What It Means To Be Alive

3 Simple At Home Exercises to Tap Into Your Energy for Stress Release with Brian Berneman

March 16, 2021 Amy Demone Episode 44

Adjusting to working from home takes much longer than a month or two. The sedentary you become, and the more you sit in non-ergonomic chairs, the more your body starts to ache. Sound familiar? 

This episode is excellent for everyone adjusting to the work-at-home life and all the fun things it brings with it. Brian walks you through some very easy-to-do exercises that will leave you feeling refreshed, lighter and less tension in your body. Enjoy this stress release as you listen to my conversation with Brian. Let me know what you think - send me a message on Instagram @ amy.demone. I can’t wait to chat!

Show notes: https://www.theempathyfront.com/44