I Can Be Wealthy Podcast

#195 A Journey of Building Wealth Through Websites with Matt Raad

March 11, 2024 Salena Kulkarni/Matt Raad Season 1 Episode 195
#195 A Journey of Building Wealth Through Websites with Matt Raad
I Can Be Wealthy Podcast
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I Can Be Wealthy Podcast
#195 A Journey of Building Wealth Through Websites with Matt Raad
Mar 11, 2024 Season 1 Episode 195
Salena Kulkarni/Matt Raad

In this episode, I interview a seasoned business and website investor, Matt Raad, to share how you can generate semi-passive income streams that work for you even while you sleep.

Matt talks about buying and selling websites as a unique approach to wealth, the secrets to valuing businesses and conducting diligence like a pro, and the crucial mindset shift required so you can break through income ceilings.

Enjoy the episode!



00:00 Intro
01:25 Understanding Matt's Background
04:58 Investment Insights with Matt
07:51 Matt's Reflections on Money and Upbringing
14:23 Matt's Nighttime Reflections
17:49 Matt's Wisdom on the Traits of Successful Investors
22:19 Deciphering Passive Income
25:24 Matt and Liz's Wealth Goals
32:49 Final Thoughts
34:28 Outro









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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In this episode, I interview a seasoned business and website investor, Matt Raad, to share how you can generate semi-passive income streams that work for you even while you sleep.

Matt talks about buying and selling websites as a unique approach to wealth, the secrets to valuing businesses and conducting diligence like a pro, and the crucial mindset shift required so you can break through income ceilings.

Enjoy the episode!



00:00 Intro
01:25 Understanding Matt's Background
04:58 Investment Insights with Matt
07:51 Matt's Reflections on Money and Upbringing
14:23 Matt's Nighttime Reflections
17:49 Matt's Wisdom on the Traits of Successful Investors
22:19 Deciphering Passive Income
25:24 Matt and Liz's Wealth Goals
32:49 Final Thoughts
34:28 Outro









Spotify: https://spoti.fi/45LJ2uh
Apple Music:
Google Podcast:





Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamSalenaKulkarni

The traditional wealth creation journey often follows the popular paths of traditional investments like real estate or stocks. 

But in today's digital age, alternative avenues have emerged, offering unique opportunities for those willing to explore unknown territories.

Matt Raad is a seasoned expert in buying and selling online businesses whose unconventional approach has yielded remarkable success.

Matt's story is a testament to the power of thinking outside the box and embracing the digital world's ever-evolving landscape. 

Born into humble beginnings, he vowed to break free from the shackles of poverty that had defined his childhood. 

Initially cutting his teeth in brick-and-mortar enterprises, Matt honed his skills in valuation and due diligence, laying the foundation for his future endeavours. 

However, the advent of the internet and the growing online marketplace truly captured his attention. 

Recognising the vast potential in this emerging space, Matt pivoted his focus to buying and selling online businesses around 2008, a decision that would prove to be a game-changer.

Through his keen eye for undervalued assets and a knack for rapidly increasing their worth, Matt developed a reputation as a master of the online business flip. 

His expertise lies in identifying websites with low multiples and transforming them into high-yielding investments. 

In this article, we'll dive into Matt's inspiring journey and unique mindset to help you reshape your understanding of wealth psychology, challenge the norm, and open new horizons. 


The Attributes of a Thriving Website Investor

As Mike delved deeper into the world of online business acquisitions, a recurring theme emerged—the pivotal role of mindset in determining success. 

Through his interactions with countless aspiring website investors, he has recognised the distinct attributes that separate those who thrive from those who falter.

At the core of this journey lies an unwavering drive, an insatiable hunger for achievement that propels individuals forward, even in the face of daunting learning curves. 

These high-achievers refuse to be discouraged by obstacles, instead embracing them as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

Interestingly, Matt has observed a striking correlation between those who have previously ventured into real estate investing and their ability to navigate the nuances of website acquisitions. 

Their prior experiences have equipped them with an invaluable foundation – understanding due diligence, asset valuation, and the art of maximising returns. 

This familiarity with the investment mindset is a potent catalyst, enabling a smoother transition into online businesses.

However, cultivating a clear vision and establishing specific, actionable goals truly sets the stage for enduring success. 

In this regard, he draws inspiration from Arnold Schwarzenegger's indomitable spirit, a man whose unwavering commitment to his aspirations has transcended boundaries and inspired generations.

Schwarzenegger's philosophy resonates deeply with Matt – the notion that a well-defined vision acts as a guiding light, lighting the path forward and providing the motivation to persevere through even the most arduous challenges. 

It is this clarity of purpose that separates those who merely dream from those who actively shape their destinies.


The Reality of Semi-Passive Wealth Generation

Through my conversations with Matt Raad, I quickly realised that the term "passive income" is often misunderstood, and a more accurate depiction of the reality lies in what he refers to as "semi-passive" income.

In the traditional sense, passive income is often portrayed as a magical state where money flows in effortlessly, without any effort on your part. 

But Matt's perspective offers a more grounded and practical approach. 

He emphasises that while websites can indeed generate income with minimal ongoing work, there is an initial focused effort required upfront.

"Passive income doesn't mean doing nothing," Matt explains. "With websites, we call it 'semi-passive' because you need to put in concentrated work at the beginning to set things up properly."

This initial effort involves a strategic renovation process, where Matt and his team meticulously optimise the website, implementing changes that can potentially double or even triple its value within a matter of months. 

It's a focused burst of energy that lays the foundation for future passive income streams.

Once this initial renovation phase is complete, the website enters a semi-passive state, where it can generate income with minimal ongoing effort.

Matt likens this to renovating rental properties periodically, where you invest time and resources upfront and then reap the rewards of passive income for an extended period.

This semi-passive approach allows Matt and his wife, Liz, to work on multiple websites simultaneously, dedicating their efforts to one project at a time and then stepping back to let it run its course while they move on to the next endeavour. 

It's a strategic dance between focused effort and passive income generation, a delicate balance that has proven to be a lucrative and sustainable model for building wealth.

As I listened to Matt's insights, I couldn't help but appreciate the nuanced understanding he brought to the concept of passive income. 

It's not a mythical state of effortless riches, but rather a strategic approach that combines bursts of focused work with periods of passive income generation – a blend of effort and reward that can give you financial freedom in the digital age.


The Psychological Aspects of Wealth

The pursuit of wealth extends far beyond mere financial strategies and tactics. At its core, it is an intricate dance between our relationship with money and the subconscious beliefs that shape our perceptions and actions.

For Matt, his relationship with money was forged in the challenge of a childhood marked by financial scarcity. 

Growing up in the working-class suburbs of western Sydney, he witnessed firsthand the struggles and fears that often accompany a lack of financial resources. 

"I vowed I was not going to grow up poor like my family, and I was going to be rich," Matt recalls, his voice carrying the weight of a promise made long ago. 

This vow drove his relentless pursuit of wealth, fueling his insatiable appetite for learning and his willingness to embrace unconventional paths.

However, as Matt's wealth grew, he encountered new challenges – the subconscious blocks and beliefs that threatened to limit his potential for earning significant income. 

It was a realisation that even the most successful individuals must confront the deep-seated narratives that can hold them back from fully embracing their financial abundance.

In Matt's world, pursuing wealth is not merely a financial endeavour; it is a profound exploration of the human psyche that demands introspection, self-awareness, and a willingness to confront the narratives that have shaped our relationship with money from an early age.


Matt's Pursuit of Impact and Fulfillment

As Matt reflected on the journey that led him to the point of financial abundance, one question looms: what comes next? 

For many, the allure of retirement invites a chance to bask in the fruits of their labour and disengage from the relentless pursuit of wealth. 

But for those who have been shaped by the ethos of high achievement, retirement is a concept that holds little appeal – a "dirty word," if you will.

You see, the drive that propelled Matt to build wealth was never solely about accumulating riches; it was a manifestation of an insatiable hunger for growth, impact, and self-actualisation. 

And as Matt stands at the precipice of financial freedom, he finds myself drawn not to the prospect of idleness but rather to the pursuit of a higher calling.

His vision for this next chapter is to impart knowledge, mentor, and guide those who seek to follow in his footsteps. 

Just as he once looked to role models like Arnold Schwarzenegger for inspiration, he now feels compelled to pay it forward, to share the hard-won lessons and insights that have shaped his success.

For it is in the act of giving back, of leaving an indelible mark on the lives of others, that Matt finds true fulfilment and a sense of enduring purpose.


The Value of Websites as Alternative Investments

Diversification has long been glorified as a cornerstone of smart investing, and websites provide a unique avenue to achieve this crucial objective. 

Unlike real estate, which often requires substantial capital commitments and can be challenging to liquidate swiftly, Matt highlighted that online businesses offer a level of agility and flexibility that is truly remarkable.

With the ability to acquire and divest these digital assets relatively easily, investors can strategically rebalance their portfolios, mitigating risk and capitalising on emerging opportunities.

The potential for high cash flow is also a compelling draw for those seeking to boost their income streams. 

While real estate investments can undoubtedly generate substantial returns, the ongoing maintenance and management requirements can be substantial. 

In contrast, well-optimised websites can generate significant cash flow with minimal ongoing effort, akin to the periodic renovations required for rental properties.

By acquiring these assets at low multiples and implementing targeted improvements, Matt has consistently demonstrated the ability to double or even triple their value within months, unlocking a flood of cash flow.

However, the allure of websites as alternative investments extends beyond mere financial considerations. 

In today's digital age, the skills and knowledge acquired through this endeavour are invaluable assets. 

If you're considering websites as an alternative investment vehicle, you diversify your portfolio, unlock new streams of cash flow, and equip yourself with a powerful skill set that will undoubtedly serve you well in the future. 

It is a testament to the versatility and adaptability crucial in the ever-changing world of wealth creation.


Final Thoughts

The most profound lesson I have gleaned from Matt's story is the importance of mindset in pursuing wealth. 

It is a reminder that true success extends beyond mere financial gain, encompassing a holistic approach that integrates personal growth, psychological well-being, and a commitment to leaving a lasting impact on the world around us.

As you go through your own wealth-building journey, armed with Matt's insights and wisdom, I hope you're encouraged to embrace the unconventional, challenge the status quo, and cultivate a mindset that transcends the limitations of the past. 

In the world of wealth creation, it is not merely the tactics and strategies that pave the way to success.

But the unwavering determination to continually evolve, grow, and redefine the boundaries of what is possible.

Understanding Matt's Background
Investment Insights with Matt
Matt's Reflections on Money and Upbringing
Matt's Nighttime Reflections
Matt's Wisdom on the Traits of Successful Investors
Deciphering Passive Income
Matt and Liz's Wealth Goals
Final Thoughts