Get Your Writing Done

GYWD 13: The Quantified Writer? A Healthy Approach to Keeping Score

Trevor Thrall Episode 13

Are you one of those people who uses a fancy watch or phone to track your blood pressure, heart rate, daily step count, laps swum, miles run, calories consumed, and all that?

On the flip side, have you ever decided not to get on the scale after Thanksgiving, or after vacation? Or did you ever do so badly on an exam in college that you didn’t bother going to pick it up from the professor?

Measuring things is a double-edged sword. It can be fun to use technology to gain insights into every nook and cranny of our lives. But on the other hand, measurement often comes with judgement, blame, and shame.

Scorekeeping can be a powerful tool for building and maintaining a productive writing routine. The trick is creating a healthy approach that combines objectivity with respect for your emotional landscape.

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