Conversations on Applied AI

Seth Uschuk - AI From the Perspective of a Full-Stack Engineer

Justin Grammens Season 3 Episode 17

The conversation this week is with Seth Uschuk. Seth is a full stack software engineer with a passion for developing high quality software solutions. He's had the pleasure of working with cutting edge technologies and programming languages to build scalable and robust applications for a variety of clients and industries. He's also constantly exploring new technologies and methodologies to improve his skills and stay up to date with the latest trends in the industry. Today, as this is the applied AI podcast, we'll be talking about his thoughts on artificial intelligence and their applications from the perspective of a full stack software engineer.

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Your host,
Justin Grammens

Seth Uschuk  0:00  

If you were to ask me even two years ago about what the best field would be to get into, I would have said it's, you know, computer science, software engineering. I'm not saying I disagree with that statement at this point. But goodness, it's scary. It's scary to see the power of it. In my daily tooling I use copilot, I use copilot x. And so I get access to GPT four that has that as the foundation that has good hubs fine-tune on top of it. And so just seeing what it can do for the little things like when I don't remember the one-liner to auto-capitalize the first letter in a sentence, being able to contextually ask things like highlight this code and say, Hey, what does this do? Or hey, what's the time and space complexity of this? And what I found in experience is that those tools aren't there yet. Really, what they require is, you know, iterative learning and like baby setting, right? It's like, Hey, do this and then let me know when you're ready. And then okay, we're going to take what you did there, and then we're going to apply it here. And I think that really the future of software engineering is going to be working with AI.

AI Announcer  0:58  

Welcome to the conversations on Applied AI podcast where Justin Grammens and the team at emerging technologies know of talk with experts in the fields of artificial intelligence and deep learning. In each episode, we cut through the hype and dive into how these technologies are being applied to real world problems today. We hope that you find this episode educational and applicable to your industry and connect with us to learn more about our organization at applied Enjoy.

Justin Grammens  1:30  

Welcome, everyone to the conversations on applied AI Podcast. Today we're talking with Seth Uschuk. Seth is a full stack software engineer with a passion for developing high quality software solutions. He's had the pleasure of working with cutting edge technologies and programming languages to build scalable and robust applications for a variety of clients and industries. He's also constantly exploring new technologies and methodologies to improve his skills and stay up to date with the latest trends in the industry. Today, as this is the applied AI podcast, we'll be talking about his thoughts on artificial intelligence and their applications from the perspective of a full stack software engineer. Thank you for being on the program today. Seth.

Seth Uschuk  2:05  

Hi, Justin, thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah.

Justin Grammens  2:09  

So you know, I gave a quick, you know, background, I guess around being a full stack software engineer, maybe give us a little, I guess, maybe fill on the collar a little bit. I mean, how did you get to where you where you are today? What is what was your sort of path in your career?

Seth Uschuk  2:21  

Yeah, I'd be happy to. So I've got a little bit of a unique trajectory, I spent pretty much my entire 20s in business and business management and things like that, after the COVID pandemic, and my wife and I getting the news of our first child on the way I decided that it was time to do something different. So I went back to school for for coding, I did a full stack web development boot camp, and then did a lot of self learning and the nights and weekends on the side. And then after I was completed with that, you know, went through the whole application process ended up getting hired on at hypercolor. Digital and started as a back end developer with them. Yeah, that's been just a phenomenal opportunity. You know, I can't say enough nice things about those guys. We have a list of clients that we work with, we're basically a boutique web application development firm, you know, similar to Lab 651, we get the opportunity to build all sorts of cutting edge stuff using new tech. And so we've got applications that are in the social media space, we've got apps that are in the healthcare space, we've got apps that are in like the farming space. So we get to do a little bit of everything and solve really cool problems. You know, so we work with AI, we code with AI, we've got projects that we're currently working on that are looking to integrate with AI. And so it's really exciting time for us. Nice,

Justin Grammens  3:36  

nice. Yeah, well, we'll definitely get into some of the applications here. Which bootcamp did you go to? Was it one of the ones here? The cities? No. So

Seth Uschuk  3:42  

at the time, we actually lived in Texas, and so I went to the University of Texas for

Justin Grammens  3:48  

sure. Sure. Cool. So yeah, so you went through this? What was it like a 16 week deal or longer,

Seth Uschuk  3:53  

there was a 24 week full stack development, you know, started off first week was just like the intro with like HTML, CSS, you know, stuff like that. And then let us get our feet wet with a little bit of vanilla JavaScript, and then moving into some of the like progressive things and how to integrate it all with, you know, jQuery and handlebars and things like that. And then, really, the remaining two thirds of the course was just building projects using like myrn stack, you know, doing react with either like MySQL or MongoDB, and node back ends and things like that.

Justin Grammens  4:26  

Nice. Cool. Yeah. So you must have been interested in wanting to get into tech at some point. I mean, did you program at all when you were little or you know, was this something that was kind of a long, lifetime passion of yours? Or to kind of come out of?

Seth Uschuk  4:36  

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I've always, I've always been a tinkerer. And I've been building computers, you know, for years, and I'm an avid Video Game Nerd. So I've always been interested in it. I've always tried to do stuff on my own. You know, I remember as a kid just coding up little simple things, little games and stuff like that. And so you know, it's really just a dream come true of mine to be able to do doesn't get paid to do it now.

Justin Grammens  5:01  

That's awesome. That's good. That's good. changing careers. How do you think that that maybe helped hear your perspective? I guess, you know, coming up with somebody who wasn't heads down, going through the traditional route, do you think you do have a different perspective? Or a better perspective that you bring to the table?

Seth Uschuk  5:15  

Yeah, absolutely. You know, when I'm discussing a feature set with stakeholders, or with the product manager, or something like that, you know, being able to have the perspective of what they might be thinking from a business perspective, you know, and being able to kind of fill in those contextual blanks there, you know, that can be really valuable. And then just having that sort of opinion, you know, like, when we're when we're inside doing an admin panel and discussing like, Okay, well, what could we do with this, or, you know, like, even when I'm on the back end ideation side of things, and I'm thinking about what kind of data the front end is going to need for this screen, you know, it's like, well, if I was this employee, or if I was this manager, you know, I would be really worried about these metrics. And so I would want this to be front and center. Or like, when we're doing our own, like, our own tracking for analytics and stuff like that. It's like, okay, well, what would be valuable in this use case to track being able to have a little bit of reference there, you know, it just lets us be more efficient,

Justin Grammens  6:06  

for sure. So bringing that human human element to it, which I feel is important in any software project, but even particular, when you start thinking about how artificial intelligence that is going to be applied to all aspects of business? You know, it feels like, yeah, so AI has been kind of around for a long time, right? There's just kind of a new series of waves and sort of blips and interest in it. And they, you know, didn't really do what we thought it was going to do. But it feels to me, like, you know, now we're in this AI summer, it's what is what people like to say it's a series of summers and winters in our in the sort of this AI summer, I guess, how did you kind of get into it? Was it more or less driven? I think, by your clients, or were you tinkering with it, you know, that they, you know, aha moment? I think that we recent? Lee, in the past year was, you know, Ron, Chad GPT, how have you kind of seen this sort of play out over the past year,

Seth Uschuk  6:51  

we've been using machine learning in our apps for years, you know, for various use cases where it makes sense. But as far as like the the glitz and the glam of it, where the stakeholders are excited, and the clients are excited and asking questions about it, you know, that's really kind of increased in the past 12 months. And I think my personal opinion, is just all of the news around chat. GPT, specifically, and the large language models, and, you know, just being able to finally see something tangible for what machine learning and AI can do, and a non, you know, educational sort of abstract manner where, look, it can just do all this sort of cool stuff, no expectations, just go play with it and see what you could do.

Justin Grammens  7:30  

Yeah, yeah, for sure. So as someone who is, you know, kind of doing full stack? Are you guys just leveraging on top of API's and stuff that a lot of other companies have built?

Seth Uschuk  7:38  

Yeah. So in the past, you know, we built our own models, and done our own training and stuff like that. But we've got one project right now, where we're working on a spam detection bot. And we are using the GPT, four engine for that. So we're coming to it, we're using the open AI driver in Node and communicating with their API that way.

Justin Grammens  7:57  

Gotcha. Yeah. But maybe you could talk a little bit about you need to name the client, per se, but you guys have some sort of a site where people can put an email addresses? And I guess, you know, it's pretty easy to get a bunch of spam to come through this system.

Seth Uschuk  8:09  

Right? Yeah. So this is a sort of source social media app, where there's a public tracing comment section where you don't even need to have an email address, you can just anonymously post comments. And so as you can imagine, it's prone to some some bots spam. And so, you know, it's pretty categorical for the types of spam that we have, as far as you know, like, it's this kind of attack or this kind of phishing attempt and stuff like that. And so, you know, it's really easy to train and then retrain and handle draft and things like that.

Justin Grammens  8:38  

Gotcha. Gotcha. Okay. Yeah. I mean, I think what I tell people is, you know, if you have humans doing work that they're, you know, it's neither monotonous you know, or it's something that a human isn't good at, which is reading through a bunch of spam detection is those are probably specific, great use cases to apply artificial intelligence to right. Yeah. So

Seth Uschuk  8:56  

that's been a really exciting project that Andrew has been working on. Specifically, he's one of the co founders of hypercolor. And so he's been really deep in that one. And then the project that I've been working on is just kind of like little pilot projects for us to showcase to our clients for when they asked about AI. And so what I did was I built a little Chatbot. And so similar sort of a back end where it's spun up in node, and then we're communicating with the open AI API, using their driver. And then what I'm doing is taking a an initial prompt based on some inputs from the user, like, you know, what age do you want it to be? Do you want to give it a profession, you know, that sort of stuff, and then taking that building that into a context prom, and then sending that along? And then as the messages travel between the user and chatty btw, I'm storing them in Mongo to be able to build up the context and then ship that context as long as I want to. And so that's just kind of like a showcase as to you know, this is a way that we can build on top of Chatty btw and kind of, you know, fake it as a foundation model. And just to kind of showcase that Hour of how specific you can get for use case by just modifying things like the prompting and the temperature and the token length and the penalty for oh, what's that called? I can't think of the keyword, the reusability penalty. That's not the correct word. But you get what I'm saying.

Justin Grammens  10:15  

Yeah, no, no, I know if anyone starts playing around in the playground, there's all those little sliders and stuff like that, that you can play around with right? Inside Inside the open AI playground, you're showing how to fine tune the model without actually having to go through a lot of the fine tuning, you're just you're you're prompting, you're you're basically using the additional prompts and to give it context as you continue to talk to this Chatbot. Exactly. Yeah, very cool. Very cool. Yeah. Because you know, open AI doesn't really, especially through the API, people kind of think when you go to chat, you know, that open AI and you start playing with Chet GPT. You know, it actually is pretty good about doing this sort of keeping the context flowing. But they're doing that under the covers through the through their system, when you deal with their API, right, there isn't really context, it's more or less a fire and forget sort of a one time thing. So you need to sort of keep the prompt going. But in the in the conversation.

Seth Uschuk  11:03  

Yeah, you know, and I would guess the simplest way for me to explain the backend for how that was built is that it's a simpler version of like, the languaging package, if you're familiar with that, where it's got all these different prompts built in, and all these different adjustment parameters that you can give to it. And, you know, I think what that's doing under the hood is eventually it's building up all those prompts and formatting it and then sticking that into the, you know, open AI driver. Yeah, for

Justin Grammens  11:27  

sure. For sure. What sort of a day in the life is one of the things that I like to ask people sort of what's what's the day in the life of a person in your in your role?

Seth Uschuk  11:35  

Sure. So you know, my day to day job, which I've spoken a lot about is with hypercolor. And so, you know, wake up with the kids early in the morning, shuffle them off to daycare, and then work on the various client apps, I would say throughout the day, you know, 80% of the time I'm working on something backend related. So a lot of it is either you know, architecting a new feature or doing some maintenance, or, you know, handling a little bit of Tektite, you know, building an endpoint, whatever it may be handling a ticket. And then I would say the other 15% of the time would be front end work. And then you know, the remaining 5% Time is meetings, you know, we we pride ourselves in having as little meetings as possible so that we can all be efficient and get work done. We're fully remote company. So we all work asynchronously. And you know, that's worked out really well for us so far.

Justin Grammens  12:20  

Cool. Yeah, how'd you find Andrew and people that have McCarley? So it's

Seth Uschuk  12:25  

actually kind of a funny story. My father in law works with the project. And the owner will the former owner of that project is in the same Slack channel is Josh. And so when I was looking for a job, through networking, I was able to communicate with Josh and ended up interviewing with them. So yeah, my nighttime positions is that after the kids go to bed, I'm a co founder and CTO of an application program that we are building together with the owner of my kids daycare. Oh, and so it's, yeah, it's a total daycare management app where parents can communicate and message with each other, the employees can log in and post activities to the kids in the classroom to keep parents updated throughout the day. There's full billing integration with stripe, there's like employee clock in and clock out management children check in and check out management. And then the other thing that we'll be building soon after we get the launch done is we'll be building like an AI assistant, that will have public API access to the back end, to where it'll be able to help the employees post activities and stuff like that, where it'll be able to do some voice to text transitions and save activities and things like that. The whole idea is to just build a better mousetrap. And, you know, keep away from technology taking over our lives, right? Let the employees focus on teaching the kids at daycare and not having to be micromanaging and half 24/7.

Justin Grammens  13:48  

Yeah, yeah, totally, totally. He just feels like you got that little entrepreneur side of you as well, right? You're always sort of thinking about another business or other technology to apply to business problems. Yeah, for sure. And I like that application, actually. I mean, so I have kids as well, they're nine and 11. But I've gone through that pain point of daycare, and there's probably a lot of like you said better better mousetrap is probably a lot of a lot of different opportunities and like systems out there, but one central place to sort of probably run and manage all of this from the side of both a daycare owner, you know, a provider that also, you know, information to the parents as soon as possible with regards to what your kids are doing. And anything that happens to them during during the day is very important. I remember when I dropped my kids off all times. It's such an interesting experience handing your kid over to somebody that's, you know, been been with you for, you know, oftentimes, you know, depends, you know, sometimes they bring the child in and they've, you know, they're it's only been six months, sometimes it should be about the child for years, and to hand him over to somebody and walk away. There's a lot of trust there. Yeah, it's

Seth Uschuk  14:47  

a it's a real scary thought. And so that's kind of the whole idea is, you know, yes, there are other solutions on the market for it. But the solutions have not been you know, tailored to really what parents want and what they care owners are looking for. It's more Oh, by larger companies that have made a lot of assumptions. And so, you know, we get to do a lot of different cool things. And because of the technology that we use at work and stuff that I get experienced with, you know, we get to do all the cool stuff. So you know, like, we get to integrate with stripe, we get to use WebSockets. For group chats. As teachers move between classrooms, it'll automatically bring them out of the old group chats for the old students and stick them in with the new ones. We can offer multiple locations, support for organizations, and you can move teachers and students and families in between locations if you need to. You know, there's all the little things have been thought of.

Justin Grammens  15:34  

So so that's awesome. So sounds like it's not publicly available yet. Not quite

Seth Uschuk  15:38  

yet. We are doing our closed alpha here in in the fall, we're hoping for Halloween. And then we're planning on doing our beta with our first two locations at the beginning of the year. So we're hoping for a full launch like probably two to next year.

Justin Grammens  15:53  

That's awesome. Yeah, well, yeah, it's exciting, super exciting. And it will have links to all the other stuff that you and I talked about. But you know, there are links in the transcript of this and during in the show liner notes, so more than happy to promote it. If you had a website open or presented, and you want to let me know either now or about it, I will definitely mention it.

Seth Uschuk  16:11  

I do have Instagram handle. It's the copy app doesn't have any followers or post yet. I just grabbed the handle. I've also got a LinkedIn account, the cubby, and then I have made a simple marketing site that does work. You can email us if you've got questions, if you want to get on the list, and that is the copy Nice, cool.

Justin Grammens  16:31  

Yeah. And so you know, bring AI obviously an end of this can essentially speed up I think a lot of the a lot of the work, like you said on both sides, it the people that are providing the care and help parents, I see some great applications. It sounds sounds like a lot of fun. And it sounds like it probably Yeah, kind of scratches your itch, I guess for always sort of staying up to date and working on new things or bringing new technology in?

Seth Uschuk  16:53  

Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely. A, you know, to close the loop on your conference that I went to earlier this spring. You know, one of my big takeaways from that is all the different applications that you can use, right. And so one of the ideas that hit me for one of the things that we'll be building, the future will be video recordings. So we'll be able to link with the cameras in the different classrooms and stuff like that. And one of the things that I want to do is build an AI model that will automatically blur the faces of everyone. Sure, sure.

Justin Grammens  17:23  

Privacy. Yeah, I'm just I'm just just thinking. Yeah, I mean, you definitely if you don't have people's consent, they can't really be on camera. So

Seth Uschuk  17:30  

right, and especially with minors, and things like that. Yeah. So yeah, that'll be a really exciting feature to be able to build.

Justin Grammens  17:35  

I just got in my inbox. I think, you know, they've selected people. Are you? Are you familiar with mini demo? No, I'm not. Oh, okay. Yeah. So there's, there's actually an event that happens, I think it's going to be happening in a week or so they do it, I want to say at least at least once a year, maybe even twice a year. But it's all a part of minibar, this this organization that does conferences, you know, and actually the large organizations many star and then there's sort of free conferences, they just did one in when was that may at BestBuy. And that's an event called minibar. And so and it was long story short, is they actually have another thing that they do called mini demo, and people can get up, they basically get like two minutes to demo their product in front of the local sort of scene here. But it's all video recorded. It's actually awesome publicity, that might be a goal for you guys to look at, you know, once you go full, full launch, talk to Andrew about it, I'm sure he got it. But it's a great platform. So it's a great place. And and you always see some really, really cool stuff. So if you don't even present or show your products, I'd highly recommend just even attending. So we'll put some links to any bar as well. But yeah, I

Seth Uschuk  18:39  

appreciate that recommendation.

Justin Grammens  18:41  

When it comes to artificial intelligence, how would you define it? You know, if you were in an elevator with somebody, do you have a short sort of definition of how you would define AI?

Seth Uschuk  18:50  

Oh, I don't know if I have a short definition for anything. Okay. That's, that's one of my weaknesses is that I'm too long winded. You know, I think the first question is, I would ask is, you know, in reference to what, you know, what's, what's the application? Right? So it just kind of depends, you know, we can use AI to do things like, like anomaly detection, where you give it a bunch of data, and you say, Okay, fine, what doesn't match, you can build a large language model, which at the end of the day is just a really fancy text Prediction Engine. We can do things like doing time series plots over time and checking for drift. I mean, it just kind of depends. I don't know that there is one abstract definition for AI. Right? The the definition for it is that it's the application of machine learning, right?

Justin Grammens  19:36  

There's no right or wrong answer in this. There's just always I just love to get get people's people's inputs and thoughts on it. And then the follow up question in a lot of ways because it's, it's such a, I guess, it's just sort of a mysterious term, right? I mean, AI has been around since the 50s. Right? People were thinking about computers. And and these machines being able to be intelligent, right? And now it's to the point where, you know, you can fool people you don't even Oh, you know, you're basically chatting with somebody online. And it's it's absolutely artificial intelligence. And so now, you know, what does AI then mean to not only our businesses but our life? And I guess the follow up question I'd like to ask then is, so how do you see this affecting, you know, somebody, say, your kids, you know, once they grow up, and they're 1820 years old, or whatever, like, how do you see the world being different? In particular, maybe around what you like your line of business? So as a full stack engineer, how do you see it sort of changing the way that you were?

Seth Uschuk  20:30  

Sure. It's such a tough question. You know, my wife and I were just talking about this the other day, if you were to ask me even two years ago about what the best field would be to get into, I would have said, it's, you know, computer science, software engineering. And I'm not saying I disagree with that statement at this point. But goodness, it's scary. It's scary to see the power of it, you know, so in my daily tooling, I use I use copilot, I used copilot x. And so I get access to GPT. Four, that is the foundation that has good hubs fine tune on top of it. And so, you know, just seeing what it can do for the little things like when I don't, when I don't remember the the one liner to auto capitalize the first letter in a sentence, things like that. And then being able to contextually ask things like highlight this code and say, Hey, what does this do? Or hey, what's the time and space complexity of this? And hey, can you optimize this and things like that. And what I found in experience is that those tools aren't there yet. They they try, but they're not quite there yet. And really, what they require is, you know, iterative learning and like babysitting, right, it's like, Hey, do this, and then let me know when you're ready. And then okay, we're gonna take what you did there, and then we're gonna apply it here. And, you know, things like that. And so, I think that really the future of software engineering is going to be working with AI. And, you know, doing things like, you know, one of the popular programs or not programs, one of the popular problems that was discussed on the chat GPT subreddit a while ago is the chat GPT can't count. You know, if you give it a prompt and tell it to write a sentence, where each word starts with the letter A, and they're 15 words in the sentence, they can't do it, you know, it'll go 1313 1316. And it'll try over and over again. And eventually, it'll give up because it'll reach the token, Max, and whatever. But anyways, I looked at that, and after a couple of hours, and looking at it, I was really curious. And so I decided to give it a shot. And I ended up teaching a recursion, basically, I was able to get it. And I was able to test it with four different words and four different sentence lengths. And after teaching it through recursion, I was able to get it to do it before I ran out of context. I really think that's where the future is, and just understanding what it's doing what it is, and that it's not a person a kid think. And you are still doing the executive thought and the problem solving. And this is really just, you know, it's the 21st century version of a calculator, right?

Justin Grammens  22:55  

Yeah, sure. So understanding its limitations and sort of having, like, helping it where it needs help and using it to help you where you need help. Exactly. I like that idea of yeah, basically working working with AI. It sounds like you're not too worried about seeing it sort of replace our jobs here anytime soon.

Seth Uschuk  23:11  

No, not, not from what I've seen, you know, at least not what I do. For the people who make static sites all day long. You know, in the people who do little simple coding and get paid for it. I may be more concerned. But the people who develop complex custom applications for specific needs, I don't think that those jobs are going

Justin Grammens  23:30  

anywhere. Well, good. So the other thing I'd like to ask people also to is is like, you know, if you're just getting into this field, so maybe rewind back a year or so I'm not sure when you finish your boot camp, but imagine we're coming out of boot camp today. And you want to be learning about AI? What are some interesting sights you meant? You know, I mean, you mentioned Reddit, are there other places that you go to maybe find the information on AI?

Seth Uschuk  23:52  

You know, Reddit is a big hub for me, as far as news goes, and stuff like that. I guess that speaks, however, that needs to speak, whether it's good or bad. But, you know, aside from that, sort of the things that I like to do our Free Code Camp, and stuff like that, there's a lot of good information on there. As far as air specifically, I guess, I haven't found a good a good home for, for what to learn next, what to try next, what to do next, you know, what I find myself doing is going and checking the open open API docs and seeing okay, what was in there latest update? And, you know, looking at the community forums there and being like, okay, what are people building? What sort of questions that people have, and, you know, things like that. And then, as far as for a learning aspect, I think if I were, you know, if I were doing this fresh, fresh out of school, or just even going into school, I think I would pursue machine learning and probably get my masters and understand a lot of the algorithms that happen underneath the covers, just because there's so much that goes into it, the complexity of it, and that having that structure, I think would really just be beneficial to getting a well rounded knowledge. And, you know, there's so much to know and it's changing so fast.

Justin Grammens  24:59  

Yeah. Part of this podcast here is is really just giving a platform for people to sort of talk about AI and their, I guess their perspective on it. We have a lot of people that that are have PhDs, I guess, in machine learning and AI that come on this podcast, but that also people that are just interested. So I'm really trying to build sort of a platform here with the conference, we have our monthly meetup that we do, we just actually just did a really interesting hands on workshop, this past weekend focused on specifically GPT and building your own Chatbot. So plus AI is is going is a space for people to go to, but it's your right AI thing is like it's so spread out, you know, everywhere. Everyone's got their own sort of different different take on it, as well.

Seth Uschuk  25:39  

Yeah, I think that's great. You know, and I think it's great to get everybody's different perspective on it. And I think the big thing here is just uncovering the uncovering the blind, so to speak, right to say, you know, this isn't some big scary thing. This just is what it is. And everything's gonna be okay.

Justin Grammens  25:55  

Yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah, you can't believe all all the news hype. So how do people reach out and connect with you?

Seth Uschuk  26:02  

You know, LinkedIn is a great way. You can also reach out to me via email, either my work email, or you can do set at the cubby. Cool. Okay, excuse me, that was set that hypercolor Okay. Yeah, we'll make sure that it's in the in the liner notes.

Justin Grammens  26:19  

Are there any other I guess, projects or other things that you wanted to talk about today? I guess, around AI that maybe I did didn't cover, as I said that, they allowed us just conversations on applied AI. So it's just really, hey, let's just sort of talk about what's going on in your perspective around AI. But often, I just ask people, is there anything that maybe I didn't touch on that you wanted to talk about?

Seth Uschuk  26:39  

Sure. No, I, you know, I think we got everything, you know, I was excited to talk about the Chatbot. And the spam detection thing that Andrew is doing. Those are those are big, active players right now, you know, we do have some other things going, but I can't really talk too much about that with NDAs and stuff like that. So it's great to be in the space, it's good to talk about it's it's fun to be in a space where you can talk to other people about it without feeling like you're having to explain every step of it. And, you know, sit

Justin Grammens  27:05  

well, I'm glad you attended the applied AI conference that we had back in May, we'll be having one again this fall. And I guess one of the benefits of, of living in the Twin Cities, I guess, is being able to engage with people face to face at some of these some of these applied AI events. So look forward to seeing a future thing, Seth, wish you and your family nothing but the best guess and you know, it's it sounds like you're active, like very, very active with regards to sort of building new technology, which I just love to see it. So one of these things where a rising tide lifts all boats, and I really love to see people just getting out in the community and building things and testing things out and try them and find wherever they can do it. So good luck and best wishes going forward.

Seth Uschuk  27:41  

Yeah, thank you so much for having me. I had a blast. Thank you.

AI Announcer  27:44  

You've listened to another episode of the conversations on applied AI podcast. We hope you are eager to learn more about applying artificial intelligence and deep learning within your organization. You can visit us at applied To keep up to date on our events and connect with our amazing community. Please don't hesitate to reach out to Justin at applied If you are interested in participating in a future episode. Thank you for listening

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