Michael Byrd explains Medical MSOs, industry trends, and the underlying real estate
Helping Healthcare Scale
Helping Healthcare Scale
Michael Byrd explains Medical MSOs, industry trends, and the underlying real estate
Apr 23, 2021
Austin Hair - Real Estate Developer

Michael Byrd is the Founder and CEO of Byrd Adatto Lawfirm. The firm started in 2015. He’s been practicing law since 1995. He also  Cohosts the podcast The legal123s with ByrdAdatto.

Michael explains the difference between MSOs and DSOs, as well as trends we're seeing in the industry. We talk about how the excess cash on the sidelines is getting ready to fuel the to the process of agglomeration in the industry.

If you are in the health space, they are the go to firm for business and regulatory health care needs:  www.byrdadatto.com

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