Clare's Podcast on psychotherapy
These podcasts will we hope give some enlightenment for people who want to regain themselves from the inside out. It is not theoretical, it's not heady, actually it is from the grass roots level of our perception. We will try to answer any questions in subsequent podcasts.Just email us at psychotherapyballinderry@gmail.com with any questions you might like to ask and we will try to cover them in future podcasts. Namaste
Clare's Podcast on psychotherapy
Holding Healthy Boundaries
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to the 6th Series of my podcast - can you believe it - I had only planned on one or two.
I have to say hello to all the listeners around the world that I didn't know existed until I got the statistics this week and was shocked as to where I was being listened from.... so thank you everyone who passed these onto people, as it seems to have taken legs and gone abroad.
Have a wonderful week
Stay safe and stay well everyone