Studio Stories: Reminiscing on Twin Cities Dance with Marilyn Habermas-Scher - Season 12, Episode 140


Myo-O Marilyn Habermas-Scher has an extensive background in the performing arts, including choreography, opera, vocal improvisation, performance art and story telling.  She is trained in Qi Gong and Body Mind Centering TM, as well as practicing yoga and Gyrotonics. She is the originator of VoiceWork, a somatically based voice training, which she has offered in private practice for nearly fifty years.  She has taught at several colleges and universities.  She has received a number of grants for her choreographic work, and founded a vocal improvisation group, AWAKE!  In addition, she has offered Voice Healings at Pathways, a complementary healing center in Minneapolis, for three decades.

Myo-O has practiced meditation in the Zen tradition since 1975 when she began practicing with Dainin Katagiri roshi, founder of the Minnesota Zen Meditation Center. She was fully ordained and given permission to teach in 2012 by Dokai Georgesen, Head Teacher at Hokyoji Zen Practice Community in SE Minnesota.  She has taught classes and led retreats and lectured in many settings from Unitarian Societies to maximum security prisons.  From 2006 to 2021 she worked as an inter-faith chaplain at Hennepin County Hospital and the University of Minnesota Medical Center, MHealth Fairview.  She is also a mom and grandma to two little boys.