EP 14 - Evil Men Wax Worse & Worse | The Rise of Witchcraft

Tiffany Parr

In this episode, Tiffany shares a prophetic word regarding upcoming events in the last days.  Not only will there be the rise of evil in the land, and witchcraft, but also the rise of perversion, and God does not want His people to be ignorant as to what is coming. There will be a stark increase in evil, witchcraft and the occult in these last days. More than anyone has ever seen before.  In conjunction with this word, there is  a follow up video, along with the full word is written on her blog via link below.  Read corresponding scriptures from this episode, under the blog post or in the Podcast Show Notes.
*This message is from a Youtube video transcribed in podcast format

​Welcome back to freshmen with Tiffany on this podcast, I'll share in time teachings, prophetic words and poetry based on the word of God. Grab that fresh manna because spiritual things are slippery. So grab them while you can, let's go into today's episode. Welcome to Freshmanna with Tiffany. I'm your host, Tiffany Parr, and I have a word today. It's not a very pleasant word, but nonetheless, it is from God. Um, I received this word on May 15th of this month. Um, so I am releasing it fairly quickly. Um, also, um, we'll, the scriptures and everything, um, will be some maybe below, but definitely on the blog. Um, so you can check there. Let's pray dear Lord. I just thank you for this day. I thank you for your word and Lord your presence and Lord. I just pray that you are glorified even in the midst of all the evil in the land that you would be glorified and Jesus. Your name is above every name. We know your name is above it. Every name and I just thank you for that Lord. I glorify you and I praise you and I pray that the hearts of the hearers that they would hear this that they will receive this that they will be warned. They would know what is to come. I pray in this in Jesus name. Amen. So, um, One of the things that God, you know, how, what he says in his word is that he does not want the children of God to be ignorant. He doesn't want them to be ignorant. We should always know more, you know, than the enemy. What we should always be five steps ahead. He always wants us to know more, to be prepared for the future. And. I believe that, um, there's going to be confirmation for this word. There's going to be more people that are going to, um, confirm this. Um, but I, I definitely, um, this was very, very strong upon my heart. And the title of it is, Evil Men Wax Worse and Worse, The Rise of Witchcraft. In Exodus 22, 18, we see it says, Do not suffer a witch to live. So that's what it says in the King James, do not suffer a witch to live. And in the past, um, in other countries, um, I'm not sure about America, but there was, um, you know, witch trials and they did put witches to death. But, um, in In this day and age, this is not going to happen because the witchcraft is going to be so sophisticated So trending so popular Um, it's going to be something that a lot of people are going to be dabbling in Some people are going to be more experienced in it than others. Some people, I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's rising. Um, so one of the things I wrote on my paper was there will be a stark increase in evil witchcraft and the occult in these last days, more than anyone has ever seen before. Strange ailments and phenomena will occur to random people and it will no doubt be traced back to someone practicing witchcraft. Some with purpose of evil intent and others just experimenting. Um, the Lord revealed these things to me in revelatory format in the word or in prayer. Um, just various times, um, he kind of touches on things and just can, can continually giving like more and more, um, insight. Um, but yes, he said that there will be much witchcraft in the land and will become more and more overt. Um, Gone will be the days when people are warned against it. Um, even the most unsuspecting person will will dabble in it And the way it's going to start is it's actually already started And um in other countries you already see this, you know, they have the witch doctors and whatnot So in some other countries, they're already practicing it. It's more overt. You can just go down and find a witch doctor, you know? Um, but in America, it's not as overt, you know, this being a Christian nation. Um, it's not, it's not as, you know, out there as it's going to be. And so what the Lord was showing me is that. Um, there's two types of witches that are going to be coming on the scene. There's going to be the good witches and the bad witches. And so for the good witches, they're going to be the type that you go to when you have a problem. When you have a problem that the doctors can't solve, your local church, they can't solve. Um, it's kind of like, um, how they had the rise of the psychics, you know, in the eighties and nineties, they had more and more psychics. And, um, instead of going to the church, you know, they went to psychics, you know, and so we're going to see that, we're going to see that happening, that kind of thing happening, rise of, of, of witches and those good witches, they're going to be called upon to solve all sorts of problems for people. Um, um, if they, if somebody has some sort of ailment. They'll be trying to solve that. If they're having, um, problems with, um, somebody who, um, is attacking them or, you know, or they want to see something happen to somebody, you know, they're going to go to the witches, you know, for that. Um, we also see it with the occult, you know, people trying to manifest this and manifest that. That's occultic behavior and a lot of people don't even understand that they're dabbling in the occult whenever they Kind of follow these and influencers doing the doing these things Okay, so With the good witches They're going to be solving problems that, um, doctors can't seem to solve, or they'll take on the revenge on someone or somebody, you know, deeming or deserving punishment. Um, I also see them, um, trying to influence the games, influence the, you know, using evil spells to influence. The, um, sports arena, like the games and things like that, like outcomes and things like that, um, praying over people to, for things to befall them so that they won't be, you know, available to do things. Um, but a lot of it will be. A lot of it will be, um, revenge on punishment, you know, to punish people for things. I see that. So those are going to be called like the good witches, then the bad witches, which all of it is bad, but the bad witches are going to be those that are going to be fasting and praying against. You know, man, men of God, you know, um, they'll plot to, uh, prevent the advancement of the kingdom. They'll set up traps for men of God to ensnare them. Um, they'll try to shut down churches. They'll try to attack certain men and women of God, um, by various and nefarious means. Um, and this is not a, you know, touching even Christian witchcraft or prophetic witchcraft. That's a whole nother. Um, we're just talking about general witchcraft is out there now. And so, um, we're going to see the church and at large being inept, you know, not able to keep up with what's happening in the community. What's happening. They're not, um, going to have what it takes. there will be a select few that will, and I'll talk to you about that in a minute. But, um, the vast majority of the church is not going to know what the heck is going on. It's not going to know how to handle these things. They'll explain it away. They'll try to make it political. They will, um, Try to say they need to see a doctor or counseling or all of these things, but there's going to be certain things that are going to fall upon people that there's no explanation for it except witchcraft. That's the only thing that that could be the answer. Um, I had a vision of a little boy that was doing well in school. And he was, he was doing well in school. Everything was great. His, he's, he's got, you know, straight A's, um, just doing on the track to, for the gifted and talented and all of that. And then all of a sudden he's, um, you know, kind of like put in the, um, category of people that, you know, have learning disabilities and, um, I'm trying to say it nicely, but really. I mean, completely from a student to failing and, um, his parents being like confused and perplexed and not know what to do. Um, I mean, it's going to be a stark thing. Like one week he's A's the next week he's failing. And it's like, what's going on, you know, and they will take tests. They will have the neuro, they will do neurological tests, everything, you know, they'll do their due diligence. But in the end it will be traced back to a witchcraft family member, somebody who's, somebody who's dabbling in it and in their family, um, who has, who has, You know, put this curse on this child and maybe it's against the parents, but it's just the child. I don't know. So there's going to be a lot of people that are going to be quote, minding their own business. Um, they're going to say that's for them over there. That's, that's their thing. That's, this is not, this is not going to touch my world. There's going to be a lot of people thinking like that, but it will in fact touch their world. It will in fact, because It's going to be so rampant that, it's going to be so rampant that people are just going to, they're not going to know what to do. And so, um, with the church, um, there's going to be a remnant of believers that are raised up that will, are going to be divinely protected by God who they will have the answers. They will have what it takes to, um. Get these spells, get these spells broken, witchcraft, curses broken, deliverance. They will be delivered. They will get people delivered, set free, healed. In another video, I'll talk about the men of Enigma that are coming and how there will be people that will be given insight into not just the prophets, but you know insight into just What is happening and really being able to explain it to in layman's terms to people because a lot of people are just not going to understand. They're not going to, you know, they're not going to understand. And so the men of God, the, there's going to be men and women of God who, um, they do, they will have, um, power from God. Um, just like an ax, an ax to when it says, when Jesus said, wait in Jerusalem until you'd be endued with power, he said that. And so there will be many saints that will set themselves aside that will seek holiness, righteousness, um, seek God, you know, they will be in his face 24 seven. They will be walking that narrow road. They will be worshiping, praying. giving, uh, being obedient, everything. And those groups of individuals are going to be the ones that, um, God is going to use to walk in power. They will walk in power and they will get these people set free and delivered. And that's when hallelujah, Jesus Christ being Lord of all, his name is above every name and his name is so powerful. It can cut through this thing. It will cut through, it will break it down in Jesus name. These curses will be broken in Jesus name. They will. And so, um, you know, there will be that remnant. But the vast majority of churches, I see there, I see also there's going to be men and women of God who, like Saul, there's, I saw this so clearly, like Saul, he has, the anointing has gone and has left them. Um, they will be seeming impatient. They will see prayers not answered. They will have lost anointing, lost favor with God. They will appear not to be hearing from God. They will be tempted to walk in divining and soothsaying, um, and then they will be tempted to seek out like a witch of Endor, a witch of Endor. You see in, um, the scriptures, I'll put this, I'll put it up on the screen where, but you know, it's in, um, Samuel and, um. So, you know, you'll have the Davids, those who can rise up and, and break these things, break those Goliaths, you know, break those curses and everything. And then you'll have the Saul's that were once anointed once, but for whatever reason, they are not able to. They are not able to break any type of curse. They're not hearing from God anymore. They're disobedient. They're being impatient. They're not waiting on God. They are walking presumptuously. Um, but they will have no results. That's what's going to happen. Whenever they could try to attempt something for God, they will not have any results. And so because of that, they're going to Um, they're going to seek out, you know, the witch of endure or probably good, which is, they're going to be tempted to, um, some may, some may, I mean, I've even heard of people that are doing this now, men and women of God that are doing this now, you know, but, um, but it's going to be even more because they're going to see that the witches have more power than they do instead of realizing that they already have it in Jesus name. They already have power, but. Yeah. They have to do it God's way and so that's what's happening They're going the way of Balaam the way of Cain the way they're going a different way than what God would have Them go. They don't want to do it God's way So God is not going to anoint them or bless them that they're not if they're not doing it God's way They're not going to get blessed by God And so, um, so yes, so these are men and women of God who are disconnected from the head, disconnected from Jesus Christ, our head. And so the Bible says in Isaiah 48, he who departs from evil makes himself a prey. And so there's going to be people that are following, um, you know, Um, God's way, God's law, the way of holiness, the highway of holiness, but, um, they will make themselves a prey. But then there's also going to be those who. Make themselves a prey because they are, um, the host of darkness is going to seek to get the stronghold on them and, and solidify that stronghold on them because they will be making decision after decision, um, against the Lord, against Christ, against his, um, How should I say? They will compromise. That's it. They'll be compromising, and then they will be strengthening the hand of the wicked. Two things. Compromising, thank you Holy Spirit, and strengthening the hand of the wicked. And these things in combination will disqualify them for receiving from God, you know, His anointing, His, His, um, His, presence of Holy Spirit, His glory to be, you know, there where they can, um, get results, they can see breakthrough. Um, that's what's, you know, that's what's going to happen. So, um, it says, yeah, they will need to stand, um, So there will be a remnant supernaturally protected by God, whom the enemy will not be able to touch. This is when the church once sifted will emerge the true men and women of God whom Satan will not be able to touch those doubting those living a life of. Sin, those cowardly will set themselves up to be ensnared by the evil one. They will need to stand in their evil day to stand with their armor on, to repent of their sins and come into a life of holiness. So that's what God is calling for. Now, a life of holiness come out from among them. You people, my people come out from among them. So you will not receive their plagues. You will not. receive, you know, the same punishment that these people are going to be getting. And so we're seeing the sifting happening now. People are in the seed. The body of Christ is in the seed. They're going, being sifted and people are slowly deciding Christ or the enemy, Christ or the enemy, Christ or the enemy, Christ or the enemy, to the point where one day that's, that it's going to be so there will be no treading. Um, the, uh, the line of compromise or being lukewarm. There won't be that. You'll be one or the other. You will have to be. And so, um, moving along, there's a scripture that says, okay, so yeah, um, there's a scripture that says in Proverbs 9, it says, verse 13. Yeah, 13. Okay. A foolish woman is clamorous. She is simple. She knows nothing. She sits at the door of her house, on a seat in the high places of the city, to call passengers who go right on their ways. Who is simple? Let him turn hither. And ask for him that wants understanding, she says. Stolen waters are sweet. Bread is, bread eaten in secret is pleasant, but he knows not that the dead are there and that her guests are in the depths of hell. So we see, so that's, that's what's going to be happening. People are going to be ensnared and go down, down, down, down, down. And if there's a spirit of delusion that takes over them and then they're blinded and. They may be having loved ones telling them you've got to get out of this. You can't do this. This is wrong This is wrong. You've got to come out. You got to return. You got to repent. You got to come to Christ and they continually not listen The enemy continues to gain that stronghold on them And the only thing that people can do is pray pray pray until God Until there's a breakthrough pray for them to have that on a causal anointing that compelling anointing that compels men to come to Christ. Um, yeah, I mean, so also it says in Proverbs 7, you know, it talks about the whores woman. Um, Proverbs 6 talks about the whores woman, a whores woman, a man is brought to a piece of. Brought to a piece of bread and the adulterous will hunt for the precious life. Can a man take fire into his bosom and his clothes not be burned? Can one walk upon hot coals and his feet not be burned? So as he that goes into his neighbor's life, neighbor's wife, whosoever touches her should not be innocent. And then et cetera, et cetera. And then it says in, um, I think it's seven. Okay. Yeah. Seven, Proverbs 7, um, 25. Let not thine heart decline to her ways. I know I could be reading this in an NASB, but it's okay. Let not thine heart decline to her ways. Go not astray in her paths, for she has cast down many wounded. Yea, many strong men have been slain by her. Her way, her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death. And this, these scriptures are what's happening. Yes, it's adultery, adulterous, but also we see just the foolish, you know, um, as people get into these innocent types of. routines, the daily routines, the morning routines, the night routines, the things that these influences are putting on, the things you see on TV of what people are doing, setting up altars and candles and astral projection and all the stuff people are doing. And the more that they do all of this, they're bringing people with them to go down to the chambers of death. They're going down to the chambers of death. And so if you're one of those people now who's been ensnared with that, I pray that you would come back to Christ right now and repent. This is the time to repent. If you can hear me now, if you're still breathing, you still have a chance to get right with God. And I strongly encourage you to get right with God and to repent of your sins. Even now, I would say remove all the jewelry, remove all your jewelry, all your paraphernalia. And every... type of witchcraft thing. It says in Acts 19 that they brought their books. They brought their things from curious arts and they burned them. They burned them. And so I encourage you to get rid of all of those things. Just get rid of all of those things that are from the occult. Lastly, The men and women of God that carry the true anointing of God will be highly sought after and seek to duplicate themselves. with others who aligned with their purpose and vision to prevent burnout. So they're going to need to, it says there will be, it will be integral that they protect themselves from burnout and not find themselves taking on the Moses mentality of like, Oh, I've got to do this all myself. They're going to have to locate their 70 elders. They're going to have to locate the seven men. Um, of integrity, the SE seven mil men filled with the Holy Ghost, right, filled with the Holy Ghost in, um, acts, um, how it says that. And then, um, so that they can be healthy enough to carry on the work. The enemy will want them to burn out so that he can't be effective. And it's going to be so important that these men of God, because they're gonna be the ones that do have the answers that they. Men and women of God, they will protect themselves, you know, and we pray for a wall of fire to be protected around them. They're, they're not going to be, um, they're not going to be the victim of the witchcraft attack. But what I mean is they're going to be used so much to, um, sought after to get people healed, set free, delivered that they will have no time for their, No time for themselves, no time to refresh and get back in the presence of God to hear God, you know, to, to, to wear them out. You know, that's what it talks about that in Daniel, how, you know, enemy seeks to wear out the saints, you know, and that's what he's going to be trying to do is wear them out so that they will be out of no longer effective silence. You know, and so they're going to have to duplicate themselves. They're going to have to train up others. They're going to have to, um, spread it out. It says, um, you know how it says that many hands make the job light. That's, that's what we're going to want to see. That's what, that's what they're going to have to do. They'll have no choice or they will just, because this body is just a body, you know, so, um, yeah, they will have to, um, All right. So, um, yes, um, as time goes on, most righteous people will find themselves vexed daily by the things in this world due to its excessive perversion and look faithfully for his appearing. It's only the blessed hope that and their daily fellowship with Christ that will keep some souls from be completely discouraged. Many will determine. that upon Christ's return, he will find faith on the earth. He will find faith on the earth. Some will be so determined that he will find faith on the earth, you know, so, um, So I just pray that you guys receive this and hear you're going to see more of what's going to happen and maybe another broadcast we can get into Christian witchcraft and what's happening in the church. Even now, you know, the manipulation and all the types of things that are happening in the church now. Um, but that will be for another day, but. Oh my Lord, I mean, we really need to be, um, to, to, to wise up, to awake from our slumber, to be sober and diligent, sober and vigilant and diligent, you know, we've got to be. As I always say, um, I'll see you in the next broadcast or the next episode. Well god bless you guys and i'll see you next time. Thank you so much for joining me today on freshman with Tiffany. Feel free to visit the blog before spawning scriptures on today's episode. Until we meet again, just remember spiritual things are slippery. So grab them while you can. God bless you and have a great day.