The Bible Provocateur


May 22, 2024 The Bible Provocateur Season 2024 Episode 52
The Bible Provocateur
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The Bible Provocateur
May 22, 2024 Season 2024 Episode 52
The Bible Provocateur

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Could the rapture be more than a peculiar Christian fascination, and instead hold profound implications for faith and comfort in end times? This episode peels back the layers of Christian eschatology, dissecting the mystery of the rapture as it appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and aligns with the concept of the Trinity. We also unravel the often-accepted narrative of a seven-year tribulation period, challenging listeners to scrutinize this and other traditional eschatological interpretations through scriptural evidence and prophetic texts.

As we navigate the maze of dispensationalism and its end-times portrayal, we find ourselves reaffirming the continuity of salvation through faith in Christ. The episode takes a critical stance on the segmented view of God's kingdom as proposed by dispensationalist theories, advocating for a unified understanding of biblical teachings. We dissect the confusion surrounding the millennium, confronting the relationship between Christianity, Israel, and modern Zionism, and how they interplay with beliefs about Jesus' reign.

Ending on a note of introspection, we emphasize repentance and the urgent need for spiritual readiness for Christ's return, drawing lines from historical biblical figures to the present day, understanding the sovereignty of Christ. The metaphorical representations of Christ from the Old Testament are brought to light, leading to a rallying call to salvation—a beacon of hope for those seeking redemption through faith. Join us as we explore these complex topics, offering a message of hope that transcends the confines of traditional eschatological thought.

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Could the rapture be more than a peculiar Christian fascination, and instead hold profound implications for faith and comfort in end times? This episode peels back the layers of Christian eschatology, dissecting the mystery of the rapture as it appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and aligns with the concept of the Trinity. We also unravel the often-accepted narrative of a seven-year tribulation period, challenging listeners to scrutinize this and other traditional eschatological interpretations through scriptural evidence and prophetic texts.

As we navigate the maze of dispensationalism and its end-times portrayal, we find ourselves reaffirming the continuity of salvation through faith in Christ. The episode takes a critical stance on the segmented view of God's kingdom as proposed by dispensationalist theories, advocating for a unified understanding of biblical teachings. We dissect the confusion surrounding the millennium, confronting the relationship between Christianity, Israel, and modern Zionism, and how they interplay with beliefs about Jesus' reign.

Ending on a note of introspection, we emphasize repentance and the urgent need for spiritual readiness for Christ's return, drawing lines from historical biblical figures to the present day, understanding the sovereignty of Christ. The metaphorical representations of Christ from the Old Testament are brought to light, leading to a rallying call to salvation—a beacon of hope for those seeking redemption through faith. Join us as we explore these complex topics, offering a message of hope that transcends the confines of traditional eschatological thought.

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Speaker 1:

Christians. So tonight I want to talk about the ever-popular subject of the rapture. And I want to talk about it because there is so much wrapped around this idea of the rapture and I think that it's only accidental from the standpoint of the doctrine, or the rapture itself really has no doctrinal treatment applied to it in any kind of a way. Is it going to happen? Yes, but is it a feature of doctrinal discussions? It is the rapture surrounded by a doctrinal theme. There are many books that have been written on the subject, not because there is a theological foundation to it, but because there's so much built into what the rapture is by so many people that people have had to write books to sort of counter the attention, the inordinate attention that is put behind the rapture. Now let me just say this the rapture is not a theory. It is something that the Bible says is going to happen. Something else that I need to make sure is clear is that the word of God never mentions rapture in the Bible. The whole idea of a rapture comes from one verse in the entire scripture. Now, bear with me because I don't want to. I don't want anybody to think that just because something is said one time in the Bible that there is room for discussion about the veracity of the contents of that one verse. One verse in the Bible is truth, whether it's multiplied throughout the Bible or whether it is said once. It doesn't matter. If it's said once or if it's said a million times, it is still just as true if it's in the word of God, because God's word is true. But there is an inordinate fascination with this rapture, and not so much because of the rapture itself but because of all of the doctrinal layers that have been, that have, that has surrounded it. There is a multiplicity of doctrinal themes that people have made the rapture a critical part of validating these doctrinal themes. But let's deal with the rapture for a second. So keep in mind, first off.

Speaker 1:

First off, as I said, the Bible never, never uses the Greek word harpazo to be translated into the word rapture. However, in 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4, verse 17,. It does say caught up, caught up, and caught up means to be snatched away or rapture. It's the same thing. For example, trinity, the word itself, or triunal. Neither one of these words are in the bible, and that's an important thing. So we understand. So we understand Trinity, not because the word is used in the Bible because it's not we understand it because of other things that the Bible does say. The Bible does say that the father is God, the Bible does say that Jesus is God and the Bible does say that the Holy Spirit is God. And the Bible also says that these three are one and that the Lord, god, the Lord, our God, is one. So it is easy to close in on the understanding that God himself is a triunal entity. In other words, the entity or the person of the Godhead consists in a multiplicity of personalities, but these three personalities are one. Truly a mystery, but it is clearly taught in Scripture.

Speaker 1:

Now, in Thessalonians, paul is trying to bring comfort to the Thessalonian church because they were wondering if they had missed, or if they might miss, the second coming of the Lord. And Paul is trying to bring comfort to them, to tell them that they will not miss the coming of the Lord. He says this in 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4. In verse 16, it says let me back up a little bit, verse 13,. Paul says, and I'll read I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren. So he doesn't want them to be ignorant, he wants them to understand what he's about to say he doesn't want them to be ignorant. He wants them to understand what he's about to say. He doesn't want them to be ignorant anymore. On this issue, I don't want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, died, lest you sorrow, as others who have no hope, For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, god will bring with him those who sleep in Jesus, those who have died.

Speaker 1:

And then he goes on to say verse 16, 1 Thessalonians 4, chapter 4. For the Lord himself, the Lord himself, shall descend from heaven with a shout and the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. The dead in Christ shall rise first. Now notice verse 17, because this is where the rapture comes in. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up or raptured Together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore, comfort one another with these words.

Speaker 1:

Now, christians, the rapture I want to make it clear before somebody starts saying things to me later on and trying to contradict, because we live in a very contrarian society. Everybody likes to be contrary for the sake of being contrary, and very few people are willing to actually have a healthy, constructive conversation about doctrinal themes or anything for that matter. But Paul did talk about the rapture and in verse 18, he says therefore, comfort one another with these things. So the discussion of the of the rapture is necessary to bring comfort. So when we talk about the rapture, the whole idea of the rapture is to bring comfort. But you also have to understand that throughout Scripture, outside of 1 Corinthians 15 and outside of 1 Thessalonians 4, nobody really talks about the rapture. They don't really talk about it, at least not directly. It is often spoken about in indirect way.

Speaker 1:

When we talk about resurrection, when we talk about resurrection, because there is no resurrection without the rapture when the resurrection takes place at the end of the age, at the end of the world, the resurrection takes place when Christ returns, at the end of the world. The resurrection takes place when Christ returns. Resurrection doesn't happen without a rapture. But what is the rapture? The essence of the rapture is what we see when we read about Elijah and Enoch. They were translated. Translated, to be translated is to be raptured, taken up and changed.

Speaker 1:

So, involved in that whole scenario, rapture has to be understood as the vehicle of our exit from this current age. It's the vehicle, but Paul tells us to comfort one another with this because he wants us to understand that we are going to be snatched out of here, just like Enoch, just like Elijah. We're going to be raptured, caught up, snatched away. And the word rapture, as I said, is not in the Bible. But what it means is to be caught up, means the literal expression is to be snatched away. So when you think about that, imagine the big, heavy hand of the Lord grabbing his people and yanking them from this earth, as though he's coming with so much vigor and with so much and and anxious to bring us home to him that he uses the word snatch away when he talks about coming to get us. He snatches us away and he does it, and it implies a, a strength and a swiftness in his effort to get us out of here and get us with him, to bring us into his presence. Rapture is to be snatched away.

Speaker 1:

Now we're supposed to be comforted by this, and I am and I hope you are are, but there's going to be a big day coming for us and all of us, as believers, ought to be preparing for this big day. We need to be looking, we need to be looking for it to happen, but right now, as it stands, we need to be preparing ourselves for that great, notable day, when that last trump blows. We, as believers, need to be ready and we need to be doing the work, keeping ourselves busy serving god, with the expectation that soon he will be coming. And my question for you guys is this how are you being prepared, how are you preparing yourself for that great day? What are you doing right now in service to him to prepare for that day? Think about these things as we go through this particular topic.

Speaker 1:

So resurrection I mean the rapture is it going to happen? Yes, is it a big day? Yes, it takes place at the last day where all men are going to be raised. All men are going to be raised. So let me explain something else about the rapture, because one thing that needs to be clarified is this the rapture is not just going to happen to believers. Unbelievers are going to be raptured, but it will not be a day of comfort for them. It will not be a good day for the wicked. It will be a dreadful, terrible day, but, like us. They are going to be raised out of their graves, they are going to be translated and caught up, but it will not be a good day for them. It will be a dreadful, dark, terrible day for the wicked and unbelieving. But Christ made it clear that on the day he returns he's going to resurrect from the dead, both the just and the unjust, and at the great white throne there's going to be a great separation between the sheep and the goats. The wheat and the tares are going to be separate, the just and the unjust separated. The unbelievers will be cast out into outer darkness where there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Speaker 1:

See, I have to tell you things that a lot of these churches are not going to tell you. Hell is very real. It is very real, and every one of us who has recalled the guilt that we have had as unbelievers, now being Christian, we know that there that hell must be, because there's a penalty that has to be paid for sin. And what is sin? Transgression against god's most holy, lofty law, a law that no man has been able to keep except for our Lord and Savior, jesus Christ. And when he went on that cross of Calvary, our sin was imputed to his account and his righteousness, when we believe, was imputed to our account, therefore bringing us peace with God the Father Now. I want you to remember this peace with god the father now. This is going to come up again later. So I want you to remember peace, because peace is the result of our salvation. Christ died on the cross in order for us who believe in him, that we might be reconciled to God, and the reconciliation is the peace, the peace that passes all understanding Peace. So keep this in mind, because I want to bring this up a little later.

Speaker 1:

And now I want to turn to 1 Corinthians 15, because this is where a lot of the controversy regarding the rapture comes from. The rapture is spoken about one time in the Bible, actually twice, but indirectly several times, because you don't hear about the translation of Elijah or the translation of Enoch. You don't look at it as a rapture. But that's what it was. God took them up, they were raptured. God took them up, they were raptured. Okay, so, but so the Bible does talk about it in several places, although indirectly, because there is no doctrinal theme around the rapture, which is basically our transportation out of here, in a manner of speaking, transportation out of here, in a manner of speaking. But the problem, the problem, the problem With the rapture and where the quote unquote theories come from, have to do when you tie The-year tribulation and the millennial kingdom interpretations that people have devised and have developed and they tie the rapture into this and the rapture becomes a critical part of the timeline of these teachings that center around the notion of a seven-year tribulation.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm going to tell you at the outset most people who know me know that I make a big deal about the fact that the Bible never mentions anything about a seven-year tribulation and it doesn't. So all of you who are going to get upset because you believe in a seven-year tribulation and it doesn't, so, all of you who are going to get upset because you believe in a seven-year tribulation that the Bible does not talk about, this is probably the time where even though I'd like you to stay, but this is probably the time where you might want to go if you can't handle this kind of subject, if you can't handle someone, someone being at variance with you. The Bible knows nothing, says not one iota, about a seven year tribulation. It is not in the Bible. And if you are truly a lover of God and a lover of his word. I'm asking you, don't fight me. I mean, I don't mind a good fight, but what I'm saying is don't argue with me. I'm asking you, begging you, please show me one verse of scripture that speaks about a seven-year tribulation. There is not one in the Bible. I don't care what you try to manufacture and what you try to reason out or rationalize from Daniel 9, there is nothing in the Bible anywhere that speaks about a seven-year tribulation, nowhere. So, and while there may be a variety of perspectives on what the millennial kingdom or the 1,000 year period is, one thing I can tell you for sure is that, even though there are a variety of positions on the millennial kingdom or the 1,000 year reign, that is spoken about in the 20th chapter of Revelation and there only, at least, I can admit that it's there we may disagree on how we interpret the millennial kingdom, as to when it takes place, when it ends and what the nature of it is, because it is in the Bible. But I have to tell you all unequivocally. And what the nature of it is, because it is in the Bible. But I have to tell you all unequivocally the Bible says zero about a seven year tribulation period Nothing.

Speaker 1:

Now, in first Corinthians, chapter 15, we hear a lot about, we hear a lot about the interpretation that people have what's in Revelation I mean, sorry, 1 Corinthians 15. So if you will bear with me, let me read 1 Corinthians out of chapter 15, beginning at verse 50. And let me explain what I'm talking about. But before I do this, somebody here, douglas Robinson and thank you for the comment, my friend, I appreciate it he says and I remember I just got through saying keep in mind the word peace. Now my friend here says how about the peace treaty? It goes for 42 months and then another 42. I'm going to deal with that. Remember peace, remember the peace treaty, remember the 42 months, which is three and a half years, because I'm going to bring this up. So, if you bear with me, douglas, I want to get to this. So, if you bear with me, douglas, I want to get to this. But in 1 Corinthians 15, verse 50, paul says Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does corruption inherit incorruption.

Speaker 1:

Now listen to this in verse 51. Behold, I tell you a mystery. Now listen to this in verse 51. At the last trumpet, for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed, for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality. So, when this corruptible has put on incorruption and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the same that is written Death shall be swallowed up in victory. Oh death, where is your sting, oh Hades? Where is your sting, oh Hades? Where is your victory? The sting of death is sin and the strength of the law, and the strength of sin Is the law.

Speaker 1:

Now, this is speaking about the Translation, or the rapture. It's also included here, even though it doesn't say rapture. What it does say is that in verse 52, it says, I'm sorry, verse 51. Behold, I will tell you a ministry, I'll tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, changed in the twinkling of an eye. That is the rapture happening. This is when the rapture is taking place. This series of events is going to be simultaneous the rapture, the change in the twinkling of an eye. This is the same event. It is one event the transformation, or the translation, or the change, and then being snatched away. This is all happening in the twinkling of an eye. The rapture is like this it's going to be instantaneous, it's going to be awesome, it's going to be glorious, it's going to be beyond the imagination, but not too far outside of the imagination of those who are spiritually minded persons. But the natural man does not receive of these things, because they are spiritually discerned, meaning spiritually judged. But Christ could come at any moment. But I want to deal with this theory because I brought up the tribulation, the seven-year tribulation that people talk about. People talk about this singular event that is called a seven year tribulation. Now, what is the general idea behind this?

Speaker 1:

In the eschatology of the dispensationalists, of future things, of the dispensationalist, which is the theory of the doctrines, you know, the primary doctrines of the Bible. Dispensationalists have a very different view from what mainstream Christianity you know, as far back as we can go back have ever known. But dispensationalism is relatively new. It came around in the 1800s. It came around in the 1800s and it was a new set of doctrines which described the world as being the age of the world being cut up into different ages, seven different ages, starting off with the Adamic Adam, then the Noahic and the Mosaic, and the Abrahamic and the Davidic and so forth. So there are seven different dispensations.

Speaker 1:

But and here's the problem with dispensationalism the biggest problem with dispensationalism is that in dispensation, dispensation means age. Dispensationalism is that and dispensation means age. So dispensationalism talks about the multitude of, or the way God has dealt with creation, his people, in seven different eras, and in each of these different dispensations they will tell you that God saved people in different ways in each dispensation. So, in a nutshell, the dispensation list believes that there were seven different dispensations and man was saved differently in each dispensation. And that, my friend, is the biggest lie of dispensationalism.

Speaker 1:

That is why that whole system of theology, if you want to call it that, fails. Why? Because there has always only been one way to be saved, period. On that alone, the doctrines of the dispensational teachings are all false, they all fall. So I want to make that clear. There is always, only ever, been one salvation. That is, by grace, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. And the only difference between the old covenant saints and the new covenant saints is the way we look toward the cross. They look forward to it and we look back to it. That is the only difference. But the cross of Christ is the apex of history. It is the single most glorious event that has ever taken place on this earth. There's been nothing like it.

Speaker 1:

When Christ got baptized, he stood there in the water with John the Baptist. He stood there in the water, jesus Christ himself in the flesh, the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove lighted upon his shoulder, and God, the Father from heaven, said this is my son, my beloved son, hear ye him. This is the only time ever that we saw an expression of the Godhead all in one place, letting us know the triunal nature of the Godhead the Father was there, the Son was there in the water and the Holy Spirit was there on his shoulder. And God let us know who Christ is and that he is the one that all of us are required to worship if we will have salvation. Jesus came to save sinners, and a sinner is saved by grace, through faith, and that's been going on ever since Adam was born, or ever since after Adam fell up until this current day.

Speaker 1:

Abraham believed the same way you and I believe David believed. The same way you and I believe Jacob believed the same way you and I believe Every single Christian has come to salvation and found it in Christ yes, in Christ. And so that is what men have to deal with. And I can tell you right now, christians, if you are going to stand firm in your faith and if you're going to tell people the truth as you should, if you're going to tell people the truth as you should, if you're going to tell people the gospel, rest assured maybe rest is not the right word, but be assured that people are going to mock you. They're going to laugh, they're going to tell you you're nuts, that you're crazy, that you're stupid for believing this, this kind of thing. And if you're not hearing this, it is probably because you're stupid for believing this kind of thing. And if you're not hearing this, it is probably because you're too busy championing that idea of your Christianity being personal.

Speaker 1:

My personal Lord and Savior, jesus, is my personal Lord and Savior. I've never been settled with that idea, that expression. I've never really clung to that. I don't like it. Yes, our salvation is something that is personal to us in terms of having to understand whether or not we need it or believe it or not. But I can tell you this for a fact what we have in Christ was never meant to be personal. It was meant to be shared. It is meant for us to go out and to herald it, to be messengers of these great gospel truths.

Speaker 1:

And so many Christians are so caught up in this personal nature of salvation. That is just for me, and I am not called to exhibit and to extol the virtues of our great Lord and Savior. If you are not praising his name and if you are not making a big deal about it in the world, it's probably because to you it is not a big deal. Does it mean you're not saved? No, it doesn't mean that at all. It doesn't mean that at all. But I can tell you right now, christians, you're going to be challenged. It could be five years, it could be 10 years, it could be 50 years from now. I know our kids and grandkids. They're going to be dealing with some real stuff in this world, especially in this country. If they're going to be dealing with some real stuff in this world, especially in this country, if they're going to stand for Christ, because it's already happening, it's already happening. So, anyway, I digressed a little bit there, so I apologize as I try to get myself back on track, because I can go with this stuff all night, um, but anyway.

Speaker 1:

So back to the rapture after, back to this rapture. So the the view that many people today have come to hold is that there is this seven year tribulation, which is fiction. But let's talk about it because so many people do talk about it. So the idea is this here's what dispensational eschatology holds to. They hold to the idea that there is a seven year tribulation, but prior to that happening, this is when the rapture is going to take place. And, furthermore, they say that the rapture is only going to be with the Christians being raptured out, the Christians who have died and the Christians who are alive. Only they are going to be raptured. So then what happens? That there's going to be three and a half years of of peace in the first half of this tribulation, the first half of this tribulation.

Speaker 1:

As I said, this tribulation, this seven year tribulation, which is fiction. But I'm telling you what I'm saying is, I need to make sure you understand. I need to understand what the falsehood is so I can clear it up. The falsehood is this that there is a seven-year tribulation, but that is only the root of this poisonous tree, so the fruit of the poisonous tree of this rapture is that it's going to take place before a quote-unquote seven-year tribulation. Now here's the problem. Supposedly, the order of things is this way there's going to be a rapture, going to be a rapture Christians only, by the way, only Christians number one and then there's going to be a seven-year tribulation During the seven-year tribulation.

Speaker 1:

In the middle of it there's when the Antichrist is supposed to reveal himself and break this quote unquote peace treaty A governmental, earthly peace treaty, a governmental, earthly peace treaty. He breaks it and then, essentially, all hell breaks loose on earth for another three and a half years. Again, this is fantasy, all fantasy. And then there are going to be 144 000 super jewish people who are going to be converted, who are virgins literal, literal virgins who are running around the earth proselytizing everybody and converting the world. There are so many holes in this whole situation. So remember, the church is gone. They were raptured. Where does the Holy Spirit live? The Holy Spirit now lives where it lives inside God's people. So when the church, the church is supposed to be raptured out, gone from the world, all Christians gone, that means that the Holy Spirit is also gone, and the dispensationalists? They believe that they believe that the Holy Spirit is gone. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is in Christians and they're going to be raptured before this tribulation period begins.

Speaker 1:

So my question is this for starters, if the rapture takes place before this so-called seven-year tribulation and then the tribulation begins with three and a half years of peace, how does the peace exist in the world when the Holy Spirit is gone? Now you might make the argument that there's political peace dispensationalist, pre-millennial dispensationalist believes is that the Holy Spirit is gone but there's going to be peace in the world. Now somebody asked me where does it say peace for the world? My point exactly it doesn't, it doesn't. But I'm going to explain the truth. But I need to lay out the error. So I hope that those of you who are listening can hang around for this, because it's wild. All right now. So rapture, christians gone, holy Spirit's gone.

Speaker 1:

While that's gone, peace is happening on earth for the first three and a half years of a seven-year tribulation period. In the middle of the seven year, the middle of the seven-year period, which is three and a half years, in supposedly, the, there's going to be a literal, physical person, singular person, a man who's going to be an antichrist who was supposed to break a peace treaty. Three and a half years in, and then the second half of this seven year period, all hell breaks loose. All hell breaks loose. Now I don't understand how that happens, but okay, so this goes on for three and a half years and, near the end of the three 1,000 year millennial period, 1,000 literal years of perfect peace, which is not unlike the first three years of the seven year tribulation period. So here you have it, rapture number one Seven year tribulation period. So here you have it, rapture Number one Seven year tribulation. Number two. Then the 1000 year millennial reign on earth. Number three that begins when Christ returns to earth. So let me give you the order again Rapture Seven year tribulation, which is three years of peace, three and a half years of peace and in three and a half years of all out hell, christ is so bad that christ has to return on earth. And then he goes to Jerusalem and sets up his literal, physical government in Jerusalem, while the sacrificial system of the Old Testament has been restored. There's a new rebuilt temple there and Christ is going to be a literal king, like King David over there in Israel. Like King David over there in Israel. This is what dispensationalists believe today. This is what the majority of modern Christianity believe today.

Speaker 1:

So now we got somebody here saying I'm a liar, I'm lying or whatever. He hasn't even heard everything I have to say. But he's going to feel that way when I get done anyway, and that's fine, because these people never know what they're talking about, never, never. And I can get into Daniel 9 all day. But I'm going to move on now. So here's what I want to, what I want to get into right now. And, my friend, if you want to get in here, let's hook up and sign in, because I want to hear it, because a lot of people like to write. They're really bold with typing on comments. But if you want to join and get live, let's talk, live and see if what I'm saying is true. Otherwise, you know, just keep typing away.

Speaker 1:

So now, as I was saying, rapture, seven-year tribulation. First part of that tribulation three and a half years peace. Antichrist in the middle breaks the treaty. All hell breaks loose on earth 144 000 jews running around evangelizing people, and people are supposed to be getting converted, are supposed to be being converted and saved by these 144 000 jews. But there's a problem. If the rapture took out all the christians and the holy spirit left with them, then how are these people being converted? You understand what I'm saying? How are they being converted if the holy spirit left in all the church and the church is gone, so it's just nuts?

Speaker 1:

Then it's so bad at the at the latter half of the seven-year tribulation that at the end of it is when Christ returns and, by the way, the rapture that takes place before the return, I mean the rapture that takes place before the seven-year tribulation Christ descends from heaven. But the dispensationalists, they say that's not a second coming. They say it's not a second coming even though Christ comes. It's not a second coming because he doesn't touch the ground. So it's only a second coming if he touches the ground. Now it is true that there is a second coming and Christ is going to come and come down to earth. But you have a problem here Because when the rapture takes place, it takes place because Christ comes. I just read the verse he returns, he returns.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, let's keep going with what they're saying. So I'm trying to make it so you can follow along with it. So if I confuse you I apologize, but I'm trying my best to be as articulate on this matter as I can, because I'm trying to balance the truth with the error so we can come to the conclusion of what is actually true. Now here's the crazy thing Christ, for this millennial reign, this literal that they believe is literally 1,000 years, which I don't believe is. Not only do I believe, not only do I not believe that the 1,000 years is a literal 1,000 years, but I believe that what is symbolized by the 1,000 years in Revelation, chapter 20, and only in that chapter I believe that period that Revelation is speaking about is the current gospel age that we live in right now. That we live in right now we are in the millennial reign.

Speaker 1:

Right now, 1,000 years in Revelation 20 is a period of time that is spoken about in symbolic terms to represent an indefinite period of time. Why indefinite? Because Christ says that no man knows the hour or the day of his return. No man knows the hour or the day of his return. So what happens is he uses the 1,000 year period to represent a period of time that no man can number Now. So so far it's been over 2,000 years since Christ has come. We don't know when he's coming back. He said he will come like a thief in the night.

Speaker 1:

But here's the thing Christ made it clear that no one will ever know when he's returning. So let me ask you this question If the Christian church is raptured according to their system, if the Christian church is raptured before a seven-year tribulation and a thousand-year period, millennial period, then every Christian who is saved after the Christians who are raptured are gone, every Christian saved afterward, they would definitely know, from the time that the Christian church is raptured, they will know when Christ is returning. Now, remember, at the rapture they say that's not the second coming of Christ. So if that coming, if that coming at the rapture is not the second coming of Christ and the Christian church is raptured, then every Christian who is on earth from the beginning of the tribulation, at the beginning of the tribulation, they will know when Christ is coming. They will know exactly when he's coming. They will know that he's coming in exactly seven years, a time where he said no man will know the hour. No man.

Speaker 1:

We are in Christ's kingdom right now. In fact, jesus said except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. So if you are born again, you are born into God's kingdom. Well, how can you be born into his kingdom unless there's multiple kingdoms that God has, or unless they're? So either you're born into the kingdom now, and this is the only kingdom that there is, or God has multiple kingdoms. I submit to you that the Bible only knows of one kingdom of God, and in some places it's called the kingdom of Christ, it's called the kingdom of the Lord Jesus, it's called the kingdom of God, it's called the kingdom of Christ, it's called the kingdom of the Lord Jesus, it's called the kingdom of God, it's called the kingdom of heaven, it's all the same. This is the kingdom that we live in right now, that we're born into, when we're born from above or when we're born again. That is how we see the kingdom. By the regeneration, god rules and reigns in the hearts of his people through the agency of the Holy Spirit, leading us and guiding us into all righteousness.

Speaker 1:

The obsession that man has with kingdom authority, meaning political powers on earth, is insane, because Christ was never, never dealing with that issue. That's what man deals with. That's why Christ was crucified. The people that crucified him wanted him to be a king on earth. That wasn't why he came here, not to be an earthly king. He could care less about this earthly kingdom, because the earthly kingdom is going to be destroyed. Earthly kingdom, because the earthly kingdom is going to be destroyed. All of the principalities and powers of this age and this earth are going to be destroyed with the brightness of his coming at that last trump. That is a fact.

Speaker 1:

Now you may not want to believe it, but that's what the Bible teaches. And I also know that a lot of people say that what they believe is what the Bible teaches. And I'm saying the same thing and you get people that are contrary to one another but both say that's what the Bible teaches. I understand that, but what I'm asking is what I'm asking and challenging everyone here to do is to just check and see what I'm saying. You have to find the consistency. The whole Bible is one unit that fits together perfectly and you can make and build any doctrine you want out of any one verse here or there, but the whole idea is that the Bible is a cohesive, singular unit. It doesn't contradict itself, contrary to what people want to try to make you believe.

Speaker 1:

So now we get back to this rapt, rapture period, rapture, tribulation, 1000 year kingdom. Now, at the end of the seven year tribulation period, guess what happens? It's so bad. It's so bad at the end of the at the second half of the seven year tribulation, that, according to this, this, this teaching, that Christ returns and he sets up an earthly kingdom on earth, he sets up an earthly kingdom on earth. So what does this mean? This means that the Jews weren't wrong about Christ. They just got the timing wrong.

Speaker 1:

If you believe that, if you believe that Christ is going to come here to be a literal king ruling and reigning in Jerusalem, on earth, you are smoking some good stuff. If you believe that, I'm sorry to be crude, but the time has been long past to pussyfoot around the truth. If you believe that, I'm sorry to be crude, but the time has been long past To pussyfoot around the truth, are we really going to believe that Jesus Christ Is going to come back to earth In his glorified body To sit on a physical throne In a palace In Israel, in therael, that exists today, or whatever? It will be 10 years from now, five years from now, whatever it is, we think christ is going to come 100 years from now, whatever really, do you really believe there there's going to be the reinstitution of the animal sacrifices. You have people running around talking about the red heifer. The red heifer is going to be here. They found the red heifer, what I don't understand, but here's the killer part. Here's the killer part.

Speaker 1:

Christ is supposed to come down here to earth at the end of the seven year tribulation to set up an earthly kingdom in Jerusalem, in Jerusalem, physical Jerusalem, and rule and reign all the countries of the world with his rod of iron, which I also don't understand, because he's ruling the nations during this 1000 year period with a rod of iron, which is odd. Because why rule with a rod of iron if, if this 1000 year period is a time of perfect peace, no sin is going on, remember, holy spirit's gone, the church is gone. No holy spirit, no church and and I, I suppose people are being saved. But the crazy thing is the crazy thing is Satan is not supposed to be here at all Because, according to their system of thought, their eschatological view, satan is gone, the church is gone and the Holy Spirit is gone and there's perfect peace on earth and Christ is ruling with a rod of iron. Why with a rod of iron if the Holy Spirit is gone and Satan is gone. So I'm trying to understand. How are people living for a thousand years in perfect peace and harmony, no sin, a perfect time, the wolf is laying down with the lion and all these different things, and yet there's no Holy Spirit, nor is there Satan. So you understand, you have to see how ridiculous this is. So you understand, you have to see how ridiculous this is, and I know by me saying that it's ridiculous, it's not helping you understand the matter more, but it's hard for me not being able to see a lot of you people, a lot of you folks, to see. If, if I'm getting you to look at it, even if you don't believe what I'm saying, I want you to at least look at it. Just look at it, listen to what I'm saying, rehearse these things in your mind and try to find how it's possible that these things make sense to you.

Speaker 1:

Now imagine the Lord of Glory, the Alpha and Omega, the man who is God in the flesh, whom Revelation describes has eyes of fire, a tongue, the sword as his tongue, hair white like wool, his vestments down to his feet bright and shiny white. This is the Lord of Glory who is going to come back to earth to go in Israel and sit on the throne on earth in Israel. Yeah, right over there on the other side of the gaza strip. That's where he's going to go. Think about that for a second. The, the lord, the glorified lord, jesus christ, that the book of revelation talks about. You think he's going to go and live in Jerusalem? And of course, they always say, well, and the rest of the world, the nations, are going to have delegates and they're going to be reporting to him over there and whatever. Do you understand that?

Speaker 1:

The reason why we have so many problems in understanding the relationship between Christianity and Israel and the Jews and Judaism and all that kind of stuff? Christians are feeding into that notion. Christians are feeding into modern day Zionism. You people that hold to these views are aiding them in believing that silliness. It's ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

So now, now, here is the craziest part of the millennial reign. So remember, satan is supposed to be cast out. He's not there. The millennium has happened, so there's no Holy Spirit there are. There's no Holy Spirit. There's no Satan and Jesus is on earth. So all those people, are we saying that they are not sinning? Are we saying they're not sinning? So I mean, think about it. If there's no Satan nor the Holy Spirit, then how are people living according to God? Under what is their religion? If you're not being regenerated by the Holy Spirit because he's gone and Satan's not here, then what is the spiritual state of all the people who are living during this 1000 year period?

Speaker 1:

And then, lastly, I got to give you on this subject anyway because I'm in a mood tonight, so I'm sure many of you are going to probably sign off while I'm still talking, because I'm just in one of those moods. So what I want to ask you is this if there's no sin because I'm assuming there's no sin, because the 1000 year period it people are teaching it as it as a period of perfect peace and holiness, yet the holy spirit's not here and satan's not here, so there's no need for the gospel and, in fact, no gospel is supposed to be taught at that period anyway. Because why would you be preaching the gospel during the 1000 year period, during this 1000 year, millennial period? Why would the gospel be being preached if Jesus is literally, physically on earth, in Jerusalem? Do you see how silly this sounds? 1,000 year period, no Satan, no Holy Spirit. Jesus is on earth, so how are people being saved? Because you can't be preaching the gospel about Jesus Christ because he's here.

Speaker 1:

If he's on earth, in Jerusalem, then who's preaching about what? Jesus is there. You remember what he said about the bridegroom? Nobody fasts while the bridegroom. Nobody fasts while the bridegroom is with them. It's not until he's gone that you fast.

Speaker 1:

So what I'm saying is you have to think these things through. The Bible is a cohesive unit and it must be viewed that way to make sense of the doctrines that you hold to now. Here's the. Here's the kicker on the 1000 year millennial period that people believe is literal. Christ is on earth and the holy spirit is gone. The Christian church is gone and Satan is in prison. Because he's not now, but in fact he is. But it's not taught that People believe that Satan can run around willy-nilly and to a degree he can. But here's the problem If Jesus is on earth for the millennium, if Jesus is on earth in Jerusalem, in Jerusalem there is no preaching going on because there's no need to preach.

Speaker 1:

If he's here, there's no need to preach about Jesus. If Jesus is on earth, you just fly to Israel and hope they don't kick you out for immigration violations. But think about it. He's on earth, so there's no preaching going on. The church is gone, because they were raptured before the tribulation began and all the saints that died prior to the tribulation period beginning. They're in heaven, so they're gone too.

Speaker 1:

So now you have another thousand year period and here's a crazy thing. Here's a crazy thing, and you know, people like to tell me I'm way off. Some guy telling me Jason, I'm sure you got an argument If you want to come in and I want to hear it, cause I love when people tell me I'm way off because I can tell you right now I've been on this platform for two years, three years right now, and everybody that has told me I'm wrong has never been able to accept my offer to debate the issue live. No one, and if you're willing, I'm willing to do it. Now let me move on, because I hate when people tell me I'm wrong, but there's no substance to why I'm wrong. Please tell me why we are supposed to edify one another and build each other up in this most holy faith. We're supposed to do that. I'm trying to do that.

Speaker 1:

Am I right about everything? No, am I right about it? No, but I will say this I will never say anything, never. I will never say anything to you, to one of you, that I cannot back up in scripture at any given moment. Now again, I can be wrong on how I interpret something, so if I am wrong, feel free to correct me. My dm go live. Whatever. I'm willing to have that conversation. I can be wrong, but I can tell you there's nothing that's going to come out of my mouth that I can't support in scripture, and I hope that every one of you too, will do the same. I hope that all of you will do the same, because I will always respect somebody who is constructive, who can say you know what I disagree with you. Here's the why. I can, I can get down with that, so, so I just want to put that out there.

Speaker 1:

So, back to the thousand year millennial period, because I'm gonna tie all this around, back to this rapture thing. So now, the 1000 year period. You literally have Jesus Christ on earth, according to the people that believe this literal interpretation. And then guess what? Then, jason, I agree with you. I agree with you to a degree, and I'll get to this later. So here's what I'm trying to say. So now, keep in mind, jesus is in jerusalem, sitting on a throne in some building in israel, the reinstitution of animal sacrifices and all this other kind of stuff is going on while he's there. Imagine that. And then, and then, on top of that, uh, the holy spirit's gone, the church is gone, and now there's this 1 000 year period. There's 1 000 year period, and then here's a kicker. Then, then, near the end, at or near the end of the, oh, eleazar, I'm with you. So send me a DM and we will set it up. I can't wait Now anyway.

Speaker 1:

So just before the 1,000 year period is up, satan is loosed from his prison. Satan is loosed from his prison. So let me get this straight the 1,000 year period is supposed to be a perfect time where the fox lays down with the lamb and the lion plays around with the, with whatever, with the lamb and all this kind of stuff, and there's perfect peace. There's perfect, perfect peace, and there's nothing but joy and happiness, even though the holy spirit's not here, even though jesus is on, is on the earth, and then satan is loosed out of his season, out of his prison, and then this, this ushers in armageddon. So here's what I don't understand why would Jesus Christ come to earth, rule with the rod of iron. The Holy Spirit's gone, the church is gone, and then he decides to let Satan out of his prison. To do what and how is he ruling with a rod of iron if he lets Satan out out at the same time? Isn't that a little, uh, contrary to himself? I'm gonna rule with a rod of iron, but I'm gonna let satan out.

Speaker 1:

See, the problem is this People have made the scriptures so complicated than it really is. God was not trying to, was not trying to trip us up. You remember when, when, when the Bible tells us that jacob and isaac were in their mother's belly and it says that um, uh, uh, um, no, not isaac, uh, jacob and esau, yeah, jacob and esau, they were in rachel's belly. And it says that that jacob, who was the younger of the twins, he grabbed esau's heel and, and, and and it and he. Basically, it symbolizes him taking his, his right, his bloodline rights. But but jacob in the womb grabbed esau's heel. Well, what that means is is, when you talked about the heel, is talking about jason jacob tripping esau. That's the imagery when it says he grabbed his heel. So imagine somebody running, running, running right past you. Or let's say, you're running past somebody else and they grab your foot or hit your foot to trip you. That's what that means when it says Jacob grabbed Esau's heel.

Speaker 1:

So what I'm talking, what I'm speaking about in this particular context, is that you have Christ, the Lord, jesus Christ, on earth, and then it is supposed to be a perfect period for 1,000 years, and then Satan, he because, remember the Bible says that Christ is the one that has the key to death and hell, that he holds the keys, and it's also in Revelation, chapter 20, in the same passage, talking about the 1,000 year period. So Christ has the keys. He's in Jerusalem, in Israel, physically, in his glorified body, while the people that are living on earth aren't in glorified bodies, and that's another issue. He's in a glorified body, but the rest of us not the rest of us, but the rest of the people who are living there, they're not. It gives me a headache just thinking about it. It gives me a serious headache just thinking about it. Tim, how you doing, brother? Good to see you here.

Speaker 1:

So here's the thing. So then Satan is loose from his prison and he commences Armageddon. So he raises an army, a physical army. Now people have argued that it's Russia or it's China and it's whatever, and it comes under this whole thing of Gog and Magog and all this kind of stuff. But keep in mind all this is happening while Jesus, the glorified Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ, in his glorified body, he's living in Jerusalem. He lets out Satan, disrupts this peace that he set up with his return. He lets out Satan, armageddon begins and they're going to literal war, physical war. Does that make sense to any of you? Christ said. He said with his own words, he's going to destroy Satan with the brightness of his coming. He's going to destroy Satan with the brightness of his coming. Jesus said he is going to destroy Satan with the mere brightness of his coming. But here's what you have to understand If Jesus is already on earth in his glorified body, living in in Jerusalem, ruling and reigning and ruling over the nations there, and then he is the one who releases Satan from his prison to go to physical war with him and his saints, how can it be said that Christ will destroy Satan with the brightness of his coming? If Jesus is already here, where would he be coming from Israel? You understand what I'm saying. How was Satan going to be destroyed by the brightness of Christ coming if Christ is already here, according to the dispensational theory of eschatology.

Speaker 1:

Somebody says that's not what that meant. Well, tell me what it means. Everybody can tell. Listen. Everybody can tell me I'm wrong. Anybody can tell me I'm wrong. Anybody can tell me something didn't mean what it is, but nobody can tell me I'm wrong. Anybody can tell me I'm wrong. Anybody can tell me something didn't mean what it is, but nobody can tell me what it does mean or how I am wrong. I want to hear it. Please tell me Christ. Let me just put it this way Christ is not coming back here to rule on earth as an earthly ruler in a sinful world. It is not going to happen. There is no seven year tribulation in the Bible and Daniel 9 doesn't teach that. Nowhere in the Bible is there seven year tribulation. So that's not happening.

Speaker 1:

The millennial reign is a symbolic term in Revelation to speak of the time that we live in right now. We are in the kingdom of God now. Christ was the one who told Nicodemus how to enter into the kingdom of God by being born again. When you are born again, you enter into the kingdom of God. You become a citizen, a citizen of God's kingdom. Nobody can argue that. A first year Christian should know that when you are born you are translated out of the world, this earthly world, into God's kingdom, and God's kingdom is forever at war. The Bible. Jesus himself said listen to what he said. Listen we got to go back to sometimes we got to go back to basics In Matthew, chapter 16, listen to what Jesus says in Matthew 16.

Speaker 1:

He says here in verse 18 of Matthew 16, jesus says also I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall never prevail against it. And he says I will give you the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven, loosed in heaven. Now Peter is. Jesus is telling Peter that he has the kingdom, the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Now let me ask you this question what good is Peter having the key, the kingdom? What good is it that Peter has the keys to the kingdom of heaven if Peter is dead before the kingdom of heaven actually exists? Christians, think about it. What good is Peter having the kingdom of heaven that he is able to open and let people enter in. If we haven't, if we're not already in the kingdom of God, if the kingdom of God is yet future and none of us are going to be here, then how does Peter let anybody into it? I want an answer for that. If somebody has an answer, please join in and tell me what the answer to that is. If you want to be invited in to hear it, send me the invite and I will let you in right now, because I want to hear this. I want to hear it.

Speaker 1:

Matthew 24 explains tribulation which happened to the Christians in that time. But what Matthew 24 does not say is that there's a seven year tribulation. It says tribulation. It just says great tribulation, meaning a period of intense tribulation. The entire church of Christ goes through tribulation. Jesus said that we will all go through tribulation. He told the church in the first three chapters of Revelation that they will go through an hour of temptation and tribulation and persecution and affliction. The church goes through this, the entire church. None of us today have been threatened by a guillotine. None of us today have been threatened by being burned at the stake. Yet 50 million Christians were burned at the Catholic stakes and killed by the Catholic Church because they wouldn't recant, because they wouldn't recant the false teaching of transubstantiation. So 50 million Christians were murdered. So what I'm saying is is was that not tribulation? Were they not going through tribulation through in the dark ages? Every era of every era in the christian, in the history of this world, christians have gone through tribulation and fortunately for us, we haven't had to experience it that way, we haven't had to experience the worst of it. But we are all in tribulation right now. So now for this seven year tribulation, for this seven year tribulation, let's talk about it for a minute. Let's talk about it for a second.

Speaker 1:

Daniel tells us in Daniel nine. Daniel tells us in Daniel 9. He says in Daniel 9, verse 24, and you tell me, if you find a seven year tribulation in here, because it's not here 70 weeks are determined for your people and for the holy city. And then he tells you to do what? What for what does the 70 weeks lead up to? And then it says, it tells you of sins. Three, to make reconciliation for iniquity. Four, to bring in everlasting righteousness. Five, to seal up vision and prophecy. And six, to anoint the most holy.

Speaker 1:

Now let me ask you a question. It says here that the 70 weeks that are determined on thy people, god tells daniel, or the angel tells, tells daniel that the 70 weeks are determined. Notice what he says. They are determined for your people. For your people, the 70 weeks represents 490 years, 70 times 7. 70 weeks of years, 490 years. Okay, he tells them. First off, these 70 weeks are determined for your people, the Jews Okay, the Jews, and for their city, jerusalem. This should be easy to understand. Daniel 9, 24. And he says what happens to his people and for the holy city to finish the transgression.

Speaker 1:

Now, I'm not going to go through all the verses to support all this, but I have it and I don't want to take more time than I have, but I have. I can go through every one of these and show support for the, for the verses, but when I outline it here for you, it should all make sense, because look what it says To finish the transgression, what is the finishing of the transgression? The finishing of the transgression is what happened to Israel when Christ came. They sinned against the Messiah that they were expecting and their sinning against the Messiah, which didn't involve just them, but it involved the Romans and it involved every other Gentile, because all of us, all of us because I don't want to if I specify only the Jews, I don't want to get my TikTok kicked off or whatever but all people put Christ on that cross.

Speaker 1:

That was the finishing of the transgression. In other words, the transgression of man reached its peak when Christ went to Calvary. That's when it reached its peak, when Christ went to Calvary, when they began to persecute our Lord and Savior, then to make an end of sins. Jesus Christ, he is the one. By his death and resurrection, he put an end of sins. Jesus Christ, he is the one. By his death and resurrection he put an end to sins. In other words, we are no longer going to be judged by God because of our sins, because Christ put our sins upon him when he went to that cross and we, when he raised from that tomb, we were justified and therefore then we were reconciled to God. Which is the next point, because it says here that the other thing that Christ is, that the 70 weeks is for, is to make a reconciliation for iniquity. Those of us who are Christians today have been reconciled to God by the death of his son, and that reconciliation is the peace that I was referring to earlier. We have peace with God, real peace, real peace.

Speaker 1:

Now notice that those who talk about a seven-year tribulation always talk about a peace treaty that was made and broken. But the peace that people are interpreting, they are interpreting incorrectly. It is not a peace between nations. It is not a peace between governments. It is not a peace between antichrist and whoever. It is the peace between sinners and God. You're missing the whole point if you are leaning onto these false notions of a seven-year tribulation and a literal 1,000-year reign on earth. It is silly, it is not true, it is false.

Speaker 1:

Christ by his death, burial and resurrection, he put an end to transgression. He made an end of sins. He made reconciliation for our iniquity against him. And then it says the next thing is to bring in everlasting righteousness. We, as believers, are righteous right now. Our righteousness doesn't come in the future, at the end of a seven year tribulation. It comes right now. We have righteousness right now. Every single Christian who is a believer today wears the right robe of righteousness that was given to us when we put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and was raised for our justification.

Speaker 1:

And then it says this is one thing some of you guys are going to like, because here's the other thing that Christ did when he came of like. Because here's the other thing that Christ did when he came. Because when he left after Pentecost, he began to put an end to vision and prophecy. Why? Because his ministry had to be complete before his word could be complete. And when his word was completed and when the last apostle was gone, vision and prophecy was also gone. After John, there was no more vision and prophecy After the apostle John, no more vision and prophecy Done. Why? Because God wants us to look to his word and nothing else but his word for truth and instruction and righteousness, the word of God which thoroughly, thoroughly furnishes us for every good work, every good work, not some, not a few, not many. Every good work, not some, not a few, not many. Every good work.

Speaker 1:

Now, what else happens at the end of the 70 week period in Daniel 9? The last thing is to anoint the most holy. To anoint the most holy, to anoint the most holy. Well, in the Old Testament, in the scriptures, what was the most holy? The most holy? You know what the most holy was. It was that special place in the temple where the priest, the high priest, had to enter in once a year to make an atonement for the sin of the nation. It was the temple. It was the most holy, was the most holy place in the temple. It was so holy that only the high priest could enter in there Through all the other courts in the temple, through all the other courts in the temple, any of the priests, any of the Levitical priests, could go and make offerings and make sacrifices for the people, but once a year the high priest was the only one who was allowed to go into the most holy, because the most holy place was where God was supposed to be and that was where he would go and make the atonement for all of the people. And this was once a year, but it was in the temple, the most sacred place in the temple. Now, here it says that Daniel's week, daniel's 70 weeks, would conclude finally with the anointing of the most holy.

Speaker 1:

The most holy in Daniel's prophecy was not a what, it was a who. The most holy that was anointed in Daniel's prophecy was the Lord Jesus Christ himself. He himself was the most holy, he himself. He told the Jews of his day and the Pharisees. He told the Pharisees if you destroy this temple, a temple that he was standing in front of, he said destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up. They thought he was talking about the temple that was behind him, but he wasn't talking about that temple. He said the temple, talking about the temple of his body, the Shekinah glory, the glory of God. In fact, not even the Shekinah glory. The fullness of the Godhead dwelt in Christ. He is the most holy. And what was the anointing of the most holy? His baptism. His baptism was the anointing of the most holy. When John the Baptist had the Lord Jesus Christ in the baptismal waters, the spirit of God descended in the form of a dove, as I brought up earlier, and God said this is my beloved son, listen to him, hear ye him. That was the anointing. God anointed Christ as his servant on earth to go and carry out his mission that his father gave him to do on the behalf of sinners that he wants to save through the death of his son and resurrect to the newness of life and to be regenerated. Christ was the most holy that was anointed, and God, his father anointed him on the day of his baptism and that jumpstarted his ministry. Now guess what? We all know how old was Jesus when he began his ministry? He was 30 years old.

Speaker 1:

Daniel's, the 69th week, the 69th week of Daniel's prophecy, takes you right up, literally, literally up until the ministry of Christ began at 30 years old. Think about it. How did the wise men know when Christ was coming? How did they know? They knew because of Daniel's prophecy. They knew that it was time for him to be born. Because of Daniel's prophecy. How do they know, how do the wise men know, when they came? How do they know, how do the wise men know, when they came?

Speaker 1:

So now, now I want to deal with this seven year tribulation a little bit Some more. Christ began his ministry at 30 years old, which was right at the end, or right at the beginning of the 69th week of Daniel. Right at the beginning, so thatth week of Daniel, right at the beginning. So that means there's seven years left, 483 years had already passed, and that 483rd year commences with the beginning of the 69th week I hope you can follow me. And Jesus is 30 when that starts. He's 30. How old was Jesus when he was crucified. How old was Jesus when he was crucified? And keep in mind, we don't know the day of his actual birth, but we do know that he was Approximately 33 years old. 33 years old. So, christians, listen to me If the 69th week of Daniel's prophecy Began when Jesus was 30. And he died when he was 33. That accounts for the three and a half years that has been referred to as the first three and a half years of the seven year tribulation, which I told you is not true, because the beginning of that last seven years of Daniel 9 begins when Jesus was 30. And halfway through it ended when he was 33.

Speaker 1:

Three and a half years, think about it. Three and a half years, the seven year tribulation theory, which is false, but a theory nonetheless. They say that the first three and a half years is a period of peace. Remember peace. I told you to remember peace. The first three and a half years is a peaceful time in Daniel's three and a half years.

Speaker 1:

According to the seven year tribulation theory, jesus was preaching, bringing glad tidings, for three and a half years on earth, from the time he began his ministry at 30 years old till he died at 30 and 33, and we can safely say that it was somewhere at or around three and a half years, because we don't know when, what day, his birthday was, but three and a half years after his ministry began he was crucified and that first three and a half years was considered a time where he was preaching, bringing good tidings. It was a peaceful period because he came to earth to free people from sin, to free them from the bondage of their sin. There was no greater period on earth than when Christ came here and put on flesh Three and a half years. That is what answers to your three and a half year period of the so-called three and a half seven year tribulation. So what I'm saying is that the first three and a half years of the seven year tribulation is misinterpreted because what it is is the first three and a half years of the seven year tribulation is misinterpreted because what it is is is the first three and a half years, is it is the only three and a half years of jesus's physical ministry on earth. So you either have to believe that daniel's prophecy was about a seven year tribulation that is yet future, or it was about the ministry of Christ, and if you believe that it's in the future.

Speaker 1:

You have to assume that Daniel's prophecy skipped over Christ to go to another period in time. It just skipped over Christ. It skips over the most pivotal, the most pivotal, the most important and the most illustrious period on earth, history. And you want to say the Bible skips over that. You see how silly that is. Christ brought goodwill. And what did it say in Luke? Peace and goodwill toward men. This was because of Christ, the Lord Jesus. That was the peace. It was a peace he brought with his gospel message. It's not a seven-year tribulation, that is a fiction.

Speaker 1:

And if what I'm saying is true, then that also means that you have to rethink the millennium, you have to rethink the rapture and when it takes place, you have to rethink a lot of things. And lastly I'm almost going to be done here Back in Corinthians, 1 Corinthians 15. Back in Corinthians 15. 1 Corinthians 15. Now notice this it says here, in verse 51 of 1 Corinthians 15, back to the rapture, which is where I started. So I'm going to try to bring it all back around. Behold, I tell you a ministry. I mean, I'm sorry. Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, for the trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. Now the first thing I want to make you notice here is that it says in verse 52, in the twinkling of an eye, this is going to take place. And it's going to say at the last trumpet, not the first, not the second, not the fourth or the fifth or even the sixth, the last trumpet.

Speaker 1:

The Bible talks about seven trumpets that we read about in Revelation. And it says here it says here that this transformation, which is when the rapture takes place, is gonna take place at the last trumpet. Now, to me, I don't know what last means to you, but to me last means the final one, meaning that there are no other trumpets to blow the sound afterwards, no other ones to sound after it. It's the last one, nothing else follows it. And it says here that when the last trumpet sounds, that we're gonna all be changed and this incorruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality. And then it says this so when the corruptible has put on incorruption and this mortal has put on immortality. Notice what it says next. So this is the rapture when this takes place, then it says when this takes place, then it says when this takes place, then shall be brought to pass the saying Death is swallowed up in victory. Oh death, where is your sting? Oh grave, where is your victory? So there's two things that we need to glean from this, and you can't escape it.

Speaker 1:

And you know, like I said, I know that people have a problem with this because you've been taught, nobody who believes the nonsense they've been believing for long periods of time never wants to admit. They made a mistake and I'm saying this because that's the mistake I made five years into my being a Christian, so that was 37 years ago. I had to admit it. I had to admit I was wrong because I was a dispensationalist. I believed these very things that I'm telling you are wrong. I used to believe them and I used to fight for them. I was a staunch advocate. There was no book that was out that I hadn't read at that time, that talked about dispensationalism, that talked about, you know, uh, eschatology in a dispensational sense, that I hadn't read. I'm pretty sure I've read everything that was out there on it. I believed it and I could argue it, but it was wrong and that's why I'm so adamant today about being biblically precise. I won't say anything to you that I cannot defend, and so if I'm wrong is because I sincerely. I was sincerely wrong and I was in growth. I was in error, but I will admit it. But I won't go half-cocked with whatever I say and I hope that all of us can do the same thing.

Speaker 1:

So somebody asked me what Bible I'm reading from. I have here the New King James, but I also have the Old King James, I have the ESV, I have, I have every version. There is the Geneva Bible. So I just use whatever is close by if that answers the question. So I just use whatever is close by if that answers the question.

Speaker 1:

But now, at this rapture event where it talks about in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump I already said the last trumpet will sound. So it's the last trumpet, there's no more trumpets to follow, okay. And then it says that when this takes place, in other words, when this rapture time takes place and we are transformed and we are translated and going up to heaven to be with Christ, it says that when this takes place, death is swallowed up in victory. Death is swallowed up in victory. Now the last trumpet sounds, we are changed and translated, and then death is completely eradicated. Death is gone, swallow up in victory.

Speaker 1:

How can that be if the rapture takes place before a quote unquote or a so-called seven year tribulation? Because this teaches us that when the rapture takes place, when this corruption puts on incorruption and when this mortal puts on immortality, it says here that this takes place at the last trumpet, when the last trumpet sounds. Says here that this takes place at the last trumpet, when the last trumpet sounds. And it also says that when this takes place, it says that death will be swallowed up in victory. If the scheme of the, if the eschatological scheme of the dispensationalist is correct, death is not swallowed up in victory. There there's still much death to come.

Speaker 1:

Because if you believe that if the rapture takes place before the seven year tribulation, there's death taking place during the seven year tribulation, and if you believe that the 1000 year millennium is literal on earth, then there's going to be death going on then as well, and then there's going to be Armageddon. That follows after that, and if Armageddon takes place, there's going to be death there because they're going to war, nations are going to war, while Christ is physically living here in Jerusalem. That's what you have to believe. So let me ask you this question how is death swallowed up in victory? Because what that passage says is death is gone, period Vanquished, gone Over. So how is death still continuing after the rapture? If this verse in the rapture verses they tell you that death is going to be swallowed up in victory at the rapture, that means no more death Done, it's over.

Speaker 1:

The rapture takes place at the end of the world. Christ is coming back at the end of the world. Christ is raising the dead, the righteous dead and the unrighteous dead at the end of the world. There is nothing between now and then that prohibits Christ from returning. There's nothing else on the quote unquote prophetical calendar Outside of apostasy in his church. There's nothing else that we should, that we are expecting to happen before. There is no seven year tribulation. There is no physical 1000 year earthly kingdom is coming later. We are in that kingdom right now, the very kingdom that we're born again into, the same kingdom that Jesus himself said.

Speaker 1:

The reason, the thing that Jesus said except a man be born again, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. So if you are born again, you have entered into the kingdom of God. You have entered into the kingdom of God. You are now a citizen of that nation.

Speaker 1:

What nation, the holy nation?

Speaker 1:

What is the holy nation? The body of believers? Who are the body of believers, jew and Gentile alike, who put their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior? Who is the temple of God? Christ is the temple, he's the head of it and we are the body. We are his body. So, all of us, as a collective society, we are the temple, the church we are. Who Christ is coming back for. We wait for him, but he has already made reconciliation for iniquity. He has already made an end of sins. He has already anointed the most holy. He has already brought in reconciliation for iniquity.

Speaker 1:

So when you go to Romans or to Daniel 9, talking about the seven-year tribulation, you have to say that none of those things have happened. If the seven-year tribulation, you have to say that none of those things have happened. If the seven-year tribulation, if the last seven years of Daniel's prophecy is future, you have to say that none of those things have happened. Christ is on his way and he doth come quickly. And as for those wicked souls who don't know him, for those of you who don't know Christ, if you're listening now, and those of you who do know Christ and are listening now and you have loved ones or friends that you need, that you want to see faithful to Christ, to turn to Christ, listen to this.

Speaker 1:

We have forgotten Sometimes what we were saved from, because, if we remember the dreadful state that we were in when we were unrepentant and did not know Christ, but when we were able to see how sinful we were, when he gave us the eyes to see and the ears to hear, we were able to look into his perfect law and see how fallen we were. We had a revelation of what true condemnation hung over our heads. God has wedded his sword and it hangs over the head of every sinner who refuses to repent and to acknowledge Christ as Lord and Savior. When you perish in your sins and you enter into an awful place that the Bible calls the lake of fire, when you enter into that place, it will not be because you rejected Christ. It will be rejected. You will be there not because you rejected Christ, but you will be there because you refuse to repent of your sins. You will be cast into the lake of fire for your sins and God is going to punish every sinner that refuses to repent In that awful, dreadful place For eternity.

Speaker 1:

There's no escaping it, there's no way out of it. It's eternal and perpetual when the worm dies, not when man's conscience is constantly afflicting him. You'll be forced to deal with every time. You'll be forced to reconcile in your mind every opportunity that you had to obey the truth. You will remember and be reminded of how many times you laughed at those who tried to tell you the way out. Your scorn will be brought to the forefront of your mind and be there forever. It will gnaw at you forever. The consciousness, your conscience, will forever be scarred with all these things that you have done in repelling Christ, repelling his people and we as believers.

Speaker 1:

Somebody asked me, our good friend Tim. He asked me he says how many times can we repent? There's one time that we actually repent, but daily we repent. There's an active repentance that goes on and on, because even though Christ has died for our sins, we still have this desire that still resides within us, but we fight against it. So the Bible refers to it as mortification of the flesh. We are dying daily. So we are recognizing why Christ died for us. We are seeing in real time the sin that he took upon him in order to save us. But we're still living through this struggle, fighting, but remember, still living through this struggle, fighting. But remember we are struggling and constantly fighting against that which we did not fight and struggle with before, because before we didn't see ourselves as sinners, we saw ourselves as masters of our own domain.

Speaker 1:

I had a lady today you may see one of my videos that I posted today where a lady's tell is is some she. She fancies herself some kind of a motivational speaker and she was telling everybody you are your own alpha and omega. I almost fell off my chair when I was watching that. She's telling people you are your own Alpha and Omega and Christians. This is the very thing that's going to destroy people Believing that you are your own Alpha and Omega, because that is wicked and blasphemous. That is wicked and blasphemous Because that is a title that only the Lord of Glory holds.

Speaker 1:

He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the King of Kings. He is the mighty God. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the King of Kings. He is the mighty God. He is the almighty God. He is the wonderful counselor. He is the only potentate. He is Lord and Savior. He is our great high priest and apostle. He is the Rose of Sharon. He is the bomb in Gilead. He is the Prince of Peace.

Speaker 1:

Like my sister says, he is the Jordan that the Jews crossed over. The Israelites crossed over on dry ground. He's the rod of Moses. He's the rock that was struck and fresh water came out of the rock for the people of Israel to drink. Christ was that rock. He was the one who spoke to Moses in the burning bush. He's the one whose eyes are a flame of fire and his hair is white like wool. He is the one who is the ancient of days. He is the king of glory.

Speaker 1:

He is on his way back. It is time for all of us to get suited up in his robe of righteousness and be ready for his return. Do not be one of these five foolish virgins who are caught when he returns with no oil in your lamps, or you will find yourself cast out into outer darkness where there will be weeping and wailing of teeth. Sinners, why will you die in your sins with so great a salvation that is so easily acceptable. Come to Christ, look unto Christ and be saved. And all it requires is a look Look to him and be ye saved, be provoked and be persuaded. And thank you all for your kind attention, and may God bless you all.

The Rapture
Debunking the Seven-Year Tribulation Theory
Dispensationalism and the End Times
The Kingdom of God and Prophecy
Confusion About the Millennium
Debunking the Seven-Year Tribulation
Debunking the Seven Year Tribulation
The Importance of Repentance and Redemption
Jesus Christ