Environmental Style Now

Healthy Fashion by author Alyssa Couture

Holding Court Season 2 Episode 18

On this episode of E.S.Now, author Alyssa Couture shares with us highlights from her upcoming book Healthy Fashion.  She has written a compassionate guidebook on fashion for health. Healthy Fashion offers methods of fashion as an alternative health remedy.  The Golden New Age of Fashion: We are at an exciting time where fashion is in transition. Fashion in pursuit of health is an enlightening pursuit for this modern era. We are at the time of a spiritual awakening. The fashion industry is in a bit of transition right now. We are slowly catching on to producing and promoting fashion in pursuit of mind- body- spirit.

Alyssa is a fashion intuitive and a healthy fashion practitioner. Her work supports the fashion industry into its course as a therapeutic, healing tool-- to help initiate the consciousness of the human spirit via fashion into its transmission of divine activity for overall human health and well-being. Fashion for health is also a major contributing factor for ultimate planetary awakening.  With over 15 years of fashion industry experience in a number of roles, some of these include fashion business, fashion designing, creative directing, styling, merchandising, journalism, fashion retailing, and fashion show production.