Environmental Style Now

Ayurveda and the Armoire with Twenty-five Year Practitioner DeAnna Batdorff

Holding Court Season 2 Episode 20

Join DeAnna Batdorff and E.S.Now host Courtney Barriger in a discussion of the history of Ayurveda and how what is in your closet can set off you off balance. 

DeAnna Batdorff, a Generation-X California native, is a wholistic health detective with over 30 years of experience as an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Lymphatic Massage Specialist, Nutrition Counselor, Western Herbalist, and Clinical Aromatherapist. She specializes in reading the pulse, spine, face, skin, and tongue as primary assessment tools. All of DeAnna’s teachings are rooted in her three foundational pillars: listen to self through symptoms, the right to take action, and ‘follow-through means feeling better.