My Beautiful Mistakes

Tony Wadsworth CBE -Former Chairman & CEO, EMI Music UK & Ireland

Andy Saunders Season 1 Episode 14

Our final guest of 2020 is the Lancashire born,  working class son of a window cleaner whose early academic promise saw him earn a scholarship to a good school and then a place to read economics at Newcastle University .

 It was there that he formed a band with some fellow students and after completing his studies moved down to London to try his luck at making music his full time job much to the dismay of his parents. 

 When things didn’t work out with the band he searched the job ads in Music Week and secured a position  as a production manager at a little known compilation and novelty record label eventually ending up via several moves at EMI. 

 A serendipitous move into catalogue marketing and then a hugely successful stint running the mighty Parlophone label and overseeing artists such as Blur, Radiohead , Coldplay and boyhood heroes The Beatles were staging points on his way to the very top of EMI before the ill-fated takeover of the company  by venture capitalist Guy Hands saw him edged out.

Tony Wadsworth , made a CBE in the Queens Birthday Honours List in 2011,  talks to Andy Saunders about all of this , what he's up to these days and more in this week’s edition of ‘my Beautiful Mistakes.'

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Publish: Dec. 14, 2020 @ 7PM Edit


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