World War COVID Guerre mondiale: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute

- THE COLLECTIVE SUPERCONSCIENCE + 2024 update: extra brain deaths by Putin, Israel

January 11, 2024 mark Season 10 Episode 420

Do we share a collective superconscience? Have we blighted it with violence? Could we apply Peace to it instead?


Le pire imbécile se croit le plus sage- apprentimarcv
Ne traitez personne d'imbécile – Jésus

The greatest fool thinks himself wisest - learnermarkv
Call no man a fool. Jesus

From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld
Learner, begin


“In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.” Wikipedia.

“Between 1986 and 1991, during an era of reforms in the USSR, glasnost was frequently linked with other generalised concepts such as perestroika (literally: restructuring or regrouping) and demokratizatsiya (democratisation). Gorbachev often appealed to glasnost when promoting policies aimed at reducing corruption at the top of the Communist Party and the Soviet government, and moderating the abuse of administrative power in the Central Committee.

The ambiguity of "glasnost" defines the distinctive five-year period (1986–1991) at the end of the USSR's existence. There was decreasing pre-publication and pre-broadcast censorship and greater freedom of information.

The "Era of Glasnost" saw greater contact between Soviet citizens and the Western world, particularly the United States: restrictions on travel were loosened for many, allowing increased business and cultural interchange.[8]” Wikipedia


Every child undergoes aversion training against peace. As a result, we adults won’t let PeaceWorld happen, since we refuse to sort our info politics into their weapons and peace components.

I cut short correspondence with a "progressive" who concluded, quite smug he was about it, too, that there wouldn’t be PeaceWorld for at least forty years: the time it would take to eliminate his responsibility for it, since by then he’d be retired or gone. According to him, people are just not ready for it, they’re not blessed with his clearly superior morality…

Out of pity, I won’t finger him. I never was any good at names. Good riddance! After all, his was a general malpractice, not an exceptional one. 

In most cases of institutional evil, the responsible party is never pointed out for fear of his reprisal or that of his supporters. The moment the weak come to harm, Learners should call out those responsible, regardless of consequences as long as the weak remain shielded. 

In a PeaceWorld Agora much more responsive than our torpid politics on WeaponWorld, those responsible for human suffering otherwise avoidable would be swiftly ejected from power, pending criminal prosecution. Partial confiscation of great fortunes will become a routine punishment, in proportion to the gravity of  proven crime.  Guilt and regret for one’s misdeeds would become major deterrents ― no matter the cost in the meantime. The current practice of disguising moral failure in anonymity would be forbidden as much during petty spats on the Internet as during serious institutional misdeeds.

For example, the 2006 murder of Anna Politkovskaya, the valiant journalist who served as a steadfast conscience for the Russian State – whatever the cost – should be laid at the feet of Vladimir Putin whose birthday was the day of her murder, and of his murderous crony, Ramzan Kadyrov, head of the Russian Chechen State. 

The following heroes were murdered in Russia, most of them without serious investigation or follow-up arrest except for the usual suspect hit men. 


Nadezhda Chaikova, correspondent kidnapped and shot in Chechnya, 1996
Galina Starovoitova, 1998
Igor Domnikov, 2000
Sergei Yushenkov, 2003
Yury Shchekochikhin, 2003
Paul Klebnikov, 2004
Alexander Litvinenko, 2006
Ivan Safronov, 2007
Magomed Yvloyev, 2009
Vyachsla Yaroshenko, 2009
Stanislav Markelov, 2009
Anastasia Babourova, 2009
Natalia Estemirova, 2009
Serguei Magnitsky, (beaten to death in police custody), 2009
Edouard Tchouvachov, 2010
Rouslan Akhtakhanov, 2011
Gazbek Guekkiiev, 2012
Alexander Perepilichnyy, 2012
Mikhail Beketov (beaten into a coma and multiple amputations, 2008), 2013
Boris Berezovsky, 2013
Boris Nemtsov, 2015
Anatoly Gerashchenko, 2015
Vladimir Kara-Murza (poisoned twice, comatose), 2015
Pavel Cheremet, 2016
Sergei Tkachenko, 2017
Denis Voronenkov, 2017
Nikolai Andrushchevko, 2017
Valery Pshenichny, 2018 (raped and tortured to death in prison by those he’d reported for embezzlement)
Nikolai Glushkov, 2018
Alexie Skripal and his daughter, 2018
Ivan Golunov, (severely beaten in jail after a drug bust, 2019)
Alexander Kagansky and other experts protesting COVID policies, 2020
Igor Nosov, 2021

Since the Ukraine War (2022)

Aleksandr Subbotin
Ravil Maganov
Ivan Pechorin
Leonid Shulman
Alexander Tyulyakov
Mikhail Watford
Vasily Melnikov and family
Andrei Krukovsky
Vladislav Avayev with wife and daughter
Sergei Protosenya and two family members
Yuri Voronov
Kirill Zhalo
Yegor Prosvirnin
Dan Rapoport
Most of these were experts, irreplaceable in Russia
Alexei Navalny, poisoned 2020, arrested, exile and return, killed in prison 2024
Andrey Morozov, Russian war death blogger

A  more thorough list: URL reference

This hecatomb of journalists and other professionals  is ten times worse at the hands of Israelis in Palestine.

Other state-sponsored assassinations have gone unreported by the Western Press (54 journalists alone, from 1992 to 2013). Russia will never recover its slava (glory) until it shields their replacements with as much forethought as the impulsiveness with which it sacrificed those listed above, along with many more martyrs.

It would be unthinkable for legitimate leaders to waste those national treasures and terrorize their replacements. On PeaceWorld, such a disgrace would get those officials ejected without appeal. Yet on WeaponWorld, they thrive from their transgressions ― another consequence of institutional stupidity. They are not alone, on the contrary. Almost every head of state on WeaponWorld would lose a war crimes trial before the World Court.

Compared to most people I've reached out to, this guy was rather optimistic about the prospect of PeaceWorld. This planet’s sorry burden of weapon stalwarts sorts itself out as follows: a majority that believes world peace is impossible, and a handful that suspects it might be worthwhile but improbable anytime soon when they would be personally responsible for it. Let someone else do the heavy lifting! 

How convenient for him, babbling his platitudes! Needless to say, he didn’t lift a finger to help me in the meantime. 

Take your time, Bubba. Whether for the next forty years or the last five thousand, you wind up with the same results. Weapon mentality prevails over you and your progressive preferences because you won’t step forward to champion PeaceWorld, despite all your fine talk.


One way or another, PeaceWorld will break out. Either our military insanity will kill almost all of us and a few survivors will default to peace, or Learners will rally and bring it about by design, voluntarily and soon.

Reactionaries won’t broach PeaceWorld (except as a totalitarian “New World Order”) because it betrays the primary motivation for them and their followers: fear. Trendy progressives, equally fear-driven, dismiss this topic as talked to death already and thus neatly support the reactionaries, despite all their fine talk.

This text reviews the mentality of weapons and that of peace as if they were discrete, coherent and self-willed entities (memeplexes). Their schemes compete, grow strong or weak over time and influence mass thought. Peace and weapon mentors are spokespeople for invisible but mighty forces; their actions, statements and beliefs are constructive and destructive reflections of the collective superconscience. A few more thought-constructs may help us clarify this concept.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau spoke of the general will that prescribes the greatest common good for all: the basis of government legitimacy. Everyone can hold back their personal will, yet still come out ahead in the long run, since that is what the general will manages to do best.

Western philosophers assert that it grows from the bottom up: from free-willed individuals to the pinnacles of government. The Chinese and their oriental disciples discuss the “Mandate of Heaven” prescribed by Confucius (Kong Fuzi, K'ung-fu-tzu). It renders legitimacy to government by virtue of its ritual harmony with cosmic law. It pushes from the height of empire down to personal depths.

Each is considered mandatory for good governance by its supporters. I suspect they are naturally parallel and synchronous. Cosmic law, government authority and individual freedom: all three work well when in fine tune with each other. Upset this optimal hum at any level and suffer disaster as the system loses symmetry and shakes itself to pieces. Lacking the general will, we sink into chaos; without government power, things fall apart. They’ve already done so in the Democratic Republic of Congo (no taxes, no government, and no law except at gunpoint: a Republican paradise managed by international corporate greed). With the Mandate of Heaven lapsed, mass rebellion becomes mandatory as climate chaos and famine spin out of control. We are passively waiting for this fate to befall us and shake the survivors awake.

Government serves as the central tuning fork of this giant gyroscope of harmonic resonances with as many moving parts as there are people, machines and memes.


Freud spoke brilliantly about the subconscious. Personally, I am not aware of it (just kidding). Nowadays, everyone agrees we are fitted out with a set of subconscious impulses.

Carl Gustav Jung talked about the collective unconscious from which spring strangely consistent archetypes and synchronous phenomena. Every culture commemorates those spooky super-coincidences. Jung said the collective unconscious contains the sum of forgotten thoughts and those in the future. Meanwhile, each conscious mind bears an assortment of current thought, or receives and converts it like a fine-tuned antenna? 

Might some psychotics have an antennae fine-tuned to frequencies slightly offset from that of normal people? Could that be why primal societies valued them and held them near and dear? They did not marginalize them, the way we do today (through inexcusable homelessness and/or even worse imprisonment). Because they were tuned to an alien FM frequency instead of AM reactionary talk shows that throb like sore teeth across the USA? Could their peculiar signal reception turn out to be handy in a pinch?

It is a known fact that most people mentally challenged feel and act much better if they are held close, in an affectionate setting. Prison hell is the worst setting for their recuperation, but the most entertaining one for psychopaths who victimize them.

Who does WeaponWorld reward? Psychopaths. Whom does it punish? The innocent.

Good God! When are we going to reverse all that?


Where do these ideas come from? I submit that they emanate from the collective superconscience

The collective unconscious would be more like a storage battery: transitory and mutable, confined to current thought and human geography. Whereas the collective superconscience behaves like a fluid circuit board (a magneto-hydrodynamic plasma?) that operates alongside human communities, diagramming the flow, accumulation and dispersal of their currents ― burning out certain circuits and letting others proliferate in size and complexity.

Let’s hope our few peaceful circuits multiply and intertwine luxuriantly, while many weapons circuits short out inconsequentially. I believe in miracles under the watchful eye of a Loving God. The rest is up to us.

Emile Durkheim evoked the collective conscience as an intangible social framework beyond which criminals stray, rather like the out-of-bounds lines of a ball game. These transgressions (“How could he do that!”) reinforce norms most of us live by, that bind us more closely together. PeaceWorld could crop up between these lines; and organized warfare, once central, roll out of bounds.

Noam Chomsky proposed a Universal Grammar: that we are somehow hard-wired for language skills. Jung spoke about racial memory: the ability of a people to retain facets of its past. Hinduism and other religions mention the akasha: a universal etheric field that imprints a record of past events and permits predictions of the future, per The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, Elizabeth Knowles, Ed., Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 17. 

I’m barely skimming these topics; humanity has only scratched their surface and forgotten what little it knew about them in the past. Future Learners will study them in depth. They offer a fantastic potential for scientific breakthroughs that could eclipse all our discoveries up to now: vaccines for our cultural complaints and shortcuts through technological labyrinths.

Other researchers have studied morphic fields that bathe living tissue in auras like those captured by Kirlian photography. Morphic fields may explain the weird way germ plasma achieves unlikely symmetry and species blueprints. 

During billions of years, chemical reactions frothed up from a primordial soup of organic molecules shot through with lightning bolts. From this shocked broth emerged entities more and more complex until, eons later, the sea bottom was dotted with player pianos! Imagine how much simpler this scenario would be, compared to the evolution of life. I can’t recall the author of this anecdote (J.B.S. Haldane?). His example replaced player pianos (or trilobites) with IBM Selectric typewriters: splendid tools, soon to be forgotten. Another writer evoked a string of tornados that would sweep across a vast junkyard to assemble a jumbo jet. Sure thing; could happen…

In the absence of morphic fields, the dominant life form on Earth might have been a fifteen-foot thick layer (so sunlight could shine through it) of translucent slime wrapped around the globe. it might not have left a trace of its disappearance from Earth. It could have thrived for eons beyond our notice (periodically or for a long stretches uninterrupted). 

Something else promotes a far richer, more mobile and adaptive diversity within a finite toolkit of inheritable traits. After all, slime mold and humans share the same four DNA nucleotides and 64 codons formed from them, whose common codes and shifting assembly patterns distinguish every Self from every Other. Some unknown field casts a cloak over every organism ― keeps it alive, whole and distinct from the rest of the world, yet attaches it firmly to the world, us and them alike.


A great Jewish Learner of the Kabbala was Isaac Luria, (Yitzhak Lurya יִצְחַק לוּרְיָא, Yitzhak Ben Shlomo Ashkenazi, and Yitzhak Ashkenazi. He is also known as Ari אֲרִי and He-Ari ("The Lion") from the acronym for Ashkenazi Rabbi Itzhak ("The Ashkenazic Rabbi Yitzhak"), thus Arizal with "ZaL" being the acronym for Zikhrono Livrakha ("of blessed memory" or literally "let the memory of him be for a blessing"), a common honorific for Jews deceased, also known as Ari Ha-Kadosh ("Ari the Holy"). I name him so thoroughly for two reasons: 1) to honor his genius; and 2) so that search engines guide those interested in him to my text. 

Translating Luria in accordance with my limited understanding into simplistic terms on behalf of Learners: he posited a principle that God created the Universe by making room for it outside of His Perfection; somewhat the way a man might inhale sharply to make way for someone passing him along a narrow passageway (in a train, say; no doubt the site of Luria’s “inspiration”). 

According to him, whenever a human being obeys a command of God, he “repairs the world” by raising another spark from the depths of evil to the height of good. Hebrew ritual life is intended to raise the most good, no matter how trivial the act of obedience. In the same way, any deviation from the commandment of God drops another Spark to lower levels. Thus the practicing Jew carries out an existential struggle equivalent to the myth of Sisyphus. He bears a Holy Spark upwards to the Light despite a cascade of bad ones showering down on him and his burden. And God has a cosmic need for humanity to restore His Holy Order, just as much as peace between God’s religionaries (weapon religionists).

What does that mean for the rest of us? We should obey the commandments we understand best from the God of our choosing, to restore the Holy Sparks of God to their proper place. The foremost among them, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you;” which includes, among its subsets, “Thou shalt not kill.” This governs every religious law we recognize ― whether upheld by an honest Pagan, Kantian, agnostic or atheist.

Working hard for PeaceWorld would best serve. 

Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, in Secrets of the Soil: New Age Solutions for Restoring our Planet, Harper Collins & Row, 1989, assert they’ve discovered devas that have identified themselves as spirit architects of various plants, animals and other kingdoms ― in other words, communicating forms of the morphic field we are talking about. Could fever dreams be the mass thought of invading microbes; others, those of the host’s healthy microbiome? Imagine that diagnostic tool!

New-Age naturalists admit to have communicated with them at Findhorn and elsewhere (if only to satisfy their topic of passion). By their account, these devas, more and more abused by humanity, have withdrawn to their last bastions of wilderness to await our mechanized self-destruction. Apparently, they would rather communicate with sensitive naturalists among us and remake a framework of mutual understanding and cooperation: the same one we’ve spent the last few thousand years ripping to shreds to compensate for our sickness of spirit. 

This provided we reciprocated with love. In this case, love means pragmatic care, empathy, compassion and forethought at which our species excels; not the sentimentality, positivism and dogmatic hypocrisy we mistake for the real McCoy. 

Dropping the devil’s bargain of near-term abuse and long-term annihilation, Learner and deva mutualists could re-negotiate this partnership. If we followed their best-practice advice, peace technology Genetic Architecture could generate unheard-of abundance while avoiding transgenic catastrophes and unintended consequences. Otherwise, if genetic engineers persist with their double blind fumblings, they will merely spawn deadlier weapon technologies along with “unavoidable” disasters. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) likewise. The appearance of artificial intelligence superior to our own seems inevitable. Will it emerge as another weapon technology and snuff us out? Most likely. The survival of our species will depend on AI coded from the start and from then on by coders devoted to peace mentality.” 

Rupert Sheldrake sails fearlessly beyond this thought horizon. In The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance & the Habits of Nature, and A New Science of Life: the Hypothesis of Morphic Resonance, he postulates the existence of these morphic resonances. Among other things, they make it easier to do whatever has already been accomplished. 

For example, randomly selected students find it easier to solve crossword puzzles the day after they have been published in newspapers and other people have solved them. The same students take longer to solve the same kind of puzzle before the public gets to see it. Unpublished control puzzles are no simpler or harder to solve over time. 

Or just recall the four-minute mile: a routine accomplishment during the Olympics these days, though once thought impossible. 


I am pretty sure that this text (especially the one in French) became less difficult for me to write – indirectly – as strangers read it and cringed at my many errors, even though they never told me about them. The spirit of my mother seems to hover over my shoulder and tenderly recommend better French than mine. I am fairly certain our delicate minds are bundled in mysterious and imperceptible assemblies.

In short, good habits become easier to accomplish after they’ve been practiced elsewhere ― and bad ones, more difficult to abandon the longer and more often they’d been indulged.

Up ‘til now, humanity has practiced obsessive-compulsive war. From now on, we must practice peace with equal intensity. Willing co-conspirators with WeaponWorld, we’ve bleached the term “world peace” of its emotive power and let weapon mentors cheapen it into the punch line of a toilet joke. From now on, we should make warfare an obscene joke and wage peace for keeps.


Another example: periodic solar flares kindle auroras in polar skies. Sometimes they fry electrical grids and satellites, curdle the blood’s albumin and turn passive crowds, it seems, into angry mobs. There is no escape from their effect except sixty feet or deeper underground. 

What appears to be the “total vacuum of outer space” through which our solar system spins, is actually a pea soup fog of subatomic particles/wavicles precisely attuned to the minute disturbances of distant celestial emissions: electromagnetic, gravitational and no doubt more subtle ones so far unregistered. This varying mix and quantum flux of space-time and beyond reaches down through the magnetic and atmospheric shielding of our planet to have subtle effects on our thoughts and behavior. 

In five thousand years, astrologers barely scratched the surface of those effects; for the past three hundred, astrophysicists did not even bother to notice them. 

It was not for nothing that Newton burned out like a candle during the last years of his life. He was trying to reformulate astrology into a rigorous mathematical science ― minus half the planets, moons, asteroids, etc., that were not discovered until after his death. A hero’s project worth dying for, even if left unfinished. Likewise for Johann Kepler and a brilliant string of Learners lost in the depths of time. Newton’s mathematical guideline would have eclipsed mere Newtonian physics and cubed the value of his legacy. Learners may access it as soon as they devote enough attention to it.

Just as genetic adaptation and human mythology appear to sway to unfelt breezes, so I believe we interact with ethical fields that enfold us, even (especially!) when we refuse to notice them. These fields often corrupt entire peoples, tempt elites into perilous self-indulgence and terrorize those who choose to resist them. It is as if the proportional share of power between psychopaths and the conscientious had reversed itself.

That kind of horror arose in Assyria, Nazi Germany, Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Sri Lanka, Syria and around the site of your local mass grave (you’d be surprised how close to home it lies ― almost every town has had ossuaries of doomed combatants. Monstrous misdeeds – unthinkable under other circumstances – became the norm. At other times, public compassion and grace propelled entire nations to new heights of social complexity. 

We may witness a new wave of global Learning and good fortune. God knows, we’ve witnessed a glut of the bloodthirsty kind: enough to kill or sicken everyone involved except for psychopaths immune to their own toxicity.

But then, we could kill off a hundred times more people than those slain during WWII (sic) and still be left with billions of starving, glow-in-the-dark survivors with no viable infrastructure left to sustain them except that buried deep underground beforehand for the sole benefit of a handful of psychopathic Nazi very much wannabes.

Then again, enough of us could turn into Learners by reading this book, mass-marketing it, dodging the Ultimate Paroxysm and growing just smart enough to outstay the dinosaurs with their hundred-million year tenancy on this planet. Ours, much less.

These trends and outcomes could result from the collective superconscience. Up ‘til now, we’ve let invisible forces stampede us where they will, declared them nonexistent and beyond our ken, all this by popular consent. If we got the least bit wiser, we could search them out fearlessly, cultivate the most useful ones and redirect the worst to their least toxic axes. The study of this topic is just resuming under the title Noetics. See Rupert Sheldrake, above here and elsewhere.


This text invokes PeaceWorld: the antithesis of WeaponWorld’s compulsive trial-and-recurring-error. We are trapped in the morphic resonance of post-industrial warfare, redundant and perfectly replaceable on PeaceWorld. Think of that as a planetary theme park crafted to enchant its active architects as much as passive clients, leaving no-one out in the cold against their will.

Let me repeat: that remains up to us.
