Their Life Story

Paul Watson

Robin Lavigne Season 1 Episode 18

Captain Paul Watson is most commonly known as the Founder of Sea Shepherd, an anti-poaching organization that uses direct action to fight for marine protection. Paul is also the author or numerous books, a poet, a world traveler, a father and a husband. In this episode we talk about: his upbringing, having to drop out of school as a young boy to help raise his younger siblings and running away from homes a teenager. We talk about some of the unique situations he's found himself in-like almost having a harpooned whale fall on his boat, travelling around the world without any papers and walking up to the owner of a Spanish whaling fleet and telling him "I sank half your fleet, you son of a bitch". Paul has had an exceptional life as he follows his commitment to protect the ocean and it's creatures, he's started a movement, amassed a fleet of ships and garnered support from the public and Celebrities.