EP 12 - Apostles in Name Only | God Must Lay the Plumbline Again

Tiffany Parr

In this episode, Tiffany shares a word of exhortation she received for the apostles serving the body of Christ.   In conjunction with this word, she has will have follow up video-podcast sharing more in detail.  The full word is written on her blog via link below.  Read corresponding scriptures from this episode, under the blog post or in the Podcast Show Notes.
*This message is from a Youtube video transcribed in podcast format

Welcome back to freshmen with Tiffany on this podcast, I'll share in time teachings, prophetic words and poetry based on the word of God. Grab that fresh manna because spiritual things are slippery. So grab them while you can, let's go into today's episode. My name is Tiffany. Um, I wanted to share a word that the Lord dropped in my spirit for the Apostles. There is what I would say the Lord, the phrase that I heard in my spirit was Apostles in name only. And he wanted me to address the apostles. This is not a rebuke. Uh, this is, um, an exhortive word. Um, but God has revealed to me that there are apostles that are, um, have received this title, but they don't have the credentials of a. of an apostle. They don't, they don't carry the weight that apostles carry. And he's saying that he wants to send you away to your Arabia experience or, you know, have a time away where you can be set under a true man of God to, or woman of God to, um, learn from them for a season. He said that some of you are, have had, um, spotty, I'd say education or in the spirit, like your, your spiritual education has been spotty and you have been advanced up the ranks very fast without the foundational knowledge. Of what it takes of what it means to be an apostle and what it means to be a minister in the body of Christ. And so he is that there will be a time where you will be able, a season where you will be able to be sent away to receive from. Another minister for a season, another apostle, seasoned apostle for a season to gain what you've lost or gain what you missed and that that season is coming. It's going to be like a Kairos season for you. And, um, he's not, he, he, um, what he's showing me is that your apostleship or your calling is true. It is truly that you are an apostle. Um, that's not up for debate. That's not, you know, being disputed at all. It's that there's gaps in your understanding and he wants to fill those gaps and he wants to put you under men of God too. Kind of like finish your education or fine tune your education so that you can be fully rou, a well-rounded minister, to be able to minister appropriately to the, uh, men and women in the body of Christ. Um, it does say in Galatians, oh, let's see Galatians, I think it's one 17. Oh, let's see. Galatians one. I had it written, but I'll just find it that, okay, 117 and some of you probably know the scripture. Um, neither do I, neither when I up to Jerusalem, this is Paul speaking to them, which were apostles before me, but I went into Arabia and returned again to Damascus. Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter and abode with him 15 days. So, but other of the apostles saw I none save James and the Lord's brother. So there's that, right? There's that scripture there. And then another scripture that he highlighted to me was Revelation 3, or Revelation 2, 2, when, um, Jesus was speaking to the church of Ephesus and he said, I know thy works, thy labor, and thy patience, and how thou cannot bear them which are evil, and that thou has tried them which say they are apostles and are not. And has found them liars and has borne and has patience for my namesake has labored and has not fainted. Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee because thou has left thy first love. Remember, therefore, whence thou has fallen. Um, so that's not what he was highlighting to me as the, part where. He says that, you know, I know your patience. I know your works and that you cannot bear them that you're evil and thou which tried them which say they are apostles and are not and has found them liars. And so what he wants is he wants you to be, um, found full, you know, found, um, where when you are tried, you pass the test, you pass that. test of the fiery trial, um, that you are in fact true who you say you are, you know, in your call. And so, um, this is what God has revealed to me. He said that Um, the plumb line needs to be reset again, even though you, you were to bring government to the kingdom of God, it's not just signs, wonders, miracles, or whatever. You bring government to the kingdom of God, you're a foundational, uh, office gift. Um, but the plumb line that you should be laying, he said, needs to be laying again. For you, for this group of apostles that this applies to. Um, and he said he will convict you in your heart. He will show you this is me. This is who I, you know, this is definitely this word is for me. Um, if it's not for you, you will know that this word is not for you. Um, but it's. That you were, you were advanced very quickly because of probably a need or probably just desire, selfish ambition, whatever it may be. But, um, The call is correct, but you're not finished. You are like a half baked cake, so to speak. You still need to go back in the oven. You still need to be continued cooking. You need to continue your education under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. to be found true and to not be found a liar and to go through this trial or trial that will come to come, you come your way and pass. So he will make sure that you pass, you will finish well. He wants you to finish well. So this is that word that plum line. needs to be set again for these apostles. And he wants you to set yourself under authority for a season. There's no harm. There's no, there's nothing wrong with being under authority for a season to, um, To learn, you know, to humble yourself and learn, uh, because there's so much more that he has for you so that your ministry can be, um, your ministry can be full, your, your ministry can be effective for, um, those in the body of Christ, that's your, the people that you're sent to. So, um, that's the word today. Um, another thing that Lord highlighted to me. These last couple of days is the scripture in Titus, um, about the pure and to the pure, all things are pure and to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure. And there is, um, you know, there's people in the body of Christ that are, let me see if I can find this, that are, have wrong motives. You know, and okay, yes, um, Titus 1 15 unto the pure, all things are pure, but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but even their mind and their conscience is defiled. But they profess that they know God, but in their works, they deny him being abominable and disobedient and unto every good work reprobate. So, um. You know, but speak to those, those, the things which become of sound doctrine and it goes on and on. And so, um, there is something about the purity and you seeking the Lord with a pure heart. And these, when there's defilement, you know, everything trickles down is defiled. Everything in your mind is defiled because of that one, um, the seed in your heart that's defiled like it's just, it, it, it's like a, a cloud, you know, a dark cloud that covers everything and just makes everything, you know, horrible, you know, and so, but what happens is, is, With you have that defilement, you can't see the pure, you can't see the pure. And then the people that have the pure spirits and the pure heart, um, you know, they have to be careful too, because they can't think that everyone is pure. Everyone has a pure heart. They don't, you know, they have, there's some defilement. So wherever you have, um. Um, when you sense, when you, if you're sensing in this, that I'm speaking today, um, that you have that defilement in your heart, I want you to repent of this right now and get it out. You know, um, you know, the Bible talks about the root of bitterness, uh, defiling many. So, um, The defilement that you have that you sense repent of it so that you could have a pure heart a pure eyes pure Everything and just continue to walk in that purity Because it's your heart. You know how when Jesus was saying that you know, oh, oh there are the the Pharisees were saying oh, they didn't wash their hands before they ate He said it's out of the mouth out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks And if out of the abundance of your heart is defilement, defiling thoughts, defiling everything, everything that's being shared is skewed. It's, it's, it's, it's perverted. There's a perversion to it. There's something sinister about it that you're not walking in the purity. You're not walking in that pureness that God is calling us to. He wants us to walk in that. And that's, um, That is integral in this season. It's so integral. And as we move along in this body, in the body of Christ, with the holiness, you know, there's going to be more and more of a push towards holiness, and there's going to be more of a dichotomy against the things that are not. And there's going to be very clear. Those that are walking pure with God, not by outward appearance, even though, you know, I may be wearing white and God has told me to wear white and I'm just going to be wearing it until he says otherwise, but it's not the clothes. It's the, um, there's, there's a fragrance that pure people carry pure people in body of Christ carry a fragrance and there's going to be very few like this is going to be very rare to find. Um, what men and women of God who are walking with this type of fragrance in the spirit and more of the defilement so much so that, um, it's going to be hard for the people of God to discern between good and evil. And you must have your senses trained to discern between good and evil. So that is the word of the Lord for today. I know there's going to be more that God's going to share on this topic, but for now, um, apostles, um, I pray that you hear this word. I pray that you receive this word, knowing that God has so much more for you. Um, but he, he's clear that some of you are not ready. You're not able to discern certain things that are happening in, in your world. And um, There's just a lot, you know, there's a lot that he's wanting to, to, to give you. Um, so that is all, and I will keep you in my prayers. If anybody wants prayer, um, you know, submit something through the website. I'd love to put you on my prayer list to pray. Um, because I know that, um, apostles and their leadership role have. Such influence in the body of christ than being the office gifts Or if you have an apostle, you know of that you want to recommend for prayer. You want to have on a prayer list um submit their name or their ministry to me and i'll make sure that I pray for them, so All right. Well god bless you guys and i'll see you next time. Thank you so much for joining me today on freshman with Tiffany. Feel free to visit the blog before spawning scriptures on today's episode. Until we meet again, just remember spiritual things are slippery. So grab them while you can. God bless you and have a great day.