Shout!Podcast offers a unique insight into the health and wellbeing challenges facing those who live and work in the UK's fire services community. Through the stories of the men and women supported by Fire Fighters Charity, discover how the charity could help you to live healthier and happier. You can find out more and take part in the show at www.firefighterscharity.org.uk/shoutpodcast
Thousands of people become carers in the UK every day, often for a family member or someone close to them, and with very little warning. It’s these unsung heroes that we’re discussing and celebrating in the latest episode of Shout!Podcast.
We speak to the Charity’s Welfare Services Lead Carrie Pearce around what caring for someone actually means – as well as what the burdens of caring can be for different families.
We also chat to beneficiary Maureen Allen about how her own life changed practically overnight two years ago when her husband Clive, a retired firefighter, suffered a major stroke. She has been caring for him at home ever since and she says the support they’ve both received from the Charity, digitally and face-to-face, has been invaluable.
You can read their full story here.
Next we talk to the Charity’s Welfare Caseworker Sharon Dobson, clinical assistant Lucy Milton and nurse Janet Brown, in a round table discussion about some of the many types of carers they themselves have worked with – from young children to wives and husbands – as well as the different circumstances people may find themselves in.
Finally, Carrie explains how the Charity may be able to help you.
If you are caring for someone – or are facing the possibility that you might have to start – and would like support from The Fire Fighters Charity, get in touch today either online or by phoning 0800 3898820.