A Revolution in Education
As much as our world changes – socially, economically, politically and technologically – for the most part our schools remain the same. Fortunately, there are a number of bold, courageous educators and communities TRANSFORMING what teaching, learning, and schooling can look like so that our youth can pursue their interests and passions. In this 7-part podcast series a number of these amazing educators share not only what is wrong with our current model of education but also what can be done to transform education for the better. We need new images of possibility, and even moreso how we can pursue these new images of possibility across our country. In this series, these amazing educators share first how we are not serving our youth well and then what we could be doing to serve them far better. And, finally, the contributors speak eloquently to the power of relationships within and across communities to transform education toward a greater purpose, and to engage everyone in that transformation.
A Revolution in Education
Episode 3: What's Important to Learn?
Chris Unger
Episode 3
An inordinate amount of time, energy, and resources have been spent on increase students’ ELA and Math scores on standardized tests. It’s not that begin able to read, write, and do math are not important – but what happens when we ask the question: What is most important for our students to know and be able to do to pursue the lives they want?
- Laura Shibulla, Founder of Building21
- Ayris Colvin, Principal of Building21 school in Philadelphia
- Theresa Moore, Founder and President of T-Time Productions
- Tessa Simmonds, graduate of One Stone
- Grace Belfiore, Co-Lead Researcher and Co-Author of NGLC MyWays