John Hebenton's Podcast
John Hebenton's Podcast
Difficult, Challenging, Inviting
John uses those three responses to explore the readings for Ordinary Sunday 32, especially Joshua 24:1-3, 14-25 and Matthew 25:1-13 . .
In reading Matthew, and Jesus' story of the 10 bridesmaids John reflects on the 3 audiences that are involved in listening to this story, and how that helps us hear what it might say to us.
We are invited to get ready to live lives of active waiting for reign of God, living for the long haul but looking for the surprising breakouts of the God’s justice, mercy, compassion and generosity.
In light of all that
o So what do you find difficult
o What do you find challenging
o What do you find inviting?
o What does the oil in our lamps represent
o How do we keep our lamps burning so that we might be light to the world - living the beatitudes
You can read the full notes here