Legal Grounds | Conversations on Life, Leadership & Law

Legal Grounds | Max Nijst

Mike H. Bassett

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For those of you who know your history - or your motivational quotes - then you know that Teddy Roosevelt's, "Man In the Arena" speech is considered one of the best observations on the nature of persistence.

But there is another Roosevelt quote from Teddy's distant cousin, Franklin, and it came to mind after this week's conversation.

“Take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly, and try another, but by all means, try something.”

It's almost as if FDR was providing the second half of Teddy's idea; that, yes, "the credit belongs to the person in the arena," but for that person to truly get back up, they must admit what knocked them down in the first place.

My guest today embodies this mentality and is on a mission to help others do the same.

Max Nijst is a substance abuse recovery coach and the founder and spirit behind Fearless Happyness Coaching & Consulting.  

He specializes in helping high-performers treat and manage their addictions, while also helping families by educating them about the disease of addiction so they can better support their loved ones 

A motivational speaker, Max is also the author of
Fearless Happyness: My Addiction. My Battles. My Recovery, as well as hosting the Fearless Happyness podcast.

We talk about how the opposite of addiction is connection, how "No" can be a complete sentence, and why he chooses to spell Happyness with a “Y”. 

Enjoy the show!