EP 11 - Prophets Surveying Prophets

Tiffany Parr

Prophetic Word issued April 15, 2023.

In this episode, Tiffany shares a (rough and raw) prophetic word she received of the Lord on April 15, 2023 for the prophets.  In conjunction with this word, she has will have follow up video-podcast sharing more in detail.  The full prophetic word is written on her blog via link below.  Read corresponding scriptures from this episode, under the blog post or in the Podcast Show Notes.

Tiffany Parr:

Received this, uh, prophetic word, April 16th, 2023. This is regarding prophets, a word of the Lord for the prophets, prophets, monitoring prophets, and the word of the Lord. Word of the Lord for the prophets today is to be, be careful to keep your vessel pure. Keep your irrigates pure. Keep your, uh, your eye gates pure to receive the pure and grafted word of the Lord and that God has a unique word for you and you alone. And to be careful monitoring other prophets. Do not borrow or steal other prophet's words. Uh, be careful that. You hear only be careful what you're monitoring and to allow it not to, not to influence the word of the Lord that God is giving you. Um, knowing that your word is unique. There may be some things that overlap with other prophets, but you must be careful not to partake of, you know, hearing other prophet's words. Until you've received the full, um, unveiling of the word of the Lord for you, for the people for that season. So in other words, if there's something that God has given you, if you're a prophets, the nation, this is just an example. If you're a prophets, the nation and God's given you word for the uk, um, You know that God has given you words for China, the uk uh, India, um, usa. Um, but then you're listening to other prophets that are, have the same revelations as you. God is speaking the same words that were similar, so that whenever you guys, um, pro prophesy, each word compliments the other word, each word is align upon line, precept upon precept with the. With the body of Christ. So when the body of Christ hears it, um, they hear how each word is woven together. It's almost like a blanket. It's like a, a, a knitting together of the word. Um, that's what I see in the spirit. It's like a blanket and each one is woven on top of the other. Each level of yarn is woven on top of another. And so what God wants to make sure is that. Your word is not your heart. You must keep it pure because you cannot, um, how do I say receive? Try to try to allow someone else's word be your word, or you know, it can't be because there has to be, whatever God is giving you is gonna be a compliment. Weaving into their prophet prophetic words. So you have to be careful not to partake of any words that have to do with the nations fourth season when you know God is outpouring those words to you. When God's outpouring words to you on the uk, the China, the nation, you know Canada after Africa, and he's been talking to you and giving you word after word after word regarding me. You need not listen to other prophets, proply those same words at the same time. Now, when it, when it, when it dies down and when, when, when the word of the Lord is waning and, and you feel a, a seat and it's like, okay, God is pretty much giving me everything he needs to say to me right now regarding those that you, you sent a piece about it. You sent a piece that now it may be okay for you to. Listen to another word. You've already delivered your word. You've already delivered your words. You've already been faithful delivering your words. Now you can listen to other words, um, from other prophets and say, oh, that is exactly how God, you know, was sharing with me, or you're thinking in your mind. Um, wow, I see how that weaves into the word of the Lord. God's given me. That you've already received the pure word of God for yourself, and that's what God is wanting. He doesn't want your words, that he doesn't want your, he wants your ear gateses pure. He wants your ear gateses cleared out, the wax cleared out of your ears, um, so that you can hear what he's saying to you and what he's saying to you is so important. Every single detail, every single detail is important that he's giving you no matter how minute, how inconsequential it appears to me. It is the utmost importance that you share that word. If it's a symbol, if it's somebody shaking their head it, whatever it is, every detail is important. Every color is important, and so, Be careful that you don't just, you know, listen to one prophetic word after another prophetic word, after another prophetic word in regards to your anointing, in regards to the grace of God is giving you. Now, if you, if there's another prophet, you know, that God does not deal with you in, let's just say the weather, the weather pattern. And how the weather and the animals and how God speaks through nature and all of that. If you know God never uses you that way, he never speaks to you in that way. No, he can. No, he can't. But let's just say he doesn't. He's never done it. He hasn't done it Well then, okay. You know, if you feel alleged, listen to those profe prophets. Go right ahead. Because God has not, that has nothing to do with what God is showing you. You know, you're you, God has already. You're anointing and your grace to deliver is, is a whole different realm. It's a whole different, uh, vein. It's a whole different genre type, you know, so to speak, than there. So, you know, feel free to listen to somebody who may talk about the wind and the yeast and the, you know, the, the different kinds of wins that come forth and how God is speaking through those. Cause that's nothing to do with what God's telling you. You, God, is the anointing on your life is different. Um, but just be careful. So just be careful to hear what it is you are near hearing. Then the other word is that do not be influenced by the criticism that may come from the outside. Meaning, well, the outside with the body of Christ who may be criticiz in your words, or, um, you know, asking, you push questions like, you know, when's this coming to pass? And, Well, how are you getting these words anyway? And all of these types of questions, you know, well, where is that in the Bible? And all of these types of questions. If you wanna take a separate video and address that, or, um, a blog post and address that be, you know, go right ahead. But don't, do not allow that to derail the words that God has given you. The word that God has given you must go forth. If somebody is, is criticizing you for 101 days straight, you better not derail. You better not allow yourself to be derailed from the, from your word that God has given you. If somebody is criticizing you every single day, you have to continue to say, faithful on the word that God has given you. No matter what. Um, don't allow the criticisms of people or the questionings of people, um, to stop you. Um, God said, do not come down off that wall. Do not come down off that wall. Keep staying on the word that God has given you. Do not be detoured. Do not be, be derailed. Do not be detoured. Do not be moved. Keep your face like a flint. Keep your forehead strung. Um, God said, put the whole armor of God on. Put your helmet of salvation on. Put the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith. Put all of your armor on every day, and knowing that there's always gonna be those sand balls and those, um, those sand balls and those, um, people that come to get you off of your wall to discourage you. Um, Receive you, um, all sorts of things. Um, just keep, stay, stay straight, stay, keep your face like a flint. Do not, do not be derailed. Um, and God says he's, he's, he's, he's rewarding your faithfulness. And as you, he knows that it's hard for you to, he understands that, um, this is hard, but these are partakers. This is partaking in the sufferings of Christ. And because of that, He's laid up for you, um, a reward in heaven for you. So there is a reward waiting for you. Um, so just, you know, just keep that in mind. Um, but the most important thing is don't allow your word to be de completely derailed. And now for the next five weeks, you're addressing all these questions and answers that people are saying. Don't, don't do that, because now the word of the Lord has fallen to the ground. The, the word of the Lord has, um, Is, is, is, is, is being trampled upon, and that's exactly what the enemy wants. He wants to, to make sure that that word doesn't go forth. And so, d don't get distracted and, you know, don't get distracted. And, um, begin to take your whole ministry off on defensive mode and put it on defensive mode. Keep it on the offensive where God is keep, you know. God is giving you those clear words to go for it to share and um, you know, just to be encouraged. He's got you. He's his word. It's his word. It's not your word. It's his word. And his word is sharper than any two edges sword dividing us under the joints in the marrow. And his word is, um, like a seed. You know the ghost for it. It will, it will germinate. It will not return to him void. It will. Accomplish what it's sent for to do so just we encourage prophets. Um, also there's prophets in the, in their silence season. I see prophets in their silent season that, um, they haven't gone forth yet, but they are hearing certain words, constantly coming to them. Um, God's showing them, giving them dreams, visions, pictures. Um, you're recording them, you're being faithful. Um, praying over them. But it's just not your time. It's not just not your season to go forth and speak them. Um, God says, continued to keep those things. He's giving you those things to let you know that you are right on track, that he's trying to show you which gen, which genre you're a part of. He's trying to show you which ar area of the prophetic that he's putting you in, like the line, you know, if you are, um, an end time profit, if your body. Something someone sent to the body of Christ. If you are, um, um, in the set, in the office, in the, in the, in the church, the local church, if you're a prophet to the marketplace, um, whichever type, if you're more of a dreams divisions prophet, if you're one that's more of a governmental, has more of a governmental, you may be receiving a lot of things about, um, the White House or, you know, the Kremlin or, um, the. You know, the, the people, the, um, offices in Africa, the pe you know, the, the economy. Um, that's a, that's more of the governmental prophetic, I mean the governmental, uh, political realm of profits. So you'd be more, um, of a Nathan type prophet, you know, Nathan. Um, but anyways, um, just pay attention when you're receiving these constant words. But it's not your season to go forth. It means that God's trying to set you up. For where he wants to place you. The anointing that he's placed upon you to grace upon you to go forth in that in time when he's, he's gonna open that. Door and that time to say, okay, it's your time to go forward, but this is the, this is your position. This is your spot. This is where I want you to cover. This is the, it's like the, it's like a news anchor. This is the anchor. This is, this is your, this is the coverage that I want you to cover is this area right here. It's prophesying this right here. So just be encouraged that those si, that silent season is very important because the fact that you keep receiving. Um, confirmation. Confirmation after confirmation from hearing other prophets that have already gone forth and spoken things. It means that your hearing is right on point. You're hearing your training, you're hearing now to hear, to know what it is that, um, you know, you're fine tuning it so that when you do go forth, you know, God has given me this word. I know he has cuz you will have already practiced. In the wilderness. You've already heard in the wilderness over and over and over and over and over again, and you're just thinking, oh my gosh, God's given me that word. God just gave me that word last week. God just gave me that word. Just God, oh my gosh, God, just, you may not be telling people this, but you're thinking this in your spirit, you know, and you're so excited that you are hearing and you're seeing things that, and it's just one confirmation after another. Just hold your peace, hold your peace. You know, do not, do not just tell everyone you know, hold your peace. Hold that because you don't know when God will ever have you, um, re to proclaim it. He may have you proclaim it or he may not have you proclaim it. He may have you keep it all the way until you see him, until you meet him. Um, so everything you receive is not to prophesy, you know, you have to just keep it between the two of you until he releases you to, um, share. So, um, anyways, that's the word of the Lord for today and I will see you guys next time. Thank you for joining Fresh Man with Tiffany. God bless. Bye-bye.