Beyond the Cosmic Table

Q & A with Ebby and Julie

Beyond the Cosmic Table Season 1 Episode 39

Welcome to a little morning coffee chat with Ebby and Julie. They decided to gather and answer some popular questions our group gets asked. Maybe you’ve asked or have been curious…

***SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT**  October 19, 2021

We would like to invite you to a LIVE Q&A event with Jami and Ebby. This is your opportunity to ask any question you would like in a live setting via Zoom. For the invite to this future event, please email with the subject: Live Q&A and we will send you the Zoom link. This episode will be video and recorded; so, if you cannot make the live recording, feel free to submit any questions in advance in that same email and we will be sure to answer. Also, if you’re not already, follow us on Instagram @beyondthecosmictable. We will also announce there when this live Q&A episode will take place. Thanks for tuning in. We are looking forward to our live Q&A event and hope to see you there!