WTF Happened To....?!

WTF Happened to Jupiter Ascending? WTF Happened to this Movie?!

Jupiter Ascending was a movie sci-fi fans were really looking forward to. It would mark the long-awaited return of the Wachowskis to the sci-fi action genre, something they left behind when Speed Racer flopped theatrically. This promised to be a large-scale fantasy epic that fans hoped would be the new Matrix. Alas, things didn’t work out that way, with critics savaging the film when it came out and audiences staying away in droves. Complaints included a muddled sci-fi universe, a bizarre choice to make Channing Tatum’s hero part dog, and the fact that newly minted Oscar-winner Eddie Redmayne’s acting was so over the top that people thought he should have his award taken back. A charming performance by Mile Kunis as the heroine and a solid score by Michael Giacchino was not enough to save this turkey. It would mark the Wachowskis' swan song as a team, with Lilly Wachowski stepping away from directing. Lana would rebound with the decisive sequel, The Matrix Resurrections, which would also prove to be a financial flop.

So WTF Happened to Jupiter Ascending? Let's unpack this well-intended and fun (in a camp way) sci-fi fantasy in an episode edited by Diane Baldwin, written by Daniel Woburn, and narrated by Mathew Plale.