SD Voyager

Caroline Vaught | Owner, Cat & Craft

SD Voyager Staff Season 1 Episode 4

Today we've got a guest who's stories move us, who's heart inspires us and who's business is a perfect example of why the world needs non-corporate, non-cookie-cutter small businesses to exist and thrive. 

Caroline Vaught is the owner of Cat & Craft, North County San Diego's first adoptable cat cafe. Her approach of keeping the cat area separated by a glass window from the cafe area has allowed so many folks who were previously unfamiliar with cats to learn more about cats and in some cases move forward with adopting! 

She is also a Voyage Content Partner.  Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from sponsoring our mission, to spreading the word about the work we do and collaborating with us on content like this.

If you are interested in cats, coffee or tea or just need someone to relax for an hour or two, head over to Cat & Craft for what we promise will be a memorable experience!