SD Voyager

Mindset, Balance & Enjoying What You Do

SD Voyager Staff Season 1 Episode 8

We’re so lucky to have some great guests with us today to discuss mindset, balance & enjoying what you do and so much more.  The panelists are also content partners.  Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from sponsoring our mission, spreading the word about the work we do and collaborating with us on content like this.

Kelley Kay Bowles | Writer-YA Paranormal, Murder Mystery, Narrative Nonfiction. Speaker
I tell stories!

Vesna Rysdale | Health and Nutrition Coach
Intro: I help highly motivated individuals reclaim their health and live their best lives through Intuitive Nourishment.

Art Dixie | Partner/Co-founder HTI Music Collaborative
I create opportunity and foster possibility without boundaries... the goal is altruism, love and healing as much as possible without being pretentious or self-righteous. Hard shiz to do... but doable.