The Climb

Preview: Welcome to 'The Climb'

with Adrian Bradbury

Welcome to our brand new podcast, THE CLIMB.

Like us, you’ve likely been pulled into this new world obsessed with immediacy, certainty and quick fixes -- but with our new podcast THE CLIMB, we’re curious about purpose, our process, a more cosmic perspective and peace. 

And a peace for our young people --- talented and amazing kids who have big dreams and ambitions, which seem to be coupled with this unprecedented level of expectation, anxiety and fear.

We like to think of THE CLIMB as simply ‘conversations for our kids’ and a companion to a curriculum on life and unlocking potential.

We also hope it can be a kind of accelerated wisdom for all of us, where we’ll lean on experienced professionals and experts to explore big ideas -- in an attempt at making them accessible, actionable and fun. 

It all starts on June 10th, and you can subscribe now for free, wherever you get your podcasts.

And let’s be honest, reaching the top of the mountain doesn’t really matter, if you’re not paying attention to, and enjoying, THE CLIMB.