Believe Like A Boss

Be The Authority by Knowing Your Value

Nandi Camille Season 6 Episode 4

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Embarking on a career transformation from lifestyle blogging to life coaching, I, Nandi Camille, have uncovered some fundamental truths about exuding confidence and establishing oneself as an authority.

Whether you're a seasoned R&B singer-songwriter or a dedicated insurance professional, the journey I share in this heart-to-heart conversation reveals that the essence of professional success lies within the power of self-representation. With personal anecdotes and the experiences of my diverse clientele, I unravel the significance of the language we choose to define ourselves and its impact on our career trajectory.

In a landscape where your narrative is your calling card, understanding and articulating your unique value is not just a skill, it's a necessity. This episode isn't merely about recounting experiences; it's an invitation to join a community intent on thriving. Listen in as I encourage you to craft a personal narrative that captivates and resonates, and to present that narrative with unabashed confidence. Together, let's embrace our authority and authenticity, transforming how we are perceived in our respective fields and beyond.

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Speaker 1:

Hi, friends, and welcome to Believe Like a Boss. I'm your host Life Coach, nandi Camille. Join me as I teach you how to smash your goals and expand the possibility of your life through mindset management, spiritual alignment and authentic action. I'll teach you how to create what I like to call a life of thrive, with ease and authenticity. It's time to play with what's possible. Are you ready? Let's go.

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello, hello, my friends, and welcome back to another episode of Believe Like a Boss. I am your host, life coach, nadi Camille, and, honestly, you all. I'm going to let you in on a little secret I have been speaking from the heart. I've been speaking from the heart on these last few episodes. I do have notes on some episodes that I'm you know they have full scripts for, but recently what has been serving me and, I hope, serving you you've probably noticed that these episodes have been a little bit more squirrely than usual, but it is truly because I've been speaking from the heart, based on the themes that I'm noticing with my clients, based on the themes that I'm noticing with myself.

Speaker 2:

So, just speaking truly on what is serving me and the women that I'm working with, and so what is coming up for me in this next episode and again I'm doing this in I'm like, how raw do I want to get? I'm doing this in my closet, but that's because my husband is downstairs working on some projects, and so that's why I'm in my closet, not in my office, but without a notebook, without a script, because these are just tried and true modalities, methodologies, concepts that work and that I get just really jacked about, so I guess I don't need a booklet for so. Anyway, this week, my friends, we're talking about being an authority in your field. Being an authority in your field, so this is whether you have a full-time job and you love it, and you are a corporate girl and you want to climb the ladder or you are owning your own business.

Speaker 2:

Either way, this goes hand in hand with confidence, and I think about two clients in particular. One of them is working towards being a R&B singer, songwriter, and the other one is in the insurance space and has to make several calls each week and she has sales quotas that she's working towards. Either of them, regardless of their background and their career goals, it's going to be important for them and what we're working on is being an authority in their field, being confident in their field. And this concept is coming up for me in particular because, after doing this for about six years coaching, and then being in child care and working with families for 19 years, I am noticing the way that people are speaking to me, and it is I don't, it's a mix of things. I think it's because of the amount of years that I've been in both fields. I think it's also because of the work that I've put into the world, um, that and and the work that I've done on myself, on being an authority figure. But I am starting to notice the way that people are talking to me in a way that reflects that they look up to me Not everybody, um, I'm, you know I don't have a gajillion followers. I have 3,000 followers on Instagram. I have 60 followers or 60 people on my email list. I have a modest business, but with the people that I do speak to and the people that I do get to work with, it is interesting to hear the way that they speak to me about my business and the importance of stepping into that empowered place of authority, not from and I want to be very careful with this not from a place of the fake it till you make it. I love the saying because it allows you to jump in. It goes hand in hand with just do it. But we want to be mindful of being in alignment, being true to who you are but at the same time, the reason why I'm treading so lightly when I say this is because when I first started, before I started my coaching business, I started a wellness blogging business. I just wanted to blog about wellness and mindset and mindfulness and being your best self, and so I started with writing on those topics and I remember when I was blogging, I really saw myself as a lifestyle blogger. I wanted to grow following. I wanted to speak on stages, I wanted to help people. I'm so grateful that I've done so many of the things that I saw myself doing as a blogger, but I just remember thinking, even being a sorry. All the things are coming to mind now that I'm thinking about that chapter of my life of being a lifestyle blogger, being a brand ambassador for every for a year. Right, I did a really truly win after all the things that I wanted to do, and in that, even in that, I needed to show up as an authority. Right, I needed to be confident in my voice as a blogger. And when I stepped into being a life coach, when I shifted from, okay, I'm a wellness lifestyle blogger to I'm a life coach, I'm now going to take this into coaching one-on-one. I'm going to take this into courses. I'm going to sell packages. I'm going to speak on stages. That's what I want to shift into now it sell packages, I'm going to speak on stages. That's what I want to shift into.

Speaker 2:

Now it was. I couldn't keep walking around. I could have. It didn't serve me to, though, anymore Walk around saying I'm a baby blogger.

Speaker 2:

I'm a baby blogger, right, and that's where I say I want you to be careful about being authentic, cause that's where my brain was like oh, but I'm being authentic, I'm a new blogger, so I'm a baby blogger. But just notice if the words you're using are keeping you small. Notice if the phrases that you're using to explain yourself as a business owner oh, I'm a baby business owner, okay, great, maybe you're in the first six months of owning a business. I would say after that and again take it if it sticks to you, leave it if it doesn't. Truly, you need to do what works for you, because that's where you're going to thrive. You are going to thrive by following through on what lights you up, not following through just on what experts say, just because they say it right, and I truly want that to hopefully stick.

Speaker 2:

But if, if you're wanting to be respected in your field as an authority, as somebody that people can trust, I want you to check in on how you are showing up. Is it from this timid energy of I hope that they buy, I hope that they pay attention to me, I hope that they trust me, I hope that I'm good enough, right and think about that. If somebody's showing up with that energy, they may not sing any of those things out loud, but if that's what they're thinking, I hope that I'm good enough, right, and think about that. If somebody's showing up with that energy, they may not sing any of those things out loud, but if that's what they're thinking, I hope that I'm good enough, I hope that they buy from me. You're going to feel that and you're not likely you might buy from that person because they're nice, right, but if, truly, their energy is this, I hope, I hope, I hope, versus. Of course they're going to buy from me. Of course what I have to offer is valuable. Of course my story is amazing and will serve somebody. Of course this offering that I have is of value to someone, right? That energy is so different and that is so much more magnetic and we are far more likely again, they don't have to say any of this out loud, but we are far more likely to buy from the person that is self-assured, from a loving place. Again, this is not the person that's like sneakily, like I'm going to like, like the traditional sneaky, slimy sales person that really is not thinking about your interests or whether or not you connect with their product. That is somebody different, right, but the person that is truly, genuinely feels like, actually, what I have to offer you, my product, my service is of value to you. I truly, genuinely believe that and feel as though this exchange of energy would serve you. You are far more likely to buy from that person than the person who really does have something great to offer you. But it's like I don't really know if I have something great. I don't really know if they're going to buy from me and, again, I'm not judging that energy and that thought process. If that is you, that is okay, right. But just notice that maybe it's time to practice a new mindset, right that? The mindset of I hope that they buy and I hope that this goes well, of. I hope that they buy and I hope that this goes well and I hope. Right, it's a great sentiment, but can you turn up the volume on that? I know that I'm valuable. I know that I have something to offer. I know that I will connect with my aligned clients, if not today, then tomorrow or the next day. I know that I will make sales again, if not today, then tomorrow or the next day, because what I have to offer is valuable. What I have to offer is of, again, value. I love that word of value to somebody's life and I think that that's a really wonderful check-in for us.

Speaker 2:

Again, whether you are in the corporate space or you have your own business, what is it that you're selling and why is it valuable? Right, what is it? What is the product that you're selling? If you're a teacher, you're selling education. If you are a singer or songwriter, you might be selling entertainment, or you might be selling poetry.

Speaker 2:

You might what. You get to decide what is it that you're selling and why is it valuable? You get to determine that and then sell from that place, be the authority from that place. That's how we are the authentic authority when we truly connect to our why, when we truly connect to the value that we are here to offer and then sell from that place. That is how we become the authority.

Speaker 2:

That's why I get so freaking jacked about coaching, because I've experienced it myself. I experience it every single time. I get on a call with a client and I notice how we go from thinking one thought to thinking another and the transformation we go through in one hour. How freaking excited I get about telling that to people. When I talk about it in person, like oh, you're a life coach, oh, yeah, absolutely. And when I get the opportunity to authentically pour into somebody about what I do from a place of authority. It's from a place of excitement. It's because I know what my why is, because I know the value that, for me, coaching has created in my life and created in my clients' lives.

Speaker 2:

So check in for you. What is it that you have to offer? Why is it valuable? Can you serve people from that place? The timidness might show up again. If you are used to being timid, if you are used to living in imposter syndrome, it will show up again because it's a neural pathway that you've built. Your job will be to notice when it shows up and notice it with love. Oh, there's the timidness again. There's my brain thinking what if people don't buy again? I knew that thought was going to come up again. That thought doesn't serve me. Of course people are going to buy. I've worked so hard on my blank right. I love to serve people in blank and people love when they get blank from me because blank right Really write your story.

Speaker 2:

Write your story, understand what about you, your service, your offering is valuable and show up as an authority from that place. I hope that this serves you. My friends, take it with six to you. Leave the rest. I'll see you next week. Hey friend, if you like this podcast, I would love it if you give us a five-star rating. Share it with your friends. If you're interested in one-on-one coaching, if this podcast resonates with you and you're ready for some one-on-one support support for you and your journey go ahead to nandikamilcom to learn more, or head over to nandikamilasme to sign up for your free discovery call.