World War COVID Guerre mondiale: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute


January 06, 2024 Artwork by my brilliant wife, Linda Hulce Season 10 Episode 33


Le pire imbécile se croit le plus sage- apprentimarcv
Ne traitez personne d'imbécile – Jésus

The greatest fool thinks himself wisest - learnermarkv
Call no man a fool. Jesus

From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld
Learner, begin 


If you seek a formula for PeaceWorld in a few hundred words, consult the Georgia Guidestones. They used to be carved on both faces of four vertical slabs in English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian, with four more translations carved on horizontal slabs on top: Babylonian cuneiform, Classical Greek, Sanskrit and Egyptian hieroglyphs. But not in French, shit.

1.       Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2.       Guide reproduction wisely, improving fitness and diversity.

3.       Unite humanity with a living new language.

4.       Rule passion, faith, tradition, and all things with tempered reason.

5.       Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6.       Let all nations rule internally, resolving external disputes in a world court.

7.       Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8.       Balance personal rights with social duties.

9.       Prize truth, beauty, love, seeking harmony with the infinite.

10.     Be not a cancer on the earth, leave room for nature, leave room for nature.


Since dynamited (2022) by the good people of Georgia and bulldozed away without investigation by their State Police. Merits a poem perhaps or a new chapter, Iconoclasm.

If the dry logic of world peace is all you seek here, read Mortimer Adler’s How to Think about War & Peace, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1944. Back then, President Roosevelt and his brilliant staffers anticipated a popular one-world government that would have criminalized warfare across the planet and guaranteed human rights for all. That would have been  seventy years ago; with scores of millions fewer war dead and much fewer deaths by famine and preventable disease than those we “enlightened” contemporaries are responsible for. Plus how many thousands of trillions of dollars, vital resources and sabotaged ingenuity thrown out the window with our consent? 

Don’t you dare protest it is not your fault! Quit lying to yourself, here at least. We are all 100% accountable.

Alas, commissars of the Binary American Weapon Party made sure that an artilleryman and failed haberdasher, Harry Truman, grabbed the reins of power from Roosevelt’s dying hands. Hiroshima, my love? Truman and his small-town, small-mind cronies threw away all the global goodwill America had earned liberating the world from fascism. Like Bush the Lesser and his rat pack did, after 9/11, when the whole world stood by our side once again. 

Truth to tell, America and the world never recovered from the “purely coincidental” regicide of two Kennedys, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Medgar Evers (as well as many other progressive leaders across the world, wasted anonymously by bilateral dark ops during the Cold War and since), and their replacement by slime molds of the reactionary warmonger variety. They’ve groomed a series of politically correct mediocrities, since. Their prejudices inflicted millions more war dead and another half-century of weapon ruination. 

Still today, we waste precious time and talent in pointless protests against mighty warmonger initiatives. Let them protest, in total futility, our mighty peace initiatives. Never again the other way around! 


This text is a speculative entertainment and rally cry, not some textbook drear. Neither fiction nor non, it fits in somewhere between confession, screed and sketchbook of homilies, anecdotes and conjectures. As Margaret Atwood put it, forecast journalism. Its paragraphs are core samples of renewed peace mythology that will replace, on PeaceWorld, the archaic weapon kind.

I found no other text like Learner. I never found a political group that would adopt it as its own. 

Were that I could! I would not have felt so alone on this planet of unrepentant killer primates and their clueless hippy opponents; nor so terrified that things will go from bad to worse at their hands, whether or not Learner gets published. 

I have lost faith in my own generation good for nothing but Bush the Lesser, his National Capitalist cronies, then Trump the Joker. But Learners will certainly emerge as a serious political party in the future, perhaps once I’m gone with all my runaway from peace contemporaries, as happened to Erasmus, Rousseau and Marx.

“So it happens that beyond the imaginary demarcation line between past and present, the writer still finds himself eye to eye with the human condition, which he is bound to observe and understand as best he can, with which he must identify, giving it the strength of his breath and the warmth of his blood, which he must attempt to turn into the living texture of the story that he intends to translate for his readers, in such a way that the result be as beautiful, as simple, and as persuasive as possible.” Ivo Andrić, Acceptance Speech for the 1961 Nobel Prize for Literature. 

"If humanity bears an eternal truth, it must be the tragic hesitation of the man who will be called an artist for centuries to come – standing before the work of art that he experiences more deeply than anyone, that he admires in ways no one else can, yet that he alone on Earth wants secretly to destroy at the same time." 
"So understand this fully: if genius is discovery, the resurrection of the past is based upon it. At the beginning of this speech, I told you what a renaissance could be, what the heritage of a culture could be. A culture is reborn when men of genius, searching for their truth, draw from the depth of centuries everything that used to resemble the truth, even if they cannot recognize it." 
André Malraux, Les Conquérants, (The Conquerors), Le livre de poche, Compagnie Bernard Grasset, 1928, pages 311-13.

“The leader bears all our confusion in his attempt to climb above society for a clear view that reveals the right way. There, on his imaginary mountain, he stands alone while suffering the private anxiety of freedom. He watches us dancing aimlessly below and half struggling with mortality in our reassuring maze. He can note a certain self-confidence on our part, lost in our earthly eternity. But how will he manage to collect his thoughts if he cannot force all of us and the structure itself to respond to his efforts?” John Ralston Saul, Voltaire’s Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West, Vintage Press, A Division of Random House, 1991, page 349.

Accept the scraps of Learner you agree with, then make something better happen. Dismiss anything that disconcerts you, as conjecture, hearsay, heresy, pseudo science, what you will. If this work inspires you with some new idea, let me know. I’d love to layer new ideas into a rewrite of this text (with proper attribution, of course). I may get to chronicle the real-world progress of this endeavor … perhaps in upcoming chapters of this samizdat. 

Why do the terms “utopian” and “idealist” consign our highest values to the trash heap? Since when has reactionary chic declared empathy pathetic and compassion worthless? We may be poor practitioners of peace at first, but the love of good flows in our veins. No description exists of that talent (kalotropism?) but it will not be denied much longer. Who knows; doing good may become fashionable once again, despite ultimate efforts to forbid and ridicule it by the worst among us.

Loudmouthed morality truants fake cleverness by worsening our weapon neuroses. By rote repetition, they malign “do-gooders” and “bleeding hearts.” Hiding their disgraceful shortcomings, they confabulate the pig-headed terminology and criminal line-up of con men and professional hypocrites barely “politically correct” enough to serve as stand-ins for legitimate leaders. Each newcomer worse than his predecessor. People of talent and genius are chased from politics and social commentary -- gunned down in the street or crucified by the media -- while their tormentors promote each other.

Sneering reactionaries give themselves away by abusing such expressions as “politically correct, woke, cancel culture.”

Who are these thugs? Do-badders? The flint-hearted? Do a few stony hearts require a little lubricant bleeding to re-oxygenate their flat-lined conscience? 

After so many attempts, why don’t we have the best possible government? With all our schools, books and teachers, why aren’t there millions of peace mentors out there, enriching the abundance that is our due, filling the world with miraculous technologies, sacred wildlife, courtly love and random acts of kindness? Where did the peace leaders go, needed to manage the dictatorship of empathy and the tyranny of conscience? 

If we viewed this world as one Grand Academy – as Learners will transform it – most of its current student body majors in some aspect of weapon technology while all too few take an elective minor in peace. As the machinery of war grinds on without letup, only its most devoted slaves may evaluate its usefulness in public discourse. 

Hardly anyone can list the great peace mentors. Peace’s foremost practitioners have been unassuming gentlefolk. Female peace practitioners are as under-reported here as they have been in general history. Compare this state of ignorance with our household familiarity with Genghis Khan, Hitler and like masters of mayhem. If peace were our first priority – not mass murder – this Learner deficit would cause us grave concern.


I had no choice but to write – en deux langues, in two languages – this book, this whole book and nothing but this book. In the end, I can only justify my presumption by pointing out our moral bankruptcy on WeaponWorld and our unspoken love for PeaceWorld: the ultimate taboo passion. 
