The Bible Provocateur

God Hates WORKERS of Iniquity (Psalm 5:4-6) - Jonathan Eubanks

July 09, 2024 The Bible Provocateur Season 2024 Episode 75
God Hates WORKERS of Iniquity (Psalm 5:4-6) - Jonathan Eubanks
The Bible Provocateur
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The Bible Provocateur
God Hates WORKERS of Iniquity (Psalm 5:4-6) - Jonathan Eubanks
Jul 09, 2024 Season 2024 Episode 75
The Bible Provocateur

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Can God really hate sinners? This provocative question forms the core of our latest episode as we navigate the complex and often controversial truths found in Psalm 5. Today, we tackle the necessity of preaching the full gospel without compromise, despite facing resistance and criticism from within the Christian community. We highlight the tension between God's sovereignty in salvation and the common belief in personal choice, emphasizing the importance of standing firm in biblical doctrine.

We then dive into the profound dichotomy between God's love and hatred, with a particular focus on the theological perspective that salvation is an act of God's sovereign will. By examining scriptures such as John 8:44 and Psalm 5, we explore the uncomfortable reality that God’s grace is an act of mercy rather than an obligation. We challenge the prevailing notion that "God hates the sin but loves the sinner," and underscore the broader implications of understanding God's unchanging nature towards both the righteous and the wicked.

Finally, we confront the grave consequences of sin and the ultimate fate of the unrepentant. With insights from the teachings of Spurgeon and Jonathan Edwards, we stress the importance of acknowledging God's wrath as a catalyst for repentance and faith. Through this episode, we hope our listeners grasp the urgency of turning to Christ, recognizing that the fear of God's impending judgment often drives sinners to seek mercy and salvation before it’s too late.

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Can God really hate sinners? This provocative question forms the core of our latest episode as we navigate the complex and often controversial truths found in Psalm 5. Today, we tackle the necessity of preaching the full gospel without compromise, despite facing resistance and criticism from within the Christian community. We highlight the tension between God's sovereignty in salvation and the common belief in personal choice, emphasizing the importance of standing firm in biblical doctrine.

We then dive into the profound dichotomy between God's love and hatred, with a particular focus on the theological perspective that salvation is an act of God's sovereign will. By examining scriptures such as John 8:44 and Psalm 5, we explore the uncomfortable reality that God’s grace is an act of mercy rather than an obligation. We challenge the prevailing notion that "God hates the sin but loves the sinner," and underscore the broader implications of understanding God's unchanging nature towards both the righteous and the wicked.

Finally, we confront the grave consequences of sin and the ultimate fate of the unrepentant. With insights from the teachings of Spurgeon and Jonathan Edwards, we stress the importance of acknowledging God's wrath as a catalyst for repentance and faith. Through this episode, we hope our listeners grasp the urgency of turning to Christ, recognizing that the fear of God's impending judgment often drives sinners to seek mercy and salvation before it’s too late.

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Speaker 1:

Christians. I'm going to be in the book of Psalms, chapter 5. The book of the Psalms, chapter 5. And, as is customary and that which is consistent with my profile name the Bible Provocateur I'm going to deal with an issue that is definitely going to provoke some, if not most, but I cannot shun dealing with the truth as it is in fact the truth. And we live in a day today where people certainly cannot endure the full-throated truth of the gospel, and most men refuse to preach the gospel and most men refuse To preach the truth. And so we have all these fancy pants preachers I would rather use other terms who sugarcoat the gospel, who sugarcoat every doctrine of the word of God and they shield you from the truth that they ought to know to be truth. But when you actually hear the truth, you will find so many people who want to push back vehemently. They want to push back vehemently, they want to push back vigorously, even though the words of God's Bible are plain. Like my sister says, these mega churches, the pastors of these mega churches and their sheep, their flock, for the most part they are oblivious to what the Word of God actually says. So when you say something that the Word of God actually says. They become befuddled, they become stagnant, they become shocked, bewildered. They don't know what to do and no matter how plain they see something, it's not what they actually see.

Speaker 1:

Case in point, and I'm doing this message today because of what somebody said to me today. A couple people actually did today. They couldn't take what I was saying. I am not special, but I will not deviate from dealing with biblical truth. We are commanded to teach and to preach the entire gospel, the whole word of God, unflinchingly, unapologetically and unwavering. So, and if you're going to do that, just know this you are not going to make a lot of friends, and by that I mean mostly those who call themselves Christians, who claim to believe in the same God you believe in. And so one one Christian guy told me today. He said you know, if you're going to claim to be a gospel minister and if you're saying things that lead people astray, beware of your judgment. And I'm paraphrasing. But he says you know that because I was so far apart from what he understands that it is very likely, basically, that I am leading people astray with those people in humanity who remain in an unregenerate, impenitent, unrepentant state that there is no way that God is the one who determined that their destiny is to be cast into the lake of fire, to be cast and thrust into hell.

Speaker 1:

Now, all of us who are Christians, we all believe that salvation is entirely a work of God. Through and through the Lord, god Almighty is the first cause of our salvation. Every Christian that I've ever known has said that. Christian that I've ever known has said that. They will tell you they are saved because God saved them. He did it. Without him they couldn't have come to Christ. They all say this, even though they talk out the other side of their mouth and say at the same time that their salvation is the result of their choice, or their will, or their decision or their acceptation. But I do believe that in the heart of heart of most of these people, they know that God is the one who saved them Through and through.

Speaker 1:

Now here's the problem. What most Christians do not do is that when they affirm a certain truth of the scriptures, they fail to recognize the implications that go in the opposite direction as it pertains to those who refuse to believe the truth. You know people who mock and laugh and scoff at the gospel, like one of the guys that just wrote up in my feed. They act like they're bothering me. I'm not going to hell. I know that Most true believers know they are not going to be cast into the lake of fire. We all know the eternal nature and the eternal outcome outcome of that place and why men go there.

Speaker 1:

But the question is this Could God have prevented them from going there? And the answer demands an emphatic response of yes. He could have. We know that the only way we're saved is if God intervenes, if he does something for us. The only way any man can be saved is if God does something in them first. God is the first cause of salvation, just as he is the first cause of creation. God solicited no help from anyone when he created, just as God solicited no help in your salvation. If you have salvation, he did it all. So that means there only remains one position that we can take when it comes to those who never turn to Christ. God chose, he himself chose. He himself refrained from not exercising his sovereign will in redeeming those who end up in the lake of fire, and that is the basis of this message.

Speaker 1:

Why, how is it that people, why and how do people end up in eternal, everlasting condemnation. God does not have to save you. All of mankind are dead, dead sinners, and he is under no obligation to intervene to do what he must do if you are going to be saved. And it is impossible for you to be saved without him stepping in and doing something on your behalf. Before you realize, it is even being done. Now. There are two people there are God's children and there are the children of wrath or the children of disobedience. The children of wrath or the children of disobedience. The Bible makes it plain that this category of people exists. Jesus tells us in John 8, 44, that these are the seed of Satan, his children. Now, is it possible in your minds that the children of Satan are also God's children? And if it is, you need to go take some medicine and lay down, because there are two classes of people on this earth the children of wrath and the children of grace. God's people. There are Satan's children and there are God's people. There are Satan's children and there are God's children. There are demonic angels and there are God's holy angels.

Speaker 1:

Doesn't matter what you think, it sounds like God doesn't owe man anything, let alone an explanation. No one cares if you think that God is sadistic because he doesn't save you. What is sadistic and masochistic at the same time is knowing that if you believe that God is this way, why would you continue to rebel against him? If you really believe that God is this violent God, then why would you continue to rebel against him? That's insanity. So you can add insanity to sadomasochism on the part of those who reject God, in spite of how they feel he may be or how unfair he may be.

Speaker 1:

We live now in a day of grace where we are commanded everywhere, all men, everywhere, to repent, all men, all men. And you got people in here going like yo, you're wrong, you're wrong, no, I'm right, and people who reject Christ aren't operating too well. Now, before I go too far, I want to make sure that I get into the scriptures now, unless somebody says, oh, he's talking all this madness and he's not showing any support for it from the scriptures. So, if you will, if you have your word of God with you or if you don't, doesn't matter, but if you have it, turn to Psalm chapter five, because I want to draw this clear line and establish it in your mind so that there is no possible way to leave you without an understanding that there is a separation between God's children and Satan's children. There is a separation between the wheat and the chaff, a separation between the wheat and the chaff, a separation between the sheep and the goats. The goats are not God's children. The tares are not God's children. The chaff do not represent God's children. But those who are God's children they are the wheat, they are the sheep, they are the ones whom God loves. But let me tell you something there can be no love that God has unless it is contrasted up against his hatred. Let me say that again, unless it is contrasted up against his hatred. Let me say that again there is no understanding God's love unless you understand his hatred. I said it there are those whom God loves and there are those whom God hates. Now let me see how many people I lose for saying that. Let me give it a couple seconds, all right. Now, for those of you who are ready to listen, let me go ahead and say more.

Speaker 1:

Psalms, chapter five, starting in verse 4, I'm going to read verses 4 through 6. And here's what the psalmist says, talking about God. You, for you, are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness. You are not a God that takes pleasure in wickedness. Neither shall evil dwell with thee. The foolish shall not stand in thy sight. You hate all workers of iniquity. You shall destroy them that speak leasing or lies. The Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man Now, deceitful man Now.

Speaker 1:

I want you to focus for a few seconds, before I go verse by verse in this, on verse 5. When the psalmist says about God, the foolish shall not stand in thy sight. But notice this last part Thou meaning God, you hate all workers of iniquity. You hate, god hates all workers of iniquities. You hate all workers of iniquity. Say it with me this time you hate all workers of iniquity. Let me tell you what it does not say. When so many people read into this, they will say, no, it's not that. It says that God hates the workers of iniquity, he hates their sin. That is not what this says. If any of you have a brain and you have your scriptures in front of you, look what the scripture says in Psalm, chapter 5, verse 5. It says thou hates all workers of iniquity, all workers of iniquity, all workers of iniquity.

Speaker 1:

So for all of you who don't, who hate god, who get on christians for talking to you a certain way and accusing us of not following the example of christ, which is to love everybody. Because John 3, 16 says, after all, for God so loved the world, god so loved the world. As I have said a thousand times, christ is trying to make the Jewish people of his day understand that God doesn't just love them, that God doesn't just love the Jews, he loves the Jews, he loves Africans, he loves Chinese and Indians and Asians, guatemalans, mexicans. God has called out a people for himself from among every nation, tongue and creed in the world. This is what Jesus was saying when he says God so loved the world. Because the mindset of his descendants of that day, they believed that only they, like people, believe today that only they are God's people. Only they are God's people.

Speaker 1:

So when Jesus says God so loved the world, that is what he was dealing with when he was saying that, and they didn't like it. They didn't like it. When Jesus said that to those people, that he was telling that to, that was not good news for them. That was bad news, that was bad politics, because they believed that the world belonged to them. That's what they believed. And Christ was saying nope, no way, you are my sheep, but I have a sheep of another fold. You are my people, but I have people from all other nationalities, creeds and tongues and cultures and nations. There are people throughout the world, every corner of the world, who are going to believe in me and trust in me, and I am going to save them and I am going to give them the same blessing, the same exact blessing that I'm going to give any of you if you believe too.

Speaker 1:

No one is exempt from the requirements that God has for those who must believe in him and would receive salvation. I don't care if you are Jew, I don't care if you're Italian, I don't care if you're African, I don't care if you're American. It has nothing to do with your nationality. Jews aren't special, blacks aren't special, whites aren't special, asians aren't special, indians aren't special. The only ones who are special are those whom God has caused to come near and draw near unto Christ, and this assumes you believe the Bible is true. And whether you believe the Bible is true or not Doesn't really matter, because it is true and that's the way it is going to be. I'm sorry If you don't like it, that God has included other people In this great salvation that he has offered To this world. I'm sorry that you don't like that. It is not just you that he is going to be saved, that he is going to save God is not American, god is not Israeli, god is not Japanese.

Speaker 1:

God is not Japanese, god is not Chinese. God is the God of heaven and earth. He is sovereign creator over all of us and he sent his son to bring home a people that is represented by every nation, tongue and creed on this earth. I wish we had politicians who believe this, but they don't. Now. We talked about whom God loves.

Speaker 1:

Now let's talk about whom God hates. Now some of you are going to have a hard time with this. That's all right. Let it sink in. Medicine never tastes good, but it heals. Surgery never feels good, but it heals. And God's word is like a surgeon's scalpel it cuts, it leaves bruises. That's what his word does.

Speaker 1:

So when you look at Psalm, chapter five, verse five, it says that God hates all workers of iniquity. We learn two things God hates and he hates the person who does iniquity. We learn two things God hates and he hates the person who does iniquity. It doesn't say he hates the sin. We know he hates the sin. But that's not what it says here. It says here that he hates the workers of iniquity. He hates the workers. There are people that God hates and there are people that God loves. The scripture says both.

Speaker 1:

Don't pick favorites. So many people like to pick favorites. I like the fact that the Bible says God loves. That makes me feel good. That means I can do what I want to do because he loves me anyway.

Speaker 1:

Well, it also says right here that God hates. He hates workers of iniquity. He hated Esau. He hated Pharaoh. He hated Jeroboam. He hated these evil kings. He cut off Saul and gave David the kingdom. He hated Cain. He hated Cain.

Speaker 1:

But listen, there was no. If you are a christian, there is no difference between you and nabal, no difference between you and cain, you and I and cain. We could have easily been cain or adam in sinning against god. We could have easily been Saul. We could have easily have been Judas. But God is the one who made the difference. He is the one that made the difference because he has a people that belong to him. His chosen elect loved people, those whom he loves the apple of his eye, and we are those whom he has reconciled to himself through the death of his son. And that death did not. It did nothing for the workers of iniquity whom he hates.

Speaker 1:

You all, we all, need to make Psalm verse five, verse five, among the many other verses that I could use. But Psalm verse five, verse five says that God hates workers of iniquity. He doesn't say he hates their sin, he says he hates them. People like to say no, no, that's not what it means. It means that he just hates their sin. No, that's not what it says. Do not be led astray. God hates workers of iniquity, he hates them, the individuals, the people. That's what the word of God says, and you are probably not going to hear that this Sunday morning or next Sunday morning or the Sunday morning following by whoever it is that may be preaching to you. I hope and pray to God that you are sitting in a ministry where that minister will tell you this truth, because it is the truth and it is in plain as day, in black and white, in Psalm verse 5, psalm chapter 5, verse 5. So in Psalm, in this Psalm, we see God's alienation from and his detestation of the wicked, and we see it here in about five or six different steps. In Psalm chapter five, verses four through six, God himself hates workers of iniquity, so he alienates himself from them because he detests them. He abhors them. Listen, I'm telling you the truth. I'm telling you the truth Now.

Speaker 1:

People like to give me warnings. Oh, be careful what you're saying. You're going to lead people down the path. I'm not leading anybody down the path. I don't turn this thing on and do what I do day after day because I plan to sit in front of you and tell lies. Will I get it wrong sometime? Yes, that's possible. If you correct me and prove it, I will stand corrected. But me, nor any other minister of the gospel ever goes into the pulpit because they plan to tell you lies. Well, I take that back. Some of them do. They do it for the money. But, as Meg says here, that's why you need to read the gospel and the word of God for yourselves. You have to Prove me wrong. If what I'm saying is wrong, prove it to yourselves. Go look at Psalm 5, verse 5, and tell me if I'm telling you a lie.

Speaker 1:

This verse right here proves one thing God does not love everyone. If he did, then every single person he loves would be saved. That means no one would be cast into hell Not one single person. That means no one would be cast into hell Not one single person. Because there is no possible way on God's green earth, under his blue sky, that he would ever send someone he loves to hell. That's an absolute impossibility. He said in 2 Peter 3 that he is not willing that any of his people should perish. Not one will perish. Jesus said not one of his sheep will go astray, that he is not willing that any of his people should perish. Not one will perish. Jesus said now one of his sheep will go astray, that he will not go and fetch and bring them back to the sheepfold so that they will benefit from the reward of the salvation he has promised them.

Speaker 1:

Now I said there were six steps that prove God's alienation from and his detestation of the wicked. Let's start with the first one, in verse four. So in verse four we see that the workers of iniquity. God has no delight in them. He does not delight in them at all, none. Look, look at what verse four says. It says you talking about God. You are not a God that has pleasure in wickedness. God not only has pleasure, he not only has no pleasure in wickedness, but he has no pleasure in those who commit wickedness. Wickedness, but he has no pleasure in those who commit wickedness no pleasure whatsoever. That's point number one. You are not a God that has pleasure in wickedness.

Speaker 1:

Now, there are many people, there are many people in this life who believe, and would lead you to believe, that God condones their sin. Now I'm talking about the Skittle folks. The Skittle folks, the Skittle folks. They believe. They believe that not only that their sin is not sin, but they have gone to courts and legislated their sin. Then they took that a step further. They took it a step further and said that God approves of it, that he's okay with it, that God has become a progressive, become a progressive.

Speaker 1:

God is not progressive. God cannot be progressive. If God were progressive, that would imply he changes. God cannot change. God is not progressive, because that would imply that God was never perfect, because he got better. God cannot get better. He is all that there is and he is the best at whatever that there is. He cannot sin. He's perfect, he's holy. He doesn't make progress, he doesn't go backwards or forward, he doesn't go to the left or to the right. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Like my sister says, he is the same always. He does not change.

Speaker 1:

Any impression that we get of variableness in God is only catered to the man, to the understanding of man, and so, through anthropomorphisms and anthropopathisms, those are words that express how God communicates to us in ways that we understand, but God does not change. So when it says that God repented himself, it doesn't mean God changed it. God wants you to understand that his actions toward, toward what you are witnessing, is meant to be understood in a way and in a capacity to which you can understand as humans. But God does not change. He doesn't grow, he doesn't shrink, he doesn't age, he doesn't increase, he doesn't diminish. So this is significant Because God can't change. That means his view of you can never change.

Speaker 1:

So when you read in the scripture that God loves you, it means that he has always loved you, and from everlasting. Go read Jeremiah 31, verse 3. If God loves you now, he always has. If God loves you now, he always will. If God loves you now, he can never not love you and there was never a time where he did not love you, and his love for you is eternal and is everlasting as he is Now.

Speaker 1:

Here's the scary part for people like people that are on here right now, people who scoff and mock. Because you understand now, when you see people that come on here and say things that they say, you understand how it is that God can hate workers of iniquity Going on and keeping with God's attribute of his unchangeable and his invariable nature. This also means, in addition to the fact that if he loves you now, he always has and always will, we also have to say that if God hates you sinners, unrepentant people, unbelievers who may be listening, people who call yourselves agnostics and atheists, all these things it's fine. It's fine to be that. There's nothing wrong with that for you. That's your thing, it's not my thing, it's not the biblical thing, but that's your thing. But I can tell you this much If God hates you, if God hates you, he always has, he does now and he always will.

Speaker 1:

We preach the gospel to communicate to you the situation so that you might make up your mind and decide you want to get things right with God, because you don't want to be part of that fold of folks characterized as children of wrath or children of disobedience, or Satan's children, who come under that umbrella of God whereby he says he hates workers of iniquity. Those are the same people who are going to stand before the throne and Jesus is going to say I never knew you, the scariest four words in the entire Bible. When Jesus says I never knew you, the scariest words in the entire Bible I never knew you. Listen, when Jesus says I never knew you, it is the same thing that what the psalmist is saying here in Psalm verse five, chapter five, or chapter five, verse five, when he says God hates all workers of iniquity. It is the same thing that Jesus is saying when he says I hates all workers of iniquity. It is the same thing that Jesus is saying when he says I never knew you on the day of judgment, because what does knew mean? It can't mean he doesn't know who you are. He created you. That's not what he's talking about.

Speaker 1:

Do you remember why Joseph had justification to divorce Mary? The reason why he had justification to divorce Mary and the angel had to tell him it's okay, joseph, don't worry about it. It's okay because the child she has is from the Holy Ghost. But one sister here got it, dame, dame, trey, beverly, I think I got that right. He didn't have a relationship with him.

Speaker 1:

But, just like Joseph was minded to put away Mary because he never knew his wife, he never had intercourse with her, he never established that intimate relationship with her which is characterized by love, it was motivated by love. So when Jesus says I never knew you, he is saying depart from me, you, workers of iniquity, because I never loved you, I never set my affections on you. That is the word of God and this is not some confusing matrix layered of doctrines that need to be connected all the points. I don't need a graph and charts and a PowerPoint to make this clear. If Jesus says I never knew you, there is nothing else. It could possibly mean Nothing else at all. That it could possibly mean, just like Joseph did not know his wife, that means Joseph did not love, he did not have that intimate connection with her, that that consummating intercourse with her which emanates from his love for her. That's what Jesus is saying. I did not have that with you. In a spiritual sense, I don't know you. And he says I never did. I never did. There was never a point where I knew you. It's not just now, on the day of judgment. I never knew you when you were here on earth alive. I didn't know you Before you were born. I didn't know you After you died. I did not know you. From before the foundation of the world, I did not know you.

Speaker 1:

Somebody asked the question can a current worker of iniquity be saved? Yes, yes, yes, because all of us are workers of iniquity. But we live in a time where, for lack of a better expression, a time of grace In human political terms, a period of a better expression, a time of grace In human political terms, a period of amnesty. I wouldn't be doing this, I wouldn't be going through this exercise, putting myself out there to be attacked by people for preaching a doctrine that most churches will never tell you, will never tell you. I wouldn't be doing this if that opportunity wasn't readily available for you today. Turn to Christ today if you don't know him, because then you will know that you know him and that he knows you. But if you sit back and you mock God, you mock Christ and you slander holy things and you curse God's people, I can tell you you will be found to be reprobate and rejected. Silver you will turn out to be. You will turn out to have the same outcome that Judas had, that Saul, saul had, that Cain had, that Esau had. That will be you.

Speaker 1:

So the second point it says that these workers of iniquity, they cannot reside in his presence. They cannot reside in his presence. They cannot reside in his presence, they cannot stay in his presence, they cannot be in his presence. How do I know that? Look at verse four. It says there in verse four of Psalm, chapter five, it says neither shall evil dwell with you. Evil cannot dwell with God unless it is in the person of a being. If the beings who are evil, the workers of iniquity, that is, if they are not in God's presence, evil is not in his presence. The point I was making is that God is alienating some men because he detests them because of their wickedness, and in verse four it says that they cannot reside in his presence because evil cannot dwell with God.

Speaker 1:

Now, notice this, because there are many people who like to say that when they die, if they were unbelievers, they will just be annihilated. They will die and they will disappear and they will turn to dust, and that's it. The spirit dies, the body dies. No, what a convenient lie. That would be convenient if it were true, if men could believe that they could just do all the sin that they want and that the only price they have to pay is just disappearing and dying and vanishing. None of us would repent. None of us would repent.

Speaker 1:

No, you're going to live In eternity In everlasting torment, in an everlasting flame. That is far more worse than the words that we use. Depicted as Fire doesn't quite touch, doesn't come close to what it will really be. Where the worm dies doesn't come close to what it will really be like. The gnashing of teeth that we read about in the bible doesn't come close to what it will really be like. It's worse and it's forever. Never will it end. Never will it end.

Speaker 1:

And if you were there 20 billion years and you knew that in 20 billion years you would get one drop of cold water on your tongue, you would look forward. You would look forward to that with great expectation. But that will never come. When you close your eyes on this earth unrepentant, impenitent, unsaved, unregenerate the minute you shut your eyes on this earth, you're going to wake up in torments. That's a fact. That is a fact, not just a biblical fact. It is a fact. You don't believe, it doesn't matter. It is a fact and that should put motivation on us all to seek to see our loved ones saved, to seek to see our neighbor saved, saved from what? The worst of hells. That is coming to face man the minute they shut their eyes on this earth. The day is coming to face man the minute they shut their eyes on this earth. The day is coming.

Speaker 1:

But, like my sister Lisa says, today is the day of salvation. Today is the day my sister Leslie she says I thought everyone dead is asleep till judgment. No, they're all very much awake, alive and conscious, apart from their bodies. The part of you that animates your body is alive. The essence of your existence is alive. Your consciousness, you're able to think, you're able to know, you're able to still rationale, to reason and just like you are now, you're the same person, but in torments, the only thing that is sleeping. When the Bible refers to the dead sleeping, it is talking specifically about the body, because the body will be raised from the dead and the body, when it is raised from the dead, will be rejoined with that spiritual aspect of soul and they will become one once again. And that is what resurrection is and that is the heart of our salvation. And if you don't believe this, what I just said, you're not a Christian, and I don't mean that for you, sister, I mean that in general.

Speaker 1:

So now point number three workers of iniquity. They have no status before God. No status before God. What does it say in verse 5? The foolish shall not stand in thy sight. The foolish shall not stand in God's sight. They will dwell with him and they will not stand in his sight. What does this mean? It means they will stand, just not in his sight. They will stand, just not in his sight. They will stand, but they will not be in his presence. They will be cast into outer darkness, separated from God.

Speaker 1:

What death is is separation from God. What death is is separation from God. There are two aspects of death, well, three actually. I should say. One is judicial death, and that judicial death is an umbrella covering the death of the soul and the death of the body. There are two aspects of existence being in the presence of God and being in the presence of earth, because the earth must purge all of us from earth, because we are its disease. We are the ones killing the earth. Look around, look at the air, look at the ocean, look at the woods and the forests. Look at the lakes and the rivers and the streams. Look at the food and the forests. Look at the lakes and the rivers and the streams. Look at the food that we're eating. Look at the farms, what they're doing to animals. The disease of the earth is us, the bodies of humans. We are going to die as a result of our sin. Then there's a second death the death. So that means the body is separated from earth. Death is all about separation, not annihilation. Death is separation, not annihilation. Don't conflate the two. So here's what I'm saying not annihilation, don't conflate the two. So here's what I'm saying One of the penalties of our sin is that the body must be separated from earth.

Speaker 1:

Then the second death is our souls being separated from God, our souls being separated from God, our souls being separated from God. Death, in every instance, is always all about separation Separation from the earth, separation from God. This is the second death, listen. So what I'm saying is, when you die as an unregenerate, unrepentant soul person, that means that you will never again have any part in the earth and you'll have never any part in heaven no part. You will be separated from both, but you will have your soul and you will have your body rejoined together and cast out into the lake of fire. And that is what your lot in your life is going to be forever, without end Separate from the earth and separate from God. Death is separation.

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If nothing I said today makes any sense, understand this thing. Death is separation of the body from the earth and separation of the soul from God. No heaven, no earth for you. If you don't believe, the foolish shall not stand in his sight. They will stand, just not in his sight.

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That is separation Number five. They will. The workers of iniquity, the workers of iniquity. They will for all eternity be abhorred by God. In other words, for eternity. He will hate them For eternity. I know many of you aren't going to like this. I know this rubs against the human psyche. So many people have been taught all these things from these people in these churches who soft pedal the gospel because they want you to dig deep into your pockets and give them all your money. That's all they want is your money and all it costs them to get it is to lie to you. You pay people to lie to you and when they tell you the truth you run out of the church like your hair's on fire. That's why I thank God for platforms like this. I can tell it like it is and not be concerned about anything. The next point they will, for eternity, be abhorred by God.

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Look at verse 6. It says the Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man. Will abhor the bloody and deceitful man. He will abhor the bloody and deceitful man. There is no scenario where a person in this situation, who is unrepentant, that you can look at that person and say, yep, god loves him or her or they. You can look at that person and say, yep, god loves him or her, or they, or she or it, whatever you want it to be these days. Let me go back a little bit. Well, I skipped a part. It also talks about that God will pour out upon them his fury, or the fury of his indignation, because it says in verse six as well you shall destroy them. That speak lies or leasing. Leasing means lies. God will destroy them. He's not going to save them.

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There's a guy that comes in here all the time, who responds to my profile almost on a daily basis, trying to tell me that the whole world, eventually, is going to be saved. This is what he believes. That's not what this says. If somebody tells you that every single person on earth who's ever lived past, present and future, that they're all going to be saved, note that man. He is lying to you. This was a guy that I thought I respected from a theological perspective, but he's wrong. He is a liar.

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There is no scenario of universal salvation. That has ever been taught in the scriptures. I know we'd like to believe that we want to see all of those who we love be in heaven, but we know that's not true. But we also know that when we get to believe that we want to see all of those who we love be in heaven but we know that's not true. But we also know that when we get to heaven we will understand why we will see things much differently than we see now. We will know who our real family really is.

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There's a feeling that if you are a Christian, there is a feeling that you should have when you're around other Christians that you know you can't have with your family. There are people sitting in this feed right now who I know and love, and I know them as my family and there's a much different feeling that I have about them, even the ones that I haven't seen. That makes me closer to them than my own blood. Lisa, michelle, there's so many people on here that I love, and there are many of them. Most of them I have never met in person. I can't explain it, you can't explain it, but it's true. But isn't that what God does? Isn't that what he does? That's exactly what he does. He makes us have this. There's a connection that we have that is much different than dealing with the physical world. It is something different.

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My sixth point and final point Stanley, you're right, it's the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit. It is the tie that binds. It is the tie that binds. You know, I mentioned Lisa and Michelle and Miss D and Cam. That comes on. There are certain people that I look forward to hearing from every morning and there are certain people I look forward to every time I go live or make a post. I look forward to seeing their names come across the screen. I crave their attention more than I crave the attention of my own flesh and blood. That's something only the Holy Spirit of God can do. But I'm almost done, so I'm not going to take too much of your time.

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My last point I'm going to come full circle to the centerpiece of this passage, which is in Psalm, chapter 5, verses 4 through 6. The centerpiece for God's alienation and for God's detestation of the workers of iniquity is that he says the psalmist says that God hates all workers of iniquity. God hates all workers of iniquity, christians. I said it six times before. I'm going to say it a few more times now, more times now. God hates all workers of iniquity. It doesn't say he just hates their sin, no, he hates them. Listen, there would be no sin if they didn't exist. There would be no sin if there were no workers of sin, if there were no workers of perfidious acts, if there were no workers of evil, there would be no evil. So he says here he hates workers of iniquity. He specifies it's the workers that he hates. Nobody better come at me telling me this is not what the Bible says. This is clearly what it says.

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I want to read something by my favorite pastor, who has been dead for a couple hundred years. In fact, this is him, charles H Spurgeon. In fact, this is him, charles H Spurgeon, I think the greatest preacher that has ever lived since the apostle Paul. If you don't know, go get some sermons by Charles Spurgeon, you'll know what I'm talking about. Now listen, let me tell you what. Let me read what Spurgeon said. He says this, and I quote, and he's speaking on this passage that I'm laying out for you right now Psalms, chapter five, verse five.

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Spurgeon says this it is not a little dislike talking about God's hatred. It is not a little dislike but a thorough hatred which God bears towards workers of iniquity. To be hated of God is an awful thing. Let us be very faithful in warning the wicked around us. That's what I'm doing right now. Let us be very faithful in warning the wicked around us, for it will be a terrible thing for them to fall into the hands of an angry God.

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Here he's quoting Jonathan Edwards. He goes on to say how forcible is the word of horror, how forcible is the word of whore? Does it not show us how powerful and how deep-seated is the hatred of the Lord against the workers of iniquity? This is deep, christians. If you don't believe that God hates workers of iniquities, that means you're not going to tell people that the Bible says that. And if you don't tell people that the Bible says that they have no need or interest in fleeing to Christ. But this should make people run to Christ, flee to Christ, submit to him and beg for his mercy, and if you don't, you're a fool. If you don't, you're a fool, karis. Write me in my DM, anyway, christians. Write me in my DM, anyway, christians.

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I cannot close with better words than Spurgeon, so all I will add is this it should be incumbent upon us all to seek to see people saved. It is a dreadful doctrine that the Bible teaches here about God's hatred. To find out that individuals, people, are the objects of his hatred. We are supposed to inform people so that they can be sure they are not part of his hatred. We are supposed to inform people so that they can be sure they are not part of that lot, the lot of people who are going to get and suffer the wrath of God.

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Sinners, if you are an unbeliever here and you're listening, you're one of those mockers. You're one of those people who like to laugh and tease and taunt Christians. Your day is coming, because God hates workers of iniquities and I can tell you this much especially those whose iniquity is taunting, mocking and scoffing at his people, because his people are his body. And when you lay hands, spiritually or physically, on God's people, be assured that he is coming for you. Some of you might say, oh, you're just preaching this.

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Fear gospel. Yes, I am, I am. We are supposed to fear God. You should fear God, everyone should fear God. We should preach the fear of God and men should come to faith out of fear for God. I don't know anybody who said, oh, I just came to Christ because I just knew he loved me so much. It's usually his wrath, his pending wrath, that sword that hangs over our head, that draws a soul to Christ when they realize the depth of their sin. And we should know how sinful sin really is. And you can't know that until you know how much God hates not only the sin but also the sinner. Be provoked and be persuaded, and may God bless you all.