World War COVID Guerre mondiale: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute


February 22, 2024 Artwork by my brilliant wife, Linda Hulce Season 12 Episode 2103


Le pire imbécile se croit le plus sage- apprentimarcv
Ne traitez personne d'imbécile – Jésus

The greatest fool thinks himself wisest - learnermarkv
Call no man a fool. Jesus

From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld
Learner, begin 


 Humanity’s energy budget grows with each application of unforeseen new peace technologies, not just by putting more ground under the plow, having a lot more babies or blindly burning more fossil fuel. 

 Crop yields from experimental, Stone Age freeholds have matched modern agro-industry’s per-acre productivity without massive inputs of chemicals, mechanical soil destruction and super-inbred seed stocks. The secret seems to be the loving manipulation of the soil, handful by handful. Have you noticed how much more beautiful and fit a garden appears to be after it’s been gone over inch by inch by hand? It glows, almost as if it had been made love to. That, plus the smart cultivation of underground microbes, carried out as rigorously as the historic one of aboveground plants.

 Industrial crops, however, exhaust the soil’s natural fertility. Only religious applications of Findhorn-style, hard-labor/microbe/psychic cultivation can boost soil productivity with fewer artificial inputs. This form of farming is shunned by current agro-business, most likely because it is only practicable on small family farms.

 We may take up the moderate consumption of wild game species. “Unimproved” wilderness supports wild herbivores more readily than sickly, feed-dependent domestic varieties. Predator-hastened hoof prints knead the soil to perfection and their wastes restore fertility, instead of eroding it away, the way our artificial pollutants wash it out and then eutrophy our waterways. The native vegetation they feed on is fully adapted to local climes and indestructible by local pests without any need for genetic engineering. We could make this hardiness work for us. New hunter-gatherer cultures could harvest wild resources within restored climax ecosystems. This might allow us to stop penning food species in factory farms.
The consumption of farm-raised livestock may become not only obsolete but taboo; and some form of vegetarianism, the nutritional norm perhaps supplemented with insect, microbial or lab-grown protein. In a generation or two, people could sicken at the idea of eating animal flesh, just as we would if it were the human kind.  In the meantime, modern science invites a renewal of disaster in attempting to reduce natural species to unique brand names. We can only hope this insane trend is reversed. 
 Long-suffering Ireland – practically the first and last of Britain’s abused colonies – endured its Great Famine during one of the first experiments in industrial monoculture. While British landlords exported Ireland’s diversified crops under armed guard, the sole sustenance of the Irish peasant, his potato crop, rotted away. Mass starvation ensued. In the 1840s, Ireland’s population declined by half through famine, pestilence and desperate departures. By the way, during the 1830s, more Irish soldiers than English signed up for the British Army. 
 By prioritizing industrial monoculture and dispossessing farm families in the United States and elsewhere, we are setting ourselves up for counterblows of terrorist reprisal — not to mention a massive upsurge of farmer suicides, as the corporate consolidation of farmlands ruins freeholders across the planet. Worse catastrophes loom: crop-focused blights and pest pandemics, unemployment riots, food bottlenecks and mass starvation.  Private farmer suicides have reached pandemic proportions in India, the USA and elsewhere on Earth.
The 1995 truck bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building was due in large part to massive bank loan programs that had ruined many regional family farmers. Their lands were repossessed and absorbed into large corporate holdings. The most desperate among them turned to extremist organizations for support. In turn, those extremists roused fanatical outriders like the Federal Building bombers.  

 A new field of biomimicry could spearhead Vedic-guided biotechnologies. Genetic architects will adapt corals, plankton, seaweed, lichens and algae to construction and manufacturing requirements. Tailored tissue communities could be cultivated into ready-made housing. Contractors could pour pre-designed organisms and nutrient solutions into forms; the way concrete is poured today. Those organisms would metabolize their nutrients, dry out and die off within a few days. The resulting “skeletal” remnants (something like the hard remains of coral, bone or bamboo) could provide: 
·           construction materials of exceptional strength and elasticity, 
·           devices with special optical, moisture control and other properties, and 
·           electronic circuitry of unheard-of complexity, delicacy and micro-miniaturization.  

Several properties could be layered in the same construct, using different organisms and nutrient mixes. Silkworm or spider clones could produce optical cable, new textiles and microfilaments of extraordinary utility. Accelerated growth organisms could replace milled woods and inorganic insulation in construction. Genetic architecture may revolutionize communications, cold fusion, bio- and sun-power, lighting, thermal insulation and evaporative temperature regulation. 
Innovations in molds, algae, lichens and fungi promise breakthroughs in pharmacology and food processing. The serious study of lichens has just resumed; its in-depth research may be crucial. Research in fungus and algae communities may produce house-sized accelerated growths whose surfaces would be glazed with opaque chlorophyll layers, self-protected from ultraviolet and adapted to nutrition and housing needs. Just imagine; special panels on the walls of your breakfast nook might glow with bioluminescence and/or sprout tasty edibles for breakfast every morning.
Tailored bivalves and other marine filter feeders will filter pollutants from streams and rivers as well as through newly designed urban fountains. Pure water will flow once again from almost everywhere. Specially bred trees and bushes could soak up long-lived pollutants for later extraction and disposal. 
In the future, people with green thumbs will earn their keep much the way good mechanics and computer code writers earn theirs today. 

A revolution in agriculture could replace many annual food crops with perennial ones. Nowadays, we plant agro-commercial seeds designed to suck the fertility from the soil (that necessitate additional tons of mineral fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides for less and less output). As we harvest this monoculture we are stripping the soil bare. We watch it dry up, wash out and blow away at irreplaceable rates. It’s no longer sustainable farming; it’s strip-mining of the soil. 
 Instead, we could assemble a community of perennial plants like the natural plant communities that used to cover the Great Prairie of the American Midwest. These aggregates would soak up more rain (lessening flood/drought disasters), ward off pests and restore the soil’s fertility in a natural way. We could harvest edible seeds from them on a seasonal, low impact basis. The rest of the time, they would be left to restore nature’s balance and thicken good soil dependably.

Great mountain heights with heavy rains will be sown with breeding pairs of well-immunized beavers, starting with flatlands at high altitude then those below and less rainy. This project will attenuate seasonal flooding and downstream drought to a great extent.

 We can look forward to breakthroughs in the biological sciences, once we stop abusing laboratory animals as our primary method of research. We have warped nature in our labs to conform with the mechanistic, reductionist prejudices that led us to commit ecocide in the first place. We are going to take those experiments outside the laboratory and back into the forests and fields that our lab-bred prejudices led us to destroy.   

 The citizens of rich countries are spontaneously reversing their population growth despite foolhardy delays by their leadership. Weapon mentors abhor this reasonable self-restraint because it reduces their military and military support personnel (the only significant downside). Despite GNP growth projections, a massive reduction in the human overburden is inevitable: voluntary, traumatic or both. The only population controls Learners will discourage will be those favored today: weapon decimation, mass neglect and public health incompetence, those will no longer be tolerated. 
Even though Learners will accept sexual abstinence on ecclesiastical grounds, they will encourage other zero-growth trends. In addition to unlimited family planning everywhere on Earth, new Administrations will offer quality Learning, dependable social security, complete sexual equity and exquisite health care: more effective stimulants of rational family planning than the pious babble of sexual neurotics. 
New public health campaigns will range from washing hands more often, to cultivating household and agricultural pests as food items, to relieving pandemic sleep disorders, to perfecting micro-nutrition and improving hydration (drink more clear water and less of that corporate stuff!), to much more drastic alternatives. 

 Weapon managers once sought to sterilize the insane, violent recidivists and carriers of inheritable diseases both genetically and sexually transmitted.  I hear you gasp and share your revulsion. In the future, eugenic interventions will be much more precise, benign and effective. Specific gene clusters that control unprovoked aggression, sociopathy and other diseased behavior will be targeted, but sexual viability and individual desires won’t suffer in the process. 
Critics of selective genetic programs point to the Nazis who tried them first. Their evil deeds confirm the immorality of selective genetics. The eradication of genetic abnormalities has gone out of style.  Meanwhile, the mechanical recycling of trash is still trendy. Everyone praises the idea of recycling. No-one points out that Nazis were among the first to experiment with economic recycling among their victims' possessions in concentration camps. 
Actually (as usual) every army that “won” a battle practiced systematic recycling. The primary criterion of victory was to hold your ground on the battlefield, no matter what losses you took, and force the enemy to abandon theirs. The reward was more weapons and booty for the victorious army to recycle, plus the grievously wounded to mercy-kill or abandon to an agonizing death, plus rotting corpses to march away from. Let the local peasants bury them.

 Time is running out for business as usual. We must clear many moral hurdles — and those soon. At stake is not the soggy conscience we get by passing every big problem on to inept info elites, nor the aphrodisiac sense of moral rectitude weapon shadists experience when they torment chosen prey without opposition. At stake is human survival. Epidemics, mass starvation and sovereign ignorance are no longer “acceptable” and it is our duty to make them stop. 
 The wealth required to jump-start and rev up PeaceWorld will be at least ten times that available today. Rich weapon states cannot amass sufficient wealth to improve a privileged minority’s Learning, much less that of their underlings across the board. Learner networks alone will obtain good results in time. 
 I admit that many countries have made dramatic improvements by subsidizing public education and other local peace functions. Unfortunately, no homegrown effort will generate enough wealth to meet humanity’s insatiable demands, leap for the stars and care for the natural world. The sum of these tasks, the whole world will carry out in concert — or no-one will.

 If we get everything right, nothing will set off our battle reflexes.  If we fail walk away from total war and look back at it instead, the way Lot’s wife did, it will overtake us with all the fury of its momentary frustration.
