tiktok is actually playing a big role in this with psychological warfare, because their algorithm is promoting the free Palestine movement and these whole block lists where very famous celebrities are in danger of being canceled for not saying that they support the Free Palestine Movement.

Speaker 2:

And so it makes you wonder if China is behind the TikTok app. They must be pro-Trump and anti-Biden because this is playing right into Trump's political hands here. And it's really interesting how you know the Hollywood establishment and these celebrities. They're between a rock and a hard place, because their agents and their producers and the people who write their checks are pro-Israel and their fans are pro-Palestine, and so they do these sneaky little things, or they virtue signal with the pin and you know, and then it gets photoshopped out, and so they get blacklisted one way or the other by the Hollywood establishment or by their fans, and so this is actually playing really well to Trump. I think it positions him well to win in November and beyond. You know, do a peace deal, because I think he's the only one who can do it.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, we saw how effective the Middle East policy was under Donald Trump, and I mean he even did, you know, what was seen as moves that no other president was. They would talk about it but were not willing to do because they thought it would cause more conflict in the Middle East and come back to bite them. For one, you know, recognizing Jewish sovereignty over the Golan Heights, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, which we'd heard, you know, from president after president after president. So that also is sort of a contradiction, right, that he would be benefiting from this situation, because in the past you would, but his policy did work.

Speaker 1:

What is also notable now with China I don't know if they're really I don't think they're pushing this in their, their their tick tock app because they're pro Trump, but this is obviously causing more chaos amongst the party. They usually use that being the left, but it is kind of this left eating itself. Right, hollywood is. There's the strong, strong Jewish presence in Hollywood. Nobody can deny that. And yet they have pushed their viewers and radicalized their viewers, their audience, towards this left-leaning ideology and now it's coming back to bite them. I think China's taken advantage of that to just sow more discord and chaos in the United States ahead of an election, where you can promote more riots, really with this kind of discord?

Speaker 2:

Right, and it is interesting that the TikTok app is being threatened to be banned at this time and Trump is actually joining TikTok at this moment. That youth vote is so important. I think that's why he's doing that, and I think TikTok will be, and is, an important one of those big tech players who influences elections.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I absolutely think so too. I think that's also why so many members of Congress are concerned about it. But look, on the banning of TikTok, I used to feel one way and now I feel the other, based on how our government has controlled our own platforms here in the United States. Of course, they want to get control of another platform and censor it in the way they have Twitter, facebook, instagram. But more back on this clash amongst leftists and the idea here look, you see these people promoting the pro-Palestinian movement, but they absolutely have no values. As I noted at the top and I know that's something you wrote they have absolutely no alignment of values and it's such a contradiction.

Speaker 2:

I think what you have is a lot of people who don't really think deeply about politics. You know, basically joining, getting on the bandwagon with whatever's popular. That's what the youth are doing on TikTok, that's what the celebrities are doing because they don't want to be canceled by their fans, and so it is just so interesting that people who shouldn't have to make a political stand are basically forced to, without understanding the nuances of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, useful idiots. We got quite a bit of those in Hollywood and on TikTok. We'll see if they survive the future that's coming for them. We'll see. Thank you so much, sean Morgan. The Sean Morgan report dot com. Sean Morgan report dot com. Always good to see you.