Believe Like A Boss

Imposter Syndrome: "It'll Never Happen"

July 23, 2024 Nandi Camille Season 6 Episode 13
Imposter Syndrome: "It'll Never Happen"
Believe Like A Boss
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Believe Like A Boss
Imposter Syndrome: "It'll Never Happen"
Jul 23, 2024 Season 6 Episode 13
Nandi Camille

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What if your most ambitious goals aren’t just possible, but inevitable? Trust me, I’ve been there too, grappling with that nagging thought, “It’s never going to happen.” But today, I’m here to share the exhilarating news of our podcast's milestone—224 downloads in just one week—and to guide you through the often paralyzing fear that keeps us from reaching our dreams. Through personal stories and actionable insights, we'll explore how to combat imposter syndrome and transform those limiting beliefs into stepping stones.

Our minds craft logical barriers based on past experiences, leading us to doubt our capabilities. But imagine adopting the mindset of your future self, the one who’s already achieved those lofty aspirations. We’ll delve into overcoming self-doubt by addressing these mental barriers head-on, using them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles.

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What if your most ambitious goals aren’t just possible, but inevitable? Trust me, I’ve been there too, grappling with that nagging thought, “It’s never going to happen.” But today, I’m here to share the exhilarating news of our podcast's milestone—224 downloads in just one week—and to guide you through the often paralyzing fear that keeps us from reaching our dreams. Through personal stories and actionable insights, we'll explore how to combat imposter syndrome and transform those limiting beliefs into stepping stones.

Our minds craft logical barriers based on past experiences, leading us to doubt our capabilities. But imagine adopting the mindset of your future self, the one who’s already achieved those lofty aspirations. We’ll delve into overcoming self-doubt by addressing these mental barriers head-on, using them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles.

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Instagram: @nandi.camille

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Speaker 1:

Hi, friends, and welcome to Believe Like a Boss. I'm your host Life Coach, nandi Camille. Join me as I teach you how to smash your goals and expand the possibility of your life through mindset management, spiritual alignment and authentic action. I'll teach you how to create what I like to call a life of thrive, with ease and authenticity. It's time to play with what's possible. Are you ready? Let's go.

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello, hello and welcome back to another episode of Believe Like a Boss. I am your host life coach, Nardi Camille. Welcome back. My friends, I'm so excited for another week, for another episode. You guys, I was looking at my email and Buzzsprout. That's who I do my podcast through. That's who I process it through and post it to Apple Podcasts and Instagram and gives me a link for all the things. They send me an email every single week of how many people or how many downloads have occurred on the podcast between the previous week and this one. So, week to week, I'm seeing how many people are downloading the podcast. On average, the number is actually not quite that high. I'd say it's around 30, 40 downloads per week that I'm getting on the podcast. We hit 10,000 downloads last summer, so my next goal, what I'm working towards, is 25,000. But last week, my friends or I suppose between last week and this week I got on my email and opened up the message and it said 224 downloads between last week and this week. So thank you all who listen, thank you to those of you who share the podcast. I really appreciate it.

Speaker 2:

This is something that I have loved creating and my only intention is that it serves well. I have many intentions. One of them is that it serves you, is that it truly does improve your quality of life, that I am giving you a helpful information that truly helps you to take your power back and show up the way you want to in the world and understand, in those moments when you don't, why you don't and how to get back to the place where you feel aligned. Again, my whole mission is alignment. The more humans that are aligned I've said this before the more humans that are aligned, that are in alignment, who feel good about themselves and the work they're doing in the world just like, imagine how that person shows up in the world they're more kind, they're more patient. Why? Because they're more kind and they're more patient with themselves. Therefore, they're more kind and patient with other people. So the more kind and patient people we have in the world, because they're in alignment with who they are, they're doing what they love, they're showing up the way that they want to and are respecting, at the same time, the way that other people live in the world and the way that other people want to and are giving grace and kindness to other people. Just imagine all the people walking around in alignment, how that impacts the world, how that impacts our communities, and so that is why, for me, my mission is helping you become your most aligned self. So thank you so much for sharing the podcast, for telling people about it, for it getting to over 10,000 downloads I think we're at 12,000 now and for us getting 224 downloads,000 downloads I think we're at 12,000 now and for us getting 224 downloads between last week and this week huge win. I was super excited. I gasped when I opened up the email and I ran downstairs to tell Tyler. I was like, oh my gosh, luck, luck, luck. So very excited. Thank you. All had to open up with that.

Speaker 2:

This week we're talking about unpacking the fear. It's never going to happen. So we're unpacking a little bit of thought work and we're unpacking a little bit of imposter syndrome how they go hand in hand. Specific to this thought it's never going to happen. You might have a dream to leave your current job. You might have a dream to get to the next monetary level level. You might have a dream to upgrade your home, or to have another child, or to have your first child, or to lose X amount of pounds right, or to eat in a different way or to move to a different place. All types of goals and desires. It's my favorite thing to do. If you didn't know already, that's what we do, in case you wanted to know what I do as a life coach. We talk about your dreams and your desires, right? So we have all these dreams, these desires that come up throughout our lives, that are different for different people, and then subsequently, often when they're really the true juicy big goals, the big dreams, when we're first thinking it not a child, I think children are very much like of course it's going to happen, of course I'm going to be a pop star one day and I love that about children. But when we grow up and we become adults, subsequent thought usually is it's never going to happen, or who are you to have that happen, or that just seems like a whole lot. I was just talking to a friend the other day and she's thinking about, is interested in opening up an apothecary, she's interested in being an herbalist, and we were talking about it today and she, like I just want to think about it just feels like too much and I just wanted to be here right now, right, and so that's a different version of it's never going to happen. It might just be like it's not that I think it's never going to happen. It just feels like it's too much. It's just too much and it can't happen. And it's probably not going to happen because it's just too much. And I just all the things right. I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself, because that's what's truly underneath that thought. But we're going to start with that headline thought it's never going to happen.

Speaker 2:

I want to present the thought, the offering, to you that this is not a truth, that it's a thought, right, and if you keep thinking it, then it becomes a belief. A belief is nothing but a mental habit. So let me say that again for those of you who need to hear it again A thought you keep thinking is a belief. That's all a belief is is a thought you think again and again. A belief, then, therefore, is a mental habit right. And so what we're looking at is the mental habit of it's never going to happen. It's not going to happen, it's too late, something, all the thoughts that are in that area of the thing that I want deeply, so deeply desire, is out of reach. I can't have it right. It's all in that energy. Again, the reminder here first and foremost, this is just a thought, right? And I want you to recognize how loud is that thought, how loud is that thought for you.

Speaker 2:

For some of you, you just came up with that dream because you just went on a trip to Italy. And so now you have the dream of moving to Italy and you just saw that new program that they're rolling out, or they're paying people to move there. It really is a true program. And so now you're like, oh my gosh, now I've been to Italy, I want to go to Italy. But now you're thinking, oh, it's never going to happen. Maybe you're just in the beginning. You're just like born in your brain.

Speaker 2:

Both the belief and the doubt was just born, right? Maybe you're further along, different end of the spectrum, where this dream has been placed on your heart and you've had it for years. You've wanted to be a mom for years. You're like but how am I going to be a mom if I can't find the man? Right? I haven't met him yet. Nandi, right? This is true for several of my clients, right? I want to be a mother, but I haven't met him yet.

Speaker 2:

And so the thought that comes up is it's never going to happen, or I don't think it's going to happen because here I am, I'm in my 30s, I'm in my 40s. I don't know if it's going to happen for me. I don't know if I'm going to be a mom, right, and there's the thoughts about because I'm a certain age, I can't be a mom, or because I haven't met him and all the things right. Regardless of where you are on the spectrum. The point I'm trying to make is, if it's a new thought, think about it as a new tree that's just been planted. It's going to be easier for you to pull up the roots that I'm pulling right now from a Buddhist metaphor right, roots that I'm pulling right now from a Buddhist metaphor right. But if you go and you see an oak that has been there for 20 years, it will be darn near impossible to pull that tree out. You could not physically, with your own human body, pull that tree out of the ground, right?

Speaker 2:

And so our thoughts are similar in that way, a thought you think again and again becomes a belief, it becomes a mental habit. So I want you to check in right now how deep is that mental habit for you? How deeply ingrained is the thought it's never going to happen. I just want you to check in for yourself. Have you been thinking this for just a week a day, for years? Just check in Mindfulness, awareness, without judgment. We're going to be aware of how deeply ingrained, or the other way I like to think about.

Speaker 2:

How loud is this thought it's never going to happen? Is it just taking over everything in your brain or does it just come up every once in a while? It's never going to happen, right? How loud is that thought? The point isn't to recognize how long you've been thinking about it. The point is to check in just for a second. And is this a thought that I can interrupt right now? Is this a thought that, instead of thinking it's never going to happen, can I just believe that it's going to happen or say it's not going to happen yet, right? What if it's not going to happen yet? What if it just hasn't happened yet? Can you shift into that thought right now?

Speaker 2:

For some of you, if the thought is not as deeply ingrained that should be I say should it is likely that that thought is going to be easier to step into if it's a newer thought or you haven't been thinking, the thought, and some are going to happen for a very long time. For some of us, though, we haven't met the person, and so it makes it harder to believe that I'm going to be a mom. So, just thinking it hasn't happened yet, I kind of believe it and I kind of don't, right, so then we get to play with some different thoughts. I want you to check in. Why do you think your brain has come to this conclusion? So I just started there.

Speaker 2:

Why do you think that it's never going to happen yet? Well, I've never met the, I haven't met the guy, so I can't have the kids. That's a logical thought. Why do you think you're not going to get the raise? Well, because I've asked for a raise before and they turned me down, so why would they allow me to get a raise this time? Why don't you think that you're going to sign a client? Well, I've never signed a client before, so I don't know. I just don't know that I'm ever going to sign one, ever.

Speaker 2:

I want you to check in because you are a logical person, so we're not just going to kick out the thought it's never going to happen. I'm not here to beat that thought up. Don't think that thought. That doesn't serve you. Have a positive mindset. That's not what we're here to talk about. I want you to have a positive mindset, but I also want you to allow for the quote negative thoughts to arise.

Speaker 2:

When they do so, when the thought it's never going to happen for me shows up, I want you to check in for a second and ask yourself why don't I believe it's never going to happen for me? Why don't I believe that this is available to me? Why don't I think that I can sign the client? Why don't I think that I can be a mom? Why don't I think that I can get the raise? Why don't I think that I can make $10,000 in a month in my business? Why don't I think that I could move to Italy and start over? Why don't I believe that?

Speaker 2:

And then your logical brain will give you your logical reasons. Well, you don't speak Italian. How are you going to move to Italy and start a whole new life there when you don't know anything about it? Take that logical thought and use it. Use it Okay, cool, if I don't know the language. Now I'm going to learn the language. Okay, brain, if you say that I can't move to Italy because I don't know anything about Italy. Great, I'm going to start watching YouTube videos and watching National Geographic shows and reading books and going to the library to get books on Italy.

Speaker 2:

Soothe out those itchies. Don't just ignore them. Shove them down. Oh, I need to put it away that it's never going to happen. No, look at it. What is it saying to you? You don't know Italian? Great, I can learn Italian, right.

Speaker 2:

Maybe the example for you is I'm never going to be a mom. And your logical brain says well, because I'm 43 years old and I haven't met the person, and so at this point, it just doesn't feel your logical brain being logical, it doesn't feel like it's going to happen. It hasn't happened yet. That's a logical thought. Society doctors will tell you that after the age of 35, your chances go down. That is what the people will tell you. The people out there will say the things, and the things get in our brain, and so it makes logical sense that I am now in a place where I'm like well, I don't know that it's going to happen for me.

Speaker 2:

But what I want to offer is we're playing with what serves you and what doesn't. I want you to feel in alignment. If what you truly want in your bones is to meet the person and have the babies, then we get to play in that energy because that's what serves you and that's what's in alignment for you. And again, I'm saying all this very lightly Everybody is different. This is not coming from the place of you need to have kids. This is not coming from the place of at a certain age, because I know that this is a really sticky topic, the example that I'm using, and it is very sensitive. So I want to make sure I'm acknowledging that. At no point am I saying that you need to. Any woman, any body needs to have children at any age, or needs to have a partner in order to do that or to be heterosexual. I want to acknowledge all of that. All of it I'm speaking to when you have a true desire and then your logical brain offers the reasons why you cannot have that true desire.

Speaker 2:

Take a look at those logical things that your brain has come up with and solve for them, solve for them. Allow that part of you to speak up, solve for what you can solve for and then affirm what you do want, okay. So notice, this is just sneaky, imposter syndrome. This is just the part of you not believing that you can do the thing because your brain doesn't have enough evidence. Your brain's like well, you haven't spoken on a stage before. Who are you to say you want to be a speaker? It's not that it's wrong or bad that your brain is saying that. It is a logical thought. Your brain says I have not seen you do this thing. Therefore I do not know if you can do this thing. Logical. But then we take it as oh, I don't know if I can because I've never done it before, I've never seen myself do it before, so I don't know. Allow for that and then check in.

Speaker 2:

What do I want to choose to believe? What does the version of me who's met the person and had the babies think? What does the version of me who speaks on stages think? What does the version of me who lives in Italy think? What does the version of me who has a podcast and offers one-on-one coaching and has events? I'm literally just naming myself? What does that version of me do? How do they think? What do they believe about themselves and the world? Go to the version of you who already has the thing that you want, but the reason why I wanted to have this episode is because often that's all we talk about Go to the future version of you who has the thing that you want and show up as if it's already done.

Speaker 2:

Still valid advice, and sometimes the speed bump that gets in the way is the thought it's never going to happen. That's not available to me, that doesn't happen for people like me. I can't have that. It's too late for me. Those thoughts, those little versions of imposter syndrome are often what get in the way of us believing that it's possible for us and therefore showing it up as if it's already done. Because really that's the secret sauce you could never listen to another podcast, another personal development, anything I truly believe that and just lock into, show up as if it's already done. But here's the reason why we don't just do that Because we do get snagged, we do get frustrated, we do get caught up in the lies that are well-intended by our brain that's always trying to protect us, tells we are human beings doing our very best.

Speaker 2:

Doing our very best, and even doing our very best can get tripped up by the thoughts that start to become very believable it's never going to happen for me. It hasn't happened for me yet. So like, why would it happen for me? And you know there's all these people that have already made all this money doing it and that market's probably too saturated. And you know there's all these people that have already made all this money doing it and that market's probably too saturated. And you know I'm already behind. I should have done it already. I should have studied that a really long time ago. Why didn't I know what I wanted to do with my life 10 years ago? That's not serving you. That chatter is not serving you. It is keeping you out of alignment.

Speaker 2:

We are in alignment when we are connected to our vision. We are in alignment when we know what we want and we are actively going after it, even when we fail. You can fail and be in alignment. You can trip up and be in alignment. I would say you're more so in alignment when you are actively pursuing what you want and failing and failing at it.

Speaker 2:

When you show up and you host the event and nobody shows up, you're in alignment. It might feel really crappy that nobody showed up, but you're in alignment. You showed up for the goal and next time you're going to do it differently. You're going to market differently. You're going to tell more people so that more people show up. You're going to learn from that and you're going to upgrade because you showed up in alignment versus oh, it's never going to happen. So I'm not even going to host the event oh, it's never going to happen. So I'm not going to get on the dating app oh, it's never going to happen. So I'm not even going to sign up for the class oh, it's never going to happen. So I'm not going to invest in the thing. That's never going to happen. So I'm not going to leave my house and go to that event oh, it I'm in charge of. Sorry, just a little little bit of tough love for whoever needed that. Maybe it was just me. You are doing a great job. You're doing a wonderful job, and sometimes we get caught up in things that we don't need to get caught up in, like lies, lies, like it's never going to happen for me.

Speaker 2:

Next week, we're going to talk about two of the reasons why I feel well, two reasons why depression, or my clients that I work with experience depression, and that sneak peek is one of them not believing in yourself and not believing that what you want is possible For some of you. That is why you are feeling depressed. That is the whole reason, because you've stopped believing in the thing that you want so bad, and so now you're walking around living a smaller, lesser version of you, playing it safe. And I say that with love. Right, I'm not making fun of the person that's living in that place. I'm calling you out with love because you deserve to live the life that has been placed on your heart and that you so deeply desire to live. And let's give ourselves grace that it's not all going to happen at once, that it is going to take effort, that you will be uncomfortable, you will be uncomfortable. Let me say that again for the person who needs to hear it when you are going after what you really want, you will be uncomfortable. Period when you are living as a human being on the planet, you will be uncomfortable period. So you might as well, in my opinion, be uncomfortable doing things that you love. You might as well, in my opinion, be uncomfortable going after the life you so deeply want to live, instead of being uncomfortable in stagnation, instead of being uncomfortable in resentment resentment towards being uncomfortable, in resentment resentment towards other people, resentment towards yourself, resentment towards your life, show up in alignment and fail forward. But you will be in alignment and I promise you. That is again if you've been here a while. That is a true example for me.

Speaker 2:

At the first event I ever hosted, nobody showed up. No one showed up and I felt really, really, really crappy. I did, I felt so, I made posters. You guys, I don't know if I put it on event right or not. My brain says that I did and nobody was there. No one, not a single person, showed up for that event and I felt like crap. But then I realized, recognized, remembered, I showed up. I showed up and I can continue to show because I'm mother, love and life coach. That's what we do. And so I went upstairs my OGs have heard this story again and again went upstairs, found someone in the lobby, said, hey, I'm hosting this event, um, but nobody's here right now. So if you just wanted a free life coaching session, I'm available. So just let me know I'm here. I just left her alone. She went shopping in the store, then came and found me and had a free life coaching session with her, and she ended up being my very first client.

Speaker 2:

Do not count yourself out it's not over until you say it's over yourself out it's not over until you say it's over and you can decide. There's a difference between deciding that a chapter is closed and that's an alignment for you, versus counting yourself out and saying it's over because you don't actually believe that you can do it, even though you really want to do that thing. If you really want to do that thing, if you really want to have that experience, if you really want to have that life, whatever that life is for you, my first offering is love yourself where you are. Give yourself grace for where you are. You are always doing your best and now you know how to do better, so let's do that incrementally and as always, my friends, if you need help with this, this is what I do.

Speaker 2:

Send me a message, hello at NandiCamillecom. Visit the website NandiCamillecom, visit me on Instagram at NandiCamille or sign up for your free discovery. Call. That's NandiCamilleasme. I will see you guys next week. Hey, friend, if you like this podcast, I would love it. If you give us a five star rating, share it with your friends, if you're interested in one-on-one coaching, if this podcast resonates with you and you're ready for some one-on-one support support for you and your journey. Go ahead to nandikamilcom to learn more or head over to nandikamilasme to sign up for your free discovery call.

Unpacking Fear and Imposter Syndrome
Overcoming Self-Doubt and Resistance
Connecting With NandiCamille