What It Means To Be Alive

Psychedelics Should Come with a Warning Label

August 01, 2022 Amy Demone

Psychedelics are becoming increasingly popular as people look for different ways to expand their consciousness and improve their mental health. It's no secret that psychedelics can have profound effects on our psyche. Used intentionally, they can help us access parts of our minds that are usually hidden and bring about deep personal growth. But before you go out and buy your first batch of psychedelics, it's essential to be aware of the risks involved. J like any powerful force, psychedelics should be used with caution. I believe they should come with a warning label.

This episode of What It Means to Be Alive is a quick introduction to what the host, Amy D, has been up to love the last 14 months and gives you insight into the challenges of a psychedelic trip on a good Friday, 2021, and it changed the course of her life. It can be dangerous if used in the wrong way. With that in mind, let's take a closer look at the dangers of psychedelics and how to avoid them.

If you're interested in being a guest on the show, please email amy@amydemone.com

Connect with the host via Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/amy.demone/

Speaker 1:

I am going to do something crazy and try to unmask for this episode. Now it sounds kind of nuts, but it's not<laugh> I really feel like I put on a voice or a persona when I try to record podcast and business stuff. Rightly so, you know, be professional and all, but I'm also someone who advocates very strongly for full authenticity and being in alignment and in integrity with like who you are and how you wanna show up in the world. And here I am calling the kettle black or whatever that saying is, and, and I'm gonna do my best. So here I am back again. Amy's back to a friend. See, you're gonna get the real me. Uh<laugh> if you're still listening to it, to this. Thank you. But I'm back. It has been a insane 14 months. Oh my gosh. I can't even, I, I couldn't even listen to the last podcast that I recorded on this episode or this series, because I just knew I was gonna hear whew. I was gonna hear something and it was gonna trigger me. And I was gonna fall into some weird, weird little, uh, states of thought loops if you know, you know, but anyways, here I am Amy in the flesh or in your earbuds or speakers and I'm I'm here because one, I, I just love to talk and I mean, isn't that what podcasting's all about? And then two is I really truly believe I have a message inside me that needs to come out now. It's not gonna land with everyone. That's cool. I understand that. I used to want it to, but now I understand that it's just impossible. And you know, also some people right now, it's not ready. You know, maybe in two or three years, they are, you know, things change. I change you change. We all change. So here I am and I am reflecting on the last 14 months of my life. And I<laugh>, I kind of like cursed the day. I thought to myself, probably about 16, 17 months ago. Wow. I feel like kind of a fraud somewhat, because like, I feel like maybe my mental health wasn't as bad as everybody else's and I don't really have like the experience to talk about how to like gain some footing in life because like my, my life wasn't that bad.<laugh>

Speaker 2:

Let me tell you<laugh> let me tell you that is not incorrect. That is not correct. Last 14 months have shown me so many things. So many things that I needed to see, just like I had asked to see, and I almost died multiple times due to my body, taking on vicarious trauma, coupled with the trauma I experienced and dealing with a massive shift in responsibility and awareness. Very, very fast. Now we'll get into it. We always do. I am an open book, but what has happened over the 14, the last 14 months of the world has been crazy too. So not only am I going through this inner excavation of like, what is serving me as what is not the world's also in like total utter chaos. And when you're trying to reconcile these like very intense emotions and then going out and like getting the escape through social media or, um, drinking or going to the beach or going for a hike. And a lot of the time you're bombarded with like the state of the world and the fact that we're in housing crisis in a large part of north America, we are headed into a whopping recession for like the ninth trillionth time in 20 years. And we're just tired and we wanna change and I can feel that energy can feel it very strongly. I know, I, I know I'm there. I know that's exactly where I am and I can see it changing. In my reality. I can see that massive transformation like materializing front of me, and it's scary. Change is scary and we don't have solid ground to stand on these days. So going through the two things like have been so eye opening, so healing, and it's really just been like, this is what life is about. This is what it means to be alive. And I know that sounds amazing because it does because that's the truth. It is what it is. It is what it means to be alive is to how to deal with the ups and downs and the all arounds of this experience and the compounding effect that capitalism has and has had for a long period of time on all our lives. Now I am excited to be back. I'm not gonna lie to you. I am excited to talk into your ear. I am so grateful for every single one of you that listen to me and continue to listen to me and have been listening to me for long periods of time. I, I don't know why, but I'm here for it. And I hope you continue. I am gonna do a quick overview of like what I've been struggling with over the last 14 months. And to give you a little peek into like topics will be, will be diving into talking about, and really just trying to figure out how to survive in a way where we can have all this awareness and be able to be that change we wanna see in the world and also deal with all the bad stuff because spiritual bypassing, or just like flat outed ignorance, however you wanna word it is not okay. And we've all been at fault for it in varying ways for long periods of time and together we can do better. And I am here to help myself do that. And hopefully by proxy, I can inspire you to do the same. All right, here, it goes unknowingly. When I shut down the podcast or stopped recording episodes, I was very pregnant. And as a woman that lives in Canada, I have the privilege of having access to abortion. I was in full support on the decision that me and my partner made as well as my mother was very supportive of that decision. Maybe a little too supportive, if you will.<laugh>. Um, and from there, life just got really hard. Um, there was a lot of shame. There was a lot of guilt for a variety of reasons, probably most of which are not what you're thinking, but we'll get into that at a later date. And then I was also responsible for taking care of an ailing paralyzed woman who was the most independent person in the world. She had a stroke and having to watch someone who just hated their lives in the last decade of living. It's tough. And it really puts a lot in perspective and you really wake the up. The crazy thing is this all started with a psychedelic trip, and this is why I think psychedelics are so powerful, but they need to come with a warning label. And that's because I went into a normal size therapeutic dose on good Friday, 21 with the intention, show me what I need to see. And let me tell you, Lord Jesus. He showed me what I needed to see. I also straight up met with Jesus. He came to me as the form of a holographic bumblebee. I am not religious. I did not know Jesus is represented in the Bible as a bee in various areas until I did some research. So yeah, so I good. Alex are a game changer<laugh> but they can really change your life and it can be really hard. So following that psychedelic experience, I really saw what I needed to see. I found out I was pregnant. I also found out that I had low vitamins of B12 and iron and, uh, vitamin D. And we're talking such low levels that I'm having heart attacks like symptoms because blood is not being able to be pumped to my heart. I'm not talking like, Ooh, I'm a little weak. I'm talking like near death levels. And I had reactions to the COVID vaccine and I got COVID and my dog got cancer. And my mom is dealing with her cancer and all these other things happened. My grandmother was in and out of hospital. The amount of stress that I went through in those 14 months, but wow. Have I learned a lot and I'm here to share it with you. And I know I'm being super elusive and I'm not explaining myself, but that's for another episode down the pipe. Cause I gotta intrigue you a little bit. So welcome back. I hope you have missed me. I've missed you. If you are someone who wants to talk about what it means to be alive, reach out to me, Amy dot Damone on Instagram. You can hit me up at Amy, Amy damone.com. The links are in the show notes. I'd love to have a conversation with you. See what you are about, see what you wanna talk about. There's so many experiences out there and I want to share all of them.