Fran's World - Humor, hope, happiness & accomplishing your dreams.

Edition #36 - How improper building development can lead to home damage and sinkholes

Host Fran Capo, Podcast artist Dalal Bruchmann, Engineer Matt Kayan Season 2 Episode 36

Everywhere around Florida (and many southern states) new developments are popping up all over. That's fine, communities grow. What's not fine is when a Multibillion Dollar company (Metrodevelopment) uses oversized equipment on a build, created earthquake like vibraations for months that  causes structural damage to the existing neighborhoods such as foundation cracks, shattered windows, and pools draining. In addition, causing the huge 50 foot sink hole in Florida, and damaging the water supply aka the aquifer. Listen to Engineer Tim Collins explain how it happens. If you have damage to your home due to construction contact Fran at "SAVE OUR HOMES" email to  #FLorida #Metrodevelopment #Worldsbiggestlagoon #Sinkholes #HernandoSun #earthquakedamage #hugefloridasinkhole #RonDesantis #BOCC #FranCapo #aquafer #waterdamage