PodCTL - Enterprise Kubernetes

Patching VMs, OS, Containers

September 05, 2018 Brian Gracely & Tyler Britten

Show: 48

Show Overview:
Brian and Tyler try and clarify some confusion about how much patching is still involved when moving from Virtualization to Containers.
Show Notes:

Lots of confusion about how to manage patching of VMs vs. Containers.

Topic 1 - What do I have to patch in a VM-centric environment? Who is typically responsible for that patching?

  • Host OS 
  • Hypervisor
  • Guest OS 
  • Application Stack

Topic 2 - What do I have to patch in a Container-centric environment? Who is typically responsible for that patching?

  • Host OS 
  • Container Layer
  • Application Stack

Topic 3 - Is it possible to quantify the difference between the amount of patching that’s needed?
