Believe Like A Boss

Rediscover Your Motivation and Purpose

Nandi Camille Season 6 Episode 18

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Ever felt overwhelmed by life's relentless to-do lists? What if you could transform those tedious tasks into joyful experiences? In today's episode of "Believe Like a Boss," I share my recent camping escapades and the unexpected lessons they brought.

Through tales of mishaps and moments of gratitude, we discuss the power of perspective and how shifting our mindset can bring joy even in the most mundane activities. Learn how to see your to-do lists not as burdens but as opportunities, making your journey towards personal and professional fulfillment much more rewarding.

Facing setbacks in your business or personal goals? You're not alone. We'll explore how to reignite the excitement that initially drove you and combat overwhelm by visualizing worst-case scenarios, ultimately reclaiming your power and motivation. Additionally, we address the isolation you might feel while pursuing big dreams, fostering a sense of community among our listeners. Remember, you're not lost or behind; you're simply on your unique path to success. Tune in for a refreshing dose of inspiration and practical strategies to keep pushing forward, no matter the challenges.

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Speaker 1:

Hi, friends, and welcome to Believe Like a Boss. I'm your host Life Coach, nandi Camille. Join me as I teach you how to smash your goals and expand the possibility of your life through mindset management, spiritual alignment and authentic action. I'll teach you how to create what I like to call a life of thrive, with ease and authenticity. It's time to play with what's possible. Are you ready? Let's go? Hello, hello, hello. Welcome back to another episode of Believe Like a Boss. I am your host life coach, nandi Camille. Welcome back.

Speaker 1:

My friends, I'm recording this from my car in the mountains we are camping this time. I've been doing a lot of on the road podcast recording lately, which I'm actually really grateful for. It's been interesting lately. You know, what I've been focusing on is really integrating joy into the tedious things of my life. It's something that I've done before. If you've followed me for a while, in the very beginning of my coaching journey, one of the things I used to say all the time is not that we have to do things like our to-do list, it's a get to do list. Right, it's not a have to do, it's a get to do, and so I've really been coming back to that thought, coming back to that practice of reminding myself when I'm doing the laundry, when I'm setting up a tent, when I'm packing a car. Right, this is a gift.

Speaker 1:

Tyler was getting a little bit frustrated the other day. Thank goodness for him Always allowing me to let him be the guinea pig. Let me also say he is a well-rounded human. So while I use him for examples of what not to do, often, he also does a lot of things and he teaches me all the time how to be my best self. But he's getting frustrated about packing up the car to go camping and I tried to point out to him. I was like, hey, we get to do this, we get to pack up the car to go camping. And I tried to point out to him. I was like, hey, we get to do this, we get to pack up the car. And honestly, we ran into some hiccups. We blew a fuse in my car when we tried to. It just is funny because our camping this year has been just hard. We keep running into snags. In January we didn't have a sleeping bag, we didn't have heat. It was a hot mess. Now we go camping.

Speaker 1:

For this time we blew a fuse in my car because we remembered last time we went camping we didn't remember the converter, electrical converter so we could blow up the air mattress while we were in the mountains. You plug it up to the car, plugs up to the air mattress. You have a blown up air mattress, and so we remembered to do that this time. But when Tyler went to go and test it it blew a fuse in my car. So then we were calling around to see who could help us with it. It's going to be a hundred dollars for a mechanic to look at it. We're like we don't have time for this. Luckily my aunt is really handy with cars. My papa taught her. My grandfather was really good with cars. She lives down the street from us. We gave her a call. She actually has fuses in our house and helped us fix it. We fixed the car.

Speaker 1:

It was just, it was a lot. And then something else happened and so we get here. But on the way to getting here it was just a lot of hiccups and Tyler was getting frustrated, and I understood I was getting frustrated too, but he was a little more outwardly frustrated and so I just lovingly reminded him hey, we get to fix my car right now. We get to solve these problems, because, guess what? The only reason why we have these quote problems is because we're going camping. Right, we wouldn't have run into any of this if we weren't going camping, and so, yes, it's been a little bit more difficult to get to where we're going, but we're going there and these issues are as a result of the things that I'm going after.

Speaker 1:

So let's bring that into what you're doing in the world, right? What is it that you're going after? Is it building a business? Is it leaving your job? That's usually the two top things that I'm working on with my clients high achieving women and female entrepreneurs. So they're looking at building a side hustle, leaving their job completely or changing careers. One of the the above is usually happening in their sphere. If not, we're working on relationship stuff. Even within that, right, what is it that you're working towards?

Speaker 1:

Let's start there. Let's say, like for most of my ladies, you are building a business, and when we start this process, it comes from this really excited place. I am so excited to start a business. I want to start a jewelry making business, for instance. Right, I'm so excited to make this jewelry that women and men people are going to wear, they're going to sport. It's going to give me a way to have extra income for myself, for my children, for my family. It's going to give me a little bit of time freedom if you're looking to do this full-time and maybe you're looking to work less than 40 hours by doing the jewelry business. Or if you're working full-time, let's say you're an educator or you're just working a job that you desire to have more income and it's going to give you a little bit more on the side. So when we start out, we're really excited. We have this really clear vision or this just magnetic pull towards I'm going to build this beautiful thing whether it's this beautiful empire, this beautiful small business and then we get to work on it. Right, we go to start the business, we go to build the website, we go to create our business card or go to the networking event, and as we're doing these things, we're noticing the little frustrations.

Speaker 1:

I was just working with a client yesterday and one of the things we're trying to work through is trying to actually determine whether or not she is going to go full-time into building her own business, if it's going to be a side hustle or if she wants to do something within event planning as a full-time job. So we're navigating right now and as we're navigating, one of the first assignments that I gave her was I just want you to plan an event from scratch, just make one up and go through that process. Let's just see how you feel. As you practice this process. And as she went through it, she really enjoyed the event planning process. She really enjoyed putting it all together, but then she realized, ooh, who's gonna go to this event and how much do I even charge for this? So then she started noticing the snacks.

Speaker 1:

So often again, whether you're looking to find your person or you're building a business, we have the vision. At first, we're really excited about it, but as we start to that spot right now where you're feeling itchy, you went and you hosted your first event and nobody showed up. Or you're about to launch the business and you're like, oh, I don't know what to charge for this and you just find yourself feeling itchy. Here's what I want to offer Connect with the future version of you who has already created this. If you've been around a while, you know that this is one of my go-tos. Connect with the future version of you who is already for this client and event planner full time. How did that version of you get to where they are?

Speaker 1:

The objective here, what I'm giving you tools for, are ways to get out of what we'll call the river of misery. I coined that from, or I didn't coin that. I'm grabbing that from Stacey Bayman, who coined the term. When we're in the river of misery, it's just like I can't do this. I don't want to do this. It's too hard, and I'm talking that. It is the thing that you really want. Right, it's something that you really want and you're struggling with. Is this too hard? Can I do this? You're struggling with the in-between. You're in the river of misery. It's where duplicity comes up. I really want this thing and I'm questioning whether or not I'm capable of creating it.

Speaker 1:

All the way back to Tyler getting upset about us camping today. Right, he wanted to go camping. He was so excited about it. He got a little bit frustrated with the fuse blowing. Am I still going to be able to do this? So if you're noticing yourself asking the question, can I do this? Go to the future version of yourself. Who has done it? Here's another tool I'm going to offer. Go to the past version of you who first started the business. What were you initially excited about? This tool, I find, is a little bit more helpful for friends that have been in their business for a little bit longer, who they have established their business, they have clients. They're not in the very beginning, but they're not quite to where they want to be.

Speaker 1:

Often we're getting caught up in the mundane the registration process or the daily content creation process or client services. If you're still wearing multiple hats because you haven't hired out yet, you might be in the day-to-day tedious tasks wondering why did I quit my job to do this? Here I am working 60 hours instead of the 40 that I was working before. So for this person I would offer why did you start? Why did you get started? What were you excited about in the beginning? And here's another question what are you excited about now? Because sometimes the reason we started the business is not the reason why we keep going. Or, if you're in a relationship, the reason why you started. The relationship might be different now. You might have different needs now. So check in what is important to me now, what excites me now, what lights me up now for the person that is in the river of misery that is wondering can I do this? Can I do this? Here's the last tool I'm going to offer you.

Speaker 1:

This one's a bite-sized podcast episode. I want you to go to the worst case scenario, because often what's causing us to be in the river of misery is well, what if nobody buys? Or what if nobody shows up? Or what if I never meet the one? Go to the worst case scenario. What if nobody shows up for that event? Then what? What are you going to do? Are you going to give up? Are you going to stop? If that's the bargain, you're saying, okay, if nobody shows up for this event, I'm done with this, I don't want to do this anymore. Cool, make peace with that. Is that really truly where you are? Or are you in a place of you know what? I'm going to do my best and even if nobody shows up, I'm going to try again and I'm going to offer. We're going to try again in a different way. We're going to turn that puzzle piece. We're going to try a different way to market, try a different way to talk about the event. Reach out to those people that are looking for your event and try again. But check in. What would happen if the worst case scenario happened? What if I never meet anybody? What if I never, ever meet? The quote, the one? Okay, then what Then? What are you going to do?

Speaker 1:

The intention here is to give yourself your power back. Oftentimes, we're spinning and spinning and spinning, so worried about the worst case scenario. Here's the thing If the worst case scenario happens, you will be okay, and what the brain is afraid of is not being okay. What if nobody shows up? I'm not going to be okay. My business never blossoms, I'm stuck in this job forever. Go to the worst case scenario, because here's what also happens.

Speaker 1:

Often, when we go to the worst case scenario, we realize oh actually, that's actually really silly, right, because some of us worst case scenario. I'll talk about myself for a moment. My brain will go to a place of well, worst case scenario I don't get any more followers. And if I don't get any more followers, then I don't get any new clients. And if I don't get any new clients, then my business doesn't grow. If my business doesn't grow, then I'm going to feel really sad that I have this dream to be a life coach and nobody's running or being a part of my business.

Speaker 1:

And when I go through that entire line of thought. I recognize truly for me how silly that is. I am so passionate about being a life coach that if I host an event and nobody shows up, great, I've learned some things. And instead of shutting down and closing up shop, it affirms this is important. Next time I might title it something different, I might give myself more time to market the event. I'm not going to give up and I'm not going to quit. When I go to the worst case scenario, it honestly just gives me a fire back under my butt again.

Speaker 1:

I'm like oh actually, if this is what happens, it gives you an opportunity to decide. Do I want to stop? Is this too hard for me? That can be a choice. You can decide. You know what this. Is this too hard for me? That can be a choice. You can decide. You know what. This is too hard for me. If Tyler could have made that choice, you know what. I don't want to do. This.

Speaker 1:

The fuse blew and I don't feel like camping and trying to figure this out is too hard for me. I'd rather just go home and have a peaceful weekend. You get to don't want to be. Happening for you is for you to live in the river of misery, for you to continue to downward spiral. I want you to take your power back. What is the most empowering decision for you to make with the options that you have right now, right For us? We then could make a phone call, called my aunt. She had some option for us. We were able to fix it. We decided it was okay for us to leave a little bit later in the day. We wanted to leave earlier, but it was still worth us to go camping. We were going to leave a little bit later.

Speaker 1:

When I hosted that one event in the very beginning of my business and nobody showed up, I determined in that moment it is still worth it to me to try again. It's still worth it for me to go upstairs in this facility and talk to people and introduce myself, check in. I know that when we are working towards things, pitfalls happen. It's just a part of the process. So I don't know who needs that reminder, who thought this was going to be very easy. Whether it again is connecting with your person or getting the job or signing the client, there's a there. There is ease to it right. There is ease to doing the thing we're passionate about and there are. Life is just lifing right. There is ease to doing the thing we're passionate about, and there are. Life is just lifing right.

Speaker 1:

And so, when life is lifing and there are rocks that are thrown in your way, there are speed bumps that are put in your way, what are you going to do? How are you going to show up to that? Are you going to decide to walk over that rock, clear it out of your pathway and keep going, or are you going to let that boulder be what stops you from continuing? And I'm saying that from a place of again, you get to make that decision. Deciding with power that this is the end of my journey for this I no longer want to do this from a place of power is amazing. There is nothing wrong in saying no, thank you. There is nothing wrong in saying you know what, I've had enough, or I don't't want to do this anymore, or I don't want to do this in this way. Regardless of the choice you make, I want you to be empowered in it and regardless of the thing that you're going for, I want you to remember that it's not always going to be easy.

Speaker 1:

I know that this is a very elementary podcast episode, but this is a reminder that I've needed for myself recently that just because it's hard doesn't mean you're off track. Just because there's speed bumps or you don't have all the answers doesn't mean that you are off track. What is important to you? What is it that you want? Are you working towards it? And if the way that you're working towards it doesn't feel in alignment, what might you try instead? Are you willing to work towards what you want, knowing that it's going to be difficult A hike is a hike and so rewarding because it's not a flat ground, because you are going up, because you are panting, because it is difficult, because it takes effort to get to the summit.

Speaker 1:

Are you willing to put in the effort needed to get to your summit? And this is keeping in mind that you're taking breaks, this is keeping in mind that you are drinking water. This is keeping in mind that you are walking at a steady pace. You're not running up this mountain. Some people do. That's not what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about incrementally, in a doable way, walking towards your goals. And when those snags come up, for my friends that have hit snags, for my friends that have not hit the dollar amount that they wanted to. Yet and it is already August Are you willing to say, hmm, what do I need to do in order to hit my goal?

Speaker 1:

If your goal was 100k in 2024, and you're at 40k, what are you going to need to get that 60k between now and the end of the year? And your brain's first response might be I don't know. Okay, great, but what if I did know, when I go to the future version of myself, who already has that 100k? What did they do differently than in the first part of the year that allowed them to accomplish that goal? Yes, you can. That's what I want to. Leave you with my friends. Yes, you can. And if you're in the river of misery, I give you so much love. Give yourself some grace. It is okay.

Speaker 1:

We all find ourselves there at some point on our way to those big goals, to those big desires. Right, if it was easy, everybody would be doing it. Right? There's a reason why you feel isolated. There's a reason why it feels hard for maybe just you, but the reality is it's not hard for just you.

Speaker 1:

There's a handful of us out here, working our tail ends off in alignment, that also feel that way, from time to time Isolated, beat down by the universe, frustrated by their results. You are not lost. You are not behind. You just haven't done it yet. You got this, my friends. I'll see you next week. Hey friend, if you like this podcast, I would love it if you give us a five star rating. Share it with your friends If you're interested in one-on-one coaching. If you like this podcast, I would love it if you could give us a five-star rating. Share it with your friends If you're interested in one-on-one coaching, if this podcast resonates with you and you're ready for some one-on-one support support for you and your journey go ahead to nandikamilcom to learn more or head over to nandikamilasme to sign up for your free discovery call.